
So hello everyone, I will announce that I will start making CHAPTER 5- Pocoloco and Sandman. Since I'm done doing my student tasks, this will give me a lot of time to do it, and also I have decided to make bonus chapters that the casts reacts to the music reference/ songs (Enter Sandman, Hey Ya!, Tusk, Ball Breaker etc.). I'm not yet dead btw.

(Optional to read, and it's about doing the JoJolion version)

Guys I want share some ideas about JoJolion version of Jaune.

I read JoJolion and all I can say is… it's freaking underrated and AWESOME at the same time! So I have something in mind about it, if I ever do this fic. Instead of Jaune being expelled in Beacon, Jaune will be a missing person. This will happen in post-volume 2 after the breach in Mountain Glenn. After the breach, Jaune requested to Ozpin to have a leave because of "personal and family matters" for 2 weeks, which of course Ozpin approves it. But then it's been 1 month and Jaune didn't return which makes Team RWBY and JNPR worried sick and make actions to find Jaune, they contact his family about Jaune's leave which the Headmaster and his friends were shocked on what his parents said… that he didn't go home nor contact his family that he will have his leave or anything. With the help of the Arc family they try to find Jaune which unfortunately they still don't have a clue where he is, and they were devastated. It's been 7 month since Jaune being missing then they get transported into a theater room… and there the bizarreness starts

So that my idea about doing the JoJolion version (if I ever do it) hope you guys like it

PS: Sorry to disappoint you guys that it will take time to update the next chapter, hope you guys understand.

-Dragon out