Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters created by L.M. Montgomery and Moira Walley-Beckett. I do not claim any ownership over them and offer my writing to the world as a homage to their creations as well as an outlet of imagination to imagine an infinity of alternate storylines. This is just one of them!


Bash and Anne were at the Bright River train station, waiting for Gilbert's train. He was on his way home from Toronto for the Christmas holiday. Bash had come in his buggy, Anne had ridden Belle, and joined him in the buggy to pass the time.

"I remember the first time I waited in this train station. The train had come and gone. I was the only passenger left." Anne smiled and looked behind her. "Do you see that tree?"

Bash laughed. "I see a lot of trees."

"The one leaning against the platform." Anne pointed out a tree with bare branches covered in snow. "It was covered in beautiful white blossoms at the time, and I couldn't tear my eyes from it. I imagined the tree to be a young bride waiting for her bridegroom. She kept me company until Matthew arrived." She laughed.

"So that was when you first came to Green Gables?"

Anne nodded. "A day that forever changed my life. Then, I was waiting for my life to begin. Today…"

"You are waiting for the love of your life to come back to you."

Anne could only blush in response. Bash also reminisced and talked to Anne about his arrival in PEI.

"Even after all of Gilbert's descriptions and stories while we were traveling and working together, I was still so surprised when I got here. I had never seen such tall trees or seen roads with red dirt like we have here on PEI. I had never seen snow like this. Now, all these years later, it feels like home."

Anne smiled and nodded.

"Are you nervous, Anne?"

"Why do you ask?" Anne shivered a little, wrapping the scarf around her neck a little tighter.

Bash smiled. "You're far too quiet."

Anne laughed and nodded. "I don't know why I'm nervous! We've been writing each other all this time. At the same time, the last time we saw each other…" She blushed and laughed nervously.

"Ah, young love," teased Bash. "I would wager that he is probably feeling the same way."

"Do you think so? But I don't want to be one of those women who do not have a mind of their own."

"What are you talking about, Anne?"

"Women who only think about and talk about men. Like many of my schoolmates recently. All Tillie Boulter speaks of is how she never fails to see 2-3 suitors every Saturday."

"But you aren't just thinking about 'men'! This is Gilbert we are talking about. He may be a 'man,' but he is your man."

Anne smiled. "Yes, but to say that he is my man makes him sound like a possession. And while we belong to each other, we no more own each other as we could ever own the sky! Gilbert is my soulmate and I am his. We are connected in a way that transcends the elements." Her expression became serious for a moment, then she laughed. "You're right, Bash! I have been comparing myself to Tillie and Josie, but this isn't the same at all! But I still can't help but laugh at how they are acting and then wonder if my own behavior should merit laughter…"

"Don't you see that's one of the many reasons why Gilbert loves you so? You're nothing like the other girls in Avonlea or anywhere. Even his letters to me are full of thoughts of you. I have half a mind to be jealous."

"What does he write about me?"

"A gentleman would not say…" Bash and Anne both laughed. "Of course I jest! He wrote me more than a few times about how he misses you and can't wait to see you."

"It does feel like a very long time has passed. I wonder if we will recognize each other…"

"Anne, it has been three months, not three years!"

"Yes, you're right!"

Finally they heard the train whistle and bell as the train arrived at the station. They walked to the platform where the train was pulling in.

As it came to a stop, the first person to alight from the train was a familiar figure with an expectant gaze that landed upon Anne.

"Anne!" Gilbert waved as he ran toward her and Bash. He put down his bags and lifted Anne in his arms as they embraced, spinning her around.

After they kissed, Bash dramatically cleared his throat loudly and Gilbert finally let go of Anne to embrace him. "Bash! So good to see you!"

"I suppose I'll have to settle for second place now," Bash grinned as he patted his back affectionately. "But I am so happy to see the two of you finally together. It's about time!"

Both Anne and Gilbert blushed as their hands automatically linked together. Gilbert looked into Anne's eyes and smiled. "So good to be home."

"It is so good to have you home. Everyone is expecting us at Green Gables." Anne looked into Gilbert's eyes, smiling as well. "We are all having supper together, the Blythe, Cuthbert and Lacroix families. We are all really one family anyway, in my opinion." Gilbert nodded in agreement, his eyes still locked with hers.

Once they loaded the buggy with Gilbert's bags, it was immediately understood that Bash would ride Belle while Anne and Gilbert would ride in the buggy together.

Bash rode on a little ahead to give them some privacy.

Gilbert turned to Anne, smiling as he drove the buggy. "It is so good to see you and be with you again. I've missed you so much.."

Anne kissed him on the cheek, and they both blushed, realizing this was really the first time they were together in person since they both understood their feelings for each other. "I've missed you too. Avonlea is not the same without you."

"I heard about a certain scholarship from a little bird." Gilbert smiled at her mischievously. "Congratulations!"

Anne looked surprised. "Who told you...oh!" She smiled. "I forget sometimes that we have a correspondent or two in common."

"I think Miss Stacy takes great pride in all her pupils. And I am not surprised you are already winning all the academic prizes at Queens."

"Speak for yourself! You've already won your share of awards at U of T! The dean's list and high honors! But I must confess that I miss competing with you."

"I much prefer to be on the same team." Gilbert kissed her on the cheek. Anne smiled and thought she could easily get used to this.

After much conversation and laughing, they soon found themselves at Green Gables, decorated for the Christmas holiday and bustling with company.

Marilla and Matthew came out to give Gilbert a warm welcome. Throughout the evening, they smiled at observing how he rarely left Anne's side and was most attentive to her, though he was his kind self to everyone.

"Bash! How has Delly gotten so big?" Gilbert was holding up Delphine, who was giggling.

"She never stops eating!" Bash made faces at her, making her giggle even more.

Moments later, everyone watched as Bash helped Delphine open her Christmas gifts. Then everyone exchanged their presents for one another.

Anne began to help Marilla clean up the wrapping paper. "Anne, I can do this without your help. Go on, I think someone is waiting for you." Marilla gave her an odd smile which made Anne laugh. Anne turned around and saw Gilbert seated near the fireplace in the kitchen, looking at her.

"I thought we could exchange our gifts just the two of us?" Gilbert pulled out a small beribboned parcel.

"Stop reading my mind! I had the same thought!" Anne giggled as she pulled out a small wrapped box.

They exchanged gifts and Gilbert insisted Anne open hers first. Anne untied the bow and opened the box. Inside was a gold apple charm.

"Gilbert, I -"

"It's for your charm bracelet." Gilbert lifted her wrist to see her bracelet next to his gift. "Do you like it?"

Anne leaned in and kissed him, and then she looked into his eyes, nodding. "Yes. Thank you, it's perfect!" He then helped her put the charm on her bracelet.

"Now it's your turn!"

Gilbert then opened his parcel and found inside a beautiful fountain pen made of dark wood with small letters on the barrel: "For GB, Love ASC."

Gilbert smiled and traced the letters with his fingers. "You had this engraved! Thank you so much, Anne." He looked into her eyes before kissing her. "Not only will this come in handy for my letters to you, but this token from you shall also accompany me to my classes."

"Just as your charm will also accompany me to mine. How wonderful! Merry Christmas, Gilbert!"

"Merry Christmas, Anne." Gilbert smiled at Anne sitting next to him, and he observed the fire dancing behind her.

"I remember another moment with embers and firelight behind you." Gilbert paused and looked at Anne with a sheepish grin. "I'm sorry I chose the worst possible moment to ask you how you felt about me."

"Yes, that truly was the worst possible moment, Gilbert!" Anne laughed as she saw him wince at her words. "I was inebriated with rum, the girls wanted me to create a ritual to mark the occasion..but all I could think was, did Gilbert Blythe just tell me he had feelings for me? Do I have feelings for him? I was speechless..."

Their hands reached out and linked. Anne laughed as she saw the playful expression in Gilbert's eyes. "Anne Shirley Cuthbert speechless?!"

"I know, it is unprecedented, but little did I know or recognize my feelings at that time. Couldn't you tell I was in no condition to respond to you properly, with all the rum that was in me?"

"I admit that I didn't have my wits about me either. When I saw you dancing in front of the fire, with the flashes of light brightening your face, almost as if by magic...I think that's when I knew there could be no one for me but you. I tried to talk myself out of it by persuading myself afterwards that you reacted with indifference. I know better now. But in that moment in front of the fire, all I could see in my mind's eye as my future partner in life is you!"

As Gilbert looked deeply into her eyes to punctuate his point, Anne sighed. "I wish my moment of revelation was as romantic as yours."

"Do you remember the exact moment you knew you loved me?" Gilbert looked at her with such earnestness that Anne found herself blushing, as she held his hand tighter.

"Of course I do. But please don't laugh. I don't know if you recall that time when Diana and I were not speaking to each other…"

Gilbert nodded. "Yes and I've been meaning to ask you about that…"

"Well, that's a story for another time. But on that particular day, she came to Green Gables to apologize and become friends again. Then I apologized too. Then we cried and pledged ourselves to be bosom friends again. I then told her about our firelight chat and what you had shared about Winifred's father." Anne paused, as she smiled at the memory. "As I was talking, we were lying on my bed looking up at the ceiling. All of a sudden, the thought of you going off to Paris with Winifred made my heart skip a beat. And that's when I knew. I knew that I loved you and always have." She kissed his cheek quickly. "And I always will."

Gilbert turned to her and kissed her. "I love you too. And how could I possibly laugh at that? That was romantic."

Anne laughed. "Lying on my own bed next to Diana and staring at the ceiling is hardly romantic."

"Perhaps you are right about the venue. Your remembrance of the details is what I find romantic." Gilbert then thought he never saw Anne lovelier than she did when she reacted to his words as she blushed.

"How are you lovebirds?" Bash came up behind them and embraced them with an arm around each of them." He turned to smile at each of them. "You make a handsome couple."

"Bash, that's the third or fourth time you've said that tonight," laughed Gilbert.

"I'm sorry to break this to you but we need to go. Delly is already asleep and my mother shall soon be. It's snowing so it's no night for a walk home later."

"Then I shall see you tomorrow, Anne." Gilbert kissed her hand. "At least we won't have to wait months until we see each other again."

"Don't forget, I'll be at Diana's tomorrow morning, so I will see you in the afternoon."

Anne kissed Delly good night and wished Mrs. Lacroix a Merry Christmas again as they all got into the buggy.

Gilbert smiled after kissing her good night. "I am happy for every moment we can share together," he whispered. "Good night."

"Good night," Anne replied quietly, smiling back at Gilbert as she stood on the porch watching them walk toward the buggy. And in a louder voice, "Good night, Bash!"

Bash gave Anne a short bow that made Gilbert chuckle, then looked up again and smiled. "Good night, Anne! I'll bring your dear prince safely home."

"I am much obliged to you." Anne curtsied, making both Gilbert and Bash laugh. "Till tomorrow!" She blew Gilbert a kiss and Bash pretended to try and catch it.

Gilbert took a step in front of Bash, caught the imaginary kiss with his right hand and brought it to his heart. Gilbert then blew a kiss back to Anne. "Till tomorrow." He watched her catch his kiss with her hand as she placed it on her heart.

Bash watched them with a mixture of joy and longing. Joy for their happiness and a longing for what he had had with Mary. He remembered what Anne had told him earlier about she and Gilbert being soulmates. Silently, he wished them both all the love and happiness that this world had to offer, and more.