Just a Prologue as I work out the story. Part 1 was mainly for Shego, so Part 2 will mainly be for Kim. I hope yall enjoy this :)

With Love ~Dresner

"Is that all you got Princess?"

She tosses in her bed with a tight expression as she rolls on her other side. Sweat beading on her forehead as her heart rate raises as she turns violently.


The covers fall to the floor as she grips her pillow tightly holding on to dear life as if it were the last thing on earth she had. She could feel herself slipping off the edge of the world hanging over a depressed city.

"You saved me."

The face of an old, and unlikely, friend, flashes between that of a heartless tyrant flashes in front of her just inches away before turning back to her friend.

"I did…"

The redhead lets go and rolls over to her other side and begins to calm herself. The trouble look fades from her face as she returns to dreamland once again. Slowly falling back into ignorant bliss of sleep…

"No matter what I want you to keep this."

She handed the redhead a picture and held her tight as a large portal appeared next to her.

"I love you too Shego."

Kim sits up right grabbing her heart as if it were trying to break out of her chest. She turns to her nightstand to see the time, 2:09am, and rubs her eyes to make sure she was right. With a groan she gets out of bed to get something to drink as her throat felt like someone had poured sand down her throat. A bead of sweat runs down the side of her face as she tries to stand, but stumbles.

"Head rush." She says with a yawn. The darkness collapsed on her momentarily, but she caught herself, albeit in a stupor, and walked out of her room downstairs to the kitchen. Without a sound, she retrieves a bottle of water and returns to her room to cool down. Kim was sure her brothers turned the thermostat up, but after close inspection she found it to be fine. Her mom and dad preferred to keep the house at a modest temperature to keep them cool and the bills low. She starts her fan and sips her water as she returns to bed.

"This has to be the fifth or sixth time I've had this dream…" Kim says as she tightens the cap on the bottle. "It just feels so real… I don't- I don't know. I just don't know. "

She puts the bottle on her nightstand and lays back to try to go back to sleep.

"I want you to remember what happened here between us."

The voice was familiar and sweet, a strange combination as it sent the hair on her body to attention. She leaps to her feet and looks around her room looking for its source, but nothing. Her attention turns to her kimmunicator watch and its thermal viewer. With that in mind she takes it in her hand and searches around her looking for anything that might give off signs of the assumed culprit…

Nothing. Nothing more than the heat signatures of her family in the house. Wade programmed her thermal view to almost bypass any form of counter-thermal technology, which gave her some security, but not enough to calm her completely. She puts the watch away and lays back down awaiting anything that might go bump in the night.

"I'm not crazy." Kim tells herself as she grabs the blankets off the ground. "It's just my imagination."

As she pulls the covers over her she could feel something pulling her towards the nightstand drawer. A faint voice, almost whisper, in the back of her mind urging her to open it. Kim couldn't fight the feeling or tune out the voice in her head and give in. She opens the drawer and pulls out the burned photography that hit her in the wind almost a month ago.

"I don't know where you came from," Kim says to the burned photograph. "But I remember you. I just wish I knew if she remembers too."

She places the photo on the nightstand and throws the blanket over her as she tries once again to drift back to sleep.

"I love you Kimmie."

"I love you to Shego…" She whispers before falling into dreamland.