Hope you all enjoy! Please go check out my poll and vote. Also, if you have any advice for the duels please let me know i the comments below.

Yugi sat up, wiping the blur from his eyes as he got ready for school. Today he had decided to go early as the leadership students, Yugi included, were setting up for the school music festival. Also, he wanted to avoid the huge crowd of people that would always flock to his side and try to duel him every day. Ever since Atem had left, Yugi had a hard time standing up for himself. He would often times get bullied as well, because people expect 'The King of Games' to be someone other than a half pint like Yugi was. By now he was half way to school, he wanted to get there faster so he took the short cut that led him through the ally way.

He remembered how the ware house had been burned down and set aflame. At the time Yugi was still in there, trying to free his millennium puzzle. He would not have made it out alive if it weren't for Joey and Tristan.

Yugi was almost out of the alley when he felt a tug on his shirt's collar. He turned to face what had pulled him. He is surprised when he finds a boy that seems about his age, of course he's taller than Yugi, the boy has a gray hood on. Along with his gray hood he has black jeans that have holes in them. They weren't the kind of holes that were meant to be there, he noticed they looked like they had been accidentally ripped.

"Er, can I help you?" Yugi tried his best he be polite. There was an awkward silence as Yugi glanced at what little of the other boy's face that he could see. He had a frown that seemed permanent. "Hello?" Yugi was confused, why had this person stopped him? The boy seemed to be in a trance.

He snapped out of it.

"Are you Yugi Muto?" Yugi nodded. "Come with me." Yugi furrowed his eye brow. He hesitated, the other person had been so blunt about it, his voice mono tone. The boy didn't wait for Yugi to reply and started walking away. Yugi followed, glancing around nervously. They continued walking for about five minutes when Yugi spoke up.

"Hey, I'm going to be late to class f I don't go soon..." They both stopped. "I'm gonna go now, sorry." Yugi started to leave when an odd light flashed behind him. He turned to look at it. Yugi was surprised when he saw two people instead of one. "What the heck is g-" He was cut of by the boy in the hoodie.

"Run." He said this with no emotion which confused Yugi. He was about to ask why before he was once again cut off.

"Do you want to die?" He asked bluntly. Yugi's eyes widened, die? What does he mean? Die!? This isn't the shadow realm!

"I said run." Yugi was getting more and more scared. He turned to run but then stopped he heard the boy say.

"Alright, let's duel." Yugi looked back to see what look like a duel disk, but smaller, strapped to his wrist. The boy pulled five cards from the deck slot. His opponent did the same.

(Note: I will not be using the anime deck(s) for any characters)

He waited for his opponent to make the first move. He glanced back at Yugi. Why didn't he run? He shrugged.

"Alright then, I set a monster then lay two face downs the I end my turn." The boy observed this.

"My turn. I draw." He looked at his hand. "I set my Supreme King Gate Infinity in my Pendulum Zone." He placed the card. "Then I activate Allure of Darkness." He drew two cards. "Then I end my turn."

"My move! I draw! I activate Raidraptor - Nest! I end my turn." The boy narrowed his eyes.

He drew his card. He thought about his hand. Without doing anything he looked up.

"I end my turn." His opponent just stared, then laughed

"Hahaha! My move I draw my card. "I will actually do something and I sset a monster, your move!" He was still laughing as he said this.

He simply stood there, then said.

"Your turn." This time no reaction.

"Alright, I summon Raidrapotor - Mimicry Lanius in attack mode, then I flip my two face down monsters. Raidraptor - Fuzzy Lanius and Raidraptor - Skull Eagle. Now I sacrifice my Mimicry Lanius and my Fuzzy Lanius. Come forth! Gem-Knight Pearl!"

He paused.

"Now I attack you directly! You take a total of 3600 damage!" The boy was blasted backwards from the force of the blow and his hood came off. Under the hood was blue hair with light blue bangs and pink high lights. He got up.

"My turn, I draw then end my turn."

"Fine! Alright I draw! I'll give you a chance to do something, so I won't attack this turn. I will activate the spell card Raptor's Ultimate Mace, giving my Skull Eagle and extra 1000 attack points! I ed my turn."

He drew then ended his turn.

"I summon Raidraptor - Avenge Vulture, then end my turn." The boy drew again.

"Okay, now I set Supreme King Gate Zero in my Pendulum Zone to set the Pendulum scale. I can now summon monsters level twelve through one at the same time. I Pendulum summon Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon and Vector Pendulum, the Dracoverlord. Now, by sacrificing my Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon and Vector Pendulum, the Dracoverlord, I can XYZ summon. I XYZ summon Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom." He paused a moment.

"Now I activate the spell card Monster Reborn, I bring back Astrograph Sorcerer. Then I activate another Monster Reborn and bring back Stargazer Magician. I attack you with all my monsters. Do the math, you take a total of 3500 damage. Then I activate the spell card Goblin Thief, three of them too be exact. You take an extra 1500 damage. That's 3000 life point left. I activate three Ookazi spells. You take 2400 more damage. That's 600 left. Now I use an effect banish one monster on my field to bring back one spell/trap card to my hand. I bring back Ookazi then activate it. You're finished."

He watched as his opponent was blown backward. He turned to Yugi.

"Let's go, I have a lot to explain." Yugi followed him hesitantly.