Catra knew something was wrong when she woke that morning. The last dredges of her nightmare flirted through her mind, green, glowing eyes and a menacing presence rifling through her mind...she shivered. Two weeks since the defeat of Horde Prime, two weeks of working hard to repair all of the damage done in hopes that she would be too exhausted to dream at nights. Wiping her sweaty brow, she huffed a breath past her scratchy throat. She wasn't sick, she couldn't be sick. The sore throat was probably just from the dry air, and the fact that she shivered right after sweating was just a weird coincidence. Catra stumbled towards the door, she just needed some breakfast, that'd perk her up. Regretting her decision to sleep in her own room the last couple of nights, she wished Adora, insufferably helpful Adora, would be there to help her feel better like when they were kids. Catra made it to her door before a wave of nausea caused her to vomit right inside her room. Great, she really was sick. She should hide—couldn't let anyone see her like this. Where was Melog? Did he ditch her to hang out with Swift Wind again? Dumb space cat. No matter, she'd just push past the pain and find a safe spot. She had to hide from her...