Umm Dead End?

This is a little one-shot that came to mind that wouldn't leave. Also I think it's said in Alistar's lore that after joining the league he became famous. With that in mind, I would imagine other champs are well known and the horrible ramifications of that.

Volibear was having a nice walk, but was stopped by a hooded figure, without a word the figure handed him, what seemed to be a book, almost as soon as volibear took the book the mysterious person bolted away. Extremely confused by this, volibear nearly chased the figure but felt there was no point. He then looked at the cover of the book... and he couldn't be more confused. Maybe confused is the wrong word. He was somewhere between confused and shocked, with a little bit of what can only be fear.

It was Rengar. He was on the cover, with a face of embarrassment and slight blush….and he wasn't wearing clothes. His lower region wasn't showing however, it was covered by a hand, a purple scared hand...that had a broken chain around it. Didn't take long for him to figure out that the hand belonged to his drinking buddy Alistar. But that wasn't it, he saw another hnd, or paw, It was his own, he could recognise his old armor piece. "Ok what the hell is this?" he asked out loud.

He decided to start reading it, but as we know naivety is a blessing. It wasn't so bad at first, it was actually quite nice looking...but then tragedy struck. He got to page 5, and from that point he was too shocked at what he was reading to, there was too much going through his head, too many emotions. Then he got to the lat page, there it was. The End.

It didn't feel like the end. He couldn't even form words. Volibear had metaphorically lost his tongue. It took him a a good 5 minutes of just standing there and thinking before he made his way to gragas' bar.

When he made it there, to both his horror and, not so much relief or joy, he saw Alistar, having a drink as usual. He had to tell Alistar of his…"discovery" But that was easier said than done. He walked up to gragas and asked for a mug of the strongest stuff he had. He was gonna need it.

As he walked up Alistar noticed him and greeted.

"Yo Voli! What's up?"

Volibear tried his best to give off happy look but Failed miserably. Alistar noticed immediately.

"You alright man? What's wrong?" He asked the bear who sat down and took a massive swig from the beer. He needed the confidence.

WIthout a word he slid the book over to the minotaur who picked it up and eyed it a few moment he had several questions.

"Is that Rengar?"


"Why is he naked?"

"Is that my hand?"


"Is that your paw?"


"Voli what is this?"


He couldn't even form words. He put hid head into his paws to try to think. When Alistar didn't answer he just opened the book and started reading. If it weren't for the fact that he read the book before hand, the faces Alistar made would be priceless.

Alistar finished reading the book. He put it down.





And Then He Screamed

"AHHHH!" "AAAHHHHHH!" "AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" he screamed getting louder and louder each time. He then started to run around the bar, knocking over tables and chairs, eventually He ran through the wall still screaming his lungs out.

It took a few hours for the summoners to subdue him, but eventually they where able to stop him. When asked what was the matter, He just put his hands in his face and started to moan in despair. He didn't want to even mention it. When the summoners left alistar to recover, volibear walked up to him book in hand.

"Alistar" volibear said trying to speak to the subdued minotaur

"..." He was completely silent.

"I know...It hurts"


"But can we agree on something?"


"No one can see or hear of this, ESPECIALLY RENGAR"


"Alistar Look at me. We are not to tell a soul of this."

"... … ...ok" Alistar agreed

And with that Alistar agreed and ripped up the book that started this mess. And from that day forward they never talked about it again...well except to their therapist. Yeah they seriously needed medical help after that.


I almost put rengar in this, but he's bullied enough.