A/N: Hello Everyone… So sorry this chapter took so long. I got wrapped up with writing The Mask – my Twilight story… which you all should check out… It has turned into quite a project. Then I went on vacation down to South Carolina. It was very beautiful and I hated coming home… But I am back so here you all go.

Thanks for reading, commenting, liking and favoriting this fic… I love writing for you all…

Please review…

Lexi turned around to find Mark sitting at the table behind her… again… for the third time this week. Even as she lectured herself about the stupidity of getting involved with someone she worked with, a smile pulled at her lips, heat climbing her neck as his gaze traced over the contours of her body. She knew this because everywhere his hot blue eyes touched tingled with awareness.

She'd done her best to ignore the affect his sexy gaze had on her, but with each passing day it was getting harder and harder. Then there was the way he smiled when she'd catch his gaze on her. Like he knew… he knew the affect he had on her. He was not playing fair at all. Determined to keep to her standards, she pushed away from the cafeteria table, and dumped her tray at the closest waste can.

Darting down the hall, she headed in the direction she'd seen Karev disappear. He had an appendectomy this afternoon, and she was desperate to scrub in on it. She was halfway down the hall when she heard someone call her name. "Dr. Grey, I have a gluteal augmentation this afternoon… Wanna scrub in on it?"

That stopped her dead in her tracks. Giving someone buttock implants was way too cool to pass up, she decided pivoting to face Mark as he slowly approached her. She glared at his wide knowing smile… more like a smirk… "Are you serious? Or are you teasing me?"

"I can think of a lot of better ways to tease you?" Flicking his eyebrows in a suggestive manner, his sensual gaze locking with hers before he passed her in the hall. When he would have bypassed her, he stalled, turning on his heel waiting to see if she would follow. "You coming?"

Something crawled inside of her, and she couldn't resist the sarcastic response that popped out of her mouth. "Not yet…"

Audaciously, her dark brows lifted as a smug smile lifted the corners of her mouth. He wasn't the only one who could flirt… and she was far better at it, she determined when a tortured groan filled the otherwise quiet hall. "That's not even nice… Little Grey… your torturing me…"

"How am I torturing you? I haven't done anything… you're the one who won't take you gaze off my ass for two seconds…" Falling in step beside the man who'd plagued her thoughts for the last week. They'd been unable to find a bed for the attic and so she was forced to sleep on the couch.

Which, by the way, smelled just liked him. His cologne was like embedded in the cushions… she'd thrown her pillow on the floor last night, just so she could smell him better. Remembering how Meredith had reacted to the idea of her seeing Mark, she gave him a sympathetic glance. "You know we're not supposed to get involved… You heard Meredith."

"Meredith isn't your mother… and Derek isn't my father," Mark started, his flintiness disappearing as his gaze turned serious. "I have a horrible… stupid past. We all have a past… and Meredith and Derek aren't going to tell me where to find happiness."

"We don't even know each other. You don't know you would be happy with me." Lexie grabbed the patients file out of the sleeve next to the door. When Mark hovered close to the door without entering the room, Lexie turned to focus on him. He was shooting her a look of total disbelief. "What? You can't know that, Mark… can you?"

"Lexie, somethings you just know." Without another word, he ducked into the room, heading straight for the bed. "Introduce it, Little Grey."

Lexie obediently read the patients file before lifting her gaze to the patient. Why was this woman getting a butt implant… she was beautiful. The idea that a woman would change herself for a man, gave her pause, and worriedly she nudged Mark. When she had his attention, she gestured for him to follow her into the hall. Staring at her feet, she rocked nervously under the weight of his gaze.

"What's up, Lex?"

The concern in his eyes was captivating and she couldn't look away. Clearing the emotion from her throat, she forced the words out. "Why would she want a butt implant, Mark? She's beautiful… and doesn't need something to physically enhance her appearance."

Mark shook his head, shrugging he turned toward the room, his arm swinging in that direction. "I don't really know, Lexie… It's not our job to question these things. We're just here to do what they want."

"It doesn't worry you that she might be doing this for the wrong reasons?"

"I have women come to get breast implants all the time. Some of those women are back within six months wanting them taken out. If I asked everyone why their having surgery none of them would have a good reason. It isn't our place to reprimand them." Seeing the worry tighten Lexie's brow did something to him… in a weird ass way.

If this woman were willing to speak up for a someone, she'd didn't even know… Mark could only imagine how much she would care about someone she loved. Taking in her soft features, a yearning started in his gut. Unable to help himself, he took her by the sleeve of her smock, pulling her along the hall. "Come here for a minute, Lex."

When she would have argued he tugged her into an on-call room. As soon as the door slid closed, he pushed her up against it. His head dropped until his mouth was an inch away from hers. "If you don't want this… then you better tell me now."

A startled breath slipped from her throat, and the second her eyes locked with his there was no turning back. She could have one taste, right? One taste and then she'd erase him from her thoughts.

When her head thudded against the door in surrender, Mark took full advantage of their positions, his mouth landing on hers. Hungrily, his lips played slowly overs, urging Lexie to open for him. Instantly, her mouth came open, her tongue wrapping around his as she pulled him to her. Her fingers knotted in his lab coat and he willingly stepped forward. The hard plain of his chest pressed against her breasts, his long fingers tangling in her ponytail, tipping her head back to fully possess her lips.

A hum of excitement rumbled from his chest filling the silent restroom. Slowly, her fingers released his coat, skating up the material to the nape of his neck, fingernails scraping the sensitive flesh there. Mark shuddered as a quiver rippled through him.

He'd known from the second he'd seen Lexie that she was different. The effect she was having on him with just this simple kiss proved it. Her very essence rejuvenated his lonely soul, and the fact that she returned his kiss with such vigor further excited him. Breathlessly, he nibbled on her full bottom lip before letting the morsel pop free.

If he didn't put a stop to it now, he never would, and regrettably he withdrew. She was different and he wanted their relationship to be different. "Lex… Lex… we have t…"

"Oh geez… I didn't… I mean…" Lexie fell against the door with embarrassment staining her cheeks. Forcing herself to dislodge her fingers from the collar of his shirt, she dropped them to her sides. "We shouldn't… things shouldn't happen… we… we…"

"Lex, I was hoping we could… you know, go on a date…" Mark gaze shifted over her cheeks, noticing the way they reddened. A slight smile tipped the corner of his lips, his finger drifting over her cheek. "Thought we could go out to dinner… have a couple of drinks and…"

"Mark… Mark…" Lexie wanted to accept his date and it was right on the tip of her tongue to tell him she'd love to go out. Biting the bottom of her lip, her current mission danced through her brain. She'd accepted an internship from Seattle Grace to learn as much as possible and build a future for herself. Starting an affair with a man who was her boss was just not in the cards for her. She wanted to be known for her skill not who she decided to have a personal life with.

Closing her eyes against the disappointment that entered his intriguing gaze, she slipped free from him, ducking beneath his arm. "We should get back to our patient… this… this… just can't happen."

Lexie's gaze dropped down to the tiles at her feet, her hand wrapping around the doorknob and yanked the structure open. She flinched when the door hit him hard on the shoulder in her hurry to escape. "God… I'm so sorry… we should keep things… professional…"

"You got it, Doctor Grey…" She might think she'd won this but as he watched her slip from the room an idea took root.

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