Ash often wondered how that sniveling coward known as Damian evaded the police despite the fact they had all the hard evidence they needed to convict him to prison for pokemon abuse. A day didn't go by where Ash wasn't angry at the fact of how Damian got away with the crime he committed. Now he knew why he was hiding out here on Valencia island where no one would recognize him.

Unfortunately for him he remembered exactly who Damian was and he would never forget him.

"YOU!" Damian shouted in shock and anger not expecting to meet the trainer who humiliated him.

"YOU!" Ash shouted in fury glaring at him recognizing the trainer who abandoned Charizard as a Charmander for being too weak.

He could feel Charizard's pokeball wriggle furiously on his belt desperately urging to be let out.

No not yet. Ash placed a firm hand on Charizard's pokeball, worried for a moment that things will start to escalate if he is released from his pokeball.

You'll get your revenge Charizard, just wait. He mentally assured him not actually expecting a response but to Ash's surprise and slight relief Charizard's pokeball calmed down.

Ash was actually very tempted for just a split second to allow Charizard to come out just to see the look on Damian's face at seeing the so-called weak Charmander reach his final evolved form. However, he decided against it Charizard has many mental scars from Damian and holds who knows how much hatred against him. Ash doesn't blame him; he hates Damian for who he is and all of the anguish he's caused to Charizard.

That's why he needs to stop Charizard from doing something Ash knows he will regret even if Damien deserves it.

"Umm Ash do you two know each other?" Tracey interjected, noticing the thick tension between the two glaring at each other.

"Yeah Damian you know this kid." One of the goons said in agreement.

"You could say that." Damian vaguely responded, not wanting to discuss the embarrassing part of where he ran away and cried for his mommy.

A single day didn't go by thinking about his revenge getting back at the kid who ruined his life and forced him to live on the run from the police.

But now he had the opportunity delivered to him on a silver platter the universe must love him or something.

"Yeah Tracey we have a bit of a history." Ash replied, giving a vague answer of his own not taking his eyes off Damian.

Tracey raised a curious eyebrow but didn't comment whatever is going on here must be very personal; it's probably best he doesn't get involved.

Perhaps the two of them have a rivalry of sorts.

Damian formed an arrogant smirk. "Well I certainly didn't expect to see you here. Where's that yellow rat of yours or did he finally decide to run away and look for a real trainer." He mocked unintentionally hitting one of Ash's raw nerves.

If it wasn't for Ash's excellent work of self control over his emotions Damian would have signed his death warrant right then and there.

In a way he did.

"No, now Damian what do you want?" Ash demanded an edge in his tone.

It was taking a whole lot of effort to restrain his anger directed at Damian that had the audacity to talk about his best friend in such a way.

Unlike last time when the goons were hurting Lapras or when Team Rocket tried to kidnap Lapras he felt burning anger, the desire, the need to make those who have wronged the innocent pay.

No, this time it was the freezing kind of anger with a cold calculation that was focused, directed and controlled at someone using pure hard cold logic to get back at them. The gears turned inside Ash's mind; he never really understood the phrase until now but 'Revenge really is a dish best served cold.'

"My friends here told me an interesting story about how you stole their Lapras. Is it true?" Damian innocently asked.

In reality Damian didn't care that they got their asses whooped by a trainer but when he heard them mention a Lapras that got stolen it was all the incentive he needed to come here.

Who knew he would be able to kill two birds with one stone having the chance at revenge and get himself rare pokemon.

The goons idiotically grinned believing they would get their revenge on this kid.

Oh how wrong they were.

Ash scoffed. "Your friends you don't even know how to capture a pokemon properly they were beating Lapras with a stick instead of capturing it using a pokeball so technically Lapras never belonged to anyone to begin with."

Damian frowned, turning to his accomplices. "You mean to tell me you idiots didn't even capture Lapras to begin with!?" He hissed at their complete idiocy.

Ash noticed a flash of fear in their eyes; he would almost feel sorry for them if it wasn't for the fact they were ones who beated on Lapras.

"But Damian we didn't think-" One of them tried to say.

"Exactly you idiots didn't think because if you did I would have a Lapras right now!" He snapped. All of them noticed Damian said 'I' instead of 'we' but none of them were brave enough to speak up out of fear.

"It doesn't matter Damian Lapras is my pokemon now if you want her you're going to have to go through me." Ash fiercely stated.

"Then I challenge you to a pokemon battle for the ownership of that Lapras." Damian dramatically pointed at him.

If it were against anyone else he would have immediately shot him down. He would never put one of his friends on the line unless he was absolutely certain he would win except he was absolutely certain he could win and this wasn't just anyone else this was Damian who abused Charmander and nearly left him for dead.

Having the chance to Curb Stomp Damian in a pokemon battle is rewarding enough in Ash's opinion.

"Alright then I accept your challenge." Ash replied without a moment's hesitation.


Every single pokemon center out there had small plots of land used for pokemon battles or pokemon training for pokemon trainers to train their pokemon that were funded by the league. It was the perfect place Ash and Damian decided to have their match.

"Ash are you sure about this?" Tracey asked him. His eyes widened in surprise when Ash actually agreed to the bet when Damian didn't even offer anything on his end. The guy's attitude got on his nerves; he wanted to see him beaten as much as badly as the next guy but he didn't think Ash would so blatantly put Lapras's life on the for it. He knows Ash is a great pokemon trainer based on how well he's raised his Pidgeot but Damian doesn't appear to be like those goons on the beach.

He just hopes Ash doesn't come to regret this later on.

"Don't worry Tracey I got this." Ash reassured him, standing on the other end of the field where Damian was.

Tracey didn't look convinced. "If you say so."

Damian smirked cockily taking out a pokeball from where he was standing. "The rules are simple: this is a six on six pokemon whoever knocks out all six pokemon first is the winner."

There were cries of cheers from Damians goons who decided to spectate the battle. "Yeah teach that kid not to mess with us." "I almost feel sorry for the kid." "The kid doesn't stand a chance."

Ash frowned because not only has he never participated in a full battle before two his pokemon on hand are recent captures not having any training or battle experience but then again this is Damian were talking about he's never liked training his pokemon in the first place chances are he will breeze right through it with just one pokemon.

"I'll referee this match." Tracey informed them, walking to the middle side of the field where the two trainers stood.

"Why bother the match will be over before you know it." Damian sneered, fully believing himself to have this in the bag.

Tracey opted to ignore him; he wasn't worth it, raising both of his arms. "This is a six on six full pokemon the battle will be over when the first one loses all six of their pokemon." He lowered his arms. "Battle begin."

Damian throws the pokeball in his hand without a second thought. "Nidoking let's go." A purpled horn pokemon materialized.

Ash eyed the pokemon for a moment while formidable based on its appearance Ash could tell it only just evolved. Gary's Nidoking was in a lot better shape and a bit taller than this one that stood before him. They are rivals; true but Ash respected the fact Gary at the very least cared about his pokemon's wellbeing and saw them as his friends unlike Damian who saw his pokemon as nothing more than tools to win a battle.

"Say Damian." Ash said, getting his opponents attention. "An old pokemon of yours has a score to settle with you."

Damian looked confused but that confusion turned to disbelief when Ash released what appears to be a dragon.

Charizard growled hatefully glaring at his old trainer and the pokemon in front of him.

"What is that thing?!" Damian cried out with a hint of fear in his voice at never seeing a pokemon like that before.

"You really don't remember him. I had thought the pokemon you abandoned would be pretty memorable." Ash informed him.

Abandoned? Tracey thought in confusion. Did Damian used to own Charizard? It's something he should ask Ash about later when this match is over.

He fought the urge earlier to sketch both of their pokemon but what he could tell from over here just by looking at their pokemon is that Ash's Charizard seemed a bit underdeveloped due to the fact it's a few inches shorter than its average species however the flame on its tail was shining brightly, a sign that it is in excellent shape and really happy with its trainer.

Damian's Nidoking on the other hand the purple armor on its body is too dark and looks very unhappy Tracey studied facial expressions of almost every pokemon out there to gauge how they are feeling despite Nidoking having stoic expression making it hard to gauge how they are feeling. Tracey knew that Damian's Nidoking is unhappy with his trainer.

"WHAT?!" Damian exclaimed in disbelief. "There's no way that thing is the same puny Charmander."

Charizard snarled, visibly furious that his old trainer didn't even recognize him and called a thing. He's got a name Damnit!

Damian took a step back in fear but quickly regained his bravado. "Whatever, I'm still going to win, Nidoking Horn Attack."

Nidoking lunged himself at the Charizard aiming his horn at him.

Ash rolled his eyes at the command. "Charizard, get ready grab it by the horn."

Charizard got his claws at the ready twitching in anticipation. He grabbed Nidoking by the horn at the last second before it could hit him.

"Flamethrower attack now." Ash commanded knowing a fire type attack at such a close is going to hurt.

Charizard opened up his maw blasting a stream of fire directly in Nidoking's face.

"Nidoking, get out of there now!" Damian demanded.

Nidoking thrusted about trying to get free but Charizard's grip on his horn proved to be too strong and eventually he slumped into unconsciousness from the sheer power of the attack.

"Nidoking is unable to battle Charizard is the winner." Tracey called.

Ash smirked at the victory. One down five to go. However he frowned when he noticed Charizard wince in pain spotting a line of purple appearing on Charizard's face.

Damnit Poison Point! Ash mentally cursed. It probably wasn't the smartest move to grab Nidoking instead of ordering Charizard to dodge the attack or attack Nidoking before he could get too close but Ash wanted to have a contest of power showing just how powerful Charizard has become unfortunately it looks like Charizard is going to pay the price for his mistakes. It didn't matter how powerful your pokemon were over time, if the battle starts to get dragged out for too long your pokemon will eventually be defeated by it meaning Ash would need to take out Damian's team as fast as possible if Charizard wants to win.

The good news is it's just regular poison unlike Toxic which badly poisons the target. Toxic did more damage each turn if you couldn't heal your pokemon from it they would be defeated in a matter of minutes. It was why Ash wanted Bulbasaur to learn the move Toxic in the first place he wasn't above using a move like Toxic to win a battle some people would call it cheating, Ash called it strategy.

Damian recalled Nidoking with a scowl on his face not even noticing the fact Charizard is poisoned but this time he wasn't angry with his pokemon like he usually was no he was upset at seeing it being taken down in one attack. "Beginner's luck don't let it go to your head."

Ash just stared at Damian refusing to respond. Damian suppressed gulp, not wanting Ash to know that he was actually a little intimidated, Ash's cold gaze held….nothing, no emotion whatsoever, almost like a machine following instructions. He could have sworn for just a second his eyes glowed blue.

Damian ignored it, throwing his next pokeball an Electabuzz appearing on the field sparking with electricity. "Electabuzz, use Thunder."

Electabuzz complied, sending a massive bolt of electricity towards Charizard.

"Steel Wing disperse the electricity into the ground." Ash ordered.

It was an idea Ash had for Charizard's weakness to electricity; any steel type moves should act like lightning rod of sorts; unfortunately he hasn't found the time to test it yet right now seems like as good a time as any.

Charizard lifted his wings one up high one lower both of them glowing metallic. The bolt of electricity hit the right wing spreading across to the left wing fizzling harmlessly into the dirt.

Damian was dumbfounded that Charizard didn't take any damage. "Hey that's gotta be cheating!" He whined

"No it's not all Charizard did was use Steel Wing like a lightning rod." Ash flatly told him.

Damian scowled. "Electabuzz Thunder Punch." Electabuzz charged directly at Charizard fist coated in electricity.

"Charizard Dragon Rage." Ash commanded. Charizard fired an orb of orange draconic energy striking Electabuzz creating an explosion when the dust cleared Electabuzz's eyes were in swirls.

"Electabuzz is unable to battle, the winner is Charizard." Tracey announced.

Well that battle was over pretty quickly. I knew Dragon Rage is a powerful attack but I didn't think Electabuzz would go down in one hit. Ash thought. Or Damian's pokemon are just really weak.

Probably the latter than the former.

"That dragon you've got there is about to lose!" Damian declared lifting up his next pokeball hurling it to the ground. "Win for me Tentacruel."

Tentacruel, Charizard's at a disadvantage I guess I pushed Damian far enough to rely on type advantage to win. SolarBeam will only cause neutral due to its Poison Typing only Electric, Psychic, and Ground Type moves are super effective against it. Ash thought.

Ash was snapped out of his thoughts when Damian ordered the first attack. "Poison Jab, keep at it until you can hit it." Two of Tentacruel's tentacles glowed purple, extending towards Charizard.

"Fly Charizard." Ash commanded. Charizard jumped off the ground avoiding the tentacles launching himself up into the air. Tentacruel tried to strike at Charizard in the air despite still being a little inexperienced at flying; Charizard managed to avoid every single one of them.

Damian started smirking much to Ash's confusion. "Why are you smirking, you've already lost two pokemon."

Damian's smirk turned into a wide evil grin. "Your dragon's been poisoned."

Ash suppressed the urge to call Damian out on how Charizard isn't actually a dragon, no need to give him the advantage of knowing what type pokemon it is.

Unfortunately depending on how you look at it Tracey did it for him.

"It's not a dragon, it's a Charizard, a Fire and Flying Type." Tracey corrected

"I don't give a damn, I'm still going to win this Venoshock!" Damian yelled.

Idiot. Ash thought. He's not even going to heed Tracey words of advice giving him exactly what type of pokemon Charizard is but he will give props to Tentacruel knowing Venoshock, a move that does double damage on a pokemon that is poisoned, is pretty clever to use. I guess he does have some brains up there.

Tentacruel lifted his large nose and spat out a nasty, glowing green liquid at Charizard. Ash couldn't but wonder if it looked green simply because of the attack or because it came out from Tentacruel's nose.

Charizard avoided the cloud of snot unfortunately some of the goo managed to hit his left wing. Charizard cringed in pain as he felt his entire body begin to spark with green energy dealing massive amounts of damage.

Ash almost winced at the attack; even a tiny drop of goo from Venoshock against a pokemon that is poisoned can cause lots of damage.

"Hydro Cannon!" Damian shouted pressing on the attack not giving Ash any breathing room.

Tentacruel began to form a large sphere of water causing Ash's eyes to widen at the move he never expected Tentacruel to know of an attack like, Hydro Cannon. Hydro Cannon is one of the most powerful water type attacks out there however there's a drawback to it afterwards a pokemon will need to recharge after awhile like the move Hyper Beam. Maybe he should try to get Squirtle to learn the move but he threw that idea away.

Squirtle is already struggling trying to learn Hydro Pump and master Dragon Pulse if he can't learn those attacks yet then that means he isn't ready to use an attack as powerful as Hydro Cannon.

"Charizard dodge it!" Ash shouted. Charizard tried to move out of the way but the effects of Venoshock were still hurting him, allowing him to get hit by a Hydro Cannon knocking him out of the air crashing into the ground.

Damian smirked. "That's that."

"I wouldn't be so sure." Ash confidently stated.

"What do you mean your Charizard is- WHAT?!" Damian yelled in shock at seeing Charizard getting back up from an attack like Hydro Cannon even, Tracey was stunned at what he was seeing as well.

"Charizard can you keep going?" Ash asked in concern. He knew Charizard had resistance training against Water Type attacks but Hydro Cannon wasn't any Water Type attack. He saw that he was covered in mild cuts and bruises evidence as to why Hydro Cannon is considered the most powerful Water Type attack.

Charizard nodded, resisting the pain and poison he felt. He isn't going to let Damian defeat him.

"Alright then Use Dragon Tail." Ash commanded. The attack wasn't mastered yet however damage isn't what he was going for.

Charizard roared charging at Tentacruel. His tail glowing blue as he twisted around slamming it into Tentacruel sending flying back towards it's trainer. The dualed Poison and Water Type was then enveloped in red energy as he was recalled to his pokeball, much to Damian's surprise. A moment later, another pokeball burst open on Damian's waist and released Machamp.

Machamp slowly opened his eyes just waking up and stared around in confusion but spotted Charizard raising it's four fists in an intimidating manner.

Damian starred in surprise but regained his composure. "It doesn't matter what I use, I'm still going to win. Machamp Bulk Up." Machamp glowed red flexing his muscles raising both his offense and defense. Ash will concede it's not a bad move to use however it leaves you vulnerable to an attack.

"Charizard, Wing attack." Ash commanded. Charizard wings glowed white flying in mid air at Machamp.

Damian cockily smirked. "Now Stone Edge." Two purple rings surrounded Machamp turning into small sharp rocks.

"Charizard, use Steel Wing smash through those rocks." Ash calmly commanded, unworried about the super effective attack. Charizard wings turned from white to a metallic color smashing through all of the rocks crashing into Machamp.

Damian gnashed his teeth together. This kid no matter what I do he's just going to counter everything I throw at him. He thought frustrated

Ash picks up Damian's growing frustration; it means he is bound to get sloppy and make mistakes. Good.

"Machamp, use Seismic Toss." Damian desperately yelled. Machamp reached in to grab Charizard, however he did a flip getting behind Machamp.

Checkmate. Ash thought. "Charizard, show them a real Seismic Toss." Charizard grinned scooping Machamp up, flying high in the air.

"Machamp break free now!" Damian demanded. Machamp tried using one of his arms to elbow Charizard but he leaned his head back avoiding it.

Charizard began making circles in the sky, adding more and more momentum to the attack. He dived for the battlefield slamming Machamp into the ground with all his might.

Charizard flew up a bit, landing himself gently back onto the ground. The dust cleared revealing a formed crater and a knocked out Machamp.

"Machamp is unable to battle, the winner is Charizard." Tracey called.

"Grrrr!" Damian literally growled seeing three of his pokemon defeated while Ash hasn't lost a single one. This can't be happening; he's supposed to be the one winning, not him!

"Damian." Tracey called getting his attention. "You've lost three pokemon while Ash hasn't lost a single one there's no shame in calling it quits." Tracey offered. The least Damian can do is show dignity in defeat; continuing this battle is pointless; it will only end getting his pokemon hurt.

"I don't remember asking for your opinion!" Damian snapped, irritated.

Tracey just shook his head. "Very well then choose your next pokemon."

Ash expected Damian to send Tentacruel back out, not a Golem. It should be no problem after all Charizard defeated one when he was only a Charmander.

"Golem Rollout attack now!" Damian shouted. Golem leaped forward tucking his arms in forming a tight ball rolling at a super high speed at Charizard.

"Charizard, Brick Break." Ash calmly commanded. Charizard lunged at Golem claw glowing white slamming it on top of Golem stopping the Rock Type pokemon in its tracks.

"Finish it with Dragon Rage." Ash pressed on. Charizard blasted an orb of draconic energy on top of Golem unsurprisingly its eyes were turned into swirls after the attack

Charizard was beginning to pant not too heavily but fatigue was starting to get to him.

"Golem is unable to battle, the winner is Charizard." Tracey called.

"Hang in there we've just got two pokemon left to defeat." Ash encouraged.

Ash is right I'm not going to lose I will defeat Tentacruel and whatever pokemon he's got in reserve. Charizard thought, determined to win.

"Get in there Steelix and use Iron Tail!" Damina shouted, throwing out the Iron snake pokemon. Steelix tail glowed metallic slithering at Charizard.

"Flamethrower." Ash deadpanned. Charizard spat out a stream of flame Steelix didn't even get a chance to cry out in pain as it was knocked.

"Steelix is unable to battle, the winner is Charizard." Tracey quietly said. "All you have left is tentacruel. Do you wish to continue battling?" Tracey asked him. He couldn't but feel a little bad for Damian it must be pretty embarrassing to see almost your entire team wiped out by just one pokemon.

Damian didn't respond, recalling Steelix and sending out his final pokemon Tentacruel. "Hydro Cannon." he spoke in a quiet voice it was clear his confidence had been shattered. Tentacruel form a giant sphere of water throwing it at Charizard.

Charizard sidestepped, Hydro cannon missing by a few inches from his face.

"Dragon Rage, Slash attack if it's still conscious." Ash ordered. Charizard fired an orange of draconic energy at Tentacruel and then got in close, striking it with Slash.

Tentacruel fell over and hit the ground with a thud.

"Tentacruel is unable to battle." Tracey called. "All Damian's six pokemon have been defeated. The winner is Ash and his Charizard."

"That was pathetic." Ash spat and he meant he expected at least some form of challenge but this battle was dull and far too easy.

However he felt immense satisfaction at Damian's fuming expression and he could tell Charizard felt the same way at finally getting some well deserved retribution.

Damian recalled his Tentacruel muttering some harsh words to its pokeball most likely blaming it for losing.

"Damian, Damian you never change do you? Always blaming your pokemon instead of taking responsibility for your own faults as a trainer of never actually training any of your pokemon." Ash lectured disappointment in his voice like a parent trying to teach their child a lesson.

In his opinion Damian is a piss poor trainer not only because he never saw pokemon as friends he never put in any time and effort to train them to help them become stronger. Charizard was never the weak one; the weak one is Damian who never saw his potential like Ash did.

"You….you." Damian glared at him, his expression is no longer the one of smug and arrogance, he now looked bitter and resentful, unable to find the right words utterly speechless, still in shock at the complete 0-6 defeat he just had.

"Got nothing to say if so, then scram!" Ash yelled.

Damian wisely chose to follow Ash's advice and leave his goons chasing after him.

Charizard snorted but winced in pain from the poison.

"Here Charizard this should make you feel better." Ash said, giving him a pecha berry from his pouch.

Charizard licked it from Ash's palm chewing on the berry and then swallowed it; he relaxed as he felt the poison leaving his body.

"Ash." Ash turned his head seeing Tracey walking over to him. "I must say that was masterful battling on your part. The way you used Steel Wing to neutralize Thunder into the ground was very clever."

"Thank you Tracey but it was Charizard who did all the hard work." Ash modestly replied.

"Yes he did, defeating six pokemon 3 of them putting Charizard at a type disadvantage is no small feat." Tracey complainmented.

Ash just shrugged. "Damian fought like a rookie; he tried using raw power and type advantage to win."

"Yes he did, didn't he." Tracey agreed. "However you could have switched Charizard out at any moment Damian never said you couldn't use subsitations."

Ash realized the reason for the disapproving frown on his face. "I wouldn't have put Lapras's life on the line if I wasn't sure I could defeat him."

Tracey sighed. "Ash, that's not the point you put Lapras's life on the line without a second thought, what if you had lost."

"Look Tracey, you don't know the whole story besides he's the one who asked for a full battle not me." Ash argued.

"True." Tracey conceded that Ash had a good point. "Alright then explain to me what is the whole story?"

"Charizard needs to heal up at the pokemon center. I'll tell you all about it on the way, deal?" Ash compromised.

"Deal." Tracey accepted it was only fair since Charizard needed to heal up from the battle and get some rest.


"So wait you mean tell me Damian just left Charizard back on a rock when he was only Charmander for being too weak."


"Geez that's umm…." Tracey trailed off unable to find the right word.

"Cold, heartless, needlessly cruel?" Ash offered.

"I would have to go with all of the above." Tracey dryly responded.

Tracey and Ash already made it to the pokemon center, the two of them sitting at a lunch table waiting until Charizard heals up. Ash explained most of Charizard's history with Damian how he was abandoned as a Charmander and up to the point where he decided to travel with Ash.

"Thank you for telling me this is Ash." Tracey said. "But still regardless whatever history Charizard had with Damian you went a little too far battling him just to prove a point."

"Damian was wrong, Charizard isn't weak." Ash argued.

"I'm not condoning what Damian did was okay." Tracey calmly assured him. "But what you did wasn't okay either."

"What are you talking about?" Ash questioned, confused.

"It wasn't personal for just Charizard, it was personal for you." Tracey said in a matter of fact tone.

"Of course it was personal for me. I hated Damian for who he is and what he did." Ash admitted without the least bit of shame. "Are you saying he didn't deserve it?"

"I'm not saying he didn't deserve it but there's a price to revenge and it always has unforscene consequences." Tracey cautioned. "One of them is going to be the pokemon you battled."

Ash opened his mouth then closed, unable to find a proper response because Tracey had an excellent point Damian always tells his pokemon off for losing even if Damian is the one to do it. He is still partially responsible; he could have just refused to battle and walked away but he didn't. Before Ash could form a proper response Nurse Joy came over to tell him about Charizard's condition.

"Your Charizard is going to be fine however, it is going to need to rest for the night."

Ash frowned at this piece of info he was hoping to leave Valencia island tonight to get his first Orange League badge and get in some training for his pokemon and introduce the newest team members. Although Ash saw the clock is at 7 o'clock even if Charizard wasn't tired it's probably ill advised to be traveling this late at night.

"Thank you Nurse Joy." Ash politely replied who decided to take her leave.

"Are we done here?" Ash asked, turning back to him feeling a little bit annoyed at Tracey's lecturing.

"Ash." Tracey began.

"Look I'll think about what you said alright but for now can we get some sleep. I'm tired." Ash excused.

That wasn't entirely true since Ash wasn't feeling in the mood to sleep but he's forced himself to get into the habit of waking up early.

Tracey eventually relented getting up from his seat. "Alright then good night Ash."

"Good night Tracey." Ash replied getting up from his seat heading to his room as well.


"ARGGGGGHHHHH." A menacing roar was let out by a large creature with wings and the colors of blue and red all over its body except for its underbelly area which was white color like its teeth and claws as it was materialized in front of Ash and Pikachu.

"Wow so that's a Salamence." Ash said in amazement.

"Pikachu." Pikachu said in agreement from Ash's shoulder at the huge pokemon before.

The Salamence turned to glare at them.

That made Ash take a half step back in fear. He thought the roar it made earlier was scary but its glare was on a whole nother level.

"Hey Salamence you're really-." Ash never got the chance to get another word in when Salamence started forming a sphere of yellow energy forcing him to move out of the way to avoid getting hit.

It was Hyper Beam.

"Salamence calm down-" Ash tried to reason but Salamence wasn't in the mood to listen. It fired a stream of green flames from its month.

Okay if it wants a fight I am going to give it one.

"Pikachu if Salamence isn't going to listen to reason then we'll make it listen." Ash proclaimed raising a fist.

"Pika Pikachu." Pikachu said in agreement raising his own fist jumping off of Ash's shoulder getting on his four legs cheeks sparking with electricity challenging Salamence.

Salamence was already on Pikachu causing Ash's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden burst of speed. Salamence's jaws bite down hard on Pikachu's body, fangs sparking with electricity.

"Pikachu." Pikachu let out a cry of pain at Salamence's tight jaws.

"Pikachu, give it a Thunder attack!" Ash called out Pikachu's most powerful attack.

Pikachu's cheeks crackled as he sent an enormous blast of electricity at Salamence. It roared as a painful amount of electricity coarse through its body.

When the attack ended Salamence shook Pikachu, throwing him out of its month. Pikachu pushed himself back on his feet with some effort wincing in pain as he did.

"Pikachu are you okay?" Ash asked in concern. Thunder Fang didn't cause much damage due to Pikachu being an electric type pokemon however Salamence's strong teeth did leave some noticeable bite marks on his body. The front and backside of Pikachu had two large fang marks on both sides from the attack.

Pikachu nodded at Ash. He can keep going.

Salamence flew up in the sky much to Ash and Pikachu's confusion. However the confusion quickly turned into horror when Salamence became enveloped in a dark blue draconic energy lunging itself at Pikachu. Its eyes narrowed into slits and made contact with Pikachu's he stood frozen under the intimidating gaze of Dragon Rush.

"Pikachu dodge it!" Ash commanded knowing a move like Dragon rush will cause lots of damage.

Pikachu heard his trainer's command however, his body just refused to obey him no matter how hard he tried.

This is not good if I don't do something quick. Pikachu will be knocked out of the game for sure. I can't use Thunder it won't be able to hit Salamence from the range and a Thunderbolt attack would just annoy it.

Ash had an idea of how to stop the attack or at least soften the blow. "Pikachu, Thunder Wave."

Pikachu grinned, understanding Ash's idea. Unlike Pikachu's other electric attacks where he became enveloped in electricity a single bolt of electricity hit Salamence's paralyzing it.

Salamence grunted in annoyance as he felt himself becoming much slower from the attack.

Just when Salamence was about to hit Pikachu the attack canceled out causing him to fall mid (Low?) air.

"Yes great work buddy." Ash cheered.

Pikachu rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment at the praise.

That was all interrupted when they saw Salamence getting back up a cold shiver went down Ash's spine when he saw its expression. It didn't look happy.

Salamence's eyes were literally glowing red; it looked absolutely PISSED! Like the wind Salamence was suddenly attacking Pikachu with a barrage of slashes from its claws.

Until one of them finally drew blood.


Ash's eyes bulged as large as soccer balls as he saw Salamence's claw embedded in Pikachu's stomach area leaking out blood before sending him flying with one of his wings across from Ash.

"No…" Ash muttered in shock running over to Pikachu using his hands to apply pressure to the wound in order to stop the bleeding which resulted in his hands getting covered in blood and some of it on his shirt but Ash didn't care. All that mattered was saving Pikachu's life.

"Hang in there buddy you're going to be okay." Ash isn't sure who he was trying to reassure more Pikachu or himself. There was so much blood already leaking out in such a small pokemon.

"Piki." (Run Ash save yourself before….) Pikachu never got a chance to finish as the life left his eyes.

"C'mon Pikachu don't do this we both know you've been through much worse." Ash pleaded voice cracking.

Salamence just stood there watching the human in denial, eyes no longer red calmed down.

Ash shook Pikachu's lifeless. "Wake up c'mon wake up. I said: WAKE UP!" Ash bellowed at the top of his lungs, tears streaming down his face crying. "Please… don't leave me." Ash whispered.

"How many times have you had this dream? Oh yes every single night." Salamence remarked, tone sympathetic.

Ash turned in shock at Salamence actually speaking english instead of its native tongue. "You-You-You."

"Yes, I can talk." Salamence confirmed with a hint of amusement.

Ash shakily got back on his feet and wiped the tears from his face. "How is this possible?"

"Anything is possible, this is your dream." Salamence mysteriously answered. "Or nightmare to be precise."

"If this is a dream then why won't I wake up?" Ash questioned in confusion.

"Because you are allowing your own fear and guilt to consume you, Ash Ketchum." He informed him, causing Ash's eyes to widen.

"H-H-How do you know my name? W-Who are you?" Ash questioned, feeling even more confused than he already is.

The Salamence chuckled amused. "We have met before but if I were to tell you my name you wouldn't remember it. No, just think of me as a manifestation of your subconscious who is here to help you."

"Help? Help with what exactly?" Ash asked, forcing his fear of Salamence down to stop himself stuttering.

Salamence just shrugged, appearing nonchalant. "I already told you your guilt over Pikachu and your fear of my species or if you require it assist you on your journey."

Ash winced looking down. He knows it is unfair to blame an entire species for the death of Pikachu but everytime he would look at one it would just be the constant reminder of who he had lost.

"You have every right to be angry Ash Ketchum." Salamence reassured him as if reading his mind. "What you went through was a very sad and traumatic ordeal. It would have broken anyone else but no it embolden you made you stronger for it."

Ash wanted to deny that nothing good came out of Pikachu's death but he had to concede the Salamence had a good point.

It gave him a new drive to become stronger and better than ever before.

It gave Charizard the push he needed to respect Ash again.

It helped Ash become a better pokemon trainer.

Ash flinched when he felt a claw on his shoulder he looked up face to face with Salamence. "I understand I may frighten you but please this is only to help you conquer your fear however I can't do it if you won't let me."

Ash wanted so desperately to accept the help but he just couldn't. "I'm sorry." He took several steps back getting away from Salamence. "But no."

Salamence sighed in disappointment. "I understand if you want to talk I'll be here but if you won't talk to me talk to one of your friends." He suggested. "I also wish to apologize for waking up so early." He added.

"Wake up?" Ash said in confusion.


Ash lifted his head up startled and wide awake. He warily looked around to make sure no one was inside the room. He turned his head at the clock which read 11:50.

"Early isn't exactly how I would describe it." Ash muttered annoyed at waking up in the middle of the night. Now that he is up he'll never get back to sleep.

The dream he had about the talking Salamence was beyond bizarre and weird. His own subconscious talking to him? Isn't that like talking to himself? Am I going crazy? Ash wondered.

Maybe he should talk to one of his pokemon to help fall asleep. Maybe I should listen to my conscious advice except the part talking about Pikachu.

He didn't need them to worry about him.

Ash took out a pokeball deciding his choice pressing the release button Squirtle materialized right before him with a yawn and rubbed his eyelids waking himself up.

(Why did you wake me up?) Squirtle asked in annoyance at being woken up and confused.

"Sorry Squirtle I had a bad dream and I can't get myself to fall back to sleep." Ash explained.

Squirtle annoyance and confusion quickly turned into concern and understanding. He climbed onto Ash's bed and placed a hand on his trainer's shoulder. (What's wrong?)

"It was a dream about a Salamence." Ash admitted.

Squirtle became even more concerned, everyone on Ash's team (Excluding recent captures.) knew what the Pokemon was called that resulted in the death of Pikachu so Squirtle waved his hands in a gesturing motion that said 'go on.'

Ash sucked in a deep breath preparing himself and then went on to explain how the dream started very similarly as to how he first met Salamence Squirtle listened attentively from to where it looked like Ash and Pikachu were about to win until Salamence landed the fatal blow up to the part when Salamence began talking to Ash.

"Perhaps bad dream wasn't the right word for it, weird would be more appropriate." Ash corrected himself.

Squirtle snorted in amusement. It was indeed a weird dream, a Salamence talking to Ash in english instead of pokespeak? That has got to be one of the weirdest dreams Squirtle has ever heard of and considering some of the stuff his brain comes up with that is saying something.

Should he tell Squirtle about the part where Salamence told he needs to talk to someone about his nightmares? Ash felt conflicted about what to past month he's been having the same exact dream over and over again where Salamence murdered Pikachu and Charizard wasn't there to save him. He would always wake up drenched cold sweat in the middle of the night unable to fall back to sleep out of fear for that nightmare.

He begrudgingly admitted the Salamence from his dreams is right; he needed- wanted to talk to someone to help vent his frustrations but he just can't.

This is his burden to bear not theirs.

"Hey Squirtle we encounter Charizard's old trainer." Ash suddenly informed him, deciding it was a good way to change the subject or maybe not he just wanted to talk about something else.

Squirtle had a scowl on his face he knew all too well about Charizard's old trainer. Charizard when he was still a Charmander used to brood about his old trainer thankfully Squirtle had the perfect cure for it.

He smacked him on the head to snap Charmander out of it of course he would complain why he did he told his friend it was to make him feel better. Charmander would yell how is that supposed to make me feel better Squirtle casually told him it snapped you out of your brooding didn't it. Charmander grumbled something under his breath Squirtle couldn't make out what but he knew his idea worked when Charmander seemed more chipper the next day.

"He challenged us to a six on six full battle Charizard ensured it was a total curb stomp for Damian." Ash said with a smirk on his face fondly remembering Damian's crushing defeat.

Squirtle scowl morphed into a cocky grin.

"I also made some new friends today. I'll introduce them to the team in the morning one of them was named Tracey and he refereed the match against Damian." Ash informed him.

That made Squirtle curious as to who these new friends are; he already knew who Tracey is but he wonders who the others are.

"He told me I fought him for the wrong reasons." Ash continued.

He knew Tracey was right because of him, Damian's pokemon who fought in the battle are going to pay for his actions of revenge. However Damian needs to be taught a lesson to teach him what he did is wrong to make sure he never does it again if he refused the battle chances are he would have continued to pester him regardless of weather if refused.

Ash snorted the day Damian changes his ways is the day he gives up on his dream of becoming a Pokemon Master.

Squirtle titled his head in confusion.

"I did to prove Damian wrong that Charizard wasn't but perhaps it was more out of revenge than I cared to admit." Ash explained

Squirtle was in the neutral on this. He thinks his trainer Ash was being too generous to Damian when all he got was a total curb stomping in a pokemon battle. Charmander nearly died Damian scarred him not just physically but emotionally as well. However, Ash lectured him when he first joined his team how his pranks could one day take a step too far and get someone injured or worse killed. He didn't want anyone to get hurt; it was just a few harmless pranks him and his Squirtle squad were just wanting to have a laugh but he realized Ash had a good point.

Ash stopped him from crossing the line by showing that not all humans were bad.

Ash felt Squirtle's head nuzzling next to him, smiling he softly rubbed him on the head.

For the first time in forever Ash actually managed to sleep that night without any nightmares.


"Here you go, your Charizard all healed and rest up." Nurse Joy informed him, handing over Charizard's pokeball.

"Thank you Nurse Joy. Is Tracey up yet?" Ash inquired about his new friend. Squirtle was right alongside him deciding to stay outside his pokeball rather than be returned.

"No, I'm afraid he is still in bed resting." Nurse Joy answered.

"Did anyone come here last night looking for me?" Ash inquired.

Nurse nodded. "Yes a man named Brock Slate came over to visit asking about you. I told him you were asleep. He left you a note." Nurse Joy reached under her desk pulling out a piece of paper.

Ash reached in and took the note walking over to one of the tables to sit down.

'Dear Ash, I don't do goodbyes by writing a note unlike my so called father.' Ash raised eyebrow at Brock words it appears he still holds some bitterness about his father leaving when his mother passed away. Ash didn't blame him; his own father left him. He never even got to know his name, what little information he could gather from his mother is that he was a pokemon trainer. Ash decided not to pry for more info whenever brought up the subject his mother would just completely shut down and become depressed.

Brock should be grateful to have the chance to reconnect with his father, something Ash might never be able to do still it left him with questions that continue to plague to this day. Is his father dead? If so then How did he die? Why did he leave? Was it because of him? Ash wanted to know so badly the only way he could think of finding them is to ask his mother but he just can't stand to see her unhappy.

Ash proceeds to read the letter. 'And I don't think you would either. A part of me wishes I could come along with you on your journey but I highly don't you'll let me. I won't even pretend to understand how you are feeling after losing Pikachu. I would be devastated if I lost Onix or anyone of my pokemon but I want you to know that you will always have people who care about you. I guess what I am trying to say is if you ever need to talk to anyone I'm here for you.''

'Sincerely, your friend Brock.'


Ash tossed 4 pokeballs up in the air. Tauros, Charizard, Pidgeot, and Lapras materialized right in front of the beach he was on. Several of them woke with yawns and rubbed their eyes for those that were two legged creatures.

"Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a good night's sleep." Ash warmly greeted

There were several grumbles among them. They already knew the reason for getting up this early is to train aside from Charizard who seemed to be the only one wide awake and eager to get started. Ash smirked at this Charizard certainly has changed from the lazy and disobedient Charizard to one that is really energetic and bloodthirsty for battle.

Lapras was in the water eyeing the pokemon waringily drifting backwards slightly.

"Hey, Lapras, you can relax, these are my friends." Ash walked over to her placing a reassuring hand on her neck. "You remember Pidgeot and Charizard, they saved you from Team Rocket." he reminded her.

Lapras relaxed a little bit at seeing her friend Pidgeot and the Charizard who rescued her.

Ash smiled. "See now I think introductions are in order. This is Tauros." He gestured to the bull Pokemon who let out a friendly moo. "Squirtle." He waved his hand in a friendly manner at Lapras.

Lapras let out a friendly cry moving closer to land where her new friends resided on.

Ash felt relieved introductions were going great so far Lapras's personality seemed to be a bit more on the shy side hopefully she'll start to come out of her shell pun intended of course.

"Hey Lapras I train each and everyone of my pokemon to help them get stronger. You wouldn't mind training alongside them would you? If you do I promise to turn you into the world's strongest Lapras" Ash promised. He isn't going to make Lapras train if she doesn't want to.

Lapras seemed to be considering after a few seconds she was leaning towards a no but when she remembered her mother being taken away by the bad humans and just barely escaped alive. She nodded her head.

Ash quietly took out his pokedex scanning Lapras.

Lapras, the Transport Pokemon. This intellectually advanced Pokemon is able to understand human speech. With its mild temperament, Lapras prefers to carry humans on its back, rather than engage in pokemon battles.

This Lapras is female and knows the moves Confusion Ray, Ice Shard, Ice Beam, Body Slam, Hydro Pump, Ancient Power [Locked], and Curse [Locked]. Its ability is Water Absorb and its hidden ability is Hydration. Its hidden ability, Hydration is locked.

Ash blinked in surprise at the moveset he was only joking around when he saw Professor Oak drenched in water he assumed it must have been Water Gun or something not actually a Hydro Pump attack.

"Wow Lapras you're really strong." Ash praised. Impressed having moves like Ancient Power and Curse if he could unlock would make her a force to be reckoned with not only that but she also had the ability Water Absorb which would make her immune to all water type attacks and would just heal her.

Ash was interrupted from his thoughts when he saw Lapras stubbornly shake her head.

No I'm not strong I'm just the oddball in the group nothing more. Lapras despondently thought All the Lapras in her pod made fun of her because of it she often asked her mother why she was so different from the other Lapras. She always told her that she was special and all the other Lapras were Jealous of her because of it.

She wished she wasn't all she ever wanted is a friend Pidgeot is the first and only friend she ever had.

"Lapras." Ash said, getting her attention. "Having a moveset like that makes you special meaning you have a lot of potential to grow strong it doesn't make you weird or strange it defines who you are."

Ash's words made Lapras cheer up a little bit; he reminded her so much of her mother's kind, loving, supportive nature, always there for her when she needed help.

Lapras lifted her head back up.

Ash smiled. "Glad to see you feeling better before we get started on training there's a team member I need to introduce everyone here to."

Lapras tilted her head in confusion along with the rest of the pokemon as well except Charizard who was growling making them feel even more confused.

"Me and Charizard encountered a Dratini before we came back." Ash explained to them. "I am going to release him." He warned them, pressing the release button on the ultra ball setting the little dragon loose. He blinked and glanced at the pokemon around him. He tensed and glared at the Charizard he lost against however his attention turned to Tauros when it looked like he was about to tackle him.

Thankfully, Ash got in between them. "Whoa take it easy Tauros we defeated Dratini he's no longer a threat." He assured him.

Tauros huffed in annoyance but relented, deciding to leave Dratini alone for now anyway.

Ash turned to Dratini. "Hi Dratini my name is Ash these are my friends you've already met Tauros and Charizard." Ash introduced.

Dratini let out a friendly trill to Pidgeot and Squirtle who returned a greeting of their own.

Ash felt relieved to see Dratini was overall being friendly with the rest of his pokemon aside from Tauros and Charizard but to be fair his pride was probably hurt at being defeated and Tauros didn't like Dratini because of how slippery he was in dodging all of his attacks.

"So Dratini do you want to join me? If you do I promise to help you become the strongest Dragonite in the world?" Ash asked.

He wasn't surprised when Dratini nodded his head when Ash first saw him; he could tell he had a burning desire to get stronger to be the best.

Ash scanned Dratini with his pokedex

Dratini, the Dragon Pokemon. It is called the "Mystery Pokemon" because of how when it evolves into Dragonair it gains the ability to fly despite all the evidence surrounding that it is not a psychic or flying type.

Ash nodded approvingly at this information. Scientists have spent decades trying to understand how Dragonair flies there have been many theories of how such a thing is possible but none of them have been able to confirm it. The most popular belief is that when Dratini evolves into Dragonair it gains too much Draconic energy for its body to handle and is generating it all around him.

This Dratini is male and knows the moves Wrap, Thunder Wave, Dragon Rage, Agility, Twister, Slam, Dragon Tail, Iron Tail, Aqua Tail, Extreme Speed [Locked]. Its ability is Shed Skin and its hidden ability is Marvel Scale. Its hidden ability Marvel Scale is locked.

"Wow Dratini you're really strong." Ash praised. Some pokemon out there in the wild like to train to become stronger. Iron Tail must have been an egg move.

Dratini puffed his chest out in pride. He was strong; he's been waiting a long time for a trainer worthy of his strength to come and beat him.

"Alright then Lapras." Ash said, getting her attention. "Do you think you could help teach Squirtle Ice Beam?" He felt glad Lapras knew the move, Ice Beam. it saved him the trouble of getting him the TM for it or finding an environment that's really cold.

Lapras nodded, lifting her head up forming a sphere of ice. Squirtle walked over to Lapras attempting to copy her movements but all he managed to do was get a few sparkles of ice.

"Pidgeot and Charizard I want you two to work on your flying." Ash commanded. The duo nodded, flapping their wings, lifting themselves in the air.

"Tauros I want you to try and learn Earthquake." Ash informed him. Tauros nodded.

Dratini let out an annoyed trill which caused Ash to chuckle.

"Don't worry Dratini, I haven't forgotten about you." He reassured him. "Your moveset is impressive. However there is always room for improvement. I want you to try and learn Dragon Breath."

Dratini got to work sucking deep breath and spat out an orange orb instead of a stream of green flames. Dragon Rage not Dragon Breath that caused Ash to frown. This could take awhile.


It took Tracey five hours to be up and ready seriously; it takes someone that long to get ready. Maybe it's just me being impatient as always and my new schedule of getting up early in the morning oh well I'm not complaining since my pokemon got in some training.

"Whoa I had no idea you had a Dratini." Tracey said in awe, already getting down his knees to sketch the pokemon in front of him while Dratini gave him a weird look.

"I didn't, he's the reason it took so long to get back." Ash informed him.

"I can see why." Tracey got back up on his feet looking at all of the pokemon around him. "Is this your team?"

"Yep, but I have a few more at Professor Oak's lab." Ash informed him.

"How many pokemon do you have?" Tracey curiously asked.

Ash paused taking a moment to think before answering. "I would say about 10." He counted the Tauros herd as one pokemon because he never intended to capture 30 of them to begin with.

"That's not a bad assortment of pokemon." Tracey noted not too many and not too little. "Mind if I give you some advice?"

Ash nodded. He didn't mind a little help every now and then

"Your Charizard is a few inches shorter than the average species." Tracey bluntly informed him.

"How tall are Charizard supposed to be?" Ash questioned curiously.

"Well most Charizard suppose to be 5'7 yours appears to be 5'5." Tracey answered.

Ash nodded, his Charizard when he was still a Charmander was a bit smaller than the average one thanks to Damian's poor treatment of him. However, when he evolved into Charmeleon he was taller than the average specimen but he didn't battle or train all that much thanks to his obedience problems which is probably why he is a bit shorter than the average Charizard. "Yes well it's kind of a long story but the short version I was kidnapped by an Aerodactyl forcing Charizard to evolve in order to save me."

Technically Charizard only evolved to battle Aerodactyl but Ash didn't believe that if Charizard evolved only to battle Aerodactyl he wouldn't have saved him from plummeting towards his death.

Tracey gaped at him. "Wait a minute you met a prehistoric pokemon Aerodactyl?"

"Yes I did." Ash confirmed as if it was no big deal.

"Wow that's incredible!" Tracey exclaimed in excitement. "How are you not freaking out about this!?"

Ash just shrugged. "It's not that big of a deal."

Apparently that was the wrong thing to say. "Not that big of a deal! You met a pokemon that is literally millions of years old."

"What can I do to fix Charizard's height problem?" Ash questioned in hopes of changing the subject.

Fortunately for Ash it seemed to work. "I would recommend doing lots of strength training; it would not only help with his height but giving him immense physical strength as well."

Ash nodded attentively. "Thanks Tracey."

"Hey Ash are you trying out a new look or did you always have a pair of clothes like?" Tracey asked, finally noticing the new pair of clothes Ash is wearing.

"I wanted to try out a new look." Ash honestly answered. He was no longer wearing fingerless gloves; he was wearing black ones with blue rings on them, A dark blue hat that almost looked black and had a bright blue feather on it, Blue Jeans, a black T-shirt, and a blue and white jacket with golden trims. He went to the pokemart to try on a new look. This is the one that suited him the most; his old clothes he used to wear no longer felt like him besides it was getting kind of chilly out here.

Ash returned all of his pokemon except for Pidgeot and Charizard.

Tracey blinked in confusion. "I thought we were going to ride on Lapras."

Ash shook his head. "No she is a little too young to have someone riding on her." A mischievous thought occurred to Ash's mind. "Why are you scared of heights or something?" he teased.

"No, it's just I have never rode on pokemon before." Tracey sheepishly admitted.

"Well now's your chance. I'll be riding on Charizard." Ash said as he climbed onto Charizard's back who began flapping his wings lifting Ash up in the air. "You'll be riding on Pidgeot's." Ash yelled from above.

Tracey hesitatingly climbed onto Pidgeot's back. "Okay Pidgeot can you be sure to-AHHHHH!" Tracey never got to finish his sentence letting out a yell when he suddenly up in the air above the clouds.

Pidgeot smirked in amusement at the pokemon watcher's fear.


It was around four in the afternoon when they reached Tangelo Island as soon as they landed Tracey expunged all of his morning breakfast.

"You know Tracey, if you have flight sickness maybe you should start carrying a bucket with you." Ash advised

"Hahahaha." Tracey sarcastically laughs thinking Ash is making a joke wiping his mouth getting rid of any leftover vomit. "This is my first time flying what do you expect to happen?"

"I didn't expect you to throw up that's for certain." Ash cheekily responded.

Tracey just rolled his eyes. "We better get moving. It's a three to four day walk to the Gym."

They of course could have Charizard and Pidgeot fly to get them there faster but after Ash explained to Tracey he wanted to get in some time training for his pokemon he didn't mind.

Besides, a little bit of exercise will do some good every once in a while.

"Anything I should know about the Tangelo island gym?" Ash inquired.

"It's Mikan Island." Tracey corrected. "What I can tell is that she's one of the toughest gym leaders in the Orange League."

Mikan? Ash thought in confusion. Professor Oak must have got the island's names mixed up or something Ash mentally deduced. He's been asking Professor Oak for advice as to travel the Orange Archipelago knowing his poor sense of direction. So far he's been exceptionally helpful hopefully Ash doesn't get lost due to him getting the islands all mixed up.

"The toughest gym leader, why is that?" Ash questioned.

"Well it's not a regular pokemon battle like most gyms out there rather it is a test of skill." Tracey informed him.

Ash nodded, he figured it wouldn't be a battle of raw power; he just hopes his pokemon are ready for any challenge that comes their way.


8:00 Nighttime

It was nightfall when Ash and Tracey decided to set up camp for the night. Ash got the bowls for each of his pokemon feeding them their dinner. Ash didn't have any Dragon type food for Dratini so he fed him the same stuff he fed Tauros. It wasn't very evental except for that one time Dratini tried stealing Charizard's food. The keyword tried Charizard caught him in the act. The two were glaring and growling at each other until Ash got in between the two before a fight broke out. It looks like the two of them are going to develop a rivalry of sorts.

Everyone else eats their food in record time except for Lapras who was just staring at her bowl and looking depressed.

"Hey Lapras what's wrong? You don't like the food?" Ash asked in concern. He assumed she could eat the same food as Squirtle but maybe that was not the case.

Lapras shook her head. That was when the realization struck Ash.

"You miss your parents." Ash stated to which Lapras nodded.

"Do you remember how I promised I would try to reunite you with your family?" Ash reminded her. Lapras nodded. "I meant it but you need to eat."

(He's right you know) A new voice agreed Lapras turned to see Squirtle beside her. (Ash will try to reunite you with your family but that can't happen if you don't keep your strength up.)

Lapras appeared to be contemplating it before she lowered her neck to the bowl taking a pallet of pokemon food and began eating.


"Squirtle, Skull Bash."

"Gyarados, Dragon Rage."

The orange orb struck the turtle pokemon before it could hit the sea serpent. Squirtle pushed himself back on his knees from the powerful Dragon Type. Dragon Rage no matter how high a defense a pokemon has is known to cause considerable amounts of damage.

"Squirtle can you keep going?" Ash asked in concern. Squirtle nodded. "Alright then use Water Pulse." Squirtle raised his hands forming a blue sphere of water hurling it at Gyarados.

"Gyarados knock it down with Aqua Tail." The fisherman commanded. Gyarados roared tail glowing blue slamming down the water sphere.

"Rapid fire Water Pulse keep going." Ash ordered. Squirtle began throwing a barrage of them but with a little less power than before.

The man scoffed. "You actually believe if you use the same move over and over you'll win?"

Ash wasn't going for damage like the man assumed Water Pulse has the additional effect of confusing their opponents. Gyarados began smacking Water Pulse like a batter in a Baseball game until one of them struck him in the face. Gyarados' eyes narrowed into slits and began looking around in confusion.

"Now's our chance, Squirtle use Ice Beam." Ash commanded. Squirtle opened his mouth forming a sphere of ice

"Gyarados, use Hydro Pump." He yelled. Gyarados fired a stream of water to the left side completely missing. Gyarados let out a cry of pain as it was hit by Ice Beam.

"Squirtle, use Aqua Crash." Ash ordered. Squirtle was enveloped in a veil of water launching himself at Gyarados.

"Gyarados, use Dragon Dance!" The fisherman shouted. It was a smart move to use if your pokemon is confused Dragon Dance increased both the pokemon's speed and attack power. The fisherman probably assumed he was using Aqua Jet or some variation of it which wouldn't do a lot of damage to a Water type pokemon like Gyarados.

He was half right it is Aqua Jet except added with the move Skull Bash. Skull Bash while powerful simply lacked the necessary speed however, add in a fast water type like Aqua Jet the speed and momentum with Skull Bash the damage would be huge.

It was proven when Squirtle's head slammed against Gyarados hard, knocking him out cold. Squirtle rubbed his forehead in pain.

The fisherman sighed recalling his pokemon. "Well looks like you win I have to admit I didn't think your Squirtle could hold a candle to my Gyarados."

"Thanks but Squirtle deserves all of the credit." Ash modestly stated.

The fisherman gave him a curt nod and left.

"Here this should help." Ash said, giving Squirtle a Sitrus Berry to eat.

Squirtle slowly chewed on the Sitrus Berry savoring its taste and swallowing it.

"Do you want to go back inside your pokeball?" Ash asked.

They've fought in a total of eight battles against water pokemon trainers or fishermen and won all of them. Squirtle battled in a total of five more than anyone else so he is bound to be the most tired. Ash had Dratini fight in two of them to help him gain more experience. Lapras actually volunteered to fight in one of the battles which surprised Ash but he allowed it to happen. Turns out Lapras enjoys to battle but not for the same reasons like Dratini or Squirtle who do it to get stronger to best all opponents. Lapras battles because she thought it was fun.

Squirtle shook his head, getting back up. He can go for a few more rounds.

"Alright just don't push yourself too hard." Ash warned.

"That was amazing but what kind of attack was that it looked a lot like Aqua Jet except…." Tracey trailed off.

"It was a combination of Aqua Jet and Skull Bash." Ash elaborated.

They stopped when they spotted a coconut attached to a piece of string. Squirtle moved toward the coconut looking up; he saw the piece of string had a bucket of water attached. Ash's eyes widened in surprise when he saw Squirtle put on his famous/infamous Squirtle squad shades while Tracey looked confused wondering where he got them to begin with.

"What are you…?" Ash got his answer when Squirtle walked over to the coconut tree and delivered a swift kick to it causing a coconut to fall.


"Hey what's the big idea?!" A kid around six or seven whined coming out from behind the tree with a bump on his forehead.

"Funny I was going to ask you the same thing why were you hiding behind a tree?" Ash retorted.

The kid growled, hands clenched into fists trying to do his best imitation of an angry Primeape. "One of you was supposed to fall for my prank!"

Squirtle scoffed. (Hate to break it to you, aumentar but you can't prank, a prank master but I will give you points for creativity. Well done.) His tone was sarcastic and mocking, not that the kid could understand him but still his pride was on the line as a fellow pranker and he refused to have it insulted by this understudy.

"And so was the coconut being dropped on your head. It's not so much fun anymore when you're on the other end of the prank is it?" Ash countered.

"You're just some aumentar trainer I bet you haven't entered in any toturements yet." The kid sneered.

Ash scowled. "I'll have you know I participated in the Indigo league and placed in the top 16." He was still bitter and angry about losing. He didn't blame Charizard for what happened even though he intended to release him. He knew the only reason he didn't listen to him is solely his fault.

Ash remembered a piece of wisdom given to him by Professor Oak. 'If you lose a battle is it because of the trainer not their pokemon' 'If a pokemon wins a battle while some may think it is due to the trainer the real credit belongs to the pokemon who won the battle.'

No, he blamed Team Rocket if those idiots hadn't got in his way trying to slow him down and tire out his pokemon he would have won the match. Ash wasn't arrogant enough to believe he would win the tournament but he would have gotten farther than just the top 16 next time he sees Team Rocket he is going to have them arrested. He doubts it would work chances are they would somehow escape and attempt to steal his pokemon again.

"The top sixteen wow you must be a pretty lossy trainer if that was your best." The boy mocked.

Ash's scowl deepened and glared at him. "If you think it's so easy to win a tournament on your first try then you don't deserve the right to call yourself a pokemon trainer."

The boy looked like he was slapped across the face obviously Ash's words struck him but before he could come up with a retort.

"I couldn't have said it better myself." A voice suddenly interjected. Everyone turned to see a young woman who looked to be in her twenties standing there with a hand on her hip. Her long brown hair was tied back in a messy bun, she was wearing a black tank top, a long peach colored skirt and a pair of sneakers.

"Big sis wh-what are you doing here?" The boy asked, sounding nervous.

Sis? They must be related to each other but I don't see the resemblance. Ash mentally deduced.

"Out looking for you, what did I tell you about pranking pokemon?" She sternly stated.

The boy wisely chose to turn away and mumbled. "To not to."

The woman sighed before turning to Ash and Tracey. "Sorry about my brother he can be a little bit of a brat sometimes. My name is Cissy, the Mikan island Gym Leader." She introduced herself.

"Nice to meet I'm Ash and this is my friend Tracey and I believe you've already met Squirtle." Ash introduced them.

"A pleasure to meet you all. That's a pretty cool Squirtle." Cissy complainmented. "I take it he's yours."

Ash nodded in confirmation. He always thought Squirtle did look pretty cool with the shades.

Squirtle grinned cockily at Cissy words crossing his arms. He was very cool indeed and he knows it too.

"I take it. You're here to challenge me to a Gym battle." Cissy guessed

Ash nodded. "Yes but could you please tell me where the pokemon center is first?"

"Sure follow me it's down this way."


"Hello Professor Oak." Ash greeted.

"Ash I take it you made it to Mikan island." Oak assumed a sheepish expression on his face.

"Yes I did try not to get the island names mixed up." Ash deadpanned.

Oak nervously laughed. "Apologies my boy my geography is a little rusty."

"Just make sure it doesn't happen again." Ash told him.

"Will do, I take it you want to exchange Bulbasaur for someone else." He guessed.

"Yes, how was it studying his new poisonous seeds?" Ash inquired genuinely curious.

Oak appeared all too happy to oblige; Ash hopes he doesn't come to regret asking about it. "Quite well I'm not sure how it's possible but the mucus inside Bulbasaur seems to have upgraded in a sense."

Ash felt confused at Professor Oak's answer. "What exactly do you mean by upgraded?"

"You're aware that Bulbasaur is part poison type?" Oak asked. Ash nodded. "Well the poison type attacks it is able to learn is rather limited. It won't be able to learn more of the advanced poison type moves like most pure poison like your Muk for instance."

"But Bulbasaur can somehow learn those attacks." Ash assumed seeing where Oak was going with this.

Oak nodded. "Yes, I am most interested in how something like this happened."

"Well me and Bulbasaur were trying to learn the move Toxic." Ash informed him.

"Yes, I remember but I don't see how that would increase Bulbasaur toxicity levels. Tell me has your Bulbasaur been exposed to any poisonous plants?" Oak questioned.

Ash pondered a moment thinking about anything unusual that would stand out. "Yeah when I went to the Xanadu Nursery a few months ago Bulbasaur was poisoned by a rare exotic plant."

"The plant must have been extremely poisonous if it was able to affect Bulbasaur." Oak informed him. "Do you remember what the plant was called?"

"No, sorry." Ash apologized. "Bulbasaur isn't in any kind of danger is he?"

"No, I've run several tests on him already your Bulbasaur is in perfect health." Oak reassured him. "You've got nothing to worry about."

Ash sighed in relief. "That's good to hear."

"I would have him stay here to run more tests however he is getting rather irritable at being cooped in my lab even when he is outside assisting my Dragonite in calming down the pokemon when they get out of control." Oak remarked.

Ash nodded. Dragonite had a hard job of making sure all of the pokemon behave themselves and Bulbasaur is very good at getting pokemon to calm down.


Mikan Island Gym

It was a Water Type gym that much is obvious since it has a big pool. It was a good thing he decided to switch Tauros for Bulbasaur and not Squirtle; he could be vital to winning the gym badge.

"So what are the rules?" Ash questioned.

"In my gym we won't be battling. We will be doing two sets of challenges using only Water type pokemon." Cissy answered. "I take it you're going to be using Squirtle."

Squirtle adjusted his shades and grinned in delight at the chance of battling for their first Orange League badge.

Ash nodded, raising fist. "That's right me and Squirtle ready for any challenge you throw our way."

"Confident aren't you?" Cissy noted with a smile. "Let us hope it won't be your downfall. Hit it." She said to her brother.

The boy pulled out a large remote controller and pressed a few buttons. On the side of the gym a large rolling door slid into the floor to reveal a long table with a row of empty aluminum cans on it.

"Seadra, I choose you." Cissy called out, throwing a pokeball. It burst open and revealed the Water Pokemon, which landed in the pool.

"So that's a Seadra." Ash commented observing the Water type. He remembered Mandi's Seadra from the Indigo League; it was fast in the water even when it wasn't using Agility. He's pretty sure Cissy Seadra is on a similar level if not higher than Mandi's.

"The first round will be a water gun challenge. Whoever can knock down the most cans win." Cissy explained.

Ash turned to his Water Pokemon. "You hear that Squirtle whoever knocks over the most cans wins. Think you can handle that?"

(Ash do you know who you're talking to? I'm the master of absolute precision) Squirtle confidently stated staring down the cans. Which is true one of Ash's training methods involved the pokemon trying to dodge his attacks made his Water Gun attack look like a real dead eye.

"Are you ready?" Cissy asked.

"Yep." Ash said.

"Seadra/Squirtle Water Gun." Ash and Cissy called out in unison.

The two pure Water type Pokemon both fired at once launching tight controlled Water Guns, Straight towards the cans. One by one they fell over until Squirtle mercilessly took down the last one just before Seadra hit it.

Cissy blinked, surprised to see her Seadra was outspeeded. "Senta what's the time?"

"0.17 seconds." He said, staring at the stop watch in his hand equally surprised as his sister. "That's 3. seconds faster than Seadra's best time."

"I have to admit it's not everyday someone outspeeds my Seadra, color me impressed." Cissy praised.

"Thank you." Ash replied. "You said there was one more challenge?"

Cissy nodded. "That's right we are going to try to hit moving targets if you lose this then we are going to have a tie-breaker race but considering how precise your Squirtle is I don't think that's going to happen. Senta!" She called out.

Ash soaked in the information; it meant all he needed is a draw if he wanted to win.

Senta hit another button on his controller and a large window opened on the side of the building. Through the window they could see the beach,the calm ocean, the beautiful bright sun, and the occasional cloud up in the sky.

Ash heard a motor rumble and suddenly a clay target went flying across the sky. Seadra reacted almost immediately, launching a Water Gun and nailing the target right in the center. It shattered into a thousand pieces, raining down on the beach below.

"Now triple." Cissy ordered.

The launcher activated again, this time sending three targets at once. Seadra leaped out of the pool and launched three rapid-fire Water Gun attacks, shattering each of the targets within seconds of each other.

"See if your Squirtle can best that." Cissy cockily replied with a smirk.

Ash grinned. "Oh he most definitely."

Squirtle had a matching grin like his trainer's

A target was soaring in the air, Squirtle reacted immediately destroying it.

"Careful, now there's three." Ash warned.

Another three targets were in the air only to be destroyed by Squirtle's attacks.

"That was pretty good." Cissy complemented. "But now we will both try to hit the same target whoever hits it first wins."

Squirtle and Seadra tensed, getting prepared to hit their target. The target was released soaring in the air. Twin streams of water were launched in the air, smashing into the clay target shattering it to pieces.

"It looks like they hit at the same time." Cissy stated. "This match is a draw which means you win. You are a remarkable trainer I suspect you will go far in the Orange League. Here I present you with the Coral-Eye." She handed Ash a pink seashell with a small sapphire colored stone embedded into it.

The Coral-Eye badge one down and just three more to go.

"And there done." Tracey declared finally speaking for the first time he seemed to be really hard at work sketching.

Ash sweatdropped when he saw that Tracey was sketching Cissy the entire time and not Seadra like he was expecting.

Author Notes: Their down I thought I would never get this finished. A lot happened in this chapter we got to see the return of Damian for one don't worry this isn't the last time we will be seeing him. I wanted Ash to have a new look but I didn't want an emo and depressed Ash kind because let's be honest that is boring and really cliche.

Ash and Serena Forever 16: Unlikely since Ash is still really young.

Mark Andrew: Yes, the first movie has already happened. As for the second and third question I can't answer those because of spoilers. It would ruin the story I'm sure you understand.