Well, I highly doubt I'm the first writer to do this.

Hey everyone and welcome to another new fanfiction of yet again, The Loud House. I'd like to say that the inspiration to write a fanfiction about magic, came from watching the movie Now You See Me and also a little bit of inspiration from the movie Matilda (if you haven't seen it then watch it) and trust me, after reading the first couple of chapters, you'll realise why I got inspired from Matilda. Please let me know if this is a good idea and enough of me talking, enjoy the first chapter and I'll see you all at the end.

Everyone in the Loud House has all their hobbies. Luna loves music, Leni loves fashion and even Lilly...who loves to walk around without a diaper?

Lincoln's hobbies don't really...make his family intrigued to take interest in. His hobbies are basically video games, comics, cosplay and yet again, video games. Other than that, it doesn't bother Lincoln if his family chooses to take interest, or to simply not.

Lincoln was sitting downstairs playing video games, just enjoying his Saturday afternoon. Whilst in the middle of his game, Lincoln heard his mom.

"Everyone! Living room, we need to have a talk" She said.

Lincoln moaned after hearing that, meaning he has to turn his game off. Lincoln turned the TV off and waited for his sisters to come downstairs.

They call came downstairs and all sat together on the couch, of course they are able to make room...somehow.

The parents Rita and Lynn Sr stood in front of their 11 kids.

"Okay everyone, me and your father have been talking and we need you all to go to your rooms and empty them out and throw out stuff you don't need" She stated to her children.

"Why?" Lori asked her parents.

"We just think there's some stuff in the house that we don't use, and you could all take the time to clean out your rooms, sort out the stuff you want to keep and throw out" Lynn Sr said to his kids.

The Loud kids were showing obvious annoyed expressions, having to clean out their room and throw stuff out.

The parents noticed the look on their faces of course.

"Hey you never know" Rita said shrugging "You might find something you lost"

This made a few of them perk up a bit. They all looked at each other a thought about it, then nodded their heads in agreement.

"Okay, fine" Lori agreed for everyone.

Everyone got off the couch and headed upstairs to their rooms.

Lynn Sr looked at his wife.

"You think they'll be able to throw stuff out?" He asked her.

"I think so" She said. "Come on, let's look through our room" She took hold her husband's hand and walking to the room.

"You're not gonna try and make me get rid of my ties again? are you"

"Can't make any promises" She laughed a bit and closed the door behind them.

Upstairs in everyone's room, the Loud kids were searching their closest, under their beds, and in their dressers. Some of them were hoping to actually find stuff they lost or misplaced, and the rest were just wanting to get it over and done with.

Lori and Leni's room

Lori and Leni were going through their room, sorting things into piles of stuff they'll keep, and stuff they're willing to throw out. Lori was able to sort some good stuff worth keeping into her pile, while Leni however, was having trouble.

Lori noticed Leni's trouble. "You want some help Leni?" Lori offered her help.

"Oh, thanks Lori" Leni accepted her help.

Leni was deciding on...of course, which dress is worth throwing out.

"How about this one?" Lori said taking out a dress from the closet.

Leni gave an awkward look at Lori "But Lori, I like that one"

"Leni, you literally never wore it since you got it" Lori said.

Leni bought the dress that was on sale at the mall a few months ago, however, she never wore it.

"Because I don't want to get it ruined" Leni took the dress from Lori.

"What's the point of having a dress if you're not gonna wear it?" Lori asked her sister.

"Uh, ahem! It was on sale and its beautiful!" Leni said with joy.

Lori slapped her hand against her forehead.

"This is gonna take a while" She mumbled.

Luna and Luan's room

Luna was sorting out her CD's, while Luan was looking through her prank stuff.

Stuff like the shocker that she would sneak in her hand and give people a shock when giving them a hand shake. Luan was able to keep some of the stuff and throw the rest out. Whilst she was looking through them, Luan spotted a bag of bangs.

"Oh" Luan said chuckling and she grabbed the small box.

Bangs are basically little wrapped bags that you'd just throw onto the floor and they make snap sounds.

Luan looked at Luna with a grin. She was still sorting her CD's out. Luan opened the box and took a few in her hand.

"Hey Luna?"

"Yeah dude?" Luna said without turning around.

"What sound does a gun make?"

"I don't know, bang?" Luna answered.

"Exactly" Luan then threw the small bangs at the wall in front of Luna making the snap sounds which made Luna jumped and fall backwards on her back. This of course made Luan laugh seeing her sister fall.

Luna turned her head to Luan seeing her reaction to her falling. "Not cool dude" Luna was annoyed.

Lynn and Lucy's room

Lynn and Lucy were in the middle of sorting their stuff out same as everyone. Lynn obviously had all her sports balls and equipment in the pile that she was keeping, and in the pile of stuff she wasn't keeping, only had one thing which was broken baseball bat.

"How did you break that again?" Lucy asked Lynn.

"I may have missed a perfect home run...then I broke the bat when I got home" Lynn felt embarrassed after reminding herself about that.

Lynn saw Lucy's piles, she had a pile of her old poem books, a plastic box of fake blood...which Lynn doesn't plan on questioning and some other stuff that resembled anything spooky. Whilst in Lucy's other pile of stuff she planned on throwing out, was practically NOT spooky.

Lucy looked at Lynn's pile and noticed that even with the broken bat in the pile that she's throwing out, it's still not enough to even clean the room out as much.

"Is there anything else you're able to throw out?" Lucy asked her jock sister.

Lynn looked around the room, not even noticing how much space her sports balls take up.

"Nope" She said smiling and continued putting her balls away.

"Couldn't you get rid of at least ONE ball?" Lucy asked simply.

Lynn huffed in annoyance that her sister was trying to get her to get rid of her balls.

"Lucy, I can't get rid of them, if you expect me to be able to throw out one of them, you're not thinking straight"

"That one isn't even blown up!" Lucy pointed to a deflated basketball in the pile.

"Well yeah but I can inflate it later" Lynn corrected her goth sister.

"Sigh" Lucy said, but just ignored it as they would be going at it for a while.

Lola and Lana's room

Lola and Lana were going through their room, doing the same as everyone else is doing. Lana was able to get rid of some mechanic books that she'd already read and got bored of.

Her twin was on her knees pulling stuff out from under their bed, and for some reason, Lola had rubber gloves on. Lana took notice of this.

"Why are you wearing gloves?"

Lola turned to face her sister "Because its gross under there and I don't want to touch anything under there!"

Lana shook her head "Step aside sis"

Lola moved out the way as Lana began to crawn under, this made Lola fake gag.


Lana started to push stuff out from under the bed, some old toys, an old tiara Lola had and some other junk they threw under.

"Anything in there worth keeping?" Lola asked her sister.

Lana poked her head out from under the bed. "Yep!" Lana pulled out a rat!

Lola's eyes widened. "AHHHHH!" Lola screamed as she ran out the room. "Daddy! Lana found a dead rat!"

Lana was laughing after seeing her twin's reaction. Lana got out from under the bed and held the rat by its tail, then she squeezed it with her other hand, causing it to make a squeak noise.

"It's a fake?" Lana was confused. "Aww, I could've fed this to my snake...or kept it as a pet"

Lisa and Lilly's room

Lisa was able to actually throw out a good number of things she didn't need in her room. Those things were just old clothes, mechanical parts left over from her inventions and even some beakers...that had been exploded.

Lilly was even throwing stuff out too, with the help of the parents. Rita and Lynn Sr were going through Lilly's clothes, asking her if she would like to keep them, or throw them out.

Lisa saw how it was going. "You know that our infant won't keep those clothes"

The parents turned to their daughter "What makes you say that" Lynn Sr asked.

Lisa then pointed to the pile that they weren't even paying attention to. Lilly had got them to make a pile of no clothes to keep, and a big pile of zero clothes to keep.

"Oh" the parents realised, since Lilly likes to walk around in her diaper anyway, it would explain why she chose to throw her clothes out.

Lincoln's room

Lincoln was basically doing the same as everyone else, only he had it not as bad as the girls. Lincoln always kept a stack of comics, and some of them he figured he can throw out easily, or have them put in the attic.

As Lincoln was cleaning out his small room, he was able to find his old ace savvy costume he made himself. Lincoln remembers that he planned on wearing the costume for a convention with Clyde, however that got ruined after getting blamed for clogging the toilet...in the only house? I'm sorry but in The Loud House, they have like 7 bedrooms and not even another bathroom for a family 13, how does that make sense? Well I get it's a cartoon and all that but still, why only one bathroom?

Anyway, Lincoln started to look back on how his sisters reacted to that moment he left his room wearing the outfit, he didn't care if they found it silly, but they didn't have to say it to him. That's like everyone finding Luan's jokes unfunny, but at least they never told her since she loved comedy (Except maybe one time by accident).

After still looking at his costume, Lincoln threw it in the pile he was throwing out. Lincoln then just continued looking through his things, until he came across the deck of cards that he had to complete the whole ace savvy look. Lincoln was wondering whether he should throw them out, or keep them.

He decided to open the pack and check the cards out, Lincoln went through them and they were of course, perfectly fine. Lincoln then remembered he attempted a card spring with them. A card spring is where you take the full deck of cards and spring them from one hand to the other, creating a spring bridge in between your hands. Lincoln of course, failed at it the first time.

"What if I?"

Lincoln decided to attempt the card spring again. He remembers watching a video on how to do it, but it's quite hard to attempt. He knows how to hold the cards, but it was the springing part that he had trouble with. Lincoln was meant to position his right hands 3 fingers at the top right of the cards, and have his thumb on the bottom left corner of the cards, and just dent the cards into the palm of his hands and just simply squeeze them, making the cards spring into his other hand.

Lincoln tried it, but didn't have his hands far apart like they are meant to be for the effect. Lincoln then moved his hands a bit further away, then tried it again.

It was a slow spring, but he managed to catch the cards easily.

"Nice" Lincoln was happy to see he was getting there with it.

This time, he tried to speed it up a bit. Not as fast as before, but at least under 5 seconds. Lincoln tried this again, and surprisingly he managed to do it.

Seeing his progress with the cards, it made Lincoln smile.

"I'll keep you" He put the cards back in their box and tossed them onto his bed with the other things and went back to see if there's anything else he can throw out.

Later that day

Everyone was sitting down at dinner; they were having pizza from a new Italian place that did delivery. As the whole family were sitting together and enjoying food, everyone was talking about if they found anything, they either lost, or forgotten about.

"I heard Lola scream earlier, what was that about?" Lynn asked.

Lola was giving Lana a dirty look from what happened. "She pulled a fake rat out from under our bed, scaring me"

Lana couldn't help but laugh after being reminded of that moment again. "Sorry sis, but it was funny" Lana said as she had her mouth full of pizza.

Lola scoffed at her twin's laughter and comment.

Rita looked at Lana "Lana, you shouldn't have done that, you know Lola doesn't like rats"

"And lizards"

"And snakes"

"And frogs"

"And bats"


"Enough!" Lola yelled at her siblings.

A few laughs escaped their mouths.

"Lori, Leni? What about you two?" Lynn Sr asked his 2 oldest daughters.

The two blonde sisters looked at each other and back at their parents.

"Leni couldn't decide on what dress she should get rid of"

"Only because they're all too good to get rid of!"

"Even though you wear the same dress every day?" Lincoln whispered under his breath.

Wait a minute- -they all wear the same thing every day.

Rita noticed that her son hasn't talked yet about what he found in his room.

She then asked her son "What about you Lincoln?"

Lincoln thought about the stuff he found in his room, but it wasn't interesting to talk about with his family.

He swallowed the food in his mouth "Just some old comics and video games" He then took another bite of his pizza slice.

The girls started giving their brother looks of being "surprised" of what he found in his room.

Lincoln noticed the faces they were making at him. "What?" He asked them.

Luna spoke up "Little dude, is that all you found in that tiny room?"

"Well there was other things but they're not that interesting to talk about"

"Come on, what did you find?" Lana asked her big brother.

Lincoln of course they, if he mentioned about the costume, and even the cards along with it, he knew they will remind him of that moment.

It was quiet at the table now; Lincoln didn't notice since he had his head down and was in a trance.

Leni decided to get her brothers attention "Linky?"

"Huh?" He lifted his head up.

"Aren't you gonna tell us what else you found?" Lucy asked.

Lincoln didn't know what to do at that moment.

He still kept thinking of what they would do if he brought it up. Instead, he just mumbled.

"What was that?" Lori asked as she as well as the rest of the family, didn't hear him.

Lincoln again mumbled.

"Lincoln, you're gonna have to speak up please" Rita asked her son.

"Mind your own business" He blurted out.

"What was that twerp?" Lori said sternly.

Lincoln decided he wasn't going to stay quiet anymore.

"Whatever I found in my room, is my business, I don't have to tell you all what I found...except for mom and dad"

The parents then looked at each other. "So, why don't you want to tell your sisters?" Lynn Sr asked him.

"Because they're gonna poke fun at it" He said simply to his father.

Everyone looked at each other, trying to think of what Lincoln found in his room, that can cause them to poke fun at it.

It then clicked to Lisa's brain.

"Oh, I see, are you meaning the comic book character by the name of a playing card?"

Lincoln gave her a look of shock that she mentioned it out loud.

A few sniggers escaped from the girl's mouths. "That ace savvy costume? The one that you tried to wear to a convention?" Lori said.

"Dude, I completely forgot about that!" Lynn said laughing.

"It was funny seeing you wear your underwear outside of the outfit" Lola said laughing a bit from that memory of seeing it.

The girls started to talk about how funny it was seeing him in the silly costume, and how he did all that work on it, to only be grounded for clogging the toilet.

Lincoln zoned out, he started to feel embarrassed, annoyed...and even mad that they don't realise how much he loved it at the time.

The result of what everyone was doing around him (aside from the parents who are just sitting there), made Lincoln feel like they don't care about what he even does. He started thinking about if he was to even get into something that would interest them, not even have them interested if HE was the one doing it.

After thinking about all that, Lincoln started to feel a tear going down his cheek. The sisters didn't even notice as they were talking to each other.

Lincoln quickly wiped the tear off and got off his chair and started to walk up to his room.

"You going to put the outfit on?" Lori yelled from downstairs.

Lincoln went into his room and started to feel his anger finally rise. He took his pillow and threw it at the wall. Of course, that didn't help one bit, he then took the playing cards that were on his bed, and threw them at the wall, causing them to fly everywhere out of the box.

This made him feel a bit better, but he now had 52 cards all over his floor, dresser and bed. He got on his knees and started to pick the cards up.

After picking up the cards, and counting them, Lincoln only found that he had 51 cards.

"Dang it" He mumbled.

Lincoln started to look through his room again, he looked under his bed and behind his dresser.

He still couldn't find it, Lincoln check his cards again, this time making sure he was SURE he had 51 in case he stupidly miscounted the cards. Lincoln counted them again, this time taking his time with it. Once again, Lincoln still had 51 cards in his hand.

"Where the heck is it?"

Lincoln started to look around his room, after looking around a little bit, Lincoln felt something in his pocket.

"Huh?" Lincoln reached into his pocket and pulled out...the missing card? "Wait, how did this end up in my pocket?"

Lincoln was lost for words. "That's not even possible"

Instead of thinking about how it got there, Lincoln shoved the card back into the deck and put the cards away in his dresser. Lincoln decided to lay on his bed and read a comic to pass the time before having to go to bed.


Lincoln was now standing in the middle of his room, cards in hands, trying to re-create the whole scene again. Lincoln tried to ignore how he was able to throw the cards at the wall, and have the missing card end up in his pocket. Lincoln of course knew he would be making another mess in his room with the cards, but he couldn't help but try to figure out how the card ended up there!

Let's be honest, you people would be the same if you threw a deck of cards at the wall and one of the cards "magically" ended up in your pocket.

After throwing the deck of cards at his wall, a couple times, Lincoln didn't have a card end up in his pocket. He started to think that maybe it was pure luck, like winning the lottery only...having a card end up in your pocket.

Lincoln decided to give up after throwing his cards at the wall, he was sure his family could hear him after that. Before Lincoln put the deck away, he of course counted them to make sure he had 52.

"48, 49, 50, 51 and... wait" Lincoln saw that he didn't have another card to complete the full deck.

Lincoln immediately turned out both of his pockets, but it wasn't in either of them.

"What the?" Lincoln was now confused.

He started to search his room again for the missing card, this time with empty pockets. He looked under his bed, behind his dresser, but he had no luck.

He then heard Rita's voice outside in the hall.

"Time for bed you guys!"

Lincoln moaned and kept trying to find the card. After looking for a bit, he decided to give up on the search.

He started to changed out of his clothes and into his pyjama's. After he changed, Lincoln took his clothes and was about to throw them into a pile on the floor...until he took hold of the jeans and felt something in one of the pockets.

Lincoln felt a shiver up his spine.

He slowly moved his hand to the pocket he felt it in, he saw the outlines of a rectangle. This made Lincoln scared of this since he was 100% there wasn't anything in both his pockets.

Lincoln reached his hand into the pocket and pulled out the missing card from the deck.

"What the f-"

"Lincoln? Are you in bed?" Rita asked her son from outside his room.

"Y-yeah mom" He answered.

"Okay well see you in the morning son" She said as she walked away downstairs to her own room with her husband.

Alright people, that's the end of the first chapter for House of Magic. Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter and for those of you who haven't watched Matilda, allow me to explain. Matilda is a family/comedy movie about a girl named (you guessed it) Matilda, who develops telekinetic powers. The reason the movie gave me inspiration, is because it isn't explained how she got her power, although there are some hints that it could be from how much she read and how strong her brain got from growing up to age 6. so, I like to make it clear that there will not be an explanation to how Lincoln was able to have the missing card end up in his pocket. But anyway, please let me know if I should continue this and other than that, hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always, If you are wanting to submit chapter ideas or one-shot idea's, please message me on here on through my discord tag *-𝕊𝕟𝕠𝕨-*#9422 But with that being said, I hope you all are staying safe and doing well, please stay tuned for more chapters like this and I will see you in the next one, peace.