Dante: I swear I need to focus on shit more...hopefully during some time i can actually fix my schedule and do some updates. So here's one that one of my closest mate's Spacecore94 and I created long ago….but never got around to writing.

SpaceCore: Because we are procrastinating idiots with nothing but excuses

Dante: What he said. Anyway….I guess to just get right into it here's a story about how Naruto's life got turned upside down and I can't believe I made that reference.

Disclaimer: We own nothing of the following anime/games and all rights are reserved by their own creators...Please support the official release.

"Good morning Naruto, how was your sleep." An old man, who was dressed up in a regal outfit befitting a king or those of upper class, questioned as a blonde man stumbled into his living room.

"It was a pretty good sleep, old man. Kinda wish it was longer though." The young man admitted, running a hand through his messing blonde hair.

"Well that's good then. Though you might want to hurry and get ready, after all she's expecting you in Chaldea shortly." The old man mentioned, causing the blonde to freeze.

"That was today?" He asked weakly, getting a hearty laugh from the old man.

"Well then you better hurry up and get ready." He said, in between his laughs.

Rushing back to his room, Naruto quickly got dressed in his usual attire and rushed back to the old man who threw a thick winter coat. Pulling it off of his face, Naruto noticed a large magic circle appear underneath him and the old man giving him a large smile.

Looking the man dead in the eye, Naruto opened his mouth to protest, only to vanish in a bright light as the old man took a sip of the mug that sat next to him.

"I wonder if he'll thank me for sending off to spend more time with his little girlfriend." The old man wondered to himself as he looked at a photo on his shelf. Picking it up with a smile, the old man stared into the picture as he remembered the boy's mother. A beautiful red haired woman with a violent temper that made even him shiver in fear. "Your little boy's growing up Kushina. I'll do what I can, but his path is his own." Placing the photo down, took another sip of his drink and closed his eyes in contemplation. "It's going to be awfully quiet without him around anymore."

(Meanwhile in the Arctic)

"Antarctica can eat a bag of dicks." said a bundled up young man as he stomped through the thick snow of the icy tundra.

The young man, just entering his early twenties, currently held a large puffy snow jacket closed as tightly as he could. The fluffy hat held over his sun-kissed blonde locks which framed his rounded face which held a pinkish hue due to the cold. Icy blue eyes narrowed in irritation as he snarled showing pearly white teeth and more pronounced canines. His hands were covered by pure white gloves as he muttered to himself about his shoes being ruined thanks to the cold and needing a new pair of pants.

"That damn ancient bastard is probably sitting in front of a nice warm fire, a piping hot chocolate in one hand, feet resting on a stool in front of a fireplace with Mozart playing." he muttered to himself though he couldn't stop the smile from spreading across his face. "Well played Gramps, well played." He could not deny the old man had got him good with this prank, good to know he got those genes.

As he continued to trudge forward, through the snow, his smile widened as he found what he was hunting. A large circular building located within the side of a snow-covered, like everything else around the area, mountain. "Sweet sanctuary, thy name is Chaldea, hope 'she's' happy to see me" he said with giggle as he picked up the pace

Upon entering the facility, Naruto found himself groaning in irritation AGAIN as he surveyed his new home away from home.

"White walls, white floor, outside is nothing but white! Feels like i'm in a bloody hospital again." With a twitching eye, his irritation quickly switched to confusion as he found someone asleep on the floor in the middle of the hallway.

Shrugging to himself, he laid down on the ground next to the person and decided to sleep away the cold and some of his annoyance.

'I was meant to meet her shortly...but I got lost on the road of life. Hehe thanks for that Sensei.' He thought to himself with a smile as he closed his eyes and tried to get a quick nap in.

Half an hour later


Opening his eyes, Naruto quickly covered them as the lights of the facility blinded him.

"Root dammit those lights are annoying." He groaned as he yawned.

Looking to his side, he found a girl lightly shaking the body person he found. A small groan leaked from him as he opened his eyes only to cover them.

"It's bright, isn't it kid?" Naruto complained as the black haired boy nodded his head.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to sound rude but who are you exactly?" The voice who awoke him asked as Naruto got a gaze at its owner.

A girl around his age, slightly younger if he had to guess, pink hair which covered one of her eyes along with a pair of glasses. A white coat covered a black and red vest while a skirt hid most of her legs from view. Pouting slightly, he continued to look over the girl and found her legs covered by black stockings and brown shoes.

"I'm the one your director probably refers to as the blonde annoyance of her life. As much as her insults would hurt but honestly it's so adorable to see her face flushed in embarrassment." He gushed slightly as the glasses-wearing girl backed away slightly. "Sorry when I remember how cute she can be, I tend to get distracted. My name is Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki." Giving his biggest smile, the girl found herself at ease slightly as the blonde gave off the friendliest aura he could.

"Nice to meet you Naruto-san, I'm Mashu Kyrielight." The girl said with a light bow which caused him to laugh.

"Please drop the honorifics, I'm not someone who really cares for them." Smiling at the happiness on the girl's face, Naruto turned to his recently awoken friend who still looked around in awe. "And who might you be my curious friend?" he asked, his chin resting on the back of his hand.

The ebony black haired teen stopped looking around and found Naruto and Mashu staring at him, both with smiles on their faces. His baby blue eyes widened as he realised both were waiting on him to respond.

"Ritsuka. Fujimaru Ritsuka." He introduced himself, a friendly smile which was returned by the sharp toothed blonde.

"Well then, it's nice to meet you Ritsuka. Tell me how did you end up in Chaldea?" Standing on his feet, the blonde felt something tackle his leg and was greeted to the site of a small fluffy dog-like creature sitting on his foot.

"I found a flier mentioning something about a job application and was accepted. Then I went through some training sessions and I found myself waking up here." Ritsuka explained as Naruto nodded.

"Strange as it is to hear you say that, I guess that means you are one of the ten public applicants." Shaking his head, Naruto turned his head slightly and his eyes narrowed.

"How peculiar of me to come across such a small group out here in the middle of the hallway." A voice calmly started, it's owner gently, yet stiffly forcing his way into the conversation.

"Professor Lev!" Mashu cried, a smile on her face as the man approached.

A green jacket with a white dress shirt and a purple tie was what greeted Naruto's line of sight. Dark brown shaggy hair hidden under a green tophat with closed eyes and a smile. Reaching up to his own tie, Naruto straightened it with a smug smile as he tuned out the man's speech.

Sniffing lightly Naruto caught a familiar scent that brought a smile to his face.

"The sweet yet sharp lemony scent which gently fades to a wonderful vanilla. There is only one person I know that wears a mixture of that." He muttered to himself as he wandered off from the group, ignoring the side glare he was getting from the professor.

The young mage stalked the halls of the facility, the scent getting stronger and stronger as he got closer to his target, and his excitement growing with every step. All the while, other members of staff could only stare at the odd sight. As he got closer to the origin, a flash of white, orange and black caught the edge of his vision. Rushing after it, he turned the corner and grabbed his target in a tight hug, pulling the person to his chest.

The victim of his surprise hug was a woman, appearing within her late teens. Long silver hair with a single braid on the left side as her hair was brushed to sit behind her ear. Two bangs covered her amber eyes which hid a small amount of irritation and love as she turned to stare at Naruto. She was wearing a black and yellow dress shirt which she wore over a white long sleeved dress. Her stockings were the color of autumn leaves falling in the wind as her elegant black heels gave her an extra couple inches on the man holding her.

"When did you get in?" She asked as he rubbed his cheeks with hers. Her default tone of affection and mild irritation made him smile, happy to hear her voice after being apart for so long.

"About half an hour ago, the old man dropped me off about half a mile from the entrance and I kind of took a nap after I finally made it in, sorry I didn't come straight to you." He apologized, the woman's deadpan stare unsettling him slightly as she let out a small sigh.

"So you were dropped off in the middle of the arctic, forced to walk to Chaldea and instead of letting me know that you had arrived and were safe, by one of your many means of communication, you proceeded to ignore me and take a nap." Giving a quick synopsis of his trip, Naruto slowly let go and backed away in fear as the girl's tone was one he was all too familiar with. A dark aura seemed to envelop her as she began to walk towards him, her eye twitching, more than usual that is when dealing with his eccentricities. As strong as he was, nothing was as fearsome as a woman scorned, especially one such as Olga Marie Animusphere.

"Olga, darling, love of my life...maybe I could offer a massage in return for mercy?" He pleaded, a wall quickly preventing him from escaping the girls wrath.

"The massage WILL be given regardless. But unfortunately for you, there will be no mercy." Hearing the seriousness in her voice, Naruto realized that he had no other options, no chance for victory. He prepared his ultimate escape technique but was stopped by Olga slamming a hand against the wall next to his head. "Your little trick with running away won't work this time." Crying at the cruelty of the world, Naruto was dragged off by a deadly hold on his ear, nearly tearing it off as she led him to the room where her speech would be taking place.

"If it's any consolation, I did miss you!" He said in an honest though pained tone. He could barely see it but a small smile did grace her lovely face and that alone eased the pain he felt. He couldn't revel in that feeling as they arrived at the door to the central control room, which automatically slid open, permitting them entrance.

"Missed you too Naruto." She said as she seemed to fling him over the rows of chairs as she continued to the front of the room.

Sitting down, Naruto smiled as everyone else filed into the room, taking note of the eight individuals that caught his eye. One such was a man with long blonde hair who was wearing a white and blue suit. Sitting down next to him, the man was friendly enough to offer a hand to the fanged blonde.

"I'm Kisrchtaria Wodime, a member of Team A." The blonde introduced himself, Naruto taking the hand with a smile.

"Naruto Uzumaki, one of the public applicants." The blonde nodded as Naruto smiled, seemingly enjoying his friendliness.

"That's good to hear then. If the public applicants can get to know those of a higher status, then perhaps we can erase the social borders between them." Wodime said with a slow nod as Ritsuka wandered in as Olga started her speech, all other conversations going silent as they focused on the director, who as the speech went on became more irritated.

Becoming confused, Naruto glanced further down his row, only to find Ritsuka completely asleep in his seat directly in front of Olga. Further angering the woman whose fuse was reaching it's limit.

"That's not a good sign." Naruto muttered as Wodime followed his gaze.

"For one to fall asleep within the introductory speech, I feel that boy may not have much of a future within Chaldea." Wodime muttered to his fellow blonde who released a small chuckle.

"I feel two things are going to happen. He'll have someone assigned to watch over him, or Olga's just going to attempt to kick him out of Chaldea all together." The two blondes shared a small laugh as Olga finished her speech and started on the procedure for Team A to set out and start the mission of Chaldea. To protect human history.

(A few minutes later)

Naruto, having been hand picked by Olga, was carrying the sleeping Ritsuka to the infirmary in order to meet the doctor of Chaldea. Entering the found a man sitting on a bed eating some strawberry shortcake with a look of bliss on his face. The man's russet orange hair was tied up in a ponytail as he twirled a fork around in his fingers until he noticed the two boy's. Putting his plate to the side, he stood to his feet and dusted off his green and white coat and gave them a soft laugh.

"Sorry about that, you two caught me in the middle of my lunch break." He started as Naruto nodded slowly.

"Sorry to interrupt you but Olga sent me here with this sleeping beauty to get him checked up and make sure nothings wrong." Hearing his words, the doctor walked over and gently took the sleeping Ritsuka from him and dragged him over to a nearby bed. Laying him on it, the doctor pulled a chair up for Naruto.

"Might as well start with you since you're actually conscious unlike our friend here." He started as he pulled out a clipboard with the basic medical details.

Filling out the basic info, Naruto couldn't help but ask the question that's been bugging him.

"So who are you exactly?" As blunt as it was,that was how Naruto was.

"Guess I never did introduce myself. The Name's Romani Archaman." He said, taking the clipboard from the blonde. "It's nice to meet you Naruto."

"How did you know my name?" Naruto asked with a tilted head.

Holding up the clipboard in his hand, Naruto's head bowed as he cursed his own stupidity.

"Now that the basic stuff is done, I just have to do a quick check up on you." Getting to his feet and grabbing some tools, Romani quickly got to work. "Open your mouth." Following the orders, Romani stuck a small wooden stick in as he noticed the larger canines in Naruto's mouth. "Incredibly large canines, fine dental health at least." Closing it, he grabbed Naruto's wrist. "Skin is strangely cold, possibly from outside temperature. Pulse is healthy." Grabbing a small light, he lightly shined it in Naruto's eyes, trying not to blind him. "Pupils aren't dilated so not using any substances, yet strangely enough they hold a slitted shape." He muttered as he let go and softly apologized, grabbing a stethoscope, gently lifting Naruto's shirt.

"Back home eyes like mine are probably the easiest to come around." Naruto jokes, getting a raised brow from the man. "Seriously some people had the weirdest looking eyes that I always questioned were contacts. It just seemed like the best explanation." Laughing slightly at the boy's bad attempt at humor, his eyes furrowed in thought.

'No heartbeat? He has a pulse though so he is alive...might need to bring this up with the director.' He thought to himself as he pulled away, all the while Naruto was concealing a smirk as he watched Roman's face go through a myriad of confused expressions.

"Well doc, am I alright?" Naruto asked, a small smile on his face as the doctor nodded.

"Everything checks out despite one thing but I'll ignore it for now. You're as healthy as an Ox on steroids." The question brought the good doctor out of his pondering. Naruto chuckled as he looked at the still sleeping young man on the hospital bed.

"Still out cold eh? We'll have to fix that." Giving an evil smile, he grabbed a marker from Romani's desk and gently drew on the boy's face. Backing away, he dropped the marker and walked off. The doctor laughed slightly as Naruto left the room, going to bother Olga once again.

Following the scent of her perfume, one he remembers picking out for her, Naruto soon found himself standing outside the girls office. Going to open the door, he shook his head and instead decided to visit the cafeteria first. Upon entering he quickly made his way over to the bench where he found some others chatting.

"Ah if it isn't Naruto." A familiar voice called out to him as he made his way towards the bench.

"Hey Wodime, who are your friends?" He asked as the blonde approached him.

"These are some of the fellow members of Team A. Ophelia and Akuta." Wodime said, turning to the others.

Looking past him, the first one Naruto was greeted by was a girl, seemingly just younger than him with an eye patch and long brown hair wearing a black suit jacket and pants. The other was a girl with two long black twin tails, glasses, a grey and black striped sweater over a white overcoat.

"Nice to meet ya." Naruto greeted, getting a response from Ophelia who seemed kind enough to be an easy friend.

Looking over towards Akuta on the other hand, was deeply engrossed within her book, but what drew his attention was the smell of blood coming from the girl.

"So what brings you to the cafeteria Naruto?" Ophelia asked as Naruto turned his attention towards the eyepatched girl.

"Well, Olga seemed a bit stressed so I decided to make her a coffee. Her favorite in fact." Naruto explained as he made his way behind the counter and pulled out a large mug.

"You know the Director's favorite coffee?" Wodime asked as Naruto nodded.

"If there's anyone who knows Olga the best...it's me." Naruto mentioned, pausing slightly in his actions. "But yes, I know her favorite snack, coffee, and perfume. A lot of which I had to get her used too after an incident with her father." He added as he started to make the coffee.

"You two must be very close then." Ophelia said as Naruto nodded, pouring milk into the cup and adding two extra shots of caramel to the drink.

"You have no idea Ophelia." He said drifting off with a soft smile as he finished the drink, mixing the ingredients together and placing it on a small tray.

"I was questioning Ophelia, who is a master candidate, on which servant she wanted to summon. She said Saber, so I wanted to extend the same question to you. Which Servant class are you wishing to summon more?" Wodime asked as Naruto thought over the question, grabbing an apple and biting into it.

"If I had a preference for a class to summon. I'd have to say Assassin if possible." Raising a brow at his fellow blondes choice, Wodime couldn't help but question it.

"Why Assassin?"

"I grew up hearing about stories of Ninja's and how they operated in the shadows. As much of a dirty thing it is, to kill from the shadows, to serve a single lord with only one single thought in mind. I couldn't help but admire them, those that have a purpose in life, even if it was something like that." Naruto explained, a nostalgic look on his face.

"That's quite the reasoning behind them. So I'm guessing you'd be aiming for something similar to that of a Japanese servant of some kind right?" Ophelia asked, getting a shake of the head from Naruto.

"Not entirely, while I would love to possibly summon a servant like Minamoto No Raikou, Oda Nobunaga, Hijikata Toshizo or even Sakata Kintoki, I wouldn't exclusively stick with a Japanese servant. Variety is a slice of life you know." Naruto explained, listing a couple of people he'd wish to see summoned. "Wodime mentioned you want a Saber, any specific one's?" Turning the attention to the eye patch wearing girl, he received a nod.

"If possible, I'd wish to be able to summon Sigurd." She answered, Naruto's eyes widening in surprise.

"Sigurd of the Volsunga Saga? The Slayer of Fafnir?" Naruto asked as Ophelia nodded.

"I'm surprised you know of him."

"My grandfather made me study up on multiple legends when I applied for Chaldea just to try and keep some knowledge of each of the heroic spirits I could possibly encounter. Like weakness admittedly." Turning his attention to the twin tailed girl who was silent the entire time, he asked the same question. "So little miss quiet violet, what class are you looking to summon?" Noticing the attention was switched to her, the girl gently bent a page in her book and placed it down.

"Rider class is what I wish to summon." Going back to her book, Naruto's head dropped as the girl went back to ignoring them.

"Is the rest of Team A like her?" He asked, looking at Wodime who laughed.

"Admittedly we all have our own quirks, yet I believe all of us can put aside our differences and succeed in our goal." Laughing at his words, Naruto looked towards the others within the cafeteria, watching as they all interacted.

'It's almost like being back home.' Naruto thought to himself as Ophelia noticed the coffee still sitting next to him.

"Excuse me Naruto, but I believe your coffee for the director may be getting cold." Looking down, Naruto noticed that her words were true and cursed himself.

Excusing himself, he grabbed some fruit and made a quick sandwich, rushing out the door, Ophelia and Wodime wishing him good luck as he ran out the door, almost hitting a couple of people as he carried the tray in his hands.

Upon arriving at the door, once again, Naruto opened the door, noticing Olga rubbing her temples in frustration.

"Knock knock, honey I'm home." He said jokingly, getting the girls attention to turn to him as she stood from her seat.

"Why are you in my office Naruto?" She asked, her irritation not affecting the blonde who walked over to her desk and placed the tray down.

"Well after seeing my girlfriend in such a state of irritation due to someone sleeping through her speech, and her habit of throwing a fit when not taken seriously, I knew I had to come and cheer her up." He answered poking her gently in the nose as she looked at the tray.

"A fruit salad and coffee." She said, looking towards the blonde.

"Peaches, pears, apples, cherries and pineapple, your favorites. And a double caramel shot latte with two extra sugars added for more sweetness." He said, getting the girl to give him an expectant look.

Sitting down in her chair, admiring the leather when he came in contact with it, he watched as Olga sat down in his lap and leaned into him, his chin resting on the top of her shoulder as she started eating the food he brought her.

"So...are you gonna vent or am I gonna be sitting here in silence while holding you?" He asked, his arms wrapping around her waist. "Not that I mind really." He added as an afterthought.

"Naruto...am I pushy?" She asked, getting a raised brow from him.

"And here I was thinking you were going to rant about Ritsuka." He said softly, getting a shake of disagreement from her.

"I...understand that Ritsuka may not have been able to stay awake, unlike you, he has had no prior experience or past events that forged him to grow like you." She admitted, realising her mistake and finished eating the fruit he brought her.

"So the whole am I pushy thing?" Naruto asked, confused at her question.

"Well, I was thinking about everything that has happened with our relationship...while you started it, I've mainly pushed my problems onto you." She started slowly as Naruto laughed.

"Your problems are my problems Olga, that's how relationships work." He mentioned, kissing her lightly on the cheek.

"You've been right next to me through everything with my father's death. Even when I didn't want anyone to be around me...even you." She admitted, fearful of his response.

His eyes widening slightly, Naruto simply held her tighter and leaned his head more into her shoulder, his cheek resting against hers.

"You foolish girl, when I came here...when he brought me here. I had nothing, he...gave me things that I wanted...He acted as a grandfather to me. But no matter what I received from him, I still felt empty. But when you and I got together, I just felt happy and whole. So when you found yourself in that dark place, I was right there with you." Naruto admitted, Olga feeling his grip tighten as she reached for her coffee.

He continued to hold her tightly, a comfortable silence falling between the two as they simply sat there, the woman sipping at the coffee as she enjoyed being held by the one who captured her heart. Though she noticed his grip tightened in confusion as he pulled away slightly. Giggling as Naruto hand's roamed her sides she was forced to stare him in the eye as Naruto noticed something that didn't make him happy.

"You're still not eating properly?" He asked, slightly hurt at the fact she hid it from him.

"Naruto, I...I tried OK but I just can't. After realising everything that father did, I just keep feeling sick and when I see the food it just...I can't." Looking down in shame, the girl couldn't meet the gaze of her friend, who had done so much to help her previously.

"I don't blame you for what happened Olga. The reveal of everything that Marisbury did took a huge toll on you and I wasn't always there for you. I should've kept in contact more or something." Blaming himself, Naruto held the girl close to him, both feeling slightly bad for the other as they both blamed themselves. One, for hiding her secret from the boy closest to her, and the other for seemingly ignoring the girl he loves.

After she had her fill of cuddles as Naruto put it, he left the room, his girlfriend much happier than she previously was. Wandering around Chaldea, Naruto eventually came across Mashu and decided to approach the girl.

"Hey Mashu, how are you doing?" He asked as he sat down on a bench next to the girl.

"I'm fine Naruto-senpai. How are you?" She asked, flashing an innocent smile.

"I'm perfectly fine, just finished catching up with Olga and getting to know some of the others here. But enough about that, how are you dealing with the whole demi-servant thing?" He asked, shocking the girl at his knowledge.

"You know about that?!" She asked, shocked as Naruto nodded.

"I've been dating Olga for roughly three years now. There isn't much Info I can't get from her by pampering her and praising her. Besides, we try not to keep much secrets from each other and want to be able to trust the other with everything." Looking down at his words, the girl nodded.

"If I'm being completely honest. I don't think I have what it takes to be considered a hero." She admitted getting a sigh from the blonde.

" Of course you do. Everyone has what it takes. It's just finding the few times where we can do it. I tend to look at it like this. There are four or five moments that we can do in order to become a hero. For example, you have to make a sacrifice, conquer a flaw or save your closest friend. In those moments, everything falls away and it's up to you to make it that moment to become a hero." Looking at the blonde in a new light. Mashu slowly nodded.

"I...I understand. Will you help me look for these moments?" Mashu asked as Naruto laughed and patted her on the head.

"Unfortunately I can't. Only you can decide what those moments are. But in the meantime, Stand proud, chin up, chest out and hold yourself with pride. You have me, Olga, Ritsuka and everyone on Team A counting on you and backing you up after all." Standing at his feet, he gave the glasses wearing girl the biggest smile he could. "In my eyes, you're already an outstanding Heroic Spirit Mashu. Keep it up." Walking off to bother Olga once again, Naruto was unaware of the smile Mashu was giving him as she got to her feet, determination burning in her eyes.

Following his nose once again, he eventually found himself at the central control room once again. Upon entering Naruto slowed to a stop upon hearing a very slight ticking coming from somewhere within the room. Looking around in confusion, he followed the sound to the podium that Olga was standing at. His eyes widened as the ticking stopped and with a jump. An explosion was set off, enveloping the room.