The city of New York was in the middle of a rather busy day.
People walking the streets, or getting across town via bus, taxi or the underground transportation of the subways.
It was hard to believe that just a month or two ago, The Kraang had been destroyed, following a what appeared to be a lifetime of invading the city.
And it was all thanks to a mysterious group of heroes who were known as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

While above the ground was heavy with activity, below in the sewers, which was known as the turtles lair, it was quite the opposite, as the team was taking a much deserved needed break.
Leonard or Leo, the blue bandanna clad leader of the team was getting a lesson on playing chess from their female human friend April O' Neil, the red wearing bandanna member Raphael Raph for short was in his room lifting weights, purple bandanna wearing and resident scientist of the team Donnie, AKA Donatello was in his lab mixing a batch of anti-mutantgen, the turtles sensi, and father figure known as master Splinter was in the dojo, meditating, and orange wearing bandanna member Michelangelo, or Mikey as his brothers and friends call him, was playing a video game, a new called dance off party 3,with his favorite frozen feline companion ice-cream kitty.
And as usually, Mikey was also being the loudest of the group.
Not only was the TV and game were almost on full blast, but was also mimicking the dance moves as well.
In fact, he and ice-cream kitty were having a dance off at that moment, despite the fact that the unofficial adopted pet of the turtles was made completely out of ice-cream, due to an accident in Donnie's lab.
Since she didn't have any back paws, ice-cream kitty showed off some moves using her front ones.
"Impressive, but you want to see sick moves, check this out," said Michelangelo.
He then began to show off a few dance moves.
Little did Michelangelo know, that while dancing, he was also making a bit or rather a large mess and was also being very noisy on top of that.
In fact, the sounds distracted the other turtles, April and master Splinter from their activities.
They all rushed into the central part of the lair.
All the meanwhile, Michelangelo was still busting moves, when he heard someone screamed out, "Mikey!"
Michelangelo stopped dancing and looked up to see Raphael, who looked like he could breathe smoke and spit fire from his very unhappy mouth.
Leonardo and Donatello also had the same look on their faces, while April just sighed and shook her head, as she was too familiar with it.
Michelangelo tried to make light out of the situation.
"Hehehe, hey guys," he said, giving his brothers and human friend one of his winning smiles, but it wasn't cutting.
"Mikey, look what you've done to the place," said Leo.
"It looks like a disaster zone," added Donnie.
Indeed, the purple bandanna clad turtle was right.
Furniture was toppled, items were thrown all over the place, making the lair looked as if the Kraang had showed up.
"Oh, ice-cream kitty and I were just having a little dance off," the orange bandanna wearing turtle tried to explained.
"What happened here?
What is all this racket?" said the team sensi, as he entered the central lair.
"I'll tell you what happened master Splinter, Mikey was playing his stupid dance video game and made a mess in the lair, again!" Raphael replied.
"Yes indeed, said master Splinter, as he turned to Michelangelo and said, "Michelangelo, you have been warned about this on several occasions, not just by myself, but from your brothers as well."
"Aw come on. I was just having some fun," said Mikey.
"Life isn't all fun and games Michelangelo," master Splinter pointed out.
"Master Splinter's right Mikey, there's a time to have fun and a time to be serious," added Leonardo.
"I do get serious," said Mikey.
"Only if it has anything to do with pizza," Raphael said back.
"Or video games, or cartoons, comic books, action figures," Donnie added.
"Come now my sons and April, it is time to practice in the dojo," said the team's sensi.
As everyone headed to practice, Mikey joined them but was stopped by Splinter.
"Not you yet Michelangelo, first you must clean up your mess in the lair, then you can join us," said Splinter.
"Master Splinter, the mess in here is quite massive for Mikey to take care of on his own.
Why don't we give him a hand?" asked April.
"Sure, so we'll get stuck doing all the work like always," said Raphael in a sarcastic tone.
"Raph, I think what April meant was some of the work might be too much for one person, like picking up the couch," Leonardo pointed out.
"I appreciate your thoughtfulness to help Michelangelo, but he must do the work himself, since only he was the one responsible for the mess," said master Splinter, who then added, "Michelangelo, you may join us in the dojo for practice after you finish cleaning the lair.
The rest of you, it's time to begin your lessons."

As they made their way inside the dojo, the rest of the turtles, and April exchanged a few words about the "disaster" in the lair and Michelangelo.
"How about that?
It's about time Mikey learns to clean up his own messes," said Raph.
"At least it happened in the living room this time.
You do not want to know what kind of mess of his I found the other day in the fridge," Donnie added.
"I did and I'm still having nightmares about it."
"Mikey also has to learn to be more responsible for his own actions.
We're not always going to be there to help him," Leo pointed out.
Hearing his own brothers say those words broke Mikey's heart, as he began to place empty pizza boxes in the trash.
A look of sadness came upon his face.
"Come on now guys, go easy on Mikey," said April.
The orange wearing bandanna wearing turtle now had a smile on his face, knowing at least one person was on his side.
However, Mikey thought too soon as April added, "He's still just a kid.
I mean, you're all the same age, but the three of you are more mature than he is.
Give him time to grow up a little."
Mikey's heart instantly sank and his smile changed into a frown.