Hello! So I'm hoping this one goes a little better. A whole lot happened on their first day! Let's see if Jaune will tell the truth, shall we?
"Jaune, why don't you start from the beginning." Ren stated, matter-of-factly.
"Uh…..alright then, I guess." the blonde in question replied. In all honesty, Jaune was scared. He was scared that if he told them, he'd be laughed at and then asked to give a real explanation as to his abilities. "I can always just say it's my semblance, right? Oh wait, Pyrrha already knows what color my aura is. I'm sure everyone does, considering they just saw me fight. Well, there goes pinning this on my semblance. Well, here goes nothing!"
"Wait, before you start, Jaune, I want to tell you something." Interrupted Pyrrha. "This isn't your semblance, we can all tell. But that doesn't matter. What matters to us, or at least to me, is that you tell us the truth, alright?" She then assumed a very serious look that reminded Jaune of his mother whenever Saphron or one of his other sisters came home crying about something. There was no way on Remnant he could lie to her now. He just couldn't. He'd be betraying his honor as an Arc.
"Well, alright then. Here goes." Jaune breathed in, and started his story. "It started at initiation. When I went into initiation, I didn't even have aura, as Pyrrha already knows. Ren, Nora, I figured I should tell you too. It has meaning as to where I got this...ability. So while I was flying, I ran into a branch pretty hard and got knocked out because I had no aura to protect me from the hit. While I was unconscious, I...uhh, met a….god? I guess? He was pretty evasive about what he was." At this, Nora interrupted.
"Wait, you met a GOD? That's so cool! What did he look like!? Wait..doesn't meeting a god mean you died? Don't you have to die to meet a-"
"Nora! Not now! Let him explain first." Ren shut her off, clamping his hand over her mouth. "Please, Jaune, continue now." He gestured with his other hand towards Jaune, indicating what he wanted. Jaune took in another shaky breath, and mustered his shattered courage to continue.
"Anyways, ignoring what he was, he basically said 'Hey, you died." Jaune dropped his voice and attempted to mimic the otherworldly voice of the 'god,' failing miserably. "'I found your soul wandering, and decided to give you a round two, because Remnant needs you.' I don't really know what he meant by that." Jaune was getting a little less nervous, as he realized that his team believed him. "So, he gave me a choice of three powers for when I came back. Luck, skill, and something called a snezu bean. No, senzu bean. I have no idea what that is, but I chose the bean. And then I woke up, and I had these powers." Jaune was, of course, severely shortening his tale for the sake of time. He didn't want to stand under the questing gazes of his teammates any longer than he absolutely needed to. "So, uh yeah. Surprise, again. I'm in round two. Hope that doesn't make any of you too upset?" Jaune was getting nervous again, scared his team might be angry he got a second chance at life. When he looked at Pyrrha, any and all hope of having an easy time with this reveal vanished. She looked mortified, like she had just watched someone kick a puppy that was already hurt.
"Jaune, you…..you died? As in, when I found you with your head bent at an odd angle, you were actually dead?" Her voice was just barely above a whisper, so Jaune had a little bit of trouble making it out.
Pyrrha was horrified. On her first day of combat at Beacon, and someone had died on her watch. The only person who didn't know who she was no less! She hadn't been fast enough! She wasn't there for him! "How can I expect to be a huntress if I can't even save one person?! I can't believe myself! I wasn't able to get there in time! He died on my watch!" Pyrrha was panicking. She didn't know what to do. So her mind did the only thing it was sure was reasonable.
Pyrrha fainted.
~~Team JNPR
"Pyrrha!" cried Jaune. After hearing her near-whispered sentence, Jaune watched Pyrrha go silent again. She stared at her hands for a moment then fainted. Jaune began to panic, not knowing why she had just passed out. "Ren! Help me get her into bed, she probably lost all the blood to her head, she just needs rest. Actually, I think we should all get some, considering that bomb I just dropped." Jaune was eager to get the focus off of him. He wasn't worthy of all this attention. He got it all the time without ever earning it at home. He finally wanted to earn some attention, to deserve it. Not just get it handed to him because of circumstance. So, given that, he decided to have everyone just go to sleep instead of focus on him.
Jaune snapped awake. Upon doing so, he immediately realized that he needed to use the bathroom. However, he didn't want to wake his teammates up, so he decided to use the one in the common room of the dorm. He grabbed his scroll and changed from his onesie, "just in case" Jaune thought to himself. He then left their dorm, and walked to the common room.
After having used the bathroom in the common room, Jaune just sat down and thought about what the fallout of what he just did would be. Sure, his team said that they'd be okay. But Pyrrha had fainted! And he didn't even know why! Hopefully she would tell him tomorrow. Or today, considering it was midnight. Anyways, he also now came to grips with the fact that he would have to tell team RWBY the same thing. He had no idea how that would go down. The fact that his own team hadn't freaked out about it despite it being their first day as a team boggled his mind. They hadn't gotten to know each other at ALL. They basically just knew each other's names and various other small tidbits scratching the surface of who they were. And on that same day, he had revealed something that probably should've stayed buried forever. He had been revived. Reflecting on it again, it still held the same titanic weight to him. He died, but then came back to life. His face began to sting, and, upon raising his hand to feel what was causing the pain, found that tears had started streaking down his face. He was so stressed about making a good impression, and he had just dropped a huge load of information like that. What was he going to do? Now everybody in his YEAR knew about his abilities too! So much for subtle!
Letting himself cry, he just tried to forget about everything except the emotions coming out in his tears. Eventually, what was just tears turned to shuddery breaths, then to uncontrolled sobbing.
"I made my partner faint on DAY ONE! How useless can I be! What else does this world want to throw at me to make my life worse?'
"Jaune?" came a tired voice from the direction of the common room's entrance.
"Well, can't say I don't deserve this. I asked, and the world gives." Turning to see who had entered the common room, Jaune found it to be none other than the source of his worries, Pyrrha.
"Oh. Hi Pyrrha. Sorry you have to see me like this on day one. Or two I should say, given the time. I made you pass out. And then I told everyone to go to bed after forcing my personal problems on you guys." Jaune had stopped sobbing, but the tears hadn't. They were still coming full force, and he was crying while looking at Pyrrha, causing his vision to be rather blurry. "I'm so sorry Py-rr-rrha! I-I'm so sorry! I'm such a worthless lead-d-der!" He was stuttering from the remainder of his sobs, his body trying to take in as much oxygen as possible to fuel his tired brain. "I-I just didn't know how to make it sound less horrible! I-I'm so sorry! C-can you forgive me?" Jaune was pleading. He just wanted another chance. "Can I have another chance to make you believe I deserve to be the team leader? I know that I may not look to have much worth yet, but-" Jaune was cut off by what was probably the most surprising thing yet, and that was saying something.
Pyrrha hadn't said anything. Instead, she just walked forward and hugged Jaune. She pulled him into her embrace, and she held onto him as softly as she could, like if she gripped too strong he would break in her hands.
"Jaune, there's nothing to forgive. Don't let this get you down. You're our leader, and that's set. Even if it weren't I would stand by you. You will always be my team leader here. I'm quite sure that Nora and Ren would agree. And I'm sure that within you is the potential to be a great huntsman. You got this far, didn't you? You made it through initiation and day one. You've got a team now Jaune. You aren't alone."
Pyrrha's voice was soft and soothing, like his mother's tone, whenever she was actually home. Her embrace calmed him down, and his emotional hiccupping came to a stop, and he just stayed there. "Jaune, I want you to know something, okay?"
Pyrrha talking to him snapped him out of his serene state, and he tried to pull away. Except, when he did, Pyrrha's grip tightened. Jaune stopped trying to pull away. Instead, he just tried to see if he could meet her eyes somehow. But it was for naught. She had him firmly where she wanted him. Little to his knowledge, Pyrrha was doing this because she wanted to make absolutely sure that Jaune did not see the blush that had so traitorously crept into her cheeks, making her as red as her hair.
"Well, seeing as I'm not going anywhere, go ahead I guess." Came the tired, sadness-riddled voice of Jaune.
"Thank you Jaune. I want to thank you for being our leader, and being willing to tell us that secret. You..you could've said anything. You could've called it your semblance and we would have believed you. Instead, you told us all the truth. You trusted us. I hope you're willing to keep doing that as we move forward." Pyrrha had unintentionally entered what a lot of people would call 'mom-mode,' wanting to keep what was precious to her as safe as possible. That was why she was being so uncharacteristic. She had only known Jaune for a few days yet he was already incredibly precious to her, as one of the few people who actually treated her like a person, not an idol. Of course, 'mom-mode' also means that she can become very strict when it comes to the well-being of the precious object in mind, so she continued. "Now, I know we've all had a hard day. How about we both go back to our dorm, and try to get some rest, okay? I promise we will all still be there in the morning."
Pyrrha successfully quelled the heat in her face, and released him. She then abruptly turned around and headed to her team's dorm, with Jaune in tow. When they both arrived at their dorm, upon entering, found it to be serenely quiet. Clambering back into their respective beds, they both fell into blissful slumber.
Well I'm back again. Sorry for this one's delay. Jesus Christ. I cannot stand this one. I absolutely hate everything about it, but it was the best of fifteen revisions that I did. However, on a more positive note, something about the story. Jaune is opening up to Pyrrha suspiciously fast, isn't he? Who knows why? Woooooooo spoooooky ghosts in Jaune's closet! Also, because I'm pretty new to this site, I hope this is where I got to say that I'm looking for a beta reader to tell me if my ideas are shit before I give them to you guys. I'm not looking for a grammar beta reader, but a ideas reader. Anyhow, I hope this is where I go. Tchiao!