[War continues to ravage the galaxy! With a decisive victory at the Battle of Ryloth, Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker, and his padawan Ahsoka Tano regroup on the Star Destroyer Endurance to participate in a briefing on the bridge. Meanwhile, The Shadow, Wraith Squad's Raider-Class corvette jumps out of hyperspace, to rendevous with the Jedi...]

A Nu-Class shuttle approaches the Endurance, coming in for a landing in the hangar, meanwhile, on the bridge, we find Generals Windu, Skywalker, and Kenobi, along with Ahsoka Tano, and Admiral Yularen, who were standing around a holo-table in a war conference.

"Stark!" said Commander Cody, who was approaching the Wraith Squad to greet them.

"Cody, good to see you," said Stark as he hugged Cody, the two were clearly friends. "It's good to see all of you, but let's get to the bridge, the generals are expecting you,"

"In order, congratulations are, for the liberation of Ryloth," said a hologram of Master Yoda, beside him was Chancellor Palpatine in a hologram as well.

"Thank you, Master," said Anakin.

"And now onto more pressing matters. Captain?" said Obi-Wan as he adjusted his armor, subtly.

Rex approached the holo-table and displayed a hologram of 3 Venator-class Star Destroyers over a planet. "This is Mimban, not exactly the most hospitable planet as most of it is covered in swamps and mud fields,"

"Sounds lovely," said Anakin, who in turn caused Obi-Wan to look at him with an upset face while Ahsoka tried her best not to laugh.

"General Krell's forces have been fighting for weeks already, suffering heavy losses due to the Separatists' heavy artillery," said Rex

"It is imperative that we capture Mimban, they have an overabundance of natural resources that could benefit our cause," said Mace Windu.

Chancellor Palpatine looked at Anakin and smirked, "And who might be the Jedi you will send to complete this task, I would think it best to send General Skywalker." Palpatine looked very confident as though the Jedi would agree.

"Actually Chancellor we were thinking something different this time," said Anakin.

"Yes, a special clone unit we will send," said Yoda.

The blast doors on the bridge opened and the Wraith Squad walked in, Cody in the mix. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka looked upon the clones, impressed with what they saw, as they have never seen any clones like them especially Stark with his Mandalorian style cape and Jaig Eyes.

"Wraith Squad reporting," said Stark.

"Greetings, gentlemen," said Mace Windu. The Chancellor looked impressed at the sight of the men, "Remarkable," he said.

"Wraith Squad will take a detachment of the 212th to reinforce Master Krell on Mimban, meanwhile Master Yoda will travel to Toydaria to negotiate a deal for them to join the Republic, May the Force be with us all." With that, the holograms disappeared, the Wraith Squad took their helmets off as they were now in a less formal setting.

"You're not joining us General?" said Ace to Anakin. "Believe me I would love to, but we've been ordered back to Coruscant," Anakin said turning to Ahsoka who made a face as if saying 'introduce us.' "Oh and by the way, this is General Obi-Wan Kenobi, and my padawan Ahsoka Tano," Anakin said introducing his master and padawan. "Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, this is Stark, Mora, Ace, Burst, and Zero,"

"Hello there," said Obi-Wan while Ahoska waved gingerly. "Anakin we must be going," said Obi-Wan as Ahsoka, Anakin, and Cody followed. "Good luck, brothers," said Rex putting his hand on Stark's pauldron, looking back at the rest of the squad smiling.

The Shadow jumps out of hyperspace and immediately after a Venator-class Star Destroyer followed. From the hangar of The Shadow, a modified Z-95 starfighter emerged and flew ahead of the Raider-class corvette. It sported red Markings with the Open Circle fleet emblem on one wing, and on the other side the symbol of the Wraith Squad, and along the fuselage, a red 'A' as in the pilot of the fighter.

"Looks like you were right Stark, the intel was bad, there's a Separatist fleet there," said Ace from his fighter.

"Yeah, I see it, Admiral?" said Stark from the bridge of The Shadow.

"The fleet is composed of three Munificent-Class Frigates, it's your call Sergeant," said Admiral Yularen who was assigned to this mission.

"Thank you, Admiral," said Ace. Ace was cunning like the rest of the Wraith Squad, but Ace was given extensive pilot training back on Kamino as well as his ARC trooper training. He was well respected within the ranks of the Republic Navy's pilots as well as the Army. The Wraith Squad and Admiral Yularen had no idea how Ace planned to take down the Separatist fleet which worried the Admiral.

"Sergeant Ace, how do you plan to break through that blockade?" said Yularen nervously, worried as he did not want to risk losing this mission.

"Cool your thrusters Admiral, just sit back and watch," said Ace.

"Oh this will be fun to watch!" said Burst laughing.

Ace began piloting his fighter towards the Separatist fleet while the Shadow and the Venator stayed back.

"Commander, we have one Republic starfighter approaching, Z-95 class," said a battle droid to the tactical droid in command.

The tactical droid stood up, "Curious," Ace's fighter then held position within range of the Separatist fleet.

"Commander, the Republic starfighter is hailing us," said another battle droid.

"Put him through,"

"Attention CIS fleet, you are being given an opportunity to surrender to the Galactic Republic for war crimes,"

"I am not programmed to surrender, destroy that fighter," said the tactical droid as he shut off the transmission.

"Okay, that did not go as planned R6 now!" said Ace as his astromech supercharged the thrusters to speed at the frigates. Ace gasped as the fighter took off at incredible speeds. The Separatist frigates began firing at Ace, having a hard time trying to hit his fighter. Ace began to strafe the frigates not causing much of an effect.

"What is he doing?! Reckless clones..." said Admiral Yularen. "R6 send the signal out now!" said Ace to his droid R6-3A who beeped in compliance.

Suddenly, eight Y-Wing bombers came out of hyperspace at close proximity to the Separatist fleet, speeding towards them at attack speed. "On-site and ready to assist," said the Squadron leader. "Oddball it is so good to see you," said Ace.

"Commencing airstrike, Admiral be ready to punch through when we get you that opening," said Ace as his fighter flew in front of the bombers to lead them through. The bombers began firing their ion torpedoes at the frigates disabling them while the rest rained proton torpedoes, causing one of the frigates to break apart.

"Admiral you have the opening go now!" said Stark. Admiral Yularen's cruiser was already in range of the weakened frigates. "Launch gunships and open fire on the Separatist cruisers to give them cover," ordered Admiral Yularen. The Separatist cruisers did not stand a chance, and gunships launched from the Venator's main hangar making for planet-fall. The Shadow broke through with the gunships, and Ace's fighter led the way with half the bomber force, as Oddball and Admiral Yularen finished off the fleet.

"That was quite the spectacle," said Zero.

"Yea but I have a feeling that this is going to get worse," said Mora.

"Well whatever it is I'm up for the challenge!" said Burst.

"Alright boys those gunships are reporting to base, but we are dropping right into the fire, get ready," said Stark as he and the team went down to the hangar.

Mora was right though, things were going to get worse because that was just the beginning of this battle...

To be continued...