Steve and the others could finally relax as they were housed in a small estate on the edges of Wakanda. He wasn't fully happy with the fact that Bucky wasn't with them, he had been taken right into central Wakanda, into the Capital to be treated. He had wanted to go with his friend, but T'Challa had explained that bringing outsiders into his country was not something that was allowed to happen unless for extreme circumstances, them being where they were was bad enough, and was causing rumblings with the King's Council.

Bucky needed help, and that was the only type of help he could receive in the Capital with the King's sister, but Steve and the others would not be allowed any further into the country than they already were without risking T'Challa being challenged.

He had wanted to press things but Natasha, newly joined up with them, had pointed out that T'Challa's reign had to be shaky, no matter the loyalty the Wakandan people clearly felt to the royal line, a change over of power was always a tenuous time in a country, and always the greatest risk of the new figure of power being challenged if it was thought that they were not the best for their country, or they were not putting their country and its people first.

He had still been ready to press it but then Natasha had pointed out that if T'Challa was taken from power, the next person on the throne would not have a sense of debt to Bucky and to healing him, at best they would find themselves thrown out the country, at worst they would have to fight themselves out. And Bucky was not up to that.

So, Steve wasn't happy but he had had no choice but to allow Bucky to be taken from his side yet again, and they were left to this estate.

It was beautiful, but with a sharp sense of shame, he realised that it was a major step down in the comfort that they had been used to living in thanks to Tony. He had caught the others making comments about how something wasn't as nice as their possession at home and then would freeze as they remembered whose money had bought them that possession and that they had betrayed him.

Things were tense and uncomfortable whenever the subject of Tony came up, or anything close to Tony. They were all shaken and upset with how quickly things had escalated, none of them had expected it to get this bad, and none of them really sure how it had happened.

Wanda was wandering around the estate listlessly, her interaction and fight with Vision at the Compound, and their interaction at the airport making it clear that what had been forming between them had been destroyed, that Vision was done with their relationship.

Clint had been shocked that the world had turned against them, and realisation was sinking in that he had left his family behind for this fight, and now he could not go back to them. He couldn't even contact Laura or the kids to speak to them without risking their safety considering there were a number of countries hunting them, and their own country seemed eager to find them and hand them over as proof that they weren't hiding and harbouring them.

Sam was looking torn about the fact that the choices they made had been treated so poorly. He still believed that the Accords were wrong, but he was shocked by how loud and vehement the world was about them, and Steve knew he was wavering a little as it was apparent that this was what a lot of people wanted.

Natasha was...hiding everything. She had told him that she had left Tony behind, telling him that he was allowing his own ego to get in the way of things and that she didn't believe in the Accords and what he was trying to do, and for the reasons, he was doing them. Steve was glad to have her at his side again, and it made him feel more secure knowing that she had chosen his side, it helped him know he had made the right choice. And she had risked more than them for this because she had signed the Accords, they had a certain about of wiggle room if they were caught considering they hadn't agreed and signed the Accords.

It was all a little bit of a mess though, and Steve was working out a way to get a note and phone to Tony to start contact with the other man, to hopefully start smoothing over the events that had happened between them. He knew that Tony would be angry and would be licking his wounds and the fact that he had lost to Steve and Bucky, that meant that Steve had to wait to get in contact for a little while, Tony was more likely to do something silly if he was still angry and worked up.

Steve felt bad for what had happened, things had gotten out of control he admitted that to himself, the fight had escalated for too quickly, and he had reacted more viciously than was probably needed considering the situation, but Tony had tried to kill Bucky.

He kept telling himself that he had had no choice.

He wondered when he would believe it.

He wondered when he would stop hearing the words 'So was I' echoing around his head.

He wondered when he would stop hearing the clang on vibranium being repeatedly hammered into the Iron Man suit.

He wondered when he would stop seeing the fear in those brown eyes that normally looked at him with warmth and friendship, eyes that had been scared for his life and sure that Steve was about to kill him as he tried to protect his face and throat from the shield.

He wondered when he would stop hearing the rattle in Tony's chest and smell blood on the air as he had walked away and left Tony in his suit in the freezing cold of Siberia.

"We need to leave, now, pack the essentials," Clint's face was cold and hard when he walked into the room.

"What?" Natasha frowned confused looking up from the sofa.

"We need to pack essentials and get out of Wakanda now! T'Challa is no doubt on his way and I don't think it is going to be pretty when he gets here!" Clint threw a paper at her. Steve watched confused, sharing a look with Sam as fear flashed across her face.

"Pack now!" She ordered hurrying to her feet, grabbing a bag from under the sofa and started throwing their Starkpads and phones in.

"What, we can't leave Wakanda, Bucky…" Steve started protesting.

"If you want to stay out of prison, and hope that T'Challa carries on treating Bucky despite whatever you did, you need to pack now!" Clint growled refusing, pointedly, to look in their direction.

"What?" Natasha threw the paper at him before hurrying into her bedroom, the sound of draws being unceremoniously dragged out the dresser and dumped reached them.

Steve and Sam crowded around the paper, and Steve's blood ran cold with panic as he took in the headline, needing to read it five times before the words really sunk in.

Stark Industries CEO Virginia Potts finally admits Tony Stark has been missing for three weeks.