Author's Note: Now I know I said that I'd finish up the race before doing this, but the ideas and plots won't leave me alone. So I'll just write the main series and relegate the spin-off to whenever I can get chapters out, besides thinking ahead, it's not as important to the main plot as I originally thought anyways. So let's get started on All-Stars 2!

Disclaimer: I don't own Total Drama, the shuffled concept or the (most of) the characters.

Episode 01: More Heroes, More Villains

The scene opened on a close-up of a Chef Hatchet's scowling face. A light ding and the sound of automated metallic doors was heard as a calming muzak tune played and a cut outward revealed the place as a high-end hotel hallway. Chef was being led by a young Hispanic male bellhop through the halls lined with ornate white doors.

"We don't normally do things like this," the bellhop told Chef as the large man listened with feigned interest, "but Mister Lawson is adamant of removing Mister McLean as soon as possible." He leaned in and whispered, "Between you and me, his stay was caused quite the mess between Mister Lawson and Miss Blacksmith."

A heavy snoring rang through the halls, causing Chef's brow to shoot up as the camera moved in front of him.

"Our walls are supposed to be soundproof," the bellhop sighed.

At last, the visitor came upon a door similar to the others, labeled 801. "This is his room Mister Hatchet," the chatty man said. "I do hope Mister McLean has enjoyed his stay and that you've appreciated the services provided to you today." Chef went to open the door, but the bellhop just stood there with an outstretched hand and an appreciative look on his face. Chef rolled his eyes, then handed the man a bill. The bellhop tipped his hat and walked away, and Chef opened the door.

The inside of the room was as one would expect from a luxury hotel. The floor was an immaculate white carpet, the lights were simulated candelabrum, and the walls were a tasteful white wallpaper. In the center of the room was a bed with high posts that connected a frame high above the mattress. White curtains hung from the frame, but the thing that caught Chef's attention was the white male lying asleep in it. His was in his pajamas and his hair was horribly messy and unkempt, and his stubble had grown into a scraggly beard.

Chef crossed his arms and cleared his throat, prompting Chris McLean to sit straight up, awake and startled. "Chef," he said, narrowing his eyes. "You realize you're bothering me on my vacation right?" he asked in annoyance.

"Come on, it's time to start filmin' the new season," Chef told him with mild annoyance of his own.

"No it's not," Chris said stubbornly, crossing his arms and looking away. "That doesn't start until Saturday."

Chef merely dropped his arms and sighed. "It is Saturday."

"WHAT?!" Chris screeched, the camera cut to Chef as his eyes widened in shock and the sound of a door opening, a toilet flushing, and the door closing.

"Let's DO this!" the host said excitedly, the light gleaming off his teeth as his appearance was back to normal.


(Opening Theme)


The episode proper opened with a drumroll into a grandiose theme as the scene faded into what looked like the middle of an airport and the sky above was a beautiful blue.

"Welcome, to Total Drama All-Stars 2!" Chris opened. "Last year we introduced two whole seasons worth of brand new competitors," he explained, "and I have to say, there were some really likable characters in that bunch." He put his hands together as he smiled at the camera for a moment, then adding "Which is why it's time to bring them back to torture them!" with a dark grin and a round of laughter. "What can I say?" he asked. "It's what I do!" he said, pointing at himself proudly.

He walked towards the left, picking up a certain briefcase from where it was sitting as he passed it by. "So, I'm bringing back sixteen All-Stars from the past two seasons to battle it out across the globe in an insane, death-defying," he held up the briefcase and opened it up for the camera to get a close-up of the prize money within, "one million dollar competition!" The sound of a bus approaching preceded a cloud of exhaust blowing past him, making him cough and forcing him to drop the prize money before regaining his composure. "And here they are now!" he said, looking to the left expectantly.

The shot cut up to to the front of the bus as the cast began to emerge. "From Danger Island, say hello to the big fun himself, Owen," the host said, the camera cutting in closer as the bus door slid open to reveal The Optimist, looking rather nervous. The blonde haired boy was still in his iconic teal maple leaf t-shirt, he was promptly shoved out of the bus by an unseen person.

"Why does this season have to be on a plane?!" Owen asked as he trudged over to the host.

"Owen's best friend and heartbroken romantic, Contessa!" Chris said next, the shot cutting first to him and then back to the open bus to show Chef – wearing his old pilot's uniform – behind The Hopeless Romantic, the young black woman dressed in her usual black sweater and yoga pants, cleaning her glasses with an irritated look on her face.

"Can we please not talk about that?" Contessa asked just before she was shoved down the steps, and Chef stepped back into the bus.

The next to step up to the open doorway was The Australian Outback Girl, her black skin contrasting with her usual light khakis, hunched over both to accommodate her great height. "Amazon from the Outback, Jasmine!" Chris announced.

"Nice to get to the show normally," Jasmine said with a smile, holding her slouch hat onto her head before starting to step down, only to get kicked out of the bus mid-step by Chef. She flailed her arms in surprise, and screamed "Whoaaaaaa!" as she fell to her face.

"Sociopathic rebel, Rebecca!" the host said next, the camera cutting from him up to a young white woman, the previous season's winner, being held out by the collar of her jacket by Chef.

"Gee, thanks for introduction, McLean," The Rebel, still dressed in her bomber jacket and skinny jeans, yelled at the host before she was casually tossed off the bus. As she hit the ground, Chef retreated back into the bus once more.

Again, he reappeared after only moment, dragging a handsome young white man dressed similarly to the host to the exit. "The drama-monger who tried to steal my job, Topher!" Chris introduced next, causing the camera to zoom in on The Junior Chris who smiled ran a finger through his hair.

"Thanks for the ride, Chef," he told the older man with a short wave before being shoved out of the bus.

"Washed up actress, Olivia!" the host said next as Chef turned around, then forced The Ex-Child Star to the open doorway by her arm.

"Excuse me?!" Olivia complained, looking slightly different than her last appearance. Her hair was no longer dyed and was its natural brown, and she was wearing a conservative yet stylish white sweater and red flats with slightly roomier jeans. "I am not washed up!" she told the host before being shoved out of the bus by Chef.

"Argumentative basketballer, Terrance," Chris announced as the camera cut to him and back to the bus where The Jerk stood proudly. His injuries from the previous season healed and still wearing his green and blue basketball jersey and sweatband to keep his dreadlocks out of eyes.

Terrance sighed. "Did you have to bring back those three?" he asked about the previous returnees before being shoved out of the bus like all the others.

"And everyone's favorite cowboy, Mitch!" Chris introduced next, the shot cutting to him and back to the bus as the fair-skinned young man walked to the door and tipped his hat to the camera.

"Mighty nice bein' back in the game," The Cowboy mused before he too was shoved out of the bus.

The almost reverent tune that had been playing finally drew to its conclusion as Chris laughed, and turned into something darker but more muted as he resumed his introductions. "And, from Pahkitew Island, perpetual party boy, Geoff!"

"Sh'yeah, back in the game!" The Party Dude said, pumping a fist excitedly as he stood with Chef in the open doorway. "Woo!" he said as he began to walk to the host, before Chef shoved the young white man much as he had the others.

"Mute MENSA member, B!" Chris said as his assistant turned around and dragged The Strong Silent Genius to the fore.

He opened his mouth and raised a finger, but before he could say anything, Chef tossed him out of the bus by his trench coat. He glared back at the large man as he walked over to the others, the camera following him rather than lingering on the bus.

"Lazy ladykiller, Justin!" the host said next, the shot once again cutting to him briefly before cutting back to the camper in question – though this time they were on their way to the others.

"Great to be back man," The Eye Candy said coolly, the camera zooming in on the handsome young Hawaiian man as he winked and smiled at it, the light gleaming off his teeth.

"Cantankerous CIT, Courtney!" was introduced next as Justin walked out of view of the camera and The Control Freak walked into it.

"This is much more humane than forcing us to jump out of a blimp," the overachieving half-Hispanic half-Asian girl said as she walked out of sight.

"Chivalrous cadet, Brick!" came next, the young man still dressed as an out of uniform soldier.

He stopped long enough to give the camera a sharp salute. "Corporal Brick MacArthur reporting for duty sir!" The Cadet said before walking over to the other all-stars.

"Sweetheart turned sassy schemer, Katie!" walked into view after Brick left, the young Hispanic woman still dressed in her revealing pink ensemble.

The Hot-Blooded didn't say anything, instead rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as she walked out of view.

The penultimate contestant to walk on screen was "Completely unpredictable wild child, Izzy!"

"Back in the game!" The Wildcard said as she pumped her fists to herself. "That is so awesome!" Rather than continue to walk, the fiery redhead did a handspring out of view.

"Aaaaand, mystical moonchild, Dawn!" No one appeared on screen for several seconds. "Dawn?" Chris asked again as the camera cut to him and the other fifteen all-stars.

"I'm right here," The Moonchild said suddenly, startling everyone there into shouts and causing them to take a step back and reveal that she'd been among them the whole time.

Chris glared at the petite young woman as she idly picked at her green sweater. "Stop doing that!"

The sudden sound of a squeaky wheel and spluttering engine caused the seventeen people to turn around. The camera showed several close-ups of the new Total Drama Jumbo Jet. First the grungy and patched-together triple-wheeled undercarriage landing gear. Next, the engines on the right wing, the one with a bird nest in front giving off a short burst of smoke. Then a closer shot of the top half of the plane as it passed the camera, the Chef Hatchet balloon visible through the cockpit window. And lastly the Chris McLean logo on the side of the jet as the wheels screeched below.

"What the?" Terrance asked.

"Excuse me," Courtney spoke up, "but that looks like you just rebuilt the last death trap everyone was in."

"I did!" Chris told her. "That's how we know it's safe!"

Naturally it was then that a panel on the side of the plane fell off, a rat and a raccoon clinging to the piece of metal as it clattered to the ground then running off. "Now boarding!" Chris declared.


The scene flashed back in to Chris leading the cast into what looked like an eating area. "Welcome back friends." he told the cast.

"You can't seriously think we're your friends," Terrance told him icily.

"The only reason we even put up with you is the million," Olivia added.

"This is the dining area," the host continued, ignoring the comments, "where you'll enjoy in-flight meals!" He motioned to one of the tables behind him, the seats of which seemed to be a combination of crates and trash cans.

"Uh, that was a pretty long bus ride," Contessa spoke up nervously. "Where's the bathroom?"

"Just through there," Chris said with a smile, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb.

"Thank you," Contessa said as she walked past. "Be right back."


After a bit of static, the hopeless romantic was shown walking into a small and slightly dirty restroom through a camera behind the sink. She moved her hands to her pants, only to notice the camera.

"And the only bathroom's a confessional," she sighed. "Why did I come back to this stupid show?" she asked, visibly on the verge of tears.


The footage cut back to Chris, his back to the camera, addressing the contestants in another open room with what looked like a clothesline hanging between two rows of overhead compartments. "Like in seasons three and five, the losers will enjoy stay in the crappiest place available," he said as the shot pulled back to show the room had no seats, only benches along the walls on both sides; it also had a small drip of water coming down on the right.

"Whoa," Geoff said with a quick glance around, "where the beds at, G?"

"I've already set up a little demonstration for that," Chris told him, directing everyone's attention to the right. The camera panned to follow, stopping on what the fat intern strapped to the wall. It had a sleeping mask over its eyes.

"Wow," Izzy said a blank sort of giggle, "That looks pretty...uncomfortable."

"I never give comfort to losers," the host said. "Safety harnesses and an emergency exit," he added with gestures to where each was located off-screen. "But! No comfort here, here, or here." he pointed around the room with double finger pistols.

"I can take it," Brick said confidently, "not that I'm gonna lose of course."

"Me neither!" Topher declared.

"Yeah," Rebecca added with a roll of her eyes, "Now tell me where my team sleeps."

Chris gave her an annoyed look, then rolled his eyes.


The scene flashed to the host standing in the aisle of a much fancier room, filled with actual seats and even a meeting table; a downplayed but elegant score began to play in the background. "This," Chris said as the camera panned to the left and showed the contestants enjoying themselves, "is the first class cabin. The domain of each week's winners."

The pan stopped on Jasmine and Mitch, who were standing by the last row of seats next to a mini-bar. Katie was watching them from a seat nearby, as was Justin from down the aisle.

"Now this is the kinda place a lady deserves," Mitch said with a whistle as he looked about the cabin.

"It looks even better than it did on TV," Jasmine added.

"Thinking about axing the giants first?" Justin asked Katie as the camera zoomed in on them.

Katie glared at him. "Don't talk to me."

"Come on," the model whined. "You can't still be mad at the 'sending your best friend home' thing can you?"

"Yeah," Katie scoffed. "I can."


"What was that guy thinking?" Katie complained. "Why on earth would I ever talk strategy with him?"


The scene cut back to the dining area, the sixteen contestants seated at or around the two tables. "And that's pretty much it," Chris told the group, and as he spoke the high-pitched sound of the jet engines built up around them. "I skipped the cargo hold and galley, but I doubt they'll be important going forward."

The craft suddenly shook, knocking Contessa into Olivia. "Is this some weird habit of yours or something?" the actress asked.

"Oh," the hopeless romantic said with a heavy sigh. "Sorry Olivia."

Olivia raised an eyebrow, but otherwise said nothing.

"One more thing," Chris announced. "The teams," The shot pulled back from his close-up as a few deep and dramatic notes played. "One way or another, all of you fit this season's theme."

"Let me guess," Courtney said. "Heroes versus Villains?"

"Correctamundo," the host said, pointing finger pistols at the girl. "Everyone loves seeing their favorite Heroes and Villains duke it out for supremacy."


"Obviously," Justin told the camera smugly while admiring his reflection in a hand mirror, "I'll be on the villains team. And I'll be the best looking one there."


"Heroes and Villains again?" Katie asked the confessional. "Well looks like Geoff and I won't be on the same team. Unless Chris considers me a Hero?" she asked almost hopefully before frowning. "Yeah probably not."


"Courtney," Chris said over a shot of the prep pursing her lips in annoyance. "Justin." The shot cut to the male model as admired his reflection in a hand mirror. "Olivia." The actress rolled her eyes. "Terrance." The basketballer tapped his foot impatiently. "Rebecca." The rebel grinned darkly. "Topher," the fan perked up at his name. "Katie," the hot-blooded girl sighed in defeat. "And Geoff," the party dude looked around in confusion as the camera pulled back to show the whole team standing in a line on the opposite side of the room. "From now on, you're the Villainous Vipers!" the host announced, a slightly dark tune rising up as a circular logo depicting a pale red front-view of a cobra's head spun onto the screen above them.

"Go team..." Terrance said sarcastically.

"Wait," Katie said. "How is Geoff a villain?"

"He trashed my island," Chris answered tersely. "That led to us needing a new location for season seven, which led to the budget drying up, which led to me getting sued."

"I'm the one who should be ticked," Rebecca scoffed. "I lost that suit."

"Did ya have to keep appealing to higher courts?" Chris asked in irritation. "They cut my salary again to pay for the legal fees."

"You owe me a million bucks," the rebel explained.

"Win this season and you'll get it," Chris replied simply.

"I was trying to stop Matthew!" the party dude protested, interjecting himself back in the conversation.

"All team assignments are final," the host said.

"Bummer," Geoff said sadly, as Katie patted him on the shoulder, unable to hide her glee.


Katie started her confessional with a squeal. "Geoff's on the same team as me! Now I might actually have a shot with him."


"Jasmine, Mitch," the two shared a loving smile, "Contessa," the hopeless romantic gave a smile that didn't reach her eyes, "Owen," the optimist smiled brightly, "Dawn, Beverly," the moonchild and genius smiled and scowled respectively, "Brick, and Izzy," the cadet snapped off another salute and the wildcard raised her arms in victory, "you're the Heroic Horses!" A grand theme played as the second team's logo spun into view overhead, depicting a golden yellow horse's head with a dramatically unkempt mane.

"A team full of heroes?" Owen asked excitedly. "This is awesome!" he cheered with a chuckle.

"Woo hoo! Welcome to the Horse Crew, population eight!" Izzy greeted with a cheer, dashing over and jumping on the optimist's shoulders.

The rest of the Heroes just shared a slightly wary, slightly amused look.


"That girl's got more energy than a squirrel hopped up on coffee," Mitch told the confessional with a slightly wary chuckle.


Once again, the scene cut back to the dining area. The cast were now sitting according to their teams, the Villains in the table on the left and the Heroes in the table on the right.

"Uggh," Topher griped over the faint sounds of the plane's engines, "did I pack enough hair gel for this?" The camera zoomed in on the Villainous Vipers' table, with Tohper, Justin, Olivia, and Courtney on one side and Terrance, Geoff, Katie, and Rebecca on the other.

"Don't worry," Justin said while patting the other handsome boy on the back, "I've plenty of extras I need to get rid of after fulfilling my latest modeling contract."

The two boys began to converse, and the camera panned to the right on to the Heroic Horses. On the the right were Owen and Contessa, Izzy and Brick, then Dawn, B, Mitch, and Jasmine on the left.

"It's been so long since we've seen each other," Owen told his friend, "how've you been?"

"Oh, you know," Contessa said noncommittally. "I've been doing a lot better. Thanks for that chocolate you sent me for my birthday by the way."

"Don't mention it," the optimist said brightly. "My mom says there's no problem in this world that can't be fixed with sweets."

"Your mother's a wise woman," she gave another fake smile.


"I hate lying to Owen," she told the confessional. "But... I'm not doing okay. I honestly thought I could handle seeing her again but..." she sighed. "I can't..."

"I love Owen," she said seriously. "He's like the brother I always wanted, but he just doesn't understand what I'm going through."


A low and slow tune started playing as the footage cut back to the villains, with Courtney clearing her throat. "Okay guys," she said, getting their attention. "I think this team needs a leader. Since I used to be a CIT, I think it should be me."

"Figures," Katie muttered under her breath.

"Yeah I don't follow anyone," Rebecca told the prep. "How about you sit back and look pretty, and let me lead?"

"Excuse me?" Courtney asked in mild outrage. "What makes you qualified?"

"Well there's the fact that I'm the only one here who's actually won," the rebel smirked.

"And what did you do with your winnings?" Terrance asked with a mocking smile. "Buy that pack of gum you've been saving up for?"

"You want me to put your arm in another cast?" Rebel warned. "'Cause I will."

"Whoa this is gettin' way too heavy," Geoff told everyone as the camera cut to him. "We're a team. I know you're all into the 'me and me alone' thing, but can't you at least try to work together?"

His teammates immediately gave him blank stares.


Topher laughed. "How naive can you get? You'd have-"


"-to be a-" Justin said, the scene cutting to his confessional in mid-sentence.


"-complete moron to-" Terrance followed up.


"-trust anyone-" Courtney said next.


"-on a 'team'-" Rebecca said with well-placed air-quotes.


"-full of villains," Olivia finished.


"For the record," Geoff told the confessional with a dull look, "that pretty much went exactly the way I expected it to."


"Sorry Geoff," Katie shrugged apologetically.


The footage cut over to a close-up of Rebecca as she looked back over her shoulder and sent a mocking smile and wave to Contessa. The hopeless romantic huffed and looked away, and the camera cut back to the Villains as she bragged. "Looks like the nerd's still got it bad for me. I do have that effect on people."

"You realize what you did was seriously heinous right?" Olivia asked. "And like completely unnecessary."

"Yeah," Rebecca scoffed. "And who here put someone in the hospital?"

"You broke my arm!" Terrance pointed out.

"Sorry," Rebecca said seriously. "Someone who matters," she corrected, earning a growl from the basketballer.

The actress rolled her eyes at the rebel, then sent a subtle and unnoticed look of concern to Contessa.


"Okay seriously," Olivia griped. "Why did Chris let her of all people come back? I think I'd have preferred Scott."

"She passed our mandatory psyche eval," Chris poked his head in the door to tell her, startling the girl into screaming and glaring at him. "You asked," he told her.


The shot cut to Contessa again as Izzy tapped her on the shoulder. "So what's the deal with you and Owen?" the wildcard asked as the camera zoomed out slightly. "Are you guys a couple or..."

"I'm gonna assume you didn't watch last season," the hopeless romantic said with a genuine chuckle. "No, Owen and me are not and will never be a thing." Izzy tilted her head in confusion and she clarified, "incompatible orientation."

Izzy nodded in understanding. "So you don't mind if I try and charm him?"

"Knock yourself out," Contessa laughed again.

The camera cut to Chris as he rubbed his hands in anticipation. "Where will our first destination be? And who'll bear the shame of being the first person kicked off?" he asked. "Find out when we return on Total! Drama! All-Stars! 2!"


(Commercial Break)


The episode resumed on a world map, an airplane symbol 'flying' from northeastern Canada towards Hawaii. As it flew, the real jet's engines were roaring.


"Welcome to Hawaii!" Chris said as the camera flashed to him and the all-stars standing on a beautiful white-sand beach, a smoking volcano off in the background. The Heroes were on the left and the Villains to the right, both team symbols floated above them.

"We thought since the last trip around the world ended here," the host explained, "that it'd be cool if this one started here. Kinda like one continuous tour."

"Righteous," Geoff chuckled.

"Now those of you who watched season three remember how that challenge ended with the volcano erupting," as he spoke footage of the eruption played, "it was awesome!" he said as the view returned to the challenge. "But! I'm told that it upset the spirit of the island," he brought a hand to his chin, "which might explain the run of bad luck this show's had since then..."

"Are you sure it wasn't your poor executive decisions?" Courtney asked dryly.

"So," the host continued, ignoring the prep, "your challenge is to make a sacrifice to the volcano to appease the spirit of the island. According to our research, the best sacrifice is a collection of the island's local resources. So each team has to collect a bouquet of flowers, lava rocks, and capture a live boar."

An ominous chanted tune played as Dawn gasped in horror. "We can't expect us to toss a live animal into a volcano!"

"Well I guess we could lower him down gently," Izzy said obliviously, "but that seems kinda mean..."

Chris sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You aren't tossing a live animal into the lava. I got animal rights groups on my tail for using Scuba Bear. How do you think they'd react to that? No no no," he shook his head. "After you capture the boar, hand it over to Chef and he'll give you a stand-in," the camera briefly cut to the pilot standing behind a wooden table with two plate of delectable looking ham surrounded by flowers and lava rocks.

"The first team to complete the ritual," the host continued, "i.e. toss the sacrifice into the volcano, wins first class tickets to our next destination. The losing team, sends someone home. I'd ask if there were any questions, but we all know I'm not gonna answer them. Aaaaand go!"


The scene flashed to the Heroes huddled in a half-circle in some nondescript part of the Hawaiian jungle. "Now," Jasmine spoke up. "How are we gonna split up to do this?"

"I can totally capture a boar!" Izzy said excitedly, throwing her arms in the air. "And I'm sure Owen can help out...," she added in an almost affectionate manner with a lovestruck look sent the optimist's way. "Oh, but did uh... anyone else have a plan?" she said after snapping herself back to reality.

"Well...," Dawn replied, her face set into a frown of concentration. "Actually, I was thinking you, Owen and I should gather the rocks, Contessa and Brick should gather the flowers, with Jasmine, Mitch, and B capturing the boar."

"Oh, I got it," Izzy nodded with interest, "play to our strengths." She chuckled and rubbed her hands together. "Let's do this!"

With a collective nod, the Heroes went off in separate directions: Owen, Dawn, and Izzy and Contessa and Brick to the left, and Jasmine, B, and Mitch to the right.

The camera followed the Heroes boar hunting group for a bit then stayed stationary long enough for them to leave the shot. The camera then panned back to the left and landed on the Villains in their huddle on a spot that was more beach but still had some jungle in the shot.

"Here's my plan-" Courtney tried to say before being interrupted.

"Are you still on your leader kick?" Rebecca asked. "I told you, I don't follow orders. Never have. So explain to me why I should listen to you now?"

"Because," Courtney answered in annoyance as the music turned tense, walking to the rebel with her arms crossed. "If we go at this without a plan, then we'll be scattered and disorganized and lose any chance of gathering our supplies before the Heroes. Unless you like the idea of sending someone home," she added.

"Eh," the rebel shrugged. "As long as it's not me I don't care."

Courtney screamed in frustration and Olivia huffed and rolled her eyes. "Here's the plan," she said sternly. "Katie?" the hot-blooded girl perked up at her name. "You, Geoff, and Courtney get us the rocks. Topher?" the fan raised an eyebrow. "You, me, and Terrance are getting the flowers. Rebecca and Justin, since you two terrify and mesmerize animals, you get the boar. Everybody clear?" When she didn't hear any objections, she smiled. "Then let's go!"

With a tense tune, the Villains scattered in different directions.


"Hey Contessa," Brick called out to his teammate, the scene flashing to him walking through the jungle with a bundle of flowers in his arms, "I got the flowers. Where'd you go?" He looked both ways and shrugged and walked off, and the camera panned over to show the hopeless romantic hiding in a bush with red-rimmed eyes and tear-stained cheeks.

"Sorry for dumping you with all the work," she said to herself after the cadet left. "I just can't let anyone see me like this."

"Like what?" a voice suddenly asked, startling Contessa into a shout and forcing her out of her hiding spot. The camera zoomed out to show Olivia holding a flower in each hand and staring at her with a raised eyebrow. "Were you crying?" she asked.

"No!" the hopeless romantic said suddenly, sighing and dropping her arms after seeing her opponent's disbelieving look. "...yes..." she admitted with a hint of shame. "It's this whole Rebecca thing and-

"Don't tell me you're not over her," Olivia interrupted with no small amount of disgust.

"What?" Contessa asked in genuine confusion before shaking her head vigorously. "No. No no no no. I'm definitely over her..." she explained. "I'm just not over what she did. And I can't really talk about it because everyone always asks why I'm over it yet or tries to tell me what to do to get over it and it's really annoying." She sighed again. "I really don't know why I'm telling you this..."

Olivia smirked. "Because I have one of those trusting faces." She caught a glimpse at Contessa's glare and steeled her face into something more serious. "But in all seriousness, screw Rebecca and screw everyone who thinks they know you. She humiliated and traumatized you on international television-"

"This is a really crappy pep talk," Contessa told her.

Olivia scowled at her. "I wasn't done," she said. "My point is, you don't get over that overnight." Contessa opened her mouth but the actress cut her off. "And don't tell me that a year should be enough time. There are some people in nursing homes not over their first love." She sighed. "Look, I'm sorry for what she did to you, and my role in it, but you're gonna get over this in your own time. Beating yourself up for not meeting other people's expectations is only going to make you hate yourself," she added while not meeting the other girl's eyes. "It's your pain, you decide when to deal with it."

Contessa let out a breath and sighed. "Thanks Olivia," she said with a genuine smile. "You're a lot nicer than you seem."

"Glad someone thinks so," the actress scoffed. "Now go away," she shooed the hopeless romantic, "and take this," she added, handing out one of her flowers. "So the others can't say you didn't help in the challenge."

"Right," Contessa said. "Thanks again." With that Contessa dashed away and Olivia sighed and put a hand to her chest.

"Stop beating like that," she said to herself with a surprising amount of sadness. "It's never gonna happen." She heard the sound of footsteps approaching and adopted her usual haughty persona.

"There you are," Terrance scolded as he entered the frame. "Do you seriously only have one flower? Bossing us around doesn't exactly give you cause be lazy you know."

"I have high standards for the flowers I pick," she told him matter-of-factly. "Only the best flowers deserved to be chosen by Olivia Broadway."

"Yeah, whatever," Terrance said, still visibly annoyed as pointed back the way he'd came from. "I just came to tell you that me and Toph have enough flowers to turn in."

"Fine," she huffed. "Let's go then."


"So, what's you plan for catching the boar?" Justin asked Rebecca with a suave look as the camera flashed to the two of them walking through the jungle.

"Okay," the rebel told her teammate, "I get that you're hot, but try that fake flirting on me again and I'll break your kiwis." The model's eyes widened. "Got it?"

Justin nodded vigorously, and Rebecca smirked. "Good, now look there," the model and camera looked down to see that the rebel had pointed out "boar tracks. We follow 'em, and be one step closer to finishing this stupid challenge."

The footage skipped ahead to a close-up of another set of tracks, then panned up to show a boar calmly sniffing about the jungle floor. "So what's the plan?" Justin asked again, both he and the rebel hiding behind a tree.

"Take your shirt off and make it notice you," Rebecca whispered back. "Once it's in a trance, we'll just lead it back to Chef."

"Got it," He took off his shirt and Rebecca pushed him out into the open. He sent her a brief glare, then turned his attention back to the boar and cleared his throat.

"Hey boar!" he said once he'd captured the beast's attention. "How do you like this view?" The camera cut to the surprisingly standard slow-motion close-up pan down his shirtless torso as his leitmotif played... which promptly stopped with a record scratch as the camera cut to Rebecca jumping behind tha boar and shouting loud enough to startle it. It squealed and ran away, trampling a shocked Justin in the process.


"What?" she asked defensively. "I can't go around tagging buildings anymore so I gotta get my fun somewhere."


A long, deep chant played as the scene cut back to the Villains. "Look what you did," Rebecca accused as Justin sat there groaning in pain. "Now we gotta go after it!"

She ran off and the camera zoomed in on Justin as he let out another pained groan.


The music turned tense as the camera flashed to Katie, Geoff, and Courtney, the former two noticeably lagging behind the latter as the walked along the beach, all picking up rocks as they did so. "I don't what Olivia was thinking pairing us up like this," Courtney complained. "Geoff and I don't get along and I'm still mad at Katie for sending me home last year."

"Probably by design," Katie shrugged. "Notice that she also paired up Justin and Rebecca while keeping Topher and Terrance to herself. In other words, the two most likely to ally with her."

"I'm willing to work with anyone here," Geoff said in slight exasperation.

"Not really," Courtney said. "You're willing to work with them. Olivia's looking for allies. Different thing."

Geoff sighed. "First episode and people are already making deals..." he grumbled. "Chris couldn't have put me on a worse team..."

"It's not all bad..." Katie tried to say.

"Yeah it is," Geoff scoffed. "You guys are nothing but a bunch of heartless users and the sooner I'm off this team the better."

Katie's lip started to tremble as her eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry you feel that way!" she said, her words descending into sobs as she ran off screen.

Courtney huffed and glared at him. "Y'know for someone who claims to be a better person than the rest of us, you're an insensitive jerk!" she told him before rushing to follow Katie.


"Sheesh," Geoff scoffed in the confessional. "What's her problem? I'm the one stuck on a team he doesn't deserve."


"Do you think we have enough rock?" Izzy asked Dawn as the camera cut to the two of them walking along a different stretch of beach.

"Oh yes" the moonchild smiled. "And I feel a great deal of positive energy from these rocks as well."

"Cool," Izzy smiled before frowning in confusion. "Wait, why's that good?"

"It means we won't horribly curse ourselves when we sacrifice them to the volcano," Dawn answered matter-of-factly.

"Aww," the wildcard said in mild disappointment. "Dealing with a curse woulda been so awesome!"

"Hey guys!" Owen's voice preceded him jogging to the two short girls. "I found some rocks by a stream. Check it out!" He held out his hand to show several lava rocks in various sizes, but the girls' attention was grabbed the a faint whistling that sounded like 'O Canada'.

"Are you... whistling the national anthem?" Izzy asked.

The whistling suddenly stopped. "Oh," the optimist chuckled. "Sometimes when I breath my nose whistles that tune. The weirdest thing..."

"So cooool," Izzy gushed, leaving Dawn to chuckle at the lovestruck display behind her hand.


"So what's our plan?" Jasmine asked B and Mitch as the camera cut to them.

B pointed at the amazon and then to the top of a tree, giving her an 'I'm watching you' gesture and then to the ground. Next he pointed to Mitch and mimed a lasso and finally to him self as he moved his arms rapidly.

"Uh, I think I got it," Jasmine said as she walked over to the tree. "Or my part at least."

After she left, Mitch grabbed some low-hanging vines while B grabbed several pieces of driftwood.


"I can pretty much guess what B's thinkin'," Mitch told the outhouse. "Sometimes on the ranch hearin' ain't exactly a guarantee. Plus my uncle sounds like Donald Duck," he smiled. "You get good at non verbal communication."


The static cut to a different boar wandering through the jungle, then the camera panned up and to the left to show Jasmine grinning in delight. She whistled sharply, and the shot cut to Mitch who readied his vine lasso.

The boar entered the screen from a patch of bushes and with a sharp spike in the music, the lasso was thrown around one of its tusks and pulled taut. The boar squealed in surprise and displeasure, and was quickly pulled back to Mitch.

The cowboy wasted no time, holding the boar to the ground against its back and tying its legs together. He finished in only a few seconds then stood up and back while clapping his hands together.

A second later, he tossed the boar over to B. The genius caught it with a smirk and placed in in a rude cage that was clearly made by him and picked it up by the handle.

Jasmine landed next to them with an audible thud and the three Heroes ran off.


The camera flashed to a marked spot on the beach where two flags had been set up, one yellow and the other red. Contessa and Brick ran to the yellow one and looked around in confusion.

"Where are the others?" Contessa asked. "Do you think we didn't get enough flowers?"

Brick opened his mouth to answer, but before he could the sound of footsteps approaching caught their attention. "We're here!" Owen said as he, Izzy, and Dawn arrived.

"Perfect," Brick smiled. "Now all we need is," he looked up and smiled even brighter. The others followed his gaze to see B, Mitch and Jasmine arriving with their teams boar. "- to get our sacrifice," the cadet finished.

They took off and the camera lingered to catch Terrance, Topher, and Olivia arrive at the red flag. "Great," the basketballer complained, "the Heroes are ahead."

An exhausted boar slammed to the ground in front of them much to their surprise, and Rebecca slid into view with a smirk. "Anyone order pork chops?" she asked.

Topher raised an eyebrow. "Where's Justin?"

"Behind me somewhere," the rebel shrugged. "He was too slow so I left him."

Before he could say anything, the rest of their team arrived; Katie still upset, Courtney caught between consoling her and glaring at Geoff, and Geoff reluctantly helping Justin walk.

"Let's hurry up," Courtney ordered. "The Heroes are ahead of us!"


A flash skipped the footage ahead to show the Heroes slowly making their way up the volcano, the steep uphill climb clearly taking its toll on the Horses as Owen, Contessa, and Dawn looked exhausted, Izzy and B breathing slightly heavier, and even Jasmine, Mitch, and Brick starting to look winded.

"Come on," Brick told his team, holding his team's sacrifice above his head with one hand. "We can't afford to get lazy now."

"I'll say," Contessa replied between pants, wiping sweat from her brow, "we're barely in the lead!"

As if on cue, the Villains ran past with Terrance and Geoff carrying the bruised Justin and Katie carrying the Vipers' sacrifice.

"Yeah, barely," Izzy commented with wide, nervous eyes. The Heroes stopped in their tracks.


"How'd they get up the volcano so fast?!" Owen asked in astonished disbelief. "Well I guess they are more athletic than we are..." he considered after a moment.


The Heroes now all looked exhausted. "I think this might be it for us dudes," Owen sighed.

"Not necessarily," Contessa whispered to herself. "Hey Owen," she told her friend. "I ran into Chris when I was picking flowers and he told me that he lied."

"Not surprising," Jasmine scoffed. "What's the lie this time?"

"Once we get to the top of the volcano," the hopeless romantic said, "we get to eat the ham. First one to do so wins."

"We get to eat!" Owen said with a salivating grin. "EVERYONE OUTTA THE WAY!" he yelled before taking off up the mountain at inhuman speed, Contessa hopping on to his back as he passed her.


"Part of being best friends with someone is knowing how to properly motivate them," Contessa told the confessional. "I hope he's not too peeved about lying to him... again..."


"Let's hurry," Brick told the remainder of his team, now much less tired, "we may need the whole team for the win to count."

The camera cut to the Villains as the raced along by themselves. "Man those Heroes didn't even know what hit 'em," Rebecca cheered.

Katie laughed. "It would be hard to see them beat us now."

Once again, that was the perfect moment for Owen and Contessa to barrel past them, which is what happened.

"Now why wasn't he that fast when we were on the same team?!" Terrance asked in frustration.

"It doesn't matter," Geoff scoffed. "He said the first team to make the sacrifice, and that was only two of eight. Plus they didn't even have their ham."

"Owen, Contessa, wait!" Brick's voice called out, stunning the Villains into stationary silence as the rest of the Heroes ran past them.

"Okay," Topher, "No one say anything else so we don't get jinxed again.

"Hurry up!" Courtney ordered again, startling her team into running again. "Now they're ahead of us again!"


A flash skipped the scene ahead to the Heroes and Villains running side-by-side as they neared the top of the volcano. "You're never gonna win," Topher said between heavy breaths. "So you might as well give up!"

"The only one who's losing," Izzy countered breathily, "is you."

"I don't know if I can make it'," Mitch panted, "I've been runnin' on fumes for awhile now!"

"And here they come!" the sudden announcement of Chris came from off-screen, shocking the two teams.

"Looks like I got a little more left in the tank," Mitch said in a panic as the sixteen teens began to speed up.

The scene moved to the crown of the volcano as the Vipers arrived, followed shortly by the Horses. Katie tripped and fell, the sacrifice tumbling out of her hands and on to the ground. The Villains all groaned at the development, and quickly went to try and reassemble the plate.

"Ooh," Chris winced. "Bad luck for the Villains."

With his competition now scrambling, Brick wasted no time dashing to the edge of the volcano and tossing his team's sacrifice into the lave. The music turned victorious as the door plate disappeared from view. "Hoo-ah!" the cadet cheered as Courtney groaned in frustration.

"The island spirit is appeased!" Chris announced, the shot zooming out to show him walking to the other all-stars. "The Horses win!"

The Heroes all cheered their victory while the Villains groaned and a couple pounded the ground in frustration.


The scene flashed to the beating sun and panned down to the Total Drama Jumbo Jet parked on what looked like a runway on the beach, and the camera cut inside to the elimination room. Chris was standing at a podium behind a short and uneven wooden partition, outside of which stood Chef Hatchet. The six losers were seated in wooden bleachers on the right wall under a straw overhang – Geoff, Terrance, Justin, and Topher on the top row; Katie, Courtney, Rebecca, and Olivia on the bottom.

"Welcome, to our first elimination ceremony," Chris said as a few more notes of the low and tense campfire theme began to play. The sinister logo of the Villainous Vipers spun into place in the top-right corner of the screen just above the host and his assistant, who was wearing a white button-up shirt and black pants with his eyes hidden by a pair of sunglasses.

"This is an all-star season," the host continued as Chef crossed his arms in a successful attempt at looking intimidating "so you vote by placing an X," he made the shape in question with his pointer fingers before the camera cut over to the attentive villains, "on the 8 x 10 photo of the person you want to eliminate. Now, get voting," he commanded with a mild frown and a thumb over his shoulder.


One by one, the Villainous Vipers were shown casting their votes in the outhouse confessional in quick and silent succession. First Terrance, then Courtney, then Justin, then Geoff, then Olivia, then Topher, all six hiding the photo they'd chosen from the camera while they made their marks with a thick-tipped pen. Rebecca was the first to show her vote, slamming Katie's photo against the wall with an evil smile and drawing a red X on it. Katie was the last, nodding decisively as she crossed out Rebecca's.


"Okay," Chris said as the scene flashed back to him now holding a tray of seven marshmallows, "the following people are safe. Courtney! Terrance! Topher! Olivia! Geoff! And Justin!" One by one the villains happily and confidently caught the marshmallows as they were tossed at them, and all the while the trilling elimination theme began to build.

"Katie, you're on the chopping block because your last minute spill cost your team the game," Chris explained as the shot cut to the two girls on the bottom. The hot-blooded girl sighed in defeat. "And Rebecca, you're on the chopping block because...well, you're you. I'd be more surprised if you didn't get any votes."

Rebecca rolled her eyes. "Like I care. It's obvious who should go home after they cost the team the challenge," she said while narrowing her narrowed eyes at Katie.

"And with seven votes to one, the loser is...," Chris began as the music started to peak, the shot cutting from close-ups of Rebecca, then Katie, then the final marshmallow. "Rebecca!"

"WHAT?!" the rebel said, wide eyes snapping forward in shock as the one she'd voted for eagerly caught her marshmallow in her mouth. "Why?!"

"Because you're a dangerously violent sociopath?" Courtney explained as if it were incredibly obvious.

"So when do we toss her out at thirty thousand feet?" Terrance asked while smirking at his fuming rival.

"Actually," Chris bitterly interjected, "the lawyers won't let us use the Drop of Shame. So this year, losers will be peacefully escorted off the plane before take-off."

With that, he nodded to his assistant, who grinned and grabbed Rebecca by the shoulder. "Let me go!" The Rebel demanded as she squirmed in his grip.

The camera cut outside to a patch of sand as she flew on-screen as if she were tossed. She landed on her butt and stood up with a glare.

"And that's why we call it the Toss of Shame," Chris said to both her and the camera as the latter cut to him. "Here's your consolation prize!" he said, tossing her a familiar silver briefcase.

The case hit the eliminated villain in the head, knocking her down and out, and the camera cut to Chris as he closed the door to the plane with a chuckle and the series's dramatic capstone theme started up for its first time that season. "Who will literally be tossed out of the game next?" he asked the camera. "Find out next time, on Total! Drama! All-Stars! 2!"

(Roll the Credits)



(Bonus Clip)

The scene faded back in to Rebecca walking along the Hawaiian beach at sunset, the volcano visible in the background.

She looked at the camera and sneered. "I can't believe those morons voted me off first!" he said. "I wasn't the one who cost us the game. Seriously, what the heck was their deal?! Don't they know they just voted off their only chance of winning?"

"And what was that about being 'dangerously violent'?" she asked with a mocking tone. "I use force to get my way, like anybody else who expects to get anywhere in this world. Stupid Chris, stupid Villains. I hate this game!"

She huffed, then finally noticed the case in her hands. "Might as well see what's in here..." she opened the case and grinned. "My million!" she cheered before frowning. "Chris bucks?" she asked after examining a stack. "CHRIIIIIIIIIS!"

Behind her, the volcano erupted...

Author's Note Post Script: And now I have a cast to explain. Here's what I was thinking on a case-by-case basis.

Katie: The final villain of season six, coupled with her third place finish and the fact that I never finished the Gatie plot meant she was a shoo-in. It'll be interesting to balance her not wanting to be a villain and having to be to survive her team. Then there's her trouble with Geoff. Yeah, I think she's got potential this season.

Justin: RDPI's first antagonist. Even though he hasn't done as well as the other All-Stars plus the only one who never made the merge. But he's fun to write so he had to return. And as you can all see, he's fine from his Scuba Bear ordeal. Even if he has picked up some bad luck with animals...

Courtney: Admittedly more an anti-villain, but she did some heinous things during her time on the show. I'll admit, I'm not sure where to go with her, but I'm liking a potential Courtney Katie friendship.

Geoff: Ah, the token good teammate. I was always gonna have him return as a villain just to truly set off his Captain Hollywood persona. I'll admit, Geoff won't be the most likable person going forward, but it's all part of the plot

Olivia: Come on, I wasn't gonna leave her out. She was the main villain last season. Plus I have plot potential with her relationship with Contessa and exploring her past a bit more as well as addressing its effect on her.

Terrance: Even though he's not as bad a person as the majority of his teammates, he's still a massive jerk.

Rebecca: She's a sociopathic monster, and I needed a first boot. So it all worked out. I am upset I couldn't have Contessa confront her, but that'd ruin my plans for her anyway,

Topher: I'll go ahead and confirm, Topher's going to be the main villain this season. Both he and I are eager to show you how competent he really is when not distracted by trying to steal Chris's job.

(Dis)Honorable Mention: Scott: I booted him early so I could use him as the villain for Redemption, plus he'd be the first boot here with the team killing working against him and I'd have to keep writing Rebecca treat everyone like her own personal punching bags. And that's no fun.

And now the Heroes...

Jasmine and Mitch: Like someone said, they were the closest thing to true heroes Danger Island had. I couldn't leave them out.

Contessa: Ugh, she has so much plot! And I can guarantee it'll end happily for her! I know a relationship with Olivia seems odd, but a reviewer thought I was teasing it and honestly, the ideas came a bit more naturally then her originally planned pairing with Dawn. Which is ironic because the earliest draft of Contessa's character was mean to be Dawn's girlfriend. Go figure.

Owen: He's one of my favorites. Before I even randomized the cast I said he'd return as hero in whatever season he could qualify for. Plus his friendship with Contessa is fun to write.

Dawn: Another favorite of mine. Again she was going to be in an all-star season no matter where she debuted.

B: I was surprised I could take him so far in RDPI, I'm curious to see how long I can keep it going.

Izzy: An odder choice, given her lack of heroism. But with Owen here I can add one of my favorite ships.

Brick: Probably the most stereotypical heroic person in the cast. Plus he was a finalist. I doubt anyone fits the All-Star theme or Hero vs Villain theme more than him, except Rebecca, but she's out so...

Honorable Mentions: Dave and Britney: Were pretty highly requested, but they just didn't make it far enough for me to justify added them over Izzy and B.

Oh! One more thing. I have a lot of ideas for Olivia/Contessa, but I'm worried that adding them might overload the season with their romance. This ship has become surprisingly complex and I'm afraid doing neither of these will really do it justice. So I ask of you, would you rather me add it all here, or try writing a companion piece? Let me know in the reviews.

Well, I hope that you all understand some of what I was thinking of with this cast. I think it's safe to say these next dozen episodes are gonna be...interesting.

Let me know what you thought of the cast, the premiere, and the season itself.

And as always I'm sure I'm forgetting to mention something.

I hope you all enjoyed the episode, or some part of it.

Please stay safe and healthy during these difficult times.

And I'd also like to remind you guys that a TVTropes page for this series does exist and needs you guys adding to it.

With that I'm signing off



16th Place: Rebecca