It was 8 o'clock on an average Friday morning and Detective Abigail Baker was preparing her final notes for the daily morning briefing with the boss when Lieutenant Gormley and Deputy Commissioner Moore stepped off the elevator, both looking deeply troubled. Seeing her at her desk, the two men rushed towards her.

"What happened?" Baker asked, knowing those expressions could only mean a few things- all of them bad.

"He in yet?" Garrett inquired.

"Not yet, I think he's right behind you. I got word from the detail that he's on his way in. Now is one of you going to tell me what's going on?"

"10-13 came in just a couple minutes ago. There was an ambush outside the Bitterman Housing Project. Detectives were just arriving to a fresh homicide scene when a sniper began firing from above. The facts are still coming in but we've got reports of multiple cops being hit." Sid reported, sadly.

Sensing a hesitation and an incomplete story, Baker pressed him further. "But there's more, isn't there…?"

"…Scuttlebutt is that one of the downed officers is a Reagan." Garret replied, quietly.

"Oh my God…" Abigail breathed.

All three members of the Commissioner's Inner Circle jumped when the bell of his private elevator chimed, announcing his imminent arrival. Steeling themselves for the heartbreaking conversation to come, they quickly made their way over to the elevator doors.

When the doors swung open, the commissioner and 2 members of his detail stepped out onto the floor. He smiled, seeing his team, and greeted them.

"Morning Abigail, Sid, Garrett."

When none of the three replied immediately, he stopped and glanced at their frightened faces.

"What happened?"

"Boss, there was an ambush at an active crime scene outside the Bitterman Housing Projects. Multiple cops were hit." Sid volunteered.

"Any likely?" Frank said, softly, absorbing the news stoically.

"Too soon to know yet definitively," Sid began. "The 10-13 just came in about 15 minutes ago. But from all accounts? It sounds like it was a bloodbath."

"Was the shooter apprehended?"

"Again, reports still coming in but word is our guys returned fire and the firing upon them stopped. We're waiting for confirmation but it seems like the shooter is down."

"Ok." Frank's brow furrowed as he processed the facts, while also observing the obviously upset countenances of his team. "Baker. What else is Sid not telling me?"

Abigail glanced, quickly, at the other two men before looking straight at her boss and reporting, as gently as possible, "Sir…Word on the street is that one of the officers who was shot is… a Reagan."

Everyone was startled when Frank's knees suddenly buckled out from under them and he stumbled as the shock of potentially losing another son hit him. All of the people around him darted to catch and support the burly commissioner, but his bodyguard, Detective Nucifero, was the quickest and, bearing most of his weight, led his boss to a nearby chair.

"One of my boys? Well- which…? Are they..?" Frank stumbled over his words, trying to keep his composure while coping with the news.

Garrett and Abigail knelt at his level, consoling him. "We don't know anything definitive yet, Frank, but it's going to be ok. There's no reason to assume that either Danny or Jamie were critically wounded- hell, we don't even know if either of them were there. It could be some other cop named Reagan or a misreport altogether." Commissioner Moore offered.

Jim joined the others kneeling by his commissioner, "Boss, I just got word that all the casualties are being sent to to the same hospital. We're dispatching a car to your home to pick up your father and another to the courthouse to inform Erin. Detail's ready to take you there just as soon as you're ready."

"I'm ready now. Let's go, Jimmy." Frank said, biting back the tears that threatened to wash over his normally controlled exterior. He stood, with the others hovering closely, and took a step towards the elevator.

While they waited for the elevator to return to the 14th floor, Sid slipped his ringing phone out of his pocket and answered it without checking the ID.


"Boss?" The unusually strained and emotional voice of Danny Reagan pierced through the phone. "Let me speak to the Commissioner."

"Danny?" Sid gasped, and glanced at the caller ID: "Det. M Baez".

Sid looked up, seeing the elevator doors slide open a few yards away and the party about to enter it.

"Boss! Wait! It's for you! It's Danny!"

Frank's eyes bolted up and he rushed over, snatching the phone from Lieutenant Gormley's hand.

"Danny!?" Frank answered the phone, finally allowing a few tears to slip past his eyelids. "Are you ok, son?"

"Yeah, Dad, I'm ok…" a shaky voice responded.

"Oh thank God!" Frank beamed, his eyes still brimming with tears. "They just told me there was a report of a multiple casualty event and that you might have been of of them and…"

"It… it was an ambush… Sniper. Armor piercing ammo… I was able to take out the shooter but… I just.. I…" Danny's voice broke, audibly gasping between stifled sobs.

"Dad, I'm so sorry.."