Heya! I'd like to post some reviews that I want to give my input to before you continue on with the chapter, and I apologize because I was supposed to post this yesterday, but was caught up in something. The reasons why will be at the end of the chapter.

VGBlackwing: Hmm wIll Mordred be in somewhere in Ylisse...or better yet Regna Ferox (better place for mordred to boast her strength for every victim she crush...Literally) will be happy if she here i am a mordred fan...Lol and thank you for the chapter

-Fear not, fans of Mordred for I have answered your pleas to insert her into the story. I already thought of having her in the story, so don't you worry, but she won't be at Regna Ferox as it would be too soon to connect Arthur the "wanderer" with Arthur the "king". She will show in later chapters.

FabledLife: Well Arthur is a nice guy Bishounen and a wise king, soooo he should be a (clueless?) chick magnet I believe (clueless cause I believe he didn't interact much with any females as he focused more on becoming an ideal king during Camelot times)...
An example would be of how he thinks of himself only as a father figure and guardian to Ayaka...

Also, from the Fate Grand Order dialogues, it is implied that Prototype Mordred is a boy...
Arthur's dialogue from My Room:
"This world's Mordred sure is cute."

-Yesss, I am aware that Prototype Arthur's Mordred is male…. But that's what fanfics are for, right? I just took Proto Arthur's concept character, and his background is a mix of other literary textsand, I'd prefer a female Mordred as well… Think about all the comedic moments and tsun-tsun from Mor-chan hehehe

Soda-fiedPsycho: Can Excalibur ascend like Falchion? Cause it'd be pretty dope for it to ascend

Is Arthur going with Robin, then?
And I assume Arthur, by himself, could slay even the toughest of enemies in Fire Emblem if he unleashes Excalibur.
I mean, he took down Manaka who's connected to the Root and was basically an Angra Mainyu rip off at that point... And he defeated Beast VI.
Granted, it WAS with the help of the other Servants, but his Excalibur was half sealed.

-For your first question, I don't know. Excalibur is already pretty dope if you ask me, and having it ascend like falchion will make his enemies cry in tears because it'll be too op. Well, it COULD ascend, it could be like bypassing the 13 restraints or whatnot for full power, and heck, even Arthur didn't use Excalibur with all its seals released. Another thing, which is for all you readers as well, is that in this story, Arthur IS human, not a heroic spirit where he can draw mana from his master or whatnot, and as such, I will have to apply drawbacks to it to stop y'all for thinking that he can spam it whenever he wants. Secondly, Arthur going with Robin? Well, I've thought of that as well, and I'm glad that there are other kindred spirits that agree, but I'm torn in pairing Arthur with Cordelia or Robin…. Or maybe I can do both? It's certainly worth a try and I want to hear all of your thoughts about it.

The Shepherds along with Arthur battled the creatures in the forest. Chrom swinging his sword, to which Arthur found peculiar, with Lissa supporting Chrom and heal him when he gets wounded, Frederick thrusting his lance on the other, keeping their backs safe. Robin shot thunder at them while Arthur deftly swung his sword, killing the creatures with precise movements. As they battled, the group saw movement in the distance, seeing a woman riding on a horse along with another person holding a bow in his hand, shooting the nearest creature before him.

"Captain Chrom! Wait, I'm coming!" The woman said as she slashed the creatures with her sword as she rushed towards the group, the man frantically tries to follow , dodging close attacks from the nearby creatures

"Hold, milady! A fleeting beauty such as you surely would have the time to chat-" The man tried to say more but the woman cut him off.

"Sorry, Ruffles-no time for this. Onward!" The man, oddly persistent in talking to the armed knight, accompanied her much to her annoyance as the two fought their way towards the group.

The battle ended with no casualties, a testament to the groups effective and strong combat prowess as the group rested to catch their breath. Lissa propped her butt on the ground as she huffed from all the running that she did during the battle, followed by Robin as she sat on the ground. Chrom rested his sword on the ground while he stood, and Frederick, ever cautious, held his lance in a grip that allows him to thrust it to an unexpected enemy, and Arthur rested his back on a tree while standing. The group saw the two people that they saw who fought not far from them, and seeing a familiar face, Chrom called out.

"It's good to see you, Sully! Strength in numbers, as I might say." Chrom talked to the armored woman whom he called Sully.

"Hey, captain! I knew there was something different and I went as fast as I can to meet with you and the others. This nutjob went along for the ride though" Sully nodded at Chrom as she pointed to the man who accompanied her on her way to the Shepherds, holding a bow in his hand.

"Who is he?" Robin pointed to the man but before Sully replies, the man introduced himself in her stead.

"Ha! Is the lady intrigued? Of course you are—It's only natural. I am myth and legend! I am he who strides large across history's greatest stage! The man who puts the "arch" in "archer"! My name, dear lady, is Virion, the archest of archers! I can be of assistance as I can strike down your foes from afar. Kindly keep me from danger, if you will, and I, the archest of archers, will keep YOU from danger." Virion said, as he graciously bowed to the group, mostly in the direction of the girls, much to the girls' snicker and Chrom's, Frederick's, and surprisingly, Arthur's, narrowed eyes as Virion looked to where Robin, Lissa, and Sully are.

"That aside, I'd like to formally introduce myself and the others. I'm Chrom. He's Frederick, and he's Arthur." Chrom said to Virion as he pointed to Arthur and Frederick, giving him a friendly smile and a nod from the wanderer and the knight.

"Ah, a pleasure to meet you gentlemen." Virion smiled.

"It seems all the creatures are vanquished. This young man took care of the others." Frederick pointed at a figure near them, wearing a mask as said person walked towards them in slow steps.

This must be the masked person that Lissa was talking about before. Arthur thought as the masked man stood silently.

Seeing the person, Lissa spoke up as she said while fidgeting. "Um, I never got to thank you…for before. So…thank you. You were very brave."

"You saved my sister's life. You have my gratitude. My name is Chrom. Might I ask yours?" Chrom said with a smile and reached out his hand, opting for a handshake, but the masked man said, "You may call me Marth," but didn't take his hand. Chrom pulled back his hand in an awkward chuckle but as if realizing something, he said, "Marth? After the heroic king of old? Well, you certainly fight like a hero. Where did you learn your way with a sword?" but the man, Marth, deflected his question.

"I'm not here to talk about me. This world teeters at the brink of a horrible calamity. What you saw tonight was but a prelude. You have been warned." And with that, Marth slowly walked away, leaving the confused group in circles.

"Huh? What's teetering where now? Hey, wait?" Lissa shouted as she didn't understand her words.

"He doesn't talk much now, does he?" Robin noted.

"It appears his skills lie elsewhere. I wager we'll hear his name again." Frederick said to the group as he then said that they should make haste in returning to Ylisstol, which the others agreed to as they continued with their journey.

The group arrived at Ylisstol, where Chrom and the others lived in. The bustling marketplace and the chatter of the people created a peaceful ambience, different from what Arthur and the others have experienced on their journey.

"So this is Ylisstol, capital of Ylisse… I've never seen so many people!" Robin said in awe as she took in the sights of this new experience. Meanwhile, Frederick heaved a sigh of relief as he commented.

"It appears the capital was spared the chaos we encountered, thank the gods. I see no evidence of the great quake. It must've been limited to the forest."

"Well, that's a relief!" Lissa said.

As they were walking, one of the people shouted near them as he said, "Look! The exalt has come to see us!" They stopped by to see a beautiful woman with long-hair, and a gentle smile from her face as she waved at the townspeople, along with guards to protect her from any unforeseen assailant as she walked through the city.

Looking at the sight, Robin asked Chrom, "The exalt is your ruler, yes?" Frederick cut in as he replied for Chrom.

"Yes. Her name is Lady Emmeryn."

"Is it safe for her to walk among commoners like this?"

"The exalt is a symbol of peace—Ylisse's most prized quality. Before our time, the fell dragon tried to bring this world into ruin, but the first exalt, together with the divine dragon, laid the beast low. Exalt Emmeryn reminds us all of the peace we fought for them."

Hearing Frederick's words, Chrom added. "With Plegia poking at our borders, the people need her as she is a calming presence, when some might otherwise call for war."

"Then the Ylissean people are fortunate to her as their ruler." Arthur then said as he looked back at the Exalt, his eyes gleaming in a complicated light. Robin nodded at his words and Lissa chimed in the conversation as well.

"She's also the best big sister anyone could ask for!"

"Yes, I imagine she… Wait, what? She's your…" Robin agreed with Lissa's words until he paused to process what she said. Realizing something, Robin's eyes widened in surprise as she continued.

"B-but, wouldn't that make you and Chrom…." She said until Frederick brought down the hammer of reality.

"The prince and princess of the realm, yes. You remember Chrom's name and not this?" Frederick smiled a bit as he saw the shocked face of Robin and Arthur's surprised face.

"Huh, is that so? Isn't that a surprise." Arthur said as he looked back to see Frederick's eyebrows raised, wondering how Arthur didn't react the same way that Robin did.

As if hearing his thoughts, Arthur answered for him. "When we were fighting, I saw the same brand on Chrom's right shoulder and on the Exalt's forehead during the procession. If it was something of a birthmark of sorts, I'd infer that only unique people are granted that brand." Arthur said. Hearing this, Frederick smiled.

Not having any of it, Robin complained as she pouted, which Arthur found it to be cute. "You said you were "shepherds"!" as Chrom replied:

"And so we are…in a manner of speaking. But you could say that we're shepherds, herding a LOT of sheep."

"C-Chrom… I mean, Prince Chrom! Sire! Forgive my dreadful manners!" Robin stutteringly said, to which Chrom, Arthur, and Lissa laughed at her and Frederick smiling, causing her cheeks to puff.

"Just Chrom is fine. I've never been much for formalities."

Robin was about to complain some more but stopped as she gave a sigh of defeat. "The prince and princess… That explains why Frederick tolerates all the teasing, eh?" Which Frederick nodded in recognition as he feigned a sigh as he said, "Indeed. Oh, the sacrifices I make for the good of the realm…" Arthur laughed at Frederick's words while Chrom said to them, "It looks like Emm is returning to the palace. Would you like to meet her?" Hearing his words, Robin nodded, saying 'I would be honored', but for some reason, Arthur seemed to not like the idea as he said, "I, uh, I don't think someone like me should meet with your Exalt."

As she heard him say that, Lissa pouted at him and said, "Huh? That's nonsense! You saved Ylissean lives and helped us defeat those brigands and creatures that we fought before! Aiding the prince and princess already warrants you to meet our big sister!" to which Chrom agreed with her sister's words.

"I agree with dear sister here, Arthur" "Right! You have helped us so, and meeting with the Exalt is yet to be the extent of your compensation. Come on Arthur! Come on, come on, come on!" With Lissa's incessant urging, Arthur was left with no room for a compromise as he ultimately sighed, which spelled victory for Lissa as she pumped her fist in the air. "Come on, she's already waiting for us inside the palace! Let's go!" She ran towards the direction of the royal palace, leaving the group behind for them to follow her.

Knowing that he's going to meet her after a long time… Arthur sighed as he walked towards the majority's destination. I've been sighing a lot lately, haven't I? Might grow out white hairs at this rate. He silently chuckled to himself as they entered the palace.

Chrom and Lissa led the group inside as the guards stationed there gave a bow to the prince and princess of the halidom, making their way towards the throne room where Emmeryn and her knights are. Arthur walked behind the group, and seeing that no guard came to take notice of two new additions to prince Chrom's entourage, he thought to himself. It seems that the security around here is lax, more like, complacent, I guess? No one would ever think of harming the Exalt, a symbol of peace for the people of Ylisse. His thoughts stopped there as they saw the woman that is the ruler of the halidom of Ylisse, and also the sister of Chrom and Lissa.

Seeing people come into her way, the Exalt, Emmeryn, turned to see her siblings walking towards her, causing her to smile.

"Chrom! Lissa! Welcome home. Oh, and a good day, Frederick. How fared you all?" She smiled warmly to the three, then to the new addition that she hadn't recognized, seeing a silver-haired girl, and a man wearing a hood, his appearance hidden by the cloth, but for some reason, the man seemed oddly familiar, her subconscious told her.

"Well—we shouldn't have any bandit problems for a while." Chrom said as he replied to Emmeryn's concern. When she asked Chrom of his welfare, she gave the two strangers: me and Robin a glance.

"Wonderful. And our people?"

"Safe as they can be, Emm. But we still need to watch the borders. The brigands crossed over from Plegia."

"Forgive me, milord. My pegasus knights should have intercepted them." One of Emmeryn's guards, presumably the leader of the knight squad surrounding Emmeryn as her semblance of armor differed from the other knights, as Arthur guessed, interjected between the two royals as she apologized to Chrom.

"No, Phila. Your duty was here, with the exalt."

"And besides, we've had plenty of help!" Lissa said whilie smiling, bringing Emmeryn a small smile chuckled lightly.

"Ah, you speak of your new companions here?"

Chrom introduced Robin and Arthur to Emmeryn as he said, pointing first at Robin. "This is Robin. She fought bravely with us against the brigands. And the other is Arthur. He was the one who defended the town from the brigands before we arrived. I've decided to have them join the Shepherds." Chrom finished introducing the two to Emmeryn after revealing his intention of having them join the group, only to see Emmeryn freeze, shock and surprise showing on her face.

"A…Arthur, you say?" Emmeryn looked over to the new person Chrom introduced other than Robin. Seeing the man had blond hair, and green eyes, she recalled an all-too-familiar face in the past; a man of the same features wearing regal armor, making him exude a strong, yet caring presence. In the memory, he smiled at her as his confidence stood, looking as if his shoulders can carry the weight of the world.

Arthur, who was introduced, gave a bow to Emmeryn as he smiled and said, "Greetings, Lady Emmeryn."

Looking at him, Emmeryn just knew that the man before her, though he may be feigning ignorance, was the same shining glory of Camelot, the King of Knights, her kindred spirit, her friend, whom she thought was gone.

"I…Yes, it's good to meet you as well." Emmeryn smiled.

I tried to make their meeting as smooth as possible, including the fact that they somehow know each other. Y'all can tell me if it was okay or that I forced it, either way, I have a good reason for it and I hope y'all be patient until then. The reason that I wanted Arthur and Emmeryn to be connected is because they are kindred spirits, in the sense that they took up the mantle of leadership at a young age. I'm following Emmeryn's canon age at 25 of course before the timeskip and for Arthur, I pictured him as a 21-year old man so that there's not much of a gap between the Shepherds' ages, and Arthur's ideal girls ;-) this was the holdup as I had a hard time trying to insert this development between the two. That's all, I think.

If you haven't read my note at the beginning of the chap, I said in response to a review that I'm torn in pairing Arthur with Cordelia or Robin and said that I can try doing both if permitted. Thanks! See you all soon. Soupreme out.