6x11 Steroline rewrite where they don't go on the roadtrip to Duke, hope you enjoy!

"Caroline I'm fine, please sweetie go take a walk and clear your head. I'm just going to sit here with this tea you made and watch TV." Liz sighs tiredly as she removes the three throw blankets Caroline has piled on top of her to the side of the couch. Yesterday was the whirlwind of Caroline finding out about her mom's cancer, the news obliterated the young vampire when Stefan told her. She could tell it was the last thing he wanted to do but was grateful that it was someone she knows telling her. When the reality of him saying that vampire blood healing a cancer patient was something, they would have probably heard about by now she broke, and he was there. Caroline couldn't find it in her to hate Stefan in that moment, she couldn't find it in her to push him away as she cried or yell at him saying he's a liar and her mom was going to be fine. No, all Caroline Forbes could do is find herself in his strong comforting arms as she cried. It's where she'd always find herself in times of sorrow, right there with Stefan Salvatore being her rock, her listening ear and her guidance. They held onto one another for so long, he let her tears soak his shirt, hugged her into his chest and whispered how he had her, to let it out and that he'd be right there for her.

Once Caroline's heartbreaking cries subsided, she allowed Stefan to wipe the tears from her face. She immediately wanted to see Liz, she had looked into Stefan's sympathetic green eyes and he simply clasp his hand with hers and walked her to her mother's hospital room. Stefan was ready for anything, a breakdown, anger, demands of more tests and he would've been right there with her. After walking into the room, she had told him that she just wanted to be alone, there was no venom in her voice, just sadness and exhaustion. Stefan had nodded his head and before he could leave the room Caroline hugged him and thanked him, to which he hugged her tighter and replied that there was no need for thanks… he was just doing what he's supposed to do for his best friend.

That statement hit their hearts hard, but neither said a word then Stefan left her alone to take a call from Damon when he found out that Mystic Falls was now open for them to return home because of psychopath Kai siphoning the magic from the entire town. Stefan hesitated on going to tell Caroline thinking she could use some good news, but she did ask to be alone and he didn't want to push his luck with her. Today was the closest they've been in so many months and it wasn't even something he could be happy about because of how it came about.

So, with a sigh he compelled the nurses and doctors on the night shift to do whatever they could for both Liz and Caroline to make them both as comfortable as possible overnight and to call him immediately if anything happens then left for Mystic Falls. Caroline stayed by her mother's side placing the snow globe into her hand that Stefan had gotten her for Christmas when he pulled her name for the secret Santa, she had roped everyone into back in junior year of high school. Praying for some type of Christmas miracle Caroline didn't move from her spot by the bed until a nurse came into the room, she had brought heated blankets for both Liz and Caroline along with the better hospital pillows.

Stefan had text her that morning telling her she was now able to cross over into their hometown, she didn't respond, but was grateful for the news. Now back in her home with her mother, she's trying her best not to be smothering, but she also just wants her mom to be treated like she should be. "I'm serious Caroline, I haven't seen you eat anything. If there is something you want to do for your mother, then take a walk, get some fresh air, some blood or actual food and when you come back I will still be right here where you left me. I promise." Deflating Caroline nods her head, taking the loose bun out of her head she shakes out her hair that has gone from her normal curls to soft waves. "Okay, okay. But only for a little bit." She relents with a slight smile; Liz gives her one in return and makes a shooing motion with her hand. "Fine, I'm going." Sighing Caroline grabs her black leather jacket sliding into it, leaning down she kisses her mom's cheek then holds up her phone. "Yes, if I need you Care, I will call you." Giggling a bit Caroline nods then leaves the house, she knows she needs to drink a blood bag before the hunger hits her too hard, she may have exceptional control over her vampirism, but she is a vampire with urges nonetheless. So, remembering to go sneak some blood bags out of the Mystic Falls hospital the blonde walks to her favorite spot in her hometown.

Closing her eyes Caroline takes a deep breath as she feels the evening sun hit her face as the slight cool December breeze floats through her hair once she's made it to her destination. Her scent travels along with the wind hitting Stefan's face, his heart skips a beat and a smile comes to his face. Pausing at the tree line he waits a minute before making himself known to Caroline, looking at her slender yet very strong body as she soaks up the last rays of sun uninterrupted, he sees just how truly beautiful his best friend is. He's always known that Caroline's gorgeous, but now he's seeing her beauty in an entirely different light. He cannot believe he's been so stupid when it comes to her, this amazing and damn near perfect woman that has always taken his side whether it be blindly or not, she's fierce, loyal, kind and caring. And all it took was one summer, four damn months to ruin something so damn special between them, she doesn't have to hate him, he hates himself.

Not unusual for the brooding vampire to self-hate, he's loathed his existence for quite some time, but this is a new kind of hate of himself. Stefan does it because of her, for leaving without saying goodbye, for not returning Caroline's calls or listening to her messages, for trying to start over his lie of a life leaving her behind. For giving false hope on finding anyway to bring his brother and Bonnie back, Stefan's hated himself for many reasons in the last one hundred and forty-eight years since he turned, but what he did to Caroline of all people just because he was upset over losing Damon and the hope of getting him back, this hate trumps all the other times. He just wants to right his wrongs with the very one who's never left his side or given up on him, his sober sponsor, his best friend and the girl he's realized that has caught his heart as well. The thought hits him hard, Stefan's chest tightens as a tingle runs down his spine… he loves her.

"I know you're there Stefan." Caroline's soft voice is like music to his ears, though she sounds tired he's glad that her tone isn't harsh. Walking towards her now with a slight smile on his face as his boots crunch the dead leaves on the brown colored grass, Stefan feels his heart skip a beat, "I didn't want to interrupt your moment, thought I was being quieter than that." He says now that he's standing beside her, they're both looking at the falls taking in the sounds of nature soothing them both. "I didn't hear you rather than smell you, still wearing the same cologne huh?" It's more than her smelling the fragrance he sprayed on, it's his scent. The one that is just Stefan Salvatore, she doesn't voice it, but he knows. Stefan's face cracks a smile, "Well it was a birthday present given to me last year and who can turn down sporting Armani?"

Caroline releases a smile too thinking back to her snow globe present that Stefan got her the first year she knew him, back when she was still blissfully unaware of the vampires in her life and was compelled not knowing how Damon had used her for a his own personal snack the few months before Christmas.

"Clearly I'm still the better gift giver, that cologne was expensive, but it was the thought behind it, not the price tag." Stefan chuckles then nudges her arm, looking down he hands her a blood bag. "Ahh, that's why you're here. You've been talking to my mom, me not eating should be the least of her worries." Stefan clears his throat scratching the back of his neck, "I went by your house yes, but your mom didn't say that you haven't been eating. She did tell me where you are, and I knew you may need a pick me up. And you know, she's your mom, no matter what's going on Caroline, she'll always worry about you, it's just what parents do."

Popping the tab, the smell of the B positive hits both vampires, Caroline's hunger takes over and the bag is drained within seconds. "Thanks for that." She says looking up at him, Stefan grins wiping a spot of blood from the corner of her mouth, bringing his thumb to his mouth he licks it causing Caroline to bite her tongue. Did he have to make it so sexual? No, it probably wasn't sexual but that's where her mind goes because he's Stefan. Besides his one of a kind amazing personality despite the self-loathing and brooding he does, Stefan's also that smoking hot, forever seventeen male vampire that she's head over heels in love with, clearing her throat she looks up at him and he gestures around. "You really love it out here huh?" Stefan mentions breaking through Caroline's rambling thoughts of being in love with her best friend who doesn't feel the same way about her. Toeing the ground with her boot, she nods crossing her arms. "I really meant it when I said the falls were really cool at night."

Instantly she wants to take the words back because she knows he knows what she meant, the night she drunkenly wanted to hook up with him when he first came to town and he shot her down instantly before making his way over to Elena. Of course, she now knows why he was into Elena, but it still kind of stings remembering his blunt rejection, he wasn't a dick about, still didn't make her feel any better at the time. Yet even after all this time Caroline still allowed herself to completely fall in love with him. It's more than wanting to have sex with a hot guy now compared to that night, they have gotten close since she turned a few years back and that friendship became a best friendship that for her, turned into love.

Now she just wants the earth to create a Caroline Forbes size hole and swallow her up, she should've known better than to ever feel anything more for Stefan Salvatore. "They really are, I umm, I used to spend a good bit of time here before I turned and then I'd make a venture out here whenever I'd come back home afterwards. Something about the way the moonlight catches the spray of the waterfall, it looks… mystical." Caroline giggles and God, does it sound amazing to him, the fact that she's even allowing him to continue to stay next to her is amazing, but he got that sound out of her to? It's made his entire damn month. "Hence our town's name huh?"

The sun starts to set, and she figures he isn't going anywhere and honestly it's fine with Caroline, he's helping her not to overthink everything for once, so she sits down on the dead grass that winter has claimed, Stefan realizes she hasn't dismissed him yet so he too joins her. They sit in complete silence as the sun fades, the chill of the evening setting in and the night creatures coming alive. "Why is this your spot?" He asks now as his knees are bent with his long-toned arms hanging over them. Caroline turns to look at Stefan, staring into those eyes of his that captivate her so much her heart skips a beat. He wears a sweet smile as he sees her cheeks pinken a bit, dammit, how did he miss it? He wishes he could go back and see how and when she fell for him, she said why she did and it broke his heart because she holds him up so damn high and all he's done is break her down. He doesn't deserve her Stefan thinks to himself, but another voice pipes up reminding him that no other man does either. She's perfection and no one will ever be good enough for his perfect blonde haired, bright blue-eyed optimistic vampire.

"When I was ten, I ran away from home one night, it was Halloween night actually, I still had on my Bubbles costume. She ahh, is umm a cartoon character from the show Powerpuff Girls. Anyway, I was up in my room sneaking in a few extra candy bars from my collection that night when I heard glass breaking downstairs. Then the yelling started, it had been happening since our fourth of July barbeque and it only got worse over the next few months. I… I hated seeing my parents like that, it scared me as their voices got louder so I snuck down the stairs as they were in the kitchen and I ran." Caroline clears her throat looking to the waterfall, Stefan keeps his full attention on the girl next to him as she continues her story.

"By the time I felt my chest burning and I didn't have any more breath in me I fell down on my hands and knees tearing my costume, I had twigs in my pigtails and my tears were cold and stained on my face. Anyway, by the time I was able to fully breathe again I looked up and saw the falls, it was so beautiful and alluring, I had to get closer. I ended up damn near in the water as I climbed down a slope and slid the rest of the way down, I leaned back against the slope and just stared at the falls and I had never felt so calm and peaceful. It was like… like no matter what happened everything was going to be oaky. Then I got cold and the sounds of an owl scared the hell out of me, I tried to go back up the slope, but it was too slick, and I would fall back down. I started to get scared, it was dark, and no one knew where I was. I just started yelling in hopes that some teenagers or campers might hear me and come help. I yelled until my throat was hoarse, I cried and cried and then I fell asleep and when I woke up it was to Steven, my dad's secret yet not so secret boyfriend carrying me into the house telling me he found me down at the falls. Anyway, ever since then whenever I want peace and calmness I come here, so that's why."

Stefan's heart is beating ninety to nothing, eyes wide, throat tight and his hands have a slight shake to them. Shaking his head, he reaches over taking Caroline's cold hand into his and he smiles. "Bubbles, you told me your name was Bubbles when I found you asleep at the bottom of that slope, you never opened your eyes as I picked you up and brought you up here. You just held onto me when I asked you if you were hurt and what your name was, you said you were okay, wanted your mom and a warm blanket and told me that was your name. I… I ran into a guy that was a part of the search party looking for you, I compelled him to think he found you and then I left Mystic Falls for good until I came back when the Gilbert's car went off the bridge." Caroline's hand tightens in Stefan's as she shakes, tears come to her eyes. "You?" Stefan smiles nodding his head, "Me." Caroline laughs wiping her eyes with her free hand, "You have a thing for saving young girls surrounded by water. I thought that you hadn't been here in fifteen years before you came though." She doesn't mean it to be hurtful towards Elena at all because her situation verses Elena's are very different. Stefan chuckles, face lighting up as he does and damn, she misses that smile on his face, so, so handsome.

"Not to continue being secret Stefan, but something pulled me home on Halloween, I had been in New York at the time and I don't know. I just found myself here and I never even went to the boarding house, I came straight here and that's when I found you as I was looking over the edge. After I handed you off to Steven I knew I needed to leave and you're the only one that even knows this now."

"Well thank you, I appreciate the rescue. I'm glad that you compelled Steven because you could've handed me off to anyone." She laughs trying to make light of the revelation, but Stefan shakes his head. "I didn't, he ran to me thanking me for finding you saying that practically the entire town was out looking for the sheriff's daughter and his friends will be glad to know you're okay. Right then I compelled him to take you to your parents, to make sure you were properly taken care of and to not remember me and that he's the one that found you. I… I came to check on you actually. I didn't know if you had any injuries, I didn't have time to check nor did I smell blood, but I also wanted to make sure my compulsion stuck with the guy since I was on the animal diet. I saw you out in the yard with your mom taking down the Halloween decorations and the two of you were laughing as you got tangled up in the fake web. So, I left knowing that Bubbles was okay."

Before either of them knows, Caroline launches herself into Stefan's arms bringing her own around his neck squeezing him tightly as her face is buried into his neck. Stefan tightens his arms around her waist holding Caroline tightly against him burying his face into her hair. "Always looking out for me." She whispers against his neck, her hot breath hitting the sensitive skin causing him to shiver. She had said it before when she was distracting him at the grill when she had first turned into a vampire, but she means it still. Stefan turns to press his lips against Caroline's ear whispering, "Always will." Holding each other tightly Caroline feels tears prick her eyes, "I don't want to lose my mom Stefan, how can I accept that? I don't want to go through this alone, but I have to. My dad's gone and now she will be too, and I have…" Stefan cuts her off, pulling her back to face him he holds her tearful face in his warm hands. "You have me."

He remembers telling her this last year when his memories were gone, and everyone had just found out about Bonnie being dead. "I know that I hurt you, I left you, ignored you and was a complete and utter dick to you Caroline. I wasn't here when you needed me and I pushed you away the most, I know I've been a shitty friend to you after everything you've done for me over the last few years. I'm sorry and I hate myself for ever being that way towards you, you didn't deserve it. But you'll always have me Care, I'll always look out for you and I promised that I'd never let anything happen to you and I won't. I'm here in whatever way you need me to be because you are more than just someone I care about, you're more than my best friend, it's more than me seeking your forgiveness."

Taking a breath Stefan looks into her wide blue eyes that are bubbled up with tears, "Always, you'll have me. Even if I didn't feel it back, you'd have me, but the thing is, I do… I have a thing for you Caroline Forbes. I'm in love with you, my best friend, my sober sponsor… my neurotic partner in crime and I promise you on my life, I am never and will never leave you again. I don't deserve you; I know I don't, no man does but especially not me. Caroline, you're perfect and I'm damaged, you're light and I'm dark, but you, you breathe your light into me and make me feel like I'm more than something vile… you really are the one for me Care and I will always love you even if you hate me forever. I fell madly in love with you, without even realizing it."

Caroline's lips tremble, her tears spill down her cheeks with Stefan's thumbs right there wiping them away. She remembers only two years ago saying that one day he'd meet someone new and fall madly in love without even realizing, it. And he did, but she's not new, she's been in front of him and beside him this entire time and Stefan can't be happier that it's her, that it wasn't someone new. As soft and longing green eyes bore into red rimmed blue ones, Stefan knows that this will be forever. He can't feel it, taste it… everything crackles with excitement and love. A love that isn't going away, a love that isn't fleeting. This feeling, this love, this woman… is forever for him.

It may not have been the right time, considering her mother's dying, but Stefan had to tell her. He had to make sure she knows exactly how he feels, whether or not she believes him, this amazing girl had to know. But she does believe his words, Caroline knew from that moment on that she is and will always be loved by Stefan Salvatore and he would never again leave her. She feels the pull, feels and sees his honest and true love for her as he now has tears shining in his hypnotic eyes, he bared his soul to her. She loves him even more. Placing her forehead against his she sighs. "I'm not perfect, you just make me feel that way, my best friend and vampire mentor and I never really hated you Stefan. You're not damaged or dark… you're mine. I love you Stefan, I always will. Always, you'll have me too." With their trembling lips and shivering bodies coming closer, the joining of two deserving souls come together at last. And on this cold December night, Stefan and Caroline share their first of many perfect kisses under the starry night sky down at the falls.

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