Author's Note: So this will be my first fanfiction story in the Vampire Diaries fandom. I've just recently started watching the TVD series this month and I got sucked into the fandom. I'm in love with Bonnie Bennett as a character and so I just couldn't resist writing a story that focuses on Bonnie as a main character. But just a heads up, I'm into reverse harem (which means I like to pair the Female protagonist with multiple male partners) So in this story, expect for Bonnie to have multiple male love interests. I mean a lot of it because she deserves the attention, most certainly from Klaus, Damon, Kai, Kol and other men. LOL. Also, consider this story an AU because Bonnie has a different upbringing and she is not close friends with Elena or Caroline at the start of this story.




When Bonnie Bennett was four years old, she already suspected that she was different. She knew that there was something wrong with her. How could she not when Bonnie could see and talk to people that were either considered dead or stuck in limbo?

At first, her family was alarmed when they often saw Bonnie interacting with someone that they couldn't see, but as she grew older, her family began to realize the truth.

Shiela Bennett, her Grams, made Bonnie understand that the people she could only see were the Supernatural creatures who reside on the Other Side. However, Bonnie soon learned that not all of them came from the Other Side, but other places as well like the Ancestral Plane, the Prison Worlds, and even from Hell; the psychic dimension that Arcadius created at the time of his death.

For some strange reason, these restless spirits or trapped people were able to appear around Bonnie even when they came from other planes of existence. Arcadius, the so-called ruler of Hell, even occasionally dropped by when he wasn't busy torturing the souls of the wicked dead.

Cade might be the oldest supernatural being that ever existed, but the ancient man was absolutely puzzled when the dimension he created from his psychic blast somewhat ended up being linked to Bonnie's world, alongside other mystical dimensions.

Surprisingly, it was someone else who was able to figure out Bonnie's strange predicament. She was six years old when one of her friends was finally able to tell Bonnie his theory about the 'Convergent Zone'. Of course, her friend had explained it to her in such a way that a child her age could easily understand.

"I remember reading in my family's grimoire about the process of creating other mystical dimensions," Her friend began. "Usually, an entire coven of witches is needed to cast the spell, alongside an ancient relic called the Ascendant, plus the combination of a celestial event and the lifeblood of a Bennett witch. For my family - the Gemini Coven - they have mastered the craft of building Prison Worlds. A dimension they used to banish people who have committed crimes against them or for people who were considered to be unstable and dangerous. In my case, it was both...Come to think of it, I should have expected this from my coven after years of being constantly reminded that I was a freak of nature - an abomination by my own family. They were probably even plotting to imprison me - or even kill me - since the day I started siphoning magic when I was still in my mother's womb."

Bonnie noted the contemptuous look that passed across her friend's face when he mentioned his family.

"Kai..." She addressed her friend with a troubled look. "I'm sorry about what your own family did to you all those years ago and I know that discussing them must be upsetting you right now. So maybe we can discuss your theory next time?..."

At her words, Kai simply flashed Bonnie his familiar grin and said, " are so sweet Bonbon, but you don't need to worry about me. This talk about how my family mistreated me for years no longer bothers me at all. You already know that I don't care about them anymore. They are dead to me. Well, some of them are literally dead while the rest of them are still alive, to my greatest regret...But enough about my family drama. I think it's better if you let me finish my explanation so that you will understand what you are going through right now Bonnie. So where did I leave off again?"

"You were talking about how the Gemini Coven created the Prison Worlds," came her reluctant answer while she eyed her friend closely. Kai still had his usual grin plastered on his face but Bonnie wasn't fooled so easily.

She knew that Kai didn't like to talk about his family, but despite that fact, it seemed he was making an exception for her yet again. Perhaps trying to make Bonnie understand about her current predicament was probably far more important to Kai than his feelings of resentment towards his family. His willingness to talk about the hateful coven who banished him spoke volumes of how Kai had changed throughout the years. Kai's decision to share the secrets of his coven to her was something that Bonnie won't take for granted. This was one of the reasons that Bonnie still hoped for Kai's eventual redemption.

Bonnie couldn't give up on him, especially when she realized that Kai was slowly but surely changing for the better. In the last years, Bonnie had been in constant battle to keep Kai around since he appeared in her life, and she would continue to fight for him, even through all the opposition that tried to keep them apart. Kai was her first ever friend and Bonnie would like to keep him by her side no matter the cost, even if it meant going against her dead ancestors' wishes.

"Ah, yes. The Prison Worlds," Kai said, interrupting Bonnie's thoughts. "You probably know that constructing these worlds requires a lot of magic. That's why my Coven drew power from the eclipse on May 10, 1994 to create the dimension that imprisoned me. However, these kinds of magical constructs are without its consequence. Remember Bonnie that witches are the servants of nature, but that doesn't mean that they can easily abuse their power. In fact, nature definitely won't stand for it when a coven of witches decide to create worlds like they are some kind of God themselves. So when the Gemini Coven broke one of the most important rules of Nature by creating an alternate dimension, you can expect to see a rift appearing in the natural world as the result of the coven's grand machination."

"A rift in the natural world? Do you mean 'my world'?" Bonnie asked, sounding alarmed.

"Yes, your current world Bonnie," was Kai's response.

"But why? How does that even happen? Why is there even a rift?" came her queries.

"You are such an inquisitive little creature, Bonbon," Kai remarked with an amused smile. "There is a rift because that is how Nature usually reacts when it detects anything that disrupts the balance. Nature will try its best to rectify the anomaly by creating a loophole. In this case, it created something which I call the 'Convergent Zone'; a place where all the dimensions or worlds are connected together... You might even call it a safe haven, where anyone could easily leave their own dimensions and have access to this place."

"Ok, I understand most of what you are saying Kai," Bonnie said to him. "But that still doesn't explain why these strangers like to keep on appearing around me."

"To be honest, I also don't get it..." Kai admitted, "Although based on my observations, it looks like Nature did not only caused a rift, or created this convergent zone, but it created a living beacon as well...and that's you, little Bonster. Think of yourself as the North Star who guides the lost and the damned into your domain. And judging by the numbers you have managed to amass in years, it looks like you will probably have a Kingdom of your own in no time with thousands of loyal followers to do your bidding. So what do you think of that, Princess?"

Kai grinned at her then and he tried to ruffle her hair only for his hand to pass through her head. Bonnie merely scowled at Kai's playful behavior.

"Oh, shut up Kai!" She said in irritation, "You already know that I don't like this at all! I don't know why I have this kind of power but I want no part of it. I just wanted to be normal!"

"Bonnie, you must learn to accept that this is who you are," Kai stated, suddenly looking serious. "You are born with this power. You are the living beacon, a loophole, and no matter what you do, you will draw all manner of Supernatural creatures to you, whether they be dead or someone in between. You are the very pillar that holds the other dimensions together Bonnie, and as more of us appear to you, the convergent zone will only grow larger to accommodate all of us. I am sure that this little haven of yours will soon encompass the entirety of Mystic Falls, or wherever you decide to live. So the sooner you accept who you are, the sooner you are able to understand your true purpose in this world, which will also mean giving up a normal life."

Thereafter, Bonnie realized that her life won't ever be normal again. Kai and the others might have the chance to leave their respective worlds, but they unfortunately could only exist like ghosts when they appear around Bonnie, albeit there were rare instances that they were able to affect the real world; instances that only happened when her invisible companions acted in her defense.

Due to this, Bonnie struggled to behave like an ordinary child. Even though these incorporeal strangers became a part of her daily life, she was still puzzled and surprised every time they came to visit her as most of them liked to do. So by the time she turned seven years old, Bonnie's life only became difficult. Now, more people began to notice her strange behavior. Children her age had started calling her cruel names and the adults began to stir their children away from her because of the many accidents that occured when Bonnie was upset.

Bonnie still could not distinguish the difference between the living, the dead, and the imprisoned ones, most certainly when her constant companions appeared more corporeal-looking like the living residents of Mystic Falls. That was not the only thing that concerned her, but also the fact that the number of her followers multiplied throughout the years when word had spread of her existence in the far reaches of the Other side and other dimensions. In a matter of seven years, the small town of Mystic Falls became the epicenter of numerous paranormal activities. From the three ghostly companions Bonnie saw when she was one year old, it became thousands as they arrived in her hometown in droves. Yet despite their growing numbers, Bonnie wasn't intimidated by their presence in the least.

In fact, she felt safer with them around when she realized that they weren't there to hurt her or even cause trouble in her hometown. Instead they kept out the threatening elements out of Mystic Falls and protected her from anyone who tried to harm her in any way. The 'accidents' that happened when Bonnie was hurt or distraught was not only because of her developing magic but it was also the result of her invisible guardians' interference. Bonnie wasn't happy about it of course, especially when one of them ended up lashing out at Caroline Forbes.

Malachai Parker, or Kai as he preferred to be called, was the one who caused the incident. The twenty-two year old prisoner of the 1994 World had been there even before Bonnie learned how to walk. Throughout the years, the siphoner had reluctantly grown attached to her and frequently reminded her that the first word Bonnie had uttered when she was an infant was his name.

Kai loved to tell her that story of how it had only taken half an hour for him to teach Bonnie his name before she had said it. Meanwhile, it had required her parents a whole week when they tried to teach Bonnie how to say 'Mama' or 'Papa'. Understandably, Bonnie's family was not happy when she had spoken Kai's name first instead of her parents, and had kept on calling for 'Kai!' when she could not see him near her.

Of course, Kai's intervention with Bonnie's developmental growth had angered the spirits of her ancestors, who had constantly tried to keep Kai away from Bonnie every time he appeared. The Bennett witches had repeatedly warned Bonnie that Kai was a bad person and she shouldn't let him near her. However, she hadn't really heeded their warnings because Bonnie had also grown fond of the playful psycho and simply allowed Kai to come and go as he pleased to the increasing concern of others.

Bonnie's ancestors had wanted to shun Kai from appearing around her like they had done to others, such as Esther Mikaelson and the Heretics, who had tried to manipulate and use a three year old Bonnie for their own gain. However, Kai was different. He had been there since the very beginning and Bonnie had been adamant to keep her friend around. She had endlessly fought for him while Kai would always return to her despite the countless threats he received from Bonnie's ancestors and the other spirits. He was just as stubborn and persistent as she was.

Even though Kai came from the 1994 Prison world, he always found a way to visit Bonnie. At first, Kai had only appeared to her with the intent of convincing her - or the spirits of dead Bennett witches - to release him from his prison. However, as the years flew by and as Bonnie grew older, Kai seemed to focus on keeping an eye on her like so many others.

Thus, during the inevitable day when Bonnie tried to play with the other children. She wasn't surprised at all when Kai had reacted poorly after he heard what Caroline Forbes had to say to Bonnie.

"We don't want to play with you because you are weird and crazy," those were Caroline's exact words and the girl's honest opinion had hurt Bonnie terribly.

Kai must have sensed her distress or seen her tearful gaze because he had immediately retaliated against Caroline. The siphoner had looked absolutely livid and he hadn't even hesitated at all to hurt the eight year old blonde girl. He had pushed Caroline Forbes so hard that the small girl had fallen forward and broke her nose against the edge of the table.

Bonnie dimly recalled how Ayana and Inoncia - two of her ancestors who had been watching her at that time - had shouted in anger at Kai's cruel and unexpected action. Afterward, she could only watch when Caroline Forbes had burst into tears while crimson blood had gushed out from the girl's nose. By this point, Bonnie had been too focused on the bawling girl in front of her that she failed to notice when the spirits of her ancestors had turned their wrath on Kai. She didn't know what they did to him, but Bonnie knew that her ancestors must have done something to her friend because that was the day when Kai had disappeared altogether and had stopped visiting her.

In the end, the accident with Caroline Forbes had been the turning point that changed Bonnie's life. Bonnie was blamed for Caroline's injury and no matter what her parents had to say to defend her, the school principal sided with the Sheriff's daughter, Caroline, who had gotten Elena, Matt and Tyler to speak against Bonnie.

Thereafter, Bonnie was pulled out of school and her parents had chosen her Grams to start homeschooling her instead. Of course, Bonnie didn't know that she would end up living in a remote location for the next ten years.

As for Kai, Bonnie didn't know what exactly happened to him. For years, she had constantly badgered the dead Bennett witches for his whereabouts. But to her growing despair, they were tight-lipped about it and Bonnie could remember the numerous times she had cried and begged for them to return Kai to her while they explained that the siphoner was a ruthless aberration of nature that Bonnie should not be associated with. For this reason, Bonnie's ancestors had taken him away from her life before Kai could hurt her. Although Bonnie did hear snippets of hushed conversation regarding a certain Original Witch and the Heretics in conjunction with Kai's name. At that time, Bonnie suspected that Kai had been shunned like the others, but she didn't realize what her ancestors had truly done to him until years later.

Despite their good intentions to keep Kai away from her, Bonnie was not completely convinced by them and she never truly gave up on trying to find her friend even as she grew older. Bonnie never really blamed Kai for the reason that she had to leave Mystic Falls with her grandmother. She understood that her friend had only done it for her. Kai knew that Bonnie didn't like to hurt anyone even if it was to defend herself. The siphoner, on the other hand, would never hesitate to inflict pain upon the others and would even relish in it. That's probably why Kai had done what Bonnie could not do at that time. He had hurt Caroline Forbes and became the very monster that her dead relatives had repeatedly warned her about.

Even as a child, she knew that Kai was trouble, yet despite his tendency to be outright cruel to others, he never did hurt Bonnie. In Kai's mind, she had been an exception to his rule and Bonnie knew that she had been the reason that Kai had started to mellow down throughout the years when he was still a part of her life. In fact, if Kai had remained with her for ten more years, Bonnie knew that her influence on him would have changed him for good. However, that didn't happen because her ancestors had decided to send him somewhere before he could be redeemed. So when Kai disappeared, Bonnie allowed herself to grieve him in silence while she slowly adjusted to her new home. Even still, Kai's absence was keenly felt.

In the first months after leaving her hometown, Bonnie swiftly learned that living in a cottage a hundred miles away from civilization was the better option than living in a small town where she had trouble differentiating between the living residents and the apparitions she could only see. But to her surprise, the thousands of her invisible companions had followed her faithfully to the two-story cottage in the outskirts of Virginia. However, like always, they remained respectful towards her, gave her privacy, kept their distance and only talked to her when Bonnie addressed them or when they had something important to say. For years, they continued to guard her or even provided her with vital information of what was happening in both the Supernatural and the natural human world. Surprisingly, they were incredibly good informants, but Bonnie knew that they often kept things from her, especially information that might jeopardize her safety.

One such example was when they withheld the confrontation between her mother and Mikael Mikaelson from her. An event that nearly caused Abby Bennett's magic after Bonnie's mother had used a desiccation spell to defeat the Original vampire. Bonnie only knew about what happened years later.

Besides that, Bonnie also discovered that most of them - specifically the spirits of the dead witches - had been very active in keeping Bonnie's existence from being known throughout the Supernatural community in the living world. To them, Bonnie was their closely guarded secret that they would never willingly impart with any living beings, most certainly to other witches.

As many of her ghostly companions believed, Bonnie Bennett was a walking and breathing weapon-slash-loophole of mass destruction that could maybe end the entire supernatural race. If the supernatural world knew about Bonnie's existence, many would probably try to hunt her down to the ends of the earth while the rest would use her as a weapon.

Even Bonnie's grandmother didn't understand the reason thousands of dead and imprisoned Supernatural creatures were following Bonnie. But Shiela Bennett seemed to suspect that Bonnie was destined for something, especially after Bonnie admitted to her Grams how her growing entourage looked at Bonnie with their eyes full of hope, loyalty, adoration and even sometimes a hint of fear.

Hence, as Bonnie grew older in the cottage, she studied and trained under the supervision of her Grams and the Supernatural beings who haunted her day and night. She learned everything from them, even the subjects where she might have learned from school. She also studied the various topics that only a vampire, a werewolf, a hunter, a witch or any other Supernatural creature would know about.

One of the first things Bonnie discovered was her ability to channel the energy from her ghostly retinue to the point that she had unlimited access to most of their strengths, but none of their weaknesses. In short, when Bonnie used spirit magic, she became faster, stronger, and indestructible than even an Original or an Immortal that walked the earth. She also didn't need to feed on blood to sustain herself, or had the urge to shift during the full moon, or even harbored a certain fear for the sun and wolfsbane, and still the list went on. It seemed that being one of Nature's loopholes came with certain perks.

And as Bonnie continued to train and explore her new found powers throughout the years, Bonnie swiftly improved beyond her imagination. It only took a year when she no longer needed to channel spirit magic consciously and only needed a few hours of sleep to replenish her limitless magical supply. Bonnie also didn't need to chant incantations or spells anymore, not when she could cast complex magic with just the sheer power of her mind.

Still Bonnie tested herself further while her invisible companions continued to support her in anything that she set her mind to. Even though they were already dead or trapped in limbo, Bonnie found out that most of them were experienced or were professionals with the skills and knowledge that they had acquired in life. Through them, Bonnie learned a lot. She studied the weaknesses and strengths of any Supernatural creatures that ever existed and learned the different ways to either kill or incapacitate them, until the day she found out the true purpose of her existence.

It was Qetsiyah, the first witch who created the Immortality elixir, who told Bonnie the truth. Her great ancestor was the one who voiced out her suspicion that Bonnie Bennett might be one of Nature's ultimate loopholes. A loophole that could surpass the countless others that stemmed from the numerous imbalances that emerged throughout the years. It meant that Bonnie could undo the very fabric of every supernatural creation that ever existed and restore the balance in Nature once more.

"I don't know what you are Bonnie... All I know is that most of us on the Spirit world and other planes of existence could not help but flock to you. We are finding our way towards you, even the trap creatures in the Prison worlds, or the tormented souls from Arcadius' Hell. We are able to visit you here, albeit for a short time, because we could not ignore Nature's call to help you in any way we can to fulfill your destiny." Qetsiyah told her.

"And what is my destiny Aunt Tessa?" Bonnie asked.

"As you know, Nature always finds a loophole in every unnatural and magical occurrence, and considering that I triggered a great imbalance in Nature, which resulted to the birth of other supernatural races and other abominations, it's only natural when Nature uses one of my blood, my own descendant to rectify my mistake, for you Bonnie to find balance once more after thousands of years."

"But how do I do that? How do I find balance again?" Bonnie wondered out loud.

"By simply existing Bonnie. Perhaps that is the reason we instinctively want to protect and follow you. Through you, we find the balance in our world. You are Nature's manifestation of its earthly power and because of this, you have the power over other Supernatural creatures that ever existed." Qetsiyah informed her.

"However, Bonnie, you must understand that such power is something that can't be harnessed so easily. It will require time and practice before you can reach the height of your true power. Thus, we will ensure that you are properly trained before you face any adversary that comes in your way." Ayana told her.

"You also need to learn how to protect yourself Bonnie. You can't always depend on us when you are in danger. For this reason, I will task the Brotherhood of the Five to teach you all the skills to become a Supernatural Huntress. " Inoncia, the witch who first created the Hunters, advised her.

"And I will. I will learn everything I can before I leave this place." Bonnie replied, her eyes glinting with determination.

So Bonnie did. For the past ten years, she trained, studied, and trained some more to prepare herself for what was to come.


