"Avada Kedavra!"
Fate had decided that those two words would be the last Voldemort would hear.
The Battle of Hogwarts was over. The Dark Lord was dead. It was a decisive win. All the surviving Death Eaters scattered in the wind with aurors in hot pursuit behind them. Reports poured in from every quarter as the morning drew on. The fleeing Death Eaters were rounded up, the innocents were released from their prisons and they got a new, albeit temporary, Minister of Magic.
The celebratory mood was short lived however once reality sets in. The survivors were busy picking up any remaining pieces of what they had left and mourning the dead. Fred Weasley, Colin Creevey, Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin were among the fifty who fell. Their body was placed right in the middle of the Great Hall away from the body of Tom Marvolo Riddle.
The result of the battle changed everyone's life in more ways than one.
And through the jubilation and mourning, the celebration and the grief, Harry Potter became the necessary part of it. They needed him to be there for them. They wanted him to see what his actions really meant for them.
It was due to the courtesy of Luna Lovegood that he managed to make his escape.
It was within the headmaster office that he received his final advice. It was within the headmaster office that he got back his wand. And it was within the headmaster office that everything came to a close.
"We better get back to the Great Hall, Harry," said Ron the moment they stepped out of the headmaster office.
But Harry had other plan.
"You go ahead. You too, Hermione," Harry said.
"Harry, if there is something else you need doing or some other place you need to be, we're with you," said Hermione. "We're not going to leave you."
"She's right, Harry," said Ron. "So what is it, mate?"
Harry would expect that.
"I'm going to the Gryffindor Tower. I need some rest. It's been awhile since the last time I slept. I missed my bed to be honest. Now that Voldemort is dead, I'm looking forward to a dreamless sleep. I never got that as far as I could remember," said Harry.
Ron nodded in understanding.
"Alright, let's go," he said.
But Harry shook his head.
"No. You need to go back to the Great Hall. Both you and Hermione. They're going to need you, Ron. I'll be fine. I promise," said Harry.
"No but. Please, Ron. You need to go. Your parents will be looking for the three of us. I won't be able to get any rest if I too go back to the Great Hall. At least you could explain to them," said Harry.
Ron however hesitated. He looked worried.
By this time, Hermione grabbed Ron's arm. She understood why the boy acted that way.
"Harry's right. Let's go, Ron. We should let Harry get some rest," she said. "He is safe. Right now Hogwarts will be the last place any Death Eater will choose to hide." Turning to Harry, she spoke, "You look peaky. I would drag you to see Madam Pomfrey, you know me. But I agree you need rest and a lot of it. We'll catch up with you later."
Harry smiled.
"Thank you, Hermione," he said.
Hermione returned his smile. Still grabbing Ron's arm, she steered him away from Harry and they both made their journey back to the Great Hall.
Harry watched as both his friends disappeared behind the corner at the end of the corridor. He then turned around and began to walk.
But Gryffindor Tower wasn't where he was heading. He won't be able to enter the common room anyway. He didn't have the latest password though he was sure the Fat Lady would grant him access anyway. He killed one of the most dangerous dark wizard of all time after all.
He arrived at the Entrance Hall. He purposely chose a longer route just so that he could trick Ron and Hermione into thinking he was really going back to the tower and also to avoid bumping into them. He glanced into the Great Hall and saw the Weasleys congregating around Fred's body. Fleur Delacour was there as well, standing beside her husband.
Situation was a little bit chaotic inside the Great Hall. Everyone was busy managing their own affairs post battle and this somehow offered Harry the chance to slip away without anyone noticing. He took that chance of course and soon through the low hanging morning mist, he found himself walking along the damp path that lead towards the Black Lake.
There was one final thing that needed to be done. It was part of the reason why he couldn't let Ron and Hermione tag along. He needed to hide the Elder Wand and they must not know it. And he knew just where its final resting place would be.
Inside the white marble tomb just beside the lake.
A few months earlier, he saw a vision of Voldemort breaking into Dumbledore's tomb in order to steal the Elder Wand from its owner. The top cover of the sarcophagus was completely destroyed in the process. As expected, Voldemort never make any effort to repair the damage he did. He just took off after he got what he wanted.
The tomb now in front of him was in perfect condition. Someone must had repair it Harry concluded.
He stood there, pondering for a few minutes on whether or not he should break into the former headmaster's tomb. He knew it would be immoral for him to do that but at this point, the tomb would be the safest place to hide the most powerful and dangerous magical object ever. He wouldn't trust Hogwarts or even Gringotts. He broke into both establishments before. Both attempts weren't easy but he did it anyway.
After a few minutes of contemplating, he made his decision.
Harry took out his wand.
"Please forgive me, professor," he said.
He muttered the incantation and with a single wand movement, the top cover of the tomb lifted. He guided the cover with his wand as it moved sideways, exposing the content within.
He leaned over to glance into the tomb, half expecting to see a smoldering remains laying within the sarcophagus. What he saw surprised him though. Dumbledore's body was perfectly preserved with no sign of decomposition whatsoever. He looked a little bit pale though.
Anyone else would think Dumbledore was merely sleeping within his tomb for he looked so peaceful.
Harry took out the Elder Wand. He took a look at it momentarily before carefully placing it within Dumbledore's resting hands.
Before closing the tomb cover, he decided to say a few words:-
"I don't know if you inside the portrait and you that lay in here are the same people but if you aren't, I just wanted you to know that we won," he began. "We did it, professor. We won. I wish you could see it."
Tears began to stream down his cheeks. Gathering whatever strength he got left, he continued, "Tom Riddle is no more. He's gone for good this time. But many people died. Fred, Tonks, Remus, Colin... they all died. I wish they hadn't but..."
He very nearly couldn't continue. There were so many things he wanted to say, so many things he wanted to confess but all of it remained inside his mind. Saying them was a lot more difficult than he initially thought.
"They were brave. The bravest I ever knew. You taught us well. You taught me well. You can rest easy now, professor," he said after taking a deep breath. "And thank you for everything."
That was all he could say.
With a swipe of his wand, the top cover of the tomb moved back into its initial position. He also took the initiative to magically seal the tomb. No one would be able to break into it. The secret shall be buried within its bowel forever.
He spent the next minutes standing in silent respect for the fallen headmaster.
A lot of things went through his mind at that point. He had fulfill his purpose. There was nothing else he needed to do. He felt empty. He had no idea what was coming for him next. He spent the last many years looking behind his shoulder. Now he no longer needed to do that. He was finally free.
But where would he go from here?
Going back to the Dursley would be the thing of the past. He didn't have an inkling on where they are at that very moment or if they were still alive anyway. He hoped so. He hoped they were still alive. Despite the many years of animosity between him and the Dursley, he bore no ill will towards them.
He was drown deep within his thought when all of a sudden someone called out to him.
He turned around and was surprised to see Fleur standing behind him. He quickly looked away and hastily wiped away all the remaining tears from his cheek using the sleeve of his shirt.
However from the look she threw at him, he had a hunch that she already saw those tears.
Fleur came up to him and gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
"What are you doing out 'ere all by yourself, 'Arry?" she asked softly.
He turned back to look at her. He saw her smiling kindly at him. Even with the multiple wounds that littered various part of her body, she still looked very beautiful. Those wounds as a matter a fact began to heal itself right in front of his eyes and they left no scars. This led him to question whether or not Fleur truly was only a quarter veela like she always claimed.
"Nothing," he replied. "I just want to be alone for a little while. By the way, how do you know that I'm here?"
"I saw you," came the reply. "Outside of zhe Great 'All. Ron and 'Ermione told everyone you 'ad gone back to zhe Gryffindor Tower to rest but instead I saw you leaving. I was afraid zhat you are going to run away so I followed you."
"Did you tell anyone else?" asked Harry.
Fleur shook her head.
"No. I told zhem zhere's somezhing I need doing. I left immediately before zhey could say anyzhing."
"I see. I'm not running away, Fleur. I don't really have anywhere else to go."
"Please don't say zhat, 'Arry."
Harry went silent.
Turning her attention towards Dumbledore's tomb, she spoke, "You missed 'im, don't you 'Arry?"
Harry nodded.
"Yes. A lot as a matter a fact. He's part of the reason why I'm still alive."
"I see."
"I take it that you've been here for a while. You saw everything?" asked Harry. That was his main concern actually. He truly didn't want anyone else to find out the secret he dearly wanted to keep under wrap.
Fleur nodded.
"I saw and 'eard everyzhing," she said, her eyes remained transfix to the tomb. "What iz it zhat you put inside Professor Dumbledore's grave if you don't mind me asking?"
"Urmmm... something that belong to him. I was borrowing it from him. Now that I no longer have any use of it, it's time for it to return to its original owner," said Harry.
Fleur once again nodded.
And for the next few moments they both stood silently, side by side.
"I know I never ask this but how is your family, Fleur?" asked Harry, deciding to break the silent.
"Zhey are safe back in France. Papa actually wanted me to return to zhem knowing zhat a civil war iz brewing. 'E even wanted to send people to fetch me but I flatly refused. I told 'im zhat my place iz beside Bill and zhat I won't ever leave 'im for I am 'is wife. What kind of wife am I if I leave my 'usband when 'e truly needs me by 'is side?" said Fleur.
"He was just worrying about you, Fleur," said Harry.
"I can take care of myself, 'Arry."
Another silence.
"I saw you weeping. It broke my 'eart," said Fleur. Turning to Harry, she continued, "If you really don't 'ave anywhere else to go, you can come and stay wiz us at zhe Shell Cottage. Bill and I are more zhan happy to 'ave you wiz us."
Fleur's offer took Harry by surprise. While the matter of his place of residency during the summer holiday did cross his mind, not once he thought about staying with Fleur and Bill. It won't be appropriate.
"Thank you but I'm afraid that I must decline," he said.
Fleur raised her eyebrows.
"Why not?" she asked.
"You and Bill are going to build a family, Fleur. I can't be in the middle of it," said Harry. "I don't want to be a nuisance."
"You won't be a nuisance, 'Arry," said Fleur a little bit firmly. "You saved us all and you saved my sister. I do not forget."
Harry shook his head. This wasn't the first time Fleur brought up The Triwizard Tournament's Second Task that happened three years ago. She kept on acting like she owed him big when in fact she didn't.
"I appreciate the friendship established between us but you owe me nothing, Fleur. Gabrielle was never in any danger," he reminded her.
"It iz true what you said but still you didn't leave 'er down zhere," said Fleur, nodding towards the Black Lake. "You could 'ave someone else, perhaps zhe official to get 'er out of zhe depth of the lake but you didn't do zhat. You could win but you decided to forfeit your winning when you treated Gabby as your own and zhat iz saying a lot. It may not matter much to you but it matters a lot to me."
"Still, it won't be right, Fleur."
By this time Fleur looked unhappy.
"Fine. It iz an open ended offer if you ever change your mind. You can come visit us anytime you want and I really 'ope you will. Anyway, 'ave you decided on where to stay for zhe summer?"
Harry paused at this.
"No, I haven't. I can't go back to the Dursley. I don't know where they are or if they are still alive. Not that I want to but still," said Harry. "I guess we'll just have to see. Something will come up I'm sure of it."
"I don't want you to go back to zhe Dursley. I 'eard stories. 'Orrible stories. I don't like zhem. If you don't want to stay wiz me and Bill, you can stay at zhe Burrow. I am sure zhey will be more zhan 'appy to 'ave you zhere," said Fleur.
Harry glanced at the castle that loomed behind them. The Weasleys would still be in there somewhere. Turning back to Fleur, he said, "We'll see."
Fleur seemed to know what he was thinking though.
"Zhey are practically your family, 'Arry. Zhey will gladly 'ave you staying permanently wiz zhem. Ron will be very 'appy. You don't want to stay wiz me and Bill, zhat iz fine but please consider my suggestion. At zhe very least, I will know where you are instead of you staying out zhere somewhere all by yourself. I still want to see you," she said.
Harry just stared at Fleur. He knew that Ron and Hermione were loyal to him and so did Ginny but Fleur? Her level of devotion and loyalty was a little bit unusual.
Perhaps it was a veela thing.
It took a while but he finally nodded.
Fleur smiled satisfactorily. She took Harry's hand and said, "Let's go back to zhe castle. Zhey are probably waiting for you."
And together, they departed towards the castle.
But halfway there, Fleur suddenly let go of his hand and stopped dead on her track. Harry looked at her questioningly.
He then realized the reason why.
Up ahead, Ginny was walking towards them.
"I'll see you back at zhe castle, 'Arry," said Fleur. Without waiting for his reply, she immediately departed.
Harry watched as she walked towards Ginny. She gave Ginny a smile and a quick nod when she reached her. She then walked past the younger girl without saying a word.
Ginny failed to reply Fleur's gestures. She just stood watching Fleur's receding back. It wasn't until Fleur climbed up the marble stairs that led into the Entrance Hall that she finally turned back to Harry.
She then walked up to him.
"What are you doing out here, Harry? Ron told us you were going to the Gryffindor Tower," she said the moments she arrived.
"Had a change of mind," said Harry, smiling. "I went to see Dumbledore."
"With Fleur?"
There was a hint of jealousy buried deep within the tone of Ginny's voice. Harry noticed that. He shook his head.
"No. I was alone at the beginning. Fleur came to me much-much later. She was looking for me. She thought I went missing. We were just paying our respect. That is all," explained Harry.
"She told you that?" said Ginny. "I know something wasn't right after she left us but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then I remembered you didn't have the password into the common room. You won't be able to get into the Gryffindor Tower. I was on my way there when I saw you both at Dumbledore's tomb." She then folded her arms to her chest. Her eyebrows creased. "You were standing a little bit too close to her, Harry."
Harry chuckled. He reached out, took both Ginny's hand into his and began caressing them. Looking deep into her eyes, he spoke, " I have my eyes only on you. You know that, right? And Fleur, she already have Bill. The way I see it, she's head over heel in love with him. She won't be looking at any other man anytime soon. Besides she's older than me. She's not my type, you can count on that."
What Harry said somehow brought a smile to Ginny's face.
"Thank you for saying that, Harry," she said, smiling.
"Well, if you must know, she invited me to stay at Shell Cottage for the summer."
"I fully expect that you said no."
"Of course I said no. I told her I'm not getting in their way. She and Bill are basically still newlywed. I'm going to need my beauty sleep. I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of the headboard thumping against the wall, you know," said Harry deadpanned.
Ginny laughed hard at this. She playfully slapped Harry on his shoulder. "Mr. Potter, because of that you're going to need a complete memory wipe," she said, still laughing.
Harry too began to laugh. It felt good for him. It gave him hope that despite everything that happened, laughter still exist, that things would turn out better in the end.
They both continued to laugh.
"We really need to go back, Harry," said Ginny, wiping her tears of joy from her face. "Mom and dad would be worried."
Harry paused at that.
"Can we stay out here a little bit longer?" he asked.
Ginny stared at Harry. She noticed the anguish look returning to Harry's face and immediately became concern.
"Of course, Harry," she said. "We can stay."
Without another word, Harry took her hand and they both walked towards the lake. They sat on one of the rocky outcrops that littered the bank of the lake. They spoke nothing at first. Instead, with their fingers intertwined, they spent the first few moments taking in the surrounding.
The sun shone softly on them that morning. From afar they could several flocks of migratory birds diving into the lake. It was a beautiful scenery.
"I'm sorry, Ginny," Harry began. "I truly am sorry."
Ginny cast a sideways look at him.
"For what?" she asked.
"Fred," said Harry. "I never wanted him or any other to die. I-"
But Ginny cut him off before he could continue, "All of these wasn't your fault, Harry." She then reached up and touched his cheek. "Look at me."
Harry obliged. Their eyes met.
"You-Know-Who was the one to blame," she continued. "Not you. If you haven't done what you did, lots more will die. It could be Bill. It could be Mom or Dad. It could even be me. You prevented the inevitable. You end the war and because of it, a lot more people could live."
"But things would no longer be the same especially for you and your family," stated Harry.
"You're right. Things will never be the same," agreed Ginny. "Mom and Dad could probably accept the lost of one of their sons but I'm worried about George. I don't know how he's going to take it. They're inseparable right from the birth, you know. I hope he remain strong. I hope he won't do anything stupid. We are going to do our best to cope with the situation, Harry. I think we will be able to get through it eventually."
"I hope for that too. We all hope for that," said Harry.
"Look into the bright side, Harry," said Ginny, suddenly smiling. "The fight is over. You won. There won't be anyone else to fight with. As a matter a fact, I don't want you to fight anymore. I want you to build your life from here. We both could build our life. Together. No more fighting. No more war."
Harry went silent at this.
They both returned to the castle half an hour later. Along the way, Ginny told him that her parents had decided that Harry should no longer have to go back to Surrey. They wanted him to make the Burrow his forever home. Ron, Hermione, Bill, Fleur and George all gave their support to that idea.
Harry of course gladly accepted it.
But one thing remained stuck inside his head though. As they continued to walk, what Ginny said about him no longer had to fight, he had a hunch that his fighting days was far from over.
The end.
A/n: I dedicated this story to everyone who had given me their utmost support. A lot of you are probably aware that I had taken down Across The Time. I got a lot of PM for that. I only answered like less than half of them. To those whom I didn't answer their PM, you have my apology.
A little bit of background story, this chapter is actually a part of the initial draft that I constructed for the story mentioned above. It's a deleted scene so to speak. There are a lot of deleted scenes from that story if you must know. What you read was actually a streamlined version of the initial draft that I have. I decided to put this one out for your reading pleasure.
Sooo... yeah. Enjoy.