Author's Note: I apologize for being late with this one. I've been distracted by recent events. Minor soapbox mode: I've always been personally aware how hard it is being a black male in America, but it seems like it's been getting worse as I get older. I mean, I could literally be killed while unarmed and have a very vocal part of the population say I deserved it for asking why I was stopped. Sorry, I'm just really bothered. Anyway, here's a new chapter where the teens go to race in Monaco. The first chapter not set in North America.

ANNOUNCEMENT: I've decided to release my OC's for use. Meaning if you want to use an of them in your own stories, just do it. All I ask is that you credit me and don't change the sexuality of the LGBT characters.

Disclaimer: I don't own Total Drama, the shuffled concept or the (most of) the characters.

And to answer some reviews:

gman5846: Dawn's my favorite character. I had to give her a nice send-off.

Derick Lindsey: Eh, Dawn was too intuitive to stay longer and too well-liked to be eliminated normally. Well, I was considering making Dawn aromantic, but I think instead I'll do a really crack pairing I came up with. Yes, Geoff was referring to the Ice Dancers and their mind games. This takes place a year after the Race, Danger Island and the Race were filmed about the same time. 'Sucks' is a pretty good way to describe a good 90 percent of what happened to Olivia. As for everything else, wait and see.

LazloVader9943: I hate to burst your bubble, but I don't ever see Rebecca and Matthew teaming up or going against each other.

Puzzlefan 123: Leaving of your own accord does tend to take the sting out of it.

KryptonianKnight: You have a point about Olivia. Sadly, the Olivessa relationship is going to get worse before it gets better.

Guest: Really? Because I cou;dn't see another way for Dawn to lose. Even if she can't win the final season, I'll try to make her less filler-y. Eh, you're reading too much into Dawn's reasoning. She has her own motivations and isn't above slight trickery to make it happen. I'm glad you like Courtney and Geoff's heart to heart.

Zeveros: Well Dawn said she wasn't a lesbian. She's actually pan. Yeah, this next group of chapters isn't fun to write when it comes to eliminations. I'm glad you like Olivessa, it's my biggest gamble this season. Well the point of Redemption is to give a chance to those who didn't get a lot of screentime. And it'll equal the same amount of eliminations as season one so I don't see it being an issue. I can guarantee that's not a throwaway line and Contessa will hear about it. I can't tell you the effect it will have.

Crosshot: Glad you like Topher. I have been considering a really crack pairing for Dawn in The Finale. Eh, I have one more than I thought that needs more screen time from the original cast and I figure I can leave Beardo out since he's in the Race.

Gucci Mane LaFlare: Thanks. I'm glad you liked Olivia and Contessa being friends. I was worried it was too cliche.

That British Guy: Yeah, but it does explain a lot of her personality.

Critica7: I'm very sorry to hear that, and I hope that you read future seasons and like them better.

T-800Drama: Dawn leaving was the most sensible option. Still not my favorite one though. Given the track record of this show, that's a fair prediction. The ships are all progressing just the way I want them to, no need to worry.

BaseballCapClyde: I'm rather proud of that pun. A lot of people like Terrance, I think the bully with a sense of honor thing draws a lot of fans. But he was way too smart for this season. Not that the others are dumb, just not as intuitive. This is the tip of the villainous Topher iceberg. Dawn going was expected, necessary, and still very upsetting because I love her so much. No one ever gets to finish their warning about the villain. Although I try to keep my reasons less ass pull-y than canon. Glad you liked Courtney and Geoff's conversation, and it's a bit early to comment on who goes how far.

Remaining All-Stars:

Heroic Horses: Brick, Contessa, Izzy, Jasmine, Mitch, Owen

Villainous Vipers: Courtney, Geoff, Justin, Katie, Olivia, Topher

Racing in Monaco, is there anything cooler?

Episode 05: The Count of Monte Carlo

"Last time, on Total Drama!" Chris opened the recap, the clips starting with a pan across the jungle path. "The contestants trudged through the Mexican jungle," he said over shots of the Heroes, then the Villains running down the jungle path. "Someone finally talked some sense into Geoff," Geoff and Courtney were shown talking, "Olivia severely screwed up her friendship with Contessa," the girls' kiss was shown, followed by Olivia running away, "and Topher once again shows us his villainous chops," Topher was shown 'convincing' Olivia to steal the Heroes' map.

"Shockingly, when the Heroic Horses lost," the host added over a shot of the Villains reaching the finish line first, "Dawn volunteered herself for elimination," The moonchild was shown giving Olivia the map, followed by her being tossed out of the plane.

"Twelve contestants," Chris said as the recap ended and the scene flashed to him in the cockpit with Chef. "One million dollars! Loads more exotic locales to sully with petty teenage drama!" He punched his open hand. "Right here, on Total! Drama! All-Stars! 2!" As the shot pulled back with each word, a single skydiver was shown parachuting behind the plane.


[The sequence opens exactly as it did in season three, with a tilted shot of a stagelight swinging up and turning on in front of an airport control tower, followed by another light popping out of an overhead compartment along with a pair of oxygen masks; then a camera forcibly ejecting a raccoon from a wing engine and another camera bursting out of a suitcase, sending undergarments flying. A pair of white-skinned arms clap a film slate in front of the camera, which then flies down the aisle of first class seats. It passes a drink cart, then forces Chris McLean to jump to the side as the camera flies into the cockpit.]

Dear Mom and Dad, I'm doin' fine;

[Chef Hatchet is piloting the plane in its cockpit, bobbleheads of himself and the host sitting on the control panel. For a single frame he turns his head and glares at the camera before it passes through the windshield and out onto the runway, the silhouette of the CN Tower visible in the distance as the camera flies over and through several baggage tugs.]

You guys are on my mind!

[Fading through the whiteness of a baggage cart, the camera emerges close to the CN Tower. The camera flies up along it, the sun shining bright at its peak. The scene arcs downward towards a lake, and speeds forward into it with a splash.]

Ya asked me what I wanted to be,

[The bubbles from the splash fade to show Owen floating underwater seemingly naked. He notices his swim trunks float past him and covers his crotch with a blush on his face, and the camera pans up to the surface.]

And now I think the answer is plain to see!

[On the roof of the cabin of a boat woven from reeds, Dawn is meditating in lotus position.]

I wanna be...famous!

[The camera pans down and to the right to where Olivia is frantically paddling the boat as crocodiles leap out of the water on either side and snap their jaws. The boat leaves the screen, and on 'be' one of the reptiles winces; the camera moves back to the boat, revealing that it had crashed into an inflatable raft that Contessa was standing on. The raft begins to sink, and Olivia quickly grabs her into a fierce hug. The two girls blush and separate just as quickly.]

I wanna live close to the sun!

[The camera flashes to the a snow-capped mountain, immediately cutting to the top it as Brick climbs up from the side, then wipes the sweat from his brow as he helps Courtney reach the summit.]

Well pack your bags, 'cause I've already won!

[The couple stop with shock on their faces as Izzy suddenly runs past. The wildcard blindly runs straight into Jasmine, and the two tumble off the other side of the mountain.]

Everythin' to prove,

[The camera quick-pans to Mitch standing in an open field on Pahkitew Island. He catches Jasmine in his arms and gently sets her down, and she kisses him on the cheek as Izzy lands on the ground behind them.]

Nothin' in my way; I'll get there one day.

[Another pan to the right shows Topher watching with a devious expression. He rubs his hands in anticipation, only for a furry paw to quickly tap him on the shoulder. The camera pans to Scuba Bear glaring at the instigator, who promptly runs away. On the bear's other side, Terrance begins to laugh...]

'Cause I wanna be...famous!

[...Scuba Bear then turns to glare at Terrance instead, even roaring at the boy and chasing him off. The camera zooms in on a mountain in the background, and flashes over to Geoff and Katie walking down the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The party dude turns to the right and screams and the two run away, a large number of fans chasing them away.]

(Na-na nanananaa, nanana-nanaa, na-nananananaa)

[Justin and B were next, the genius driving a speedboat and the model waterskiing behind him. They speed up and out of frame and the camera shakes for a moment. The shot pans to the right to show that the boys had ran into another speedboat driven by Sasquatchanakwa, Justin now face-down in his and B's boat. The yeti makes a hand gesture that had to be censored and the camera pans up to the sky.]

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous! (Na-na nanananaa, nanana-nanaa, na-nananananaa)

[The jet flies right past a Mayan pyramid, causing whole structure to fall apart; the jet flies over Cristo Redentor in Rio de Janero, startling a priest into crossing himself; the jet flies trough the air and the camera pans down.]

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous! (Na-na nanananaa, nanana-nanaa, na-nananananaa)

[The pan ends on a zoomed out shot of the swim-dressed all-stars lined up on eight platforms according to their teams – the villains holding red dueling sticks on the left of each platform, the heroes holding gold dueling sticks on the right. The camera zooms in and moves between them as they clash – smirking Courtney against smirking Brick; smug Topher being shoved in the water by a smiling Mitch; vain Justin holding off a confused Owen with one hand as he admired his own reflection in a hand mirror; Geoff thrusting eagerly but being easily blocked by an unimpressed Jasmine; Katie smirking darkly as she easily knocked Dawn into the water; Olivia being knocked away by a maniacally grinning Izzy; Terrance evenly matched with B, both boys smirking competitively; and Rebecca evilly smirking as she slammed her stick against a terrified Contessa, the top pieces of the padding suddenly catching fire and making both girls look up in surprise.]

[The lyrics end and a guitar is strummed as the camera zooms in on the two flames as they flare together, and the last few whistling notes play. The fires peter out to show the cast lined up and most of them smiling at the camera, the jet behind them. Mitch is on the far left end; to the right are Jasmine, B, Owen, Terrance, Geoff, Justin, Topher and Rebecca. In front of them are Dawn, Olivia, Contessa, Katie, Courtney, and Brick. Rebecca has her back turned to the camera as the song ends, spray-painting a '2' at the end of the 'Total Drama All-Stars' logo on the side of the jet, then turns and winks at the camera.]


A reverent tune began as the episode opened, starting with a shot of the plane flying before switching to Justin and Olivia sitting in first-class seats. Both had bowls of what looked like oatmeal, but only the model was eating it.

"Yay we won..." Olivia sighed, halfheartedly stirring her bowl with a spoon. "I mean, it's great, but I just don't feel like celebrating anything lately."

Justin glanced in her direction and smirked.


"I think it's time I finally made my move," the model smirked in the confessional. "Give myself a little control over this team. And now that Olivia's suddenly mopey, that makes her the perfect person to ally with."


"Maybe, you're just enjoying it with the right people?" Justin suggested with a charming grin.

"Not now," the actress glared at him. "Not ever."

"I haven't completely lost my mojo have I?" the model worried. "Have I?" he repeated, looking across to Katie and Topher sitting opposite him and Olivia.

"Don't expect answers from me," Topher said with an uncaring shrug. "I never watched your season, so I don't know anything about your mojo."

"I'm pretty sure you have," Katie said as the focus moved to her. "It probably has something to do with when you started talking."

Justin glared at her and the camera panned to the meeting table where Courtney and Geoff were sitting, the former looking irritated and the later looking desperate.

"Come on Courtney," Geoff pleaded. "You gotta help me get Katie back. For the good of the team!" he added with a pathetic puppy-dog look.

The prep rolled her eyes. "No," she huffed. "I already told you I don't think she should forgive you."


The scene flashed to the economy section, the camera focused on those on the left wall. Jasmine was sitting in the middle of the three, with Mitch on her right and Brick to her left.

"Does anyone else find it weird that Contessa's almost never with us in the mornings?" the amazon asked.

"Can't say I never noticed it," Mitch answered. "What are you gettin' at Sugarcube?"

Jasmine pursed her lips. "Well I just can't stop thinking about what Dawn said yesterday. She said most of the Villains weren't bad, but what if she was trying to warn us about-"

"Don't finish that thought!" Owen shouted as the camera cut to him and Izzy on the opposite wall. "I can't believe you'd even think that!"

"Think about it Owen," Jasmine said. "She's never around when we first wake up, and when anyone ever tries asking where she's been she gets evasive and dodgy. Plus she hasn't been acting like herself all season."

"Like you know what she's normally like!" Owen shouted. "I was the only one here that helped her after what happened last season! Do you have any idea how hard it's been for her?"

"I know she was hurt," Jasmine said sadly. "But she's letting it affect her perfomance in the game. If she's not going to take it seriously, we'd only be hurting our own chances by not voting her off."

"I know you don't wanna hear it," Mitch spoke up, solemnly removing his hat. "But Sugarcube has a point."

"Well nice to know how you all really feel!" Owen snapped.

Brick looked from one side to the other and sighed.


"Well things have not gone the way I hoped they would," the cadet confessed. "I thought having a team of Heroic All-Stars would be a good thing, but all we've done lately is argue."

He slammed his fist into his palm. "As team leader, I have to fix this!"


The camera cut to the cargo hold, where Contessa was walking around with an almost desperate look on her face.

"Liv?!" she hissed, holding a hand to her face. "Liv! Where are you?! I really need to talk to you about what happened!"

She sighed and slumped to the ground against a tall crate. "Please Liv, I know I didn't react the best way but don't do this. Don't cut me out when we just found each other again."

A moment of silence passed and she growled. "Fine! I know you're in here, watching me make an idiot of myself. I bet that was probably your plan the whole time wasn't it?! Well I'm not falling for it anymore! Go jump off the plane for all I care!" she huffed and stormed out of the hold, and Olivia poked her head out from behind the crate with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Tessa," the actress cried softly. "But it's for your own good."


"I know letting her think I'm like Rebecca's probably taking things too far," Olivia confessed. "But until I get over this crush I have to avoid her. I can't ruin her chances with Dawn. I want her to be happy," she sighed. "Even if it's not with me."


The camera cut to Jasmine watching Contessa leave the cargo hold with a suspicious look on her face. "So that's where you go off to every morning," she said to herself.

"Yep," Topher said suddenly, startling the amazon as the camera zoomed out to show him walking over to her. "That's where she does all her plotting."

Jasmine raised an eyebrow and gave him a mild disbelieving look.

"Oh come on," Topher sighed. "You can't have missed how different she's been acting. Classic case of villain slippage. In fact, the other night, I saw her take you guys's map and tear it to shreds."

"And why should I belive you?" the amazon asked.

"You don't have to," Topher shrugged. "But I warned Dawn the other day and look what happened."

Jasmine watched him go with an uncertain grimace, and the camera cut to Topher's devious grin.


"I said I wouldn't tell the Heroes about Contessa and Olivia's meetings and I didn't," he confessed. "I never said I wouldn't stir up drama over there another way. And no matter who gets the boot after the powder keg I just lit explodes, I benefit. Either Jasmine goes and a big threat is taken out of the game, or Contessa goes and Olivia loses the only person on this plane that can stand her, forcing her to stay allied to me to stay in the game."


A dramatic tune played as the season's world map was shown, depicting the plane icon flying from the Yucatan Peninsula to the the northern coast of the Mediterranean.


The Total Drama Jumbo Jet had parked in a huge, empty field in front of a huge structure. All of the contestants had gotten off of the were standing in a group in front of the reality show host. Chris was facing the contestants with the structure behind him.

He gestured to the structure as he said, "All-Stars, welcome to Monaco!"

Most of the contestants looked around in confusion.

"Monaco?" Owen asked. "Is that even a real place?"

"It's a big casino city," Mitch explained. "And a few of those European races take place here, but that's about all I know o' the place."

"Well that's pretty much all there is to know about this place," Chris admitted with a shrug. "This building behind me is the location of your next challenge. Follow me."

Chris led all of the contestants into the track's walls.


The contestants were in a group and standing in front of Chris once again, only this time they were standing on the Start/Finish line which was a line of red bricks embedded in the track from the outside wall to the pit wall on the left side of pit road.

"We are standing on a track where a super rich guy, car collector, and massive fan of the show test drives all the expensive sports cars he buys," Chris started, "He sponsors a group of race car drivers in several circuits who've won over fifty million dollars in prize money. In other words, most of you are on the wrong show," he finished with a chuckle.

"Them an' me both," Chef muttered under his breath.

"Anyway," the host continued with a quick glare at his assistant, "Today, your challenge should be somewhat obvious. Some of you are gonna be racing! One person on each team to be exact, in these brand new, custom-made, Jaguars!"

Chris motioned to Chef who was now standing next to a huge tarp that was covering two big figures. Chef pulled the tarp off and revealed the two sports cars. The Heroes' car was painted gold with the team's logo on the hood and both rear wings. The sides of the vehicle had the faces of the team's members on them: Contessa, Jasmine, Mitch and Owen on the left, and Brick, Dawn, Izzy, and B on the right. The Villain's car was painted red with the team's logo on the same places as the other team's car. This car also had the faces of its team's members on the sides: Terrance, Olivia, Rebecca, and Topher on the left, and Courtney, Geoff, Katie, and Justin on the right. Rebecca, B, Terrance, and Dawn's faces had been crossed out.

The male all-stars and Izzy looked at the cars with child-like glee, but the other girls were largely unimpressed.

"Now," Chris continued, "All contestants will be the pit crew. As per some random racing leagues rules that our interns found, only 6 members are allowed to touch the car during a pit stop. Four tire changers, a gas person, and the air-jack person are those six members, so everyone on each team will have to play the role of a pit member."


"This challenge has me more excited than a boll weevil in a cotton field!" Mitch cheered. "Racin's one o' the things I wanted to do when I was a kid."


"Now," the host continued, "Enough about the boring pit crew." He paused to chuckle. "The racers will drive for 25 laps at a time. The flagman, a.k.a. Chef, will wave a black flag when you complete your 25th lap, signaling you to pit. You will then perform a mandatory pit stop. While the car is being tended to, the driver should probably get out, stretch their legs, and help out with the pit stop. That will continue until the fourth pit stop. After the driver for both teams completes their 25th lap four times, the race will be over. Also, try not to wreck your car, because if you car is damaged beyond repair, your team automatically loses and will be at the elimination ceremony. Alright, is that clear to everyone?"

The crowd of contestants murmured a bit in confusion between themselves.

"Good!" Chris said happily. "Well, you two teams decide who is driving."

Both teams went into huddles.


The camera looked up from below as the Heroic Horses formed a six-person circle. Brick smiled and asked, "Who wants to drive?"

"Well, it's been a dream o' mine to be a racer since I was little," Mitch said, "I'd love to have a go at it."

"Alright, well…who wants to be the tire changers?" "The cadet continued.

Jasmine raised her hand and said, "Tires are pretty heavy, and someone's gonna have to carry them over the wall."

"Ok," Brick continued, "So Jasmine will carry all the tires."

"I'll be a tire changer!" Owen said.

"Me too!" Izzy said.

"To be honest," Contessa replied, "I was hoping for some crew chief position or something. I'm really good at organizing things."

"Yeah, that figures," Jasmine said scoffed, "You wanted the role where you don't do anything."

"Hey!" Contessa said in offense.

"Hold it!" Brick yelled.

"You are gonna work the jack," he said while pointing at Contessa, "and you'll fill the gas tank," he said as he pointed at Jasmine, "So you'll be forced to work together! Alright?"

The amazon and romantic looked at each other and then turned away from each other in a huff.

"You realize that means you're on tire duty right?" Owen asked.

"I'm aware," the cadet sighed.


"I'm not sure what caused this fight," he told the confessional. "And I don't care. We're a team and we need to work together!"


"I wanna drive!" Geoff announced. as the camera cut to the Villainous Viper's huddle.

"Ok fine," Courtney sighed. "Who wants to do what in the pit crew?"

"I'll fill the gas tank," Oliva volunteered. "It's the only think guaranteed not to mess up my nails."

"I'll work the jack," Justin added. "It'll require strength and I have the muscles to handle it."

"So I guess the rest of us will be the tire changers," Courtney said, "Lucky for you all I've got great hand-eye coordination!"

"I really hope the grease doesn't get in my hair," Topher said with a sour look on his face.

"It doesn't matter. Now let's go!" Courtney commanded.


All twelve teens were standing behind the pit road wall, dressed up in firesuits and helmets. They stood next to two pit boxes, one gold and the other red, and they were looking around for a certain someone.

"Where the heck is that annoying host?" Contessa asked.

"Hey, I take offense to that remark," the loudspeakers amplified.

The aforementioned host was seated in the broadcast booth that overlooked the whole track from the top of the long front straightaway.

"And for the record, I'm only annoying when it's funny to me. Ha-ha! Anyway, it's time to start this thing! According to my notes Mitch and Geoff are the drivers. Alright! boys, get in your cars and strap those belts tight! You'll be following the pace car to the green flag!"

Chris turned off the track's loudspeakers and turned to the camera that was directly behind his chair.


The camera flashed and showed the view down the front straightaway from turn one. Mitch, driving the Heroes' golden racing Jaguar, was on the inside of the track with the Villain's red vehicle, driven by Geoff, on his right. The pace car pulled into pit road as both vehicles drove past the pit road opening toward the Start/Finish line. They slowly paced their way down the long strip of asphalt, both engines revving in anticipation. Finally, Chef waved the green flag from the top of the flag stand and both cars accelerated past the waving green cloth toward the first turn.

"And they're off," The host said to the camera, "Nice flag wavin', Chef!"

Chef gave a thumbs-up toward the broadcasting booth as he continued to stand on the flag stand.

"Now, let's look at our amateur racers drive on this track on their first lap," Chris announced

The camera's view changed to see both cars going down the back straightaway at high speeds as they continued to accelerate.

"Both cars are still side-by-side going down the back straight, with Mitch still on the inside lane. They go into turn 3 and Geoff gets ahead of Mitch who had to take the turn wider. Mitch still holds the lead coming off turn 4 and back down the front straightaway. Mitch will lead the first lap ahead of Geoff by a car length as they race back into turn one!" the host narrated.


The rest of the the Horses cheered as they heard Chris announce that Mitch led the first lap.

"Great job, Mitch," Brick said to his driving teammate over the in-car radio, "Keep driving like that, and we'll be seeing another win for the Heroes!"

"Count on it," Mitch replied, "I'll have this done quicker than a peach cobbler at a family reunion."

"He has to be making some of those up," Contessa whispered to Owen and Izzy, making them laugh.

"Glad to hear it," Brick smiled. "Let me know if anything seems to be going wrong."

"10-4," the cowboy replied.


The five other Vipers stood next to the pit box and watched both cars zip by them down the frontstretch with Mitch still leading Geoff, this time by two car lengths.

"What is he doing?" Courtney complained, "He's losing time every lap. At this rate, we'll be half a lap behind when it's time for the pit stop."

"Stop being such a pessimist, Courtney," Justin said to her, "We need to stay positive if we're gonna win this challenge."

"He's right," Katie said from behind Courtney, "Even if the chips are down, we have to remain upbeat to the very end! Besides, if we are behind that makes us the underdogs. And these things always go well for underdogs."

Courtney looked from the model to the Latina, then rolled her eyes and walked away in the opposite direction. Katie sighed and looked down at the ground before Justin walked to her and patted her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Katie," he said with a suave smile. "I thought your speech was very inspiring."

"I'm not joining an alliance with you," Katie sad before walking off.

"I wasn't gonna ask that!" Justin protested as he watched the girl leave.


"Katie's out, Olivia's out," Justin said. "That jut leaves Courtney. How am I gonna convince her to side with me in future votes?"


Both cars were on their 20th circuit around the track. Mitch was still in the lead and Geoff was losing ground on him, just like Courtney said.

"Mitch completes lap twenty of this race," Chris announced, "Only five more laps till the mandatory pit stop. Mitch drives it into turn one and Geoff has just passed the Start/Finish about 7 seconds behind. Looks like the Villains just don't have the horsepower to stay in this race. No pun intended." He laughed. "I lied, that pun was completely intended."


Izzy was standing in the middle of a circle of the rest of the pit crew doing push ups.

"Come on guys," the wildcard cheered, "We gotta get pumped for this pit stop!"

The rest of the team just stared at her.

"Is it really a good idea to tire ourselves out so soon?" Jasmine asked warily.

"Yeah," Contessa agreed. "Besides, after we unscrew the tires with the air wrench, we need to pull them off and lift the new ones onto the car. That's tiring enough already."

"Mitch is coming in this lap, dudes," Owen said as he grabbed two tires with ease, "We better get ready."


The pit crew got ready for the upcoming pit stop. The tire changers got their air wrenches ready and the tube guys got their tubes in hand. They all looked down to the entrance of pit road and saw Mitch's car coming. He drove past them and stopped in his pit stall. Right after the Horse's pit stop had started, Geoff made it to the entrance of pit road.

"What do you know?" Courtney said unenthused, "He's even farther back than I thought he was."

"Not the time Courtney," Olivia shot as Justin got ready to jack up the car.

Geoff finally made it to the pit stall and the pit stop commenced.

Justin inserted the jack tube into the car which made the car pop up into the air so that the tires could be changed. Katie, Courtney, and Topher unscrewed the tires with their air wrenches while Olivia inserted the fuel tube. Meanwhile, Geoff unbuckled the seatbelts and climbed out of the car on the right side to help put on the final tire. Katie and Topher had a bit of trouble lifting the new tires onto the car's axles, but Geoff and Courtney had no trouble at all lifting the 50 pound tires. They were able to screw the new tire on and then Geoff helped Katie on the left rear tire.

"Hurry up," Courtney yelled from the side of the car, "The Heroes are probably almost done!"

"Be patient," Katie replied, "Unless you want to race with only two left wheels!"

Topher had finally managed to lift the right front tire to the axle and screwed the tire on as Olivia pulled her tube out of the car. Once the tires were fully screwed on, Courtney gave Justin the signal to drop the car. He took her tube out and the car dropped to the ground on its new tires. Geoff in turn hopped back in the car and drove out of the pit stall. As the party dude drove out, he was careful not to hit the other team's car which was still in its pit stall.


The footage actually went back a few minutes to show why the Heroes were still in the pits. The camera cut to the car to show Mitch fiddling with a tire, which was clearly angled wrong. "Guys we got a problem!" He yelled

"What's wrong, dude?" Owen asked him.

"I can't get the tire on right!" the cowboy told him. "No, wait," he said as the music turned triumphant. "I got it! Time to get back in the race!"

"We're good now!" Owen said to the team.

Contessa, who was waiting by the jack, was only half- paying attention due to her gazing sadly at a specific villain. She perked up at the word 'now' and quickly dropped the jack...

...onto Mitch's foot.

"OWWWWW!" Mitch yelled as he tried to pull his foot from under the car.

"Contessa," Jasmine yelled, "Jack up the car again! Mitch's foot is stuck under it!"

Contessa inserted the jack tube again. Mitch was able to slide his foot from under the car and sit on the pit wall with his foot in the air. Everyone on the team had their attention on the cowboy as he writhed in pain. Meanwhile, the footage caught back up to the present as Geoff had driven out of the Villain's pit stall and out of pit road.

"What's this?" Chris asked from the broadcast booth, "The Heroes have lost their huge lead over the Villains! What a stunning turn of events! Can the Heores come back from this huge deficit? Or will they be the first team to go to elimination ceremonies in a row? And will Mitch be alright? Find out, after the break."


(Commercial Break)


The episode resumes to a shot of Geoff driving his car off turn 4 and back down the front straightaway.

"And we're back, ladies and gentlemen, to the Total Drama 250," Chris said welcoming to the camera. "Before the break, the Villains took the lead after the first pit stop. Now both pit crews are tending to Mitch as the medics come to take him to the infield care center."


"Ahhhhhhh!" Mitch yelled in agony as the medics wheeled the gurney to him. They carefully lifted him up and placed him on the gurney as Brick walked over to him.

"You did your platoon proud soldier," he said.

"Thank you kindly," Mitch replied still wincing in pain.

The medics began wheeling the gurney away from the group of competitors.

"Get well soon, Mitch!" Owen yelled.

Mitch gave a thumbs-up as he was wheeled away. The rest of the Heroes returned with grimaces that were supposed to be smiles, or with sadness and concern in Jasmine's case.


"It's always hard to see a team member hurt," Brick confessed. "It's even harder when it's serious enough to warrant Chris actually giving out medical attention. I hope Mitch is okay soon."


"Don't get me wrong," Courtney told the confessional. "I'm not happy that Mitch hurt himself, but as team leader I can't ignore the advantage that gives us. He's one of their best players and he's going to be either severely hindered or eliminated."


"Aw man," Contessa groaned. "This is all my fault! I'm so sorry Mitch. I hope you can forgive me..." she tilted her head to the side and grimaced. "I should probably tell him that in person..."


"I didn't want to believe Topher," Jasmine confessed angrily. "But Contessa dropped a car onto Mitch's foot. No more Miss Nice Girl," she declared. "Contessa is going home!"


"Wait," Owen suddenly said as the shot cut back to the Heroes. "Who's gonna drive now?"

To everyone's surprise, Contessa stepped forward. "I'll do it," she said. "It's my fault Mitch got hurt."

"Yeah," Jasmine muttered. "It is."

The romantic hopped into her team's car and drove off at high speeds, and the rest of the Heroes except for Jasmine dispersed. The camera lingered to catch the amazon glare darkly at the car to an ominous chanting tune.


The footage flashed ahead to Brick as he had gotten back on top of the his team's pit box to crew chief for Contessa who was 20 seconds behind Geoff on the track. However, that interval was getting smaller and smaller each lap.

"You're doing great, Contessa," Brick said over the radio, "You're closing in on him, slowly, but surely."

"That's good to hear," she sighed in relief, "You think I can catch him by lap 50?"

"I'm not sure, but we can definitely make up time during the pit stop with the strategy I have planned," the cadet said. "We just need to make it flawless."

"It's gonna have to be," Contessa sighed. "Since we're down a player."

"10-4!" Brick answered, oblivious to the guilt in the driver's voice. Something tapped on his shoulder and he turned around to see Courtney.

"Are you guys okay?" she asked in concern.

"Honestly?" Brick sighed as he removed his radio. "I have no idea. We were doing so well but this morning it's like all the glue came undone."

"...But you're not in any danger are you?" she asked.

"No," Brick replied. "I don't think so."

"Good." the prep smiled.


"We're getting close to the next mandatory pit stop in this race," Chris's voice announced over the PA system as the footage skipped over the next bout of laps, "The Villains still hold the lead over the Heroes, but that lead seems to be shrinking. There are still 5 more laps until the next pit stop."

"Guess I better go and get ready," Courtney said as she started walking down the steps.

"Alright," Brick replied, "We can talk later. Love you"

"Love you too!" Courtney walked down the steps and back to her team's pit box with a blushing smile.

Brick turned back towards the track in time to see Contessa roar down the front straightaway towards turn 1.


Courtney sighed happily. "It's been a year, but he still can make me smile like the first time we talked."


The footage skipped ahead to the Villains' pit crew as they got in position for the pit stop that was about to happen. The tire changers got their air wrenches ready as they looked down pit road for their car. The red Jaguar appeared at the entrance of pit road as it slowed down. After about 10 seconds of driving, the Villains' car came to a complete stop in the pit stall and started receiving service.

Meanwhile, the Heroes' car slowed down and paced itself down pit road. As Contessa passed the red car, Geoff had gotten out and started helping with the pit stop. After the fuel tank was filled, it took a few more seconds to get the tires on, but as soon as they were on, Olivia gave the signal. Justin pulled the jack tube out and Geoff hopped into the car and pulled out of the stall as soon as the tires touched the ground.


The scene cut to the Heroes, where Owen had pulled out the fuel tube and the tire changers had already put the new tires on. Contessa climbed back into the seat and fastened the seatbelts. Owen gave the signal to Brick, and he pulled out the jack tube. Contessa pulled out of the stall with a screech and exited the pits in hot pursuit.

"Whoo! Nice stop platoon," Brick congratulated.

"Yeah," Izzy agreed, "That was a great strategy, Brick."

"It'll be a great strategy if we can finally get the lead back," Brick replied. "You think you can do it Contessa?"

"I'll try my best!" Contessa nervously replied over the radio before gulping, "It should be easy to catch Geoff with a lighter fuel tank," she said more confidently.

"Don't rush," the cadet warned. "Be patient and he'll come to us."

"Uh, 10-4?" the romantic replied with a laugh. "This is actually kinda fun!"

Brick chuckled at the excited outburst as he watched the romantic race past the pits. However his face soon fell into nervousness.


"I wasn't in danger before," Brick said. "But if we lose because of this then I've just put myself on the block for elimination."


The camera cut to Chris in the announcer's booth lounging back in his chair as he watched the cars go around the track.

"The pit stops are done," he announced, "And we have just passed the halfway mark of this challenge. Geoff leads Contessa by about 5 seconds," he shot up in confusion. "Wait, five seconds? The Villains had a ten second lead before the pits."

He brought a hand to his ear. "Wait…I'm getting word that the Heroes only took a half a tank of fuel on that last stop. Now, it looks like Contessa is closing that gap. She might become a hero for the Heroes!"


The footage skipped over more of the laps. "There's ten laps left until the last pit stop," Chris announced, "And Conteesa has caught up to Geoff. She's right on his rear." He frowned. "I should find a better way to word that." He perked up with an excited grin. "Oh! Now Contessa is going for the lead in turn three! The cars are side-by-side as they come out of turn four and down the front straightaway!"


The camera cut to the Villains as they all let out sounds of disappointment. The camera zoomed in on Courtney as she frowned and pursed her lips. Then suddenly, her eyes widened in realization. "Guys!" she called out. "I have a plan!"

The four non-driving Vipers huddled around her, and the camera panned up as her words delved into unintelligible whispers.


"Alright soldier," Brick said over the radio as the camera cut to the Heroes' pit box, "You should be able to get ahead of him in turn 1. Just keep the car down low. Yes…yes! You passed her. Great job Contessa!"

The rest of the team started cheering at Brick's announcement.

"That's right ladies and gentlemen," Chris announced, "Contessa has taken the lead for the Heroes once again. But the question now is, 'does she have enough fuel to make it to the next pit stop?' We'll find out in 9 more laps."


The camera cut to the hopeless romantic grinning from ear to ear inside her racing helmet. She made her way down front straightaway and passed the Start/Finish line. Then she heard her crew chief's voice come out of the earpiece of her headset.

"Ok, Contessa," Brick told her. "Check your fuel and tell me how much you have left."

"Cool," Contessa replied. She looked down on the steering wheel for a second before asking, "How do I check the fuel?"

"Check the gauge with labeled with an 'E' and 'F'," the cadet said.

"Uhh," she looked at the fuel gauge. "It's about halfway in between the last tick and the 'E'. Is that good?"

"That should be enough to get you to the pits in 6 laps," he told her. "But ease up on the gas in the turns to save some fuel, just in case."

"I'll do my best," she said.


"Contessa and Geoff have been in a heated battle since she took the lead," Chris announced as the camera flashed to the Villains' pit stop, "Now both cars have to take their last pit stop of the race. This is the last chance for any kind of pit strategy. This next stop can make or break the challenge people!"

"Alright guys," Courtney clapped her hands together, "Like Chris said, this is our last chance to win. Just follow my plan and we should have the lead after this stop."

The others nodded their agreement and Olivia pointed in the direction of the cars. "Look!" she shouted, "Here they come!"

Both cars were indeed slowly making their way down to their respective pit stalls. Geoff was less than a car length behind Geoff until he got to the Villains' pit stall.

"Go!" Courtney shouted as of her team members jumped over the wall.

Geoff jumped out of the car and Olivia immediately inserted the jack tube into the slot, then went to change one of the tires. Justin, and Topher changed the tires on the other side as Courtney ordered Geoff back into the car. When all tires were secured onto the axles, Topher gave the signal to Olivia, who responded by pulling the jack out of the car. As soon as the tires touched the ground, Geoff shifted gears and slammed on the throttle. The car swerved and almost hit one of the Heroes' tire changers, but Geoff made it out of the pits.

"Yes!" Courtney cheered, "That stop was perfect! Nice work team!"


Brick smiled as Contessa came into the pit stop. Once she was close enough, Brick started counting down until the car stopped in the pit stall. "5…4…3…2…1…Move soldiers! Move!"

The pit stop had started. Everyone jumped over the wall as Contessa unbuckled her seatbelts. Owen inserted the jack and the car hopped up then started filling the car with fuel. The other Heroes unscrewed all four tires off the axles. As they struggled to put the new tires onto the axles, they all heard a screech of spinning tires. The sound came from the Villain's car. He drove out of the pit stall right behind the Villain's stall and almost ran over Jasmine who was changing the right rear tire.

"AHH!" she screamed as she dropped the new right rear tire, quickly shrugging it off and placing it. She gave Owen the signal and the optimist pulled the tube out and dropped the car on its tires. As soon as the tires touched the ground, Contessa shifted into first gear and accelerated out of the pit stall. Brick dropped his head and sighed deeply.

"It's all up to Contessa now," he said to himself.


The footage skipped ahead to the two cars racing around the track. A graphic on the bottom right of the screen showed that Geoff was ten seconds ahead of Contessa and the camera cut to the hopeless romantic frowning in determination from inside her car. "Brick," she said. "How am I on time?"

"Well, Geoff was leading by ten seconds when you both merged back on the track after the pit stops," the cadet replied. "Now, he's leading by eight and a half seconds. So you're gaining five-tenths of a second on him per lap."

"So, I should be able to catch him in about seventeen laps?" Contessa asked.

"Someone's good at math," Brick complimented.

Contessa chuckled. "I'm not just a pretty face," she joked.

The footage cut to Courtney frowning with nervousness as the time between the two teams dropped at each lap.


"Here we go, folks!" Chris exclaimed as the camera cut to him in the announcer's booth, "We are ten laps away from the finish, and Contessa's closing in on Geoff. She's less than 3 seconds behind him now. At the pace she's going, she'll probably catch him in the next 5 laps!"

The camera cut to show both cars on the track and the distance between them. A box appeared above the Heroes' car with Contessa's name and picture on it as well as the amount of seconds that separate her from Geoff. It changed every few seconds, but it was decreasing.

"Here we see both cars," the host continued. "As you can see, Contessa is catching Geoff, slowly but surely. You've got to wonder if that short pit stop has something to do with the Villains' car slowing down. Well, it's too late to do anything about it now. Ha-ha! Both cars cross the Start/Finish line to bring this race to 9 laps to go! This is gonna be goo-ood!"


The footage cut to Geoff looking rather nervous from inside his vehicle. He looked at his mirror and saw that Contessa was closing in on him, then widened his eyes in shock and started to push the car harder to try and pull away from her again. He glanced at the fuel gauge and the camera followed his gave to show the needle was dangerously close to 'E'. He gulped silently as he continued to push the car.


"Aw man," Geoff groaned. "If we lose this the others might blame me and vote me out. Then I'll never get to apologize to Katie!" He frowned. "Oh, and I guess losing the million would suck too."


"Five laps left in this close race!" Chris announced as the static cut to a loudspeaker. "Geoff was able to hold Contessa for the time being, but he should be running out of fuel soon. Will the race end before he runs out? Or will he dry up his tank right before the Start/Finish line and hand the win over to Contessa? Either way, you can bet that it'll be a dramatic finish!"

The camera cut to shots of both teams on pit road, every member standing up to get a better view of this race.


"Well even though Geoff is probably panicking right now," Olivia confessed. "I know most of us are gonna pin this on Courtney if we lose. The lack of gas was her idea after all."


"Aaaand I just realized the huge risk I took by trying to step in for Mitch," Contessa said nervously. "If we lose, then not only did I lose the race, but I crippled a team member. I'm as good as gone!"


"I had all the faith in the world that Geoff was gonna win this race," Katie confessed.


The camera shows both cars crossing the Start/Finish line to begin another lap with Contessa right on Geoff's rear tires.


"2 laps to go, Contessa," Brick told the hopeless romantic over the radio as the footage cut to him in the pits, "It's time to go for the lead."

"Got it," Contessa replied.

Contessa tried to take the inside lane in turn 1, but Geoff went down there before she could.

"Mmm…" Contessa groaned.

She stayed down low in the chute between turns 1 and 2 to try and get the inside lane in turn 2, but the party dude blocked her again.

"He's blocking the inside," she said to Brick.

"Wait till you get to the back straightaway. If he blocks the inside there, go to the outside and try to pass him before turn 3," Brick replied.

"Ok." Contessa said nervously.

Right after they turned off turn 2, Contessa went down low on the back straightaway. As Brick suspected, Geoff went low to block. This time, Contessa drove back up high toward the outside wall. Geoff tried to go up high to block again, but Contessa was already on his outside.

"And Contessa pulls off a crossover move on Geoff going down the back straightaway!" Chris announced. "Can she complete the pass before they get to turn 3?"

They stayed side-by-side until they got to turn 3. Since Geoff had the inside lane, he had the shorter way around the turn. Contessa tried her best to stay next to him, but when they came out of the turn, she saw the wall coming and backed out.

"Oh no! Contessa loses that game of 'Chicken.'" Chris announced. "Geoff keeps the lead as both cars go through turn 4!"

"Ugh!" Contessa exclaimed in exacerbation.

"Keep it together soldier," Brick said, "Just be patient, but not too patient. It's the last lap."

"So… be patient, but don't be patient?" She asked. "Do you realize how little sense that makes?"

"Uh..." Brick stammered. "Yes?"

Contessa looked up at the flagstand as she passed the Start/Finish line after Geoff. Chef had the white flag out.

"White flag is out!" the host announced, "Last lap in this challenge and it's either team's race! Who! Will! Win?"

Contessa stayed behind Geoff all the way through turns 1 and 2. They got to the back straightaway in the same order. She tried to pull off the crossover again, but Geoff managed to block her this time around.

"And Geoff isn't fooled twice by the crossover." Chris announced. "Looks like it's his race to win!"


Geoff shifted his eyes between the track and his mirrors to make sure he kept Contessa behind him. He smiled as he drove out of turn 4, but the music turned ominous as the camera cut to his fuel gauge, the needle firmly at 'E'.

"Here they come to the finish!" Chris announced.

Geoff kept blocking Contessa, but he noticed that he was slowing down. Despite his car decelerating, he was adamant on blocking Contessa. So much so that she ran into his rear.

"They touch! They touch!" Chris yelled from the broadcast booth, "Contessa bumps Geoff as they come to the Finish Line!"

Contessa kept on going full throttle, which caused the rear of Geoff's car to come off the ground and go on top of her car's front.

"Geoff's car is on top of Contessa's as they get closer to the stripe!" the host yelled.

Contessa tried to turn get Geoff's car off of her by swerving the car, but it was too late.

"Geoff's car crosses the Finish line first on top of Contessa's car!" Chris announced. "The Villainous Vipers win the challenge!"

The Villains' car slid off the Heroes' hood when Geoff turned his wheel to the left. He applied the brake as soon as the rear tires touched the track. Although, momentum sent him into the inside wall which the car slid against until coming to rest at the end of pit road.

Contessa applied the brake in her car right after Geoff's car got off. The car skidded towards the outside wall in turn 1 before coming to rest against it.

The Villains jumped and cheered after Chris announced that their team had won the challenge. While almost everyone on the Heroes had dropped their jaws in shock as they looked at what transpired on the track, one of the team members looked on in horror.

"CONTESSA!" Owen yelled out as he hopped over the pit wall and ran towards Contessa's stopped car in turn 1. Everyone else except for Mitch, who had returned from the infirmary during the last batch of laps, ran behind him towards the car.

When the frightened optimist got to the car, he saw that Contessa was already unbuckling the seatbelts and getting out of the cockpit.

"Thank goodness you're okay!" he said as he hugged his best friend while the rest of the team caught up, lifter her off the ground and making her turn slightly blue.

"I'm fine," she wheezed. "Just upset that I lost, and running out of air!"

"Hey, as long as you're alright after that wreck," Izzy said as Owen put Contessa down, "We could care less about who won."

Everyone else nodded in agreement, except for a furiously glaring Jasmine.

"Thanks guys..." she said, nervously rubbing her arm with a sheepish smile on her face.


The scene moved to the elimination room, the logo of the Heroic Horses spinning into view in the top left corner of the screen. Mitch was sitting on the bottom left, his injured foot in a cast and crutches leaning next to the bleachers next to him. Jasmine was beside him, with the others scattered about the bleachers.

"Alright Team Hero," Chris greeted the six teens sitting on the stands, all of whom perked up, "are you ready to find out who you chose to eliminate?" The camera cut to the host, who was leaning against a the drum that served as his podium and was pointing a remote control at a nearby television set.

"Let's see who you all voted for!" Chris said happily. "Just for fun!" He pushed a button, and the camera panned close to the television as it cut from static to a video of Mitch standing in the restroom confessional.


"Now I thought long and hard on this," the cowboy confessed as he crossed out Owen's picture. "But the way I see it, my gettin' hurt's due to Owen givin' the wrong signal. Sorry buddy."


The television cut to static, then cut back in to Izzy's vote. "I'm voting for Mitch," she shrugged as she crossed out the cowboy's photo. "You'd have to be crazy to keep someone with an injury in this game."


Another bout of static transitioned the footage to the voting confessional of Owen. "Yeah that Mitch," he said casually as the music turned quirky. "Not so useful in challenges anymore." He crossed out the cowboy's picture.


"Everything that cost us the challenge is totally my fault," Contessa confessed, holding her own photo. "Might as well make it unanimous."


"Everything that's happened is because of Contessa," Jasmine said venomously as she crossed out the girl's photo. "So I'm voting for her.


The sixth and final voting confessional was Brick's, and his face was filled with uncertainty as he looked from Mitch's photo in his left hand to Contessa's in his right. "This has been one of the toughest desiscions I've ever made in this game. On the one hand Contessa cost us the game and injured Mitch. On the other, Mitch is injured and might reduce our effectiveness in future challenges. But Jasmine's grudge against Contessa, which is only going to get worse, will also affect us."

He sighed, then added "I really hate doing this, but I don't think I have a choice. I might be able to fix the rift in the team, but I can't do anything about your foot." He put both photots down, then grabbed the red marker. "Sorry Mitch, but I'm voting for you," he said as he crossed out the boy's photo.


A few drum beats played as the television cut back to static and Chris popped up in front of it. "There! All done!"

The camera cut to the six teens. Jasmine was glaring at a contrite Contessa; Izzy and Owen were sharing concerned glances, Brick was holding his head in shame; and Mitch was sitting with acceptance on his face.

"Yeah," The Cowboy said as he got up with the aid of the crutches next to him. "I kinda figured it'd be me." He turned to Jasmine. "I'll miss you Sugarcube. Win this for us okay?"

"I will," she agreed tearfully. Standing on her tip-toes and giving him a quick kiss.

Chef grabbed the boy by his shoulder, and the camera cut to the now standard shot of the eliminated contestant being thrown out of the plane. He landed on his arm opposite to his injury with a grunt and slid for a few feet.

"Later, dude," Chris told the cowboy. "And you might need that over there."

The camera cut to show a wheelchair sitting near the plane. Mitch pursed his lips and got up to walked over to it, and Chris closed the door of the plane.

"Is this the start of a pathetic losing streak?" the host asked, the usual ending music starting up as the shot cut back to him, the remaining five members of the team in question giving the host a glare that he shrugged off effortlessly. "Find out next time, on Total!" the shot cut outside to the image of Chris on the plane's tail fin. "Drama!" the shot pulled back just enough to show the edge of the wings. "All-Stars! 2!" The final shot showed the plane flying off to the left, and nothing more.

(Roll the Credits)



(Bonus Clip)

"Man, this really sticks in my craw," Mitch complained at the camera as he rolled his wheelchair down the street, his crutches in his lap. "At least I was given the dignity of a vote-off. Havin' been taken out specifically due to injury woulda just been embarrassin'."

"I ain't got no ill will toward Contessa," he admitted. "I mean, it really was my fault for standin' right under the car like that," he considered. "I do hate that I never figured out who Dawn was talking-"

The cowboy suddenly dropped off the screen, and the camera pulled back to show that he'd rolled right down a hill without realizing it. He could be heard screaming "ABOOUUUUUUT!" as he rolled down the steep hill, a slight thud sounding seconds later.

Author's Note Post Script: This is all set-up for later episodes. Mainly everything was done to help bolster the conflict between Jasmine and Contessa. Sorry Mitch had to take the heat from it, but the plot reaper cometh.

I know I said I'd have Gatie reconcile this episode, but by the time I'd gotten to that part in the story, I remembered that Geoff couldn't possibly drive the car and talk to Katie at the same time. And I'd have to change far too much to fix that so I'm just postponing it til the next chapter.

Oh, and this chapter was originally supposed to be in Indianapolis, but I've done enough chapters in the States. So just imagine a really eccentric billionaire with a replica of the stadium they use for the Indy 500. That's not too much of a stretch is it?

And as always I'm sure I'm forgetting to mention something.

I hope you all enjoyed the episode, or some part of it.

Please stay safe and healthy during these difficult times.

And I'd also like to remind you guys that a TVTropes page for this series does exist and needs you guys adding to it.

With that I'm signing off



16th Place: Rebecca

15th Place: B

14th Place: Terrance

13th Place: Dawn

12th Place: Mitch