Huntik: The Contest of Champions

by H.R.C. Stanley


Location: Somewhere in Venice, Italy

Timedate: 5th March 2012, a few months after the battle against the Betrayer

The door opened and a young blonde boy in his latest teens entered into the bedroom, yawning and stretching his arms. He took off the backpack from his back and placed it down near his bed.

"Ah, looks like Spring Break has already begun," he exhaled with relief. "And about time too."

However, his eyes caught something else, something rather unusual. A lone sheet of paper laying on his desk which he didn't exactly recall. He walked over, picked it up and read through:

Lok Lambert,

You're cordially invited to participate in the 1,043rd Interdimensional Contest of Champions.

Speak aloud your acceptance to participate and details will follow.

Congratulations, champion.

"Uh... okay?" he stammered and looked around his room with an eyebrow cocked up. "Alright, assuming this isn't something for some really early April fool prank, I would like to know some details about this thing before I decide to accept, so..."

A blinding light flashed out of nowhere right in the centre of the room, forcing Lok to step back, raise his arm to cover his face and shut his eyes. As it soon dimmed down by a slight, Lok let down his arm and his eyes adjusted to see the source, a tall figure completely concealed in a thick brown hooded cloak standing before the boy where the flash of light had just occurred.

"The Interdimensional Contest of Champions is a tournament," the cloaked figure spoke in a deep monotone. "Within every parallel reality, there are figures best suited to defend those realities, these individuals are referred to as champions. The hosts for this contest, the Temlins have elected to hold a tournament to judge their respective skills against another."

"And just who exactly are-" Lok attempted to ask.

"Participants are randomly selected across all realities and invitations are sent," the figure interrupted. "You're under no obligation to join this great tournament. But, should you enter, you will be granted the opportunity to test your abilities against other powerful individuals and make an attempt at a great prize. All battles are non-lethal and participation is voluntary. Should you remain victorious through all of your battles, you will be awarded this great prize. Defeat bring only as much dishonour as you allow yourself. If you have any further questions, you may ask now."

"So are you a Titan, or a regular human being?" Lok managed to ask with any interruption.

"Neither," the ominous figure answered. "I'm merely a being of pure living mystical energy and of extra-dimensional origin given life and shape by the Temlins."

"Okay, I guess that might explain a bit..." Lok paused, scratching the back of his head. "But what exactly happens if I accept this so-called contest?"

"While you have been invited to participate, a preliminary round must be made to assure no mistake has been made in selecting you as a universal champion. Neither victory nor defeat will matter. The test will be an evaluation of your status as a champion."

"How long do I have until I need to choose?"

"You have one day in your planet's time frame to make your decision. If you wish to ask further questions, simply touch any part of your invitation."

With that, the being disappeared within one more flash, leaving the boy puzzled and stunned in place. Lok had already seen many strange beings and creatures in his lifetime, but this might just be something else entirely. Quickly and without hesitation, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. After tapping down a few numbers, he put it up to his ear and waited.

"Hello?" a familiar female voice called on the other end.

"Hey it's me, Lok," Lok replied. "Is Dante Vale there?"

"Yes he is, why?"

"I wanna talk to him, something weird just happened," Lok inhaled in between. "And considering half if not most of the crazy stuff we've been through, that may say a lot..."

To be continued...