Chapter 1

Kyle sat the table for breakfast.

"Kids!" Kyle hollered.

"I'm not a kid!" Kaleb shouted from downstairs.

"And moody teenage cousin!" Kyle hollered. "Breakfast is ready!"

Kevin, Kylie, and Kaleb came downstairs and sat at the table.

"Bacon and sausage?" Kevin asked. "Oh no!"

"Do we have to?" Kylie asked.

"Have to what?" Kaleb asked.

"We're going fishing with the Haskell's," Kyle replied.

"Actually, I have plans," Kaleb said.

"Actually, your plans changed," Kyle said.

"Dude," Kylie said. "You're not getting out of this."

Kyle's phone began ringing. He then looked at it.

"Oh," Kyle said. "It's Neddie."

Kyle got up, walked into the living room, and sat on the couch. He then answered the phone.

"Hey, Neddie," Kyle said.

"Kyle," Neddie said with his voice breaking.

"Is something wrong, Ned?" Kyle asked.

"It's my grandfather," Neddie replied, trying not to cry.

"What about your grandfather?" Kyle asked concerned. "Is he okay?"

"No," Neddie replied. "He's gone. He passed away this morning."

Kyle gasped.

"Oh no," Kyle said in a shocked tone. "Neddie, I'm so sorry."

An hour later, Kyle, Kip, and Beaver sat in Beaver's study on the couch.

"I can't believe Eddie's gone," Beaver said.

"I know," Kyle said.

"I just saw him yesterday," Kip said. "He tried to sell me a lawn mower."

"I have to call Wally," Beaver said. "I can't believe this. I feel like I'm in the middle of a nightmare."

Later that day, Freddie sat on his couch looking at a picture of himself and Eddie. Tears fell down his face. The doorbell rang and Freddie got up and opened the door to see Kip standing there.

"I'm so sorry," Kip said.

Freddie and Kip embraced tightly while Freddie cried.