The sky flamed with a fiery glow when Marinette finally convinced herself to open her eyes again, the setting sun transforming the world to red. How long had she stayed there, trying to avoid reality, trying to process what happened at the cliff edge, and trying to calm the fears that plagued her?

The wind, it seemed, had saved her from the destructive clutches of a harpy, destined to carry her away to whatever monster Aphrodite intended. Those moments of breathless weightlessness thrilled her as if she lived for that wild sensation with confidence that she would never fall. That someone would always be there to catch her.

And he had. But - whose arms had caught her? Who whispered words of comfort? Who sent the harpy off screeching into the distance?

Answers she might never know.

Which led to the next question as to what exactly she needed to do now. The blazing sky marked the rapidly approaching end of the day. Could she sleep here among the flowers and long grass for a whole night beneath the stars? What if another creature came to claim her for the misery fated for her?

A shiver ran through her at the idea. No. She needed to find a safe place to hide. Decision made, she forced herself to her feet and started moving towards the cover of the forest ahead.

Unsure of the direction she needed to go, she simply wandered through trees. Shadows soon claimed most of the sunlight that etched through the leaves, plunging the forest into ominous darkness. Tree branches clawed at the wisps of her dress like fingers grasping at her.

Marinette found it hard to keep pressing onward, gathering her gown closer around her and gritting her teeth with determination. Each step took her further away from the meadow. Away from whatever misery Aphrodite had planned for her life.

An opening in the trees appeared unexpectedly. A small lake lay in the middle of the gap, a fountain shooting silver streams in a cascading reflection of glistening moonlight. Marinette paused, mouth agape at the beautiful sight, thankful at least for a moment of light and peace.

Thirsty, she crouched eagerly at the water's edge, scooping a handful and bringing it to her lips. The cold liquid soothed her throat. Closing her eyes and taking some deep breaths, Marinette focused on calming her jumpy nerves.

So much had happened since the sun rose that day. She still didn't know to process it all, and thinking too hard about the unsettled feeling in her stomach made her head hurt. Without a clear plan of what exactly she should do, the best she could hope for was to keep pushing through the trees and pray to the Gods for something helpful on the other side.

Opening her eyes, a shimmer against the far trees caught her eyes. Nothing more than a ripple of light - almost invisible. Curiosity got the better of her, pulling her to her feet and urging her around the water while her eyes remained locked on the spot.

There seemed to be nothing there. Nothing that should have caught her attention nor shimmered in the moonlight in any way. Just trees and darkness. Still….

Arriving at the other side of the lake, the ripple of faint light beckoned her one step closer. Her hand stretched out almost unbidden, seeking to grasp something, anything. But there was nothing. Taking another step, her body shivered slightly as the feeling of a cold wave washed over her, through her, around her.


The whispered sound of a voice made her whip around searching for the person who spoke. Darkness and shadows enveloped everything, the ability to decipher face from leaf nigh impossible.

"Who are you?" she called. No answer returned. Instead another quiet call to come. Although she didn't know where exactly she was being summoned to, she followed the voice through the forest, gown snagging on tree branches.

From the darkness emerged a wall, blocking all possible passage except for one framed by a single archway. Marinette carefully peered through the door, eyes landing on a building made of polished stone, bathed in the ethereal glow of the moon. Her feet stumbled a little, causing her to pause and stare at the sight before her.

Breathtaking seemed too simple a word to explain the beauty of the structure - an obvious home to some immortal. Temptation drew her forward, bravery brought her steps through the open door. Hands glided over marble door frames and golden columns that seemed to stretch forever to the vaulted rooftop. Torches flickered proudly in their stands, illuminating meticulous artwork painted on every wall - a thousand stories etched on their lengths. Each doorway brought new, unbelievable wonders and beauty. Tiles weaved elaborate patterns on the floor. Furniture made of fabrics she had never felt or seen before. Windows that felt as wide as the sky itself.

"Oh, you're here!" exclaimed a tiny voice, causing Marinette to squeak in surprise, whirling to find a small red being floating in the air behind her. A scream left her lips, body slamming back into the wall as she panicked.

A floating mouse? A giant bug? A bug-mouse? She couldn't breathe.

Whatever it was, it blinked giant blue eyes at her and smiled.

"Sorry that I scared you. I was just excited to meet you, is all. I'm Tikki. I'm here to help you." Tikki did a little twirl of happiness. "I think we'll be great friends."

Marinette didn't know how to respond, the strangest feeling of deja vu sweeping over her as she watched Tikki dance.

"Now, let's get you changed into something less …. torn," suggested Tikki, urging Marinette to follow her through the vast rooms. The room they finally arrived in was just as oversized as everywhere else, polished white marble flickering with the reflection of flames. A bathing pool sank deep into the floor with wide stone steps inviting her into its depths.

Tikki chuckled.

"Ok, bath. Then fresh clothes."

She sank into the warm water with a barely muffled groan of happiness.

"Where am I, Tikki? Why were you expecting me?"

"Oh! This is the master's house. He asked me to take care of you - his wife. He wants to make sure that your every need is met. So, that is what I am here for!"

Despite the warmth of the bath, Marinette's skin shivered as her brain froze in response to the word "wife." Despite it all, despite everything that had happened to her in the day - it seemed like her destiny would remain the same.

"Wife?" she whispered, suddenly feeling the need to get out of the water and wrap herself in thick warm fabric.

"Yes! It is so romantic," Tikki cooed, bustling to and fro.

"Who is your master?" Marinette whispered. Tikki froze, a sad tone sinking into the depths of her wide eyes.

"I can't tell you."

Marinette frowned.

"Why not?"

Tikki shrugged, pausing only for a moment before opening her mouth, a strangled sound escaping in a rush of large bubbles. A gulp swallowed one last bubble.

"I just can't. It is forbidden." Tikki resumed her buzzing back and forth. "He only comes home at night though, so you will find out for yourself soon."

Marinette froze again, standing still as Tikki draped here in some kind of loose, soft fabric and attached it with a heavy pin. The little being seemed oblivious to Marinette's internal pause in personal dialogue. Slowly, she found herself processing the idea of whoever owned this house, someone to whom she was apparently a wife, appearing at night only. Blue eyes slid to the gaping window, the moonlight flooding the world outside.


"You said I can have anything I want?"

Tikki chirped a happy "yep!" from the hallway, urging Marinette to follow. The echo of bare feet slapping against the floor tiles marked Marinette's progress as she remained deep in thought.

The door of the bedroom flew open at Tikki's gentle push, revealing a room of luxury beyond anything that Marinette could remember. Four detailed columns surrounded a large bed covered in thick furs and plush pillows. It practically called her, the emotional exhaustion of the day hitting her suddenly. A blur of red rushed around the room, soft breaths extinguishing the flaming torches on each wall one at a time, leaving only a single small lamp burning softly by the bed.

"Thank you, Tikki," she murmured.

"Of course!" Tikki responded, bowing her tiny head before zipping out the door and somehow pulling it closed behind her.

The swelling sound of silence filled the room while Marinette stood in the middle unmoving. Attempting to process the day made her head hurt - that feeling of something being off lingering in the back of her thoughts. Her eyes trailed along the shadows cast on the tiles, dancing in the slight breeze from the large open window.

Maybe this mysterious husband would stay away - just for tonight.

Shivering despite the warmth of the air, she padded to the bed and curled herself under one of the soft layers of fur. The anticipation of the unknown, combined with the uncertainty of who to expect walking through the door fuelled her blood despite everything.

It was with the chaotic whirling of her brain fighting against itself that eventually lulled her into a dreamless sleep.

Stepping through the open window, Adrien kept himself hidden in the darkened corners, eyes fastened to the woman in the bed. Finally, she was here. Finally, she was his.

She looked exactly like he remembered from his misfortuned visit, soft and gentle, with lips that, even parted in sleep, he yearned to kiss. Not yet.

But soon.