First off, I would like to go on for record that I actually do not really know how high people act. So, most of this-if not all of it-is guessed at. Enjoy!

Astrid was sharpening her axe as Snotlout tried for the hundredth time to get her attention by flirting with her.

"Hey, how you doin'?" he drawled, leaning against the door.

Astrid looked up from her axe for a moment to give him an unamused leer. "Awesome. I'm positively nauseated. You wanna get outta my hut before I vomit on your boots?"

Snotlout, who was a major germaphobe, took off in terror, but he called behind him, "We'll go out when you're better!"

"No promises!" she called back, a triumphant smile on her face. Then she laughed to herself. "Ah, what an idiot."

He was always trying to be flirtatious and attractive, but he failed spectacularly. Honestly, Astrid was starting to believe that he did not have a clue in his head. She was trying to get him to take a hint for years. She at one point even said to his face, "I hate you with a passion," but he, of course, took it as her playing hard to get. Why any girl would play hard to get was beyond Astrid. But then, Astrid was of a more logical mind than most girls. For her, "no" meant "no." Although, Astrid was starting to think that Snotlout was just so prideful that he believed that all women loved him. Of course, he had said multiple times that many new widows had rejoiced when their husbands died and chased after him.

"Who's more of an idiot, Stormfly?" Astrid asked her Nadder. "Snotlout, or the twins?"

Stormfly squawked.

"Yeah, you're right, definitely Snotlout," Astrid chuckled, and went back to sharpening her axe.

Then, someone burst through the door.

Astrid rolled her eyes. "Snotlout, I thought I told you-"

But when she turned around, she saw Fishlegs, panting from running for a few seconds.

"Fishlegs, what are you doing here?" she asked, genuinely curious.

After catching his breath, Fishlegs panicked, "Astrid, there's something wrong with Hiccup!"

"What?" Astrid cried, alerted at these words. "What is it? Is he hurt? Sick?"

"No, no, he's in perfect health," Fishlegs stammered.

Astrid blinked. "Okay. Then what's wrong with him?"

"Well, he's just not himself," Fishlegs answered, his index fingers tapping together nervously.

"Explain," Astrid demanded.

Fishlegs gulped. "Uh, well, he and I were working on the Book of Dragons, filling out more on Speed Stingers, and then, the twins came in with water. And after he drank it, well, he started, uh, giggling and running around. I've never seen him so hyper. And then he started talking nonsense and jumping on tables and things and doing all sorts of crazy stunts. It was horrifying!"

"The twins drugged him?!" Astrid cried. "Are you kidding me?!"

Fishlegs whimpered. "That's what I think, yeah."

"Wait," Astrid began, slowly. "If you're here, then who's watching Hiccup?"

Fishlegs bit his lip. "Uh, the twins?"

"You idiot, what-? You left him with them?!" Astrid mounted Stormfly and took off to the clubhouse.

But he was not there.

"Hiccup?!" Astrid called.

"YEAAAAAAH, BABY!" came Hiccup's voice from the training arena.

Stormfly took off and flew to the arena. Dismounting, Astrid found Hiccup zooming down a zipline, screaming with delight.

"WHOO-HOO!" Hiccup yelled, and he jumped off and landed on his feet, his hands up in the air.

"Aaaand he sticks the landing!" Hiccup cheered, then he sank into a low bow. "Tuffnut, Ruffnut, you may applaud me."

The twins cheered wildly, throwing flowers and confetti at him.

"Whoa, whoa, stop it, I said applause!" Hiccup cried, shielding his face as he backed away and bumped into Astrid.

"Hiccup?" Astrid said.

With a yelp, Hiccup jumped back. Then, realizing who she was, he smiled giddily. "Hey! Astrid, my, don't you look lovely this morning!"

"Uh, hey, Hiccup," Astrid replied uncomfortably.

Hiccup leaned closer to her face, squinting. Then, afterwards, he giggled. "Hey, you're cute. You know that? You are cu-ute!"

The twins laughed boisterously behind him, slapping their knees.

Hiccup joined in with the laughter until he suddenly stopped. "Wait, why are we laughing again?"

Astrid stormed over to them and held up her axe to their chins. "What did you do to him?"

"Whoa, whoa! Relax, Astrid!" Ruffnut chuckled nervously and tentatively pushed away the blade. "We didn't kill him or anything."

"Yeah, he just gave him a pick-me-up," Tuffnut added, smiling. "He was low on energy, so we boosted it."

"By making him drunk?!" Astrid snapped.

"I like to call it 'high,' " Tuffnut remarked. "Since he sometimes thinks he's in the clouds."

"That's right, Astrid, I'm hi-igh!" Hiccup chirped, throwing his arms up in the air. "Isn't that right, bud? Who's high, Toothless? Who's high?"

Toothless gaped at Hiccup confusedly.

Scratching under his dragon's chin, Hiccup cooed, "Who's high, buddy? Who's the highest of high? That's right, I am! Who wants to watch me fly?! I do! Ruffnut, my flight suit!"

"Uh, Hiccup," Astrid began, grabbing him by the wrist. "Maybe no flying for today. At least, not until you're more clear minded."

Hiccup blinked blankly at her. Then he blinked again, as if it became clear. "Ohh! You want to see me flip! Okay! I can do that!"

"Uh, Hiccup, that's not what I-" Astrid started, but then he broke away.

Hiccup rushed towards a tree, then, jumping up and running up the trunk, he backflipped and landed skillfully on his feet.

"Whoa!" Astrid gasped. "Okay, that's-"

"Awesome?" Hiccup offered, his green eyes beaming. "I know! I just learned to do it today! I think Tuffnut taught me, but I'm not sure. Oh, well, it doesn't matter. Oh, there's Dragonfly Two! Now, it's time to FLYYYY!"

"Hiccup, wait!" Astrid warned, but he had already taken off into the woods.

"YEAH, BABY!" he screamed with delight.

Astrid rushed after him, screaming behind her at the twins, "He dies, and I kill you!"

She rushed through the trees, but she lost him. Where was he? How did he get faster than her? She had to find Hiccup. If he got hurt and she was not there, she would never forgive herself.

"Hiccup!" Astrid called.

Then, from the woods, came Hiccup, singing at the top of his lungs:




He was near the cliffs. She had to get there before she jumped. Luckily, Stormfly landed behind Astrid, and they took off. Quickly, they came to the cliff. Hiccup was standing there with his flight suit on.

"Hiccup, what're you doing, buddy?" Astrid asked nervously, talking to him as if he were a child.

"I'm gonna fly!" Hiccup beamed, turning to her. "Feel that wind? I'm gonna catch it! You want me to catch it for you?"

"Uh, no, you don't have to-" Astrid began.

Hiccup cocked his head. "Okay, then what do you want, Astrid?" As Astrid was about to speak, he snapped his fingers. "I got it! You-you want the sun? I'll fly up, and I'll get it for you! And then, then you'll swallow it, see? And the sunbeams will shoot out of your fingers and toes and the ends of your hair. . . You're right, I'm talking too much. Okay, here we go!"

"Hiccup, wait!" Astrid warned, but he had already bounded off the cliff.

The wind was almost nonexistent, so instead of flying, he plummeted. Stormfly rushed down the cliff and grasped Hiccup by his shoulders and put him back on the cliff.

Immediately, Astrid yanked that forsaken flight suit off his back and kicked it away as if it were a poisonous snake. "Okay, that's enough of that."

"But I didn't get you the sun," Hiccup protested, pointing up at the sky. "Now you're not gonna glow. Hmm, maybe if we find the Flightmare. Then we can feed you its algae-"

"Hiccup, can you please focus?" Astrid pleaded, shaking him by the shoulders.

Hiccup looked at her, his green eyes widening. "Hey. Look at that. You're already glowing. Gosh. You're pretty, Astrid. Did I ever tell you I thought that?"

"Uh, no," Astrid replied, awkwardly.

Hiccup leaned in closer to her face, smiling. "You're very pretty. I really do think that. How did you get so pretty?"

Astrid looked away, smiling nervously. "Uh, I don't know."

"Blue," he said.

"Wh-what?" Astrid stuttered, looking back at him.

"Your eyes are blue," Hiccup explained. "Like sapphires. Your parents don't have blue eyes. How'd you get them?"

"Well, my uncle had blue eyes, so-" Astrid began.

This was very strange. Hiccup was acting like a little boy talking to his crush.

"Astrid," Hiccup whispered.

"Y-yes?" she began. "What now? You gonna ask about my hair?"

"Why is the world doing barrel rolls?" Hiccup groaned, stumbling backward.

"Are you woozy?" Astrid asked, concernedly. What in the world did the twins give him?

"Woozy, yeah," Hiccup murmured, putting a hand to his head. "I think I need to. . .need to lie down. Head hurts. . .Okay, falling over-"

"Hiccup!" Astrid caught him just before he hit the ground.

He smiled up at her. "Hey."

"Uh, hey," Astrid responded, then put his arm around her neck. "What do you say we get you in bed?"

"Your bed?" Hiccup asked.

Astrid stared at him. "Mine? No, I meant yours-"

"But I want to be with you. You go away to do stuff. Can we go back to your hut?"

After a moment's thought, she shrugged. "Okay, I guess it wouldn't hurt."

"Whoo-hoo," Hiccup cheered feebly. "I win."

Astrid chuckled. "Whatever, Hiccup, let's just get you on Stormfly."

When they got to her hut, Astrid laid Hiccup in her bed.

"Can I get you anything? Do you want anything?"

Hiccup shook his head. "No, just stay with me. Please?"

Uncomfortably, Astrid acquiesced and sat on the edge of the bed. Astrid let out a yelp as he suddenly grasped her hand and pressed it up against his face.

"H-Hiccup, can I have my hand?" she asked gently.

"No," he said flatly. "I want it. Hey, you know that water the twins gave me? I don't think it was water."

"No, it was laced with a sort of drug," Astrid explained, hopeful that it was wearing off.

"Really?" Hiccup murmured, his green eyes trailing off unfocused. "That's why it tasted so bad."

Astrid glanced at him. "Hiccup, is it. . .wearing off?"

Hiccup stared at her, evidently pondering something. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Hiccup reached out his hand and pulled off the ribbon Astrid used to tie her hair.

"Hey!" she cried. "What are you doing with that?"

"I want to see what you look like with your hair down," Hiccup replied simply, now unraveling her braid so that her golden hair fell on her shoulders.

"Hiccup, can you not-" Astrid began.

"Calm down, it's better this way," Hiccup said as he undid the braid near her bangs. When he finished, he let out a small gasp. "Hey, you look good with your hair down. You should wear it like that. It looks like you have a veil of gold running down your back."

Astrid smiled uncertainly. "Thank you?"

Hiccup smiled at her. "What's an imperfect world like you doing in a perfect girl like this? Wait, did that come out right?"

"Uh, no, but it was still sweet," Astrid reassured him.

"You're very pretty, Astrid," Hiccup said again. "It's amazing. You're so perfect."

Astrid licked her lip. "I don't know about that, but thanks."

Hiccup reached up and touched her face. "You deserve someone perfect. It's just too bad. . .I'm not perfect."

Was he implying that-? Well, of course, Astrid thought, giving herself a mental slap. He likes you. My Thor, it's so obvious. Heather obviously saw it. That day when I told him that I was joining the Berk Guard, he looked absolutely crushed. Looking back further, Astrid saw that that was not the only sign. The signs had been there for three years. "Dragons aren't the only thing I think about." Those words echoed in the back of her mind. She prided herself on noticing things, but there it was, right in front of her. Hiccup had a crush on her, and he still did. Maybe if she was not trying so hard to be tough and hide her emotions and her crush for him, then she would have seen it sooner.

With a small smile, Astrid squeezed his hand. "Hiccup, it doesn't matter that you're not perfect. What matters is that you try to be, and I'll always admire that about you."

Hiccup laughed softly then became thoughtful. "Do you think that. . .that I'm too skinny?"

"No, of course not," Astrid chuckled.

"But there's something wrong with me," Hiccup persisted. "Is it the one foot? Is that why it's how Snotlout said it is?"

"What did Snotlout say?" Astrid asked.

Hiccup sighed, almost disappointedly. "That you wouldn't go for someone like me. Because of what's wrong with me, but he didn't say what it was. Is it because I love dragons? 'Cause dragons aren't the only thing I think about-"

"Hiccup, I know that," Astrid laughed. "I know that. You told me, remember? And Snotlout's an idiot. Don't believe a word he says. I love every part of you. Don't let him tell you otherwise."

Hiccup's eyes widened with shock. "You. . .you love me?"

Astrid bit her lip uncomfortably. Did she love him? Something about loving him, for some strange reason, felt so terrifying. Love meant completely giving herself to someone, and she thought that she never could do that. But looking at this boy, she saw that he was willing to do that for her. How many times did he risk his neck to save her? Maybe she could, maybe she did love him. And what she finally realized was that she did not mind at all. In fact, she enjoyed it.

At length, Astrid nodded. "Yes. I do."

Hiccup smiled and squeezed her hand. "I do, too, Astrid. I always will." Then, he let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes with his free hand. "Tired. . ."

"I know," Astrid whispered, pulling a cover over him. "Why don't you go to sleep, huh?"

"But I don't want to," Hiccup slurred, his eyelids drooping. "You'll leave me."

These words tugged at Astrid's heart. He really loved her. Holding his hand tighter, she intertwined her fingers with his.

"Don't worry, I'll stay," Astrid reassured him.

"Just until I fall asleep?" Hiccup murmured.

Astrid nodded with a warm smile.

Hiccup sighed contently, his eyes half open. "Thank you, Astrid."

Astrid lovingly brushed the hair locks from his forehead. He looked so peaceful like this. Normally, he looked so worried and anxious. It was nice to see him relax for a while.

Then, Hiccup whispered something that caught her off guard. "Kiss me, Astrid."

Astrid's heart skipped a beat. "Uh, what?"

"Kiss me goodnight," Hiccup repeated.

Astrid bit her lip nervously. "Uh, maybe not now."

"I'm not goin' t' sleep till y'do it," Hiccup slurred, his eyes rolling back into his head.

Astrid chuckled. "I'm sensing otherwise."

"Please?" Hiccup sighed, looking at her blearily.

Astrid sucked in breath through her teeth. "Okay, but then you sleep." Quickly, she gave him a smooch on the forehead. "There. Now, sleep."

But Hiccup shook his head a bit. "You missed."

Astrid blinked. "What?"

"Missed," Hiccup said sleepily, pointing to his lips.

Astrid sighed. "Okay."

Bending down, she kissed him on the lips. She did not mind kissing him. She really loved doing it. He actually was an amazing kisser. He was probably the only boy she would ever want to do it with. When she broke away, she saw Hiccup's eyes were closed, and he was snoring softly.

Shaking her head, Astrid laughed a little. "You're something else, Haddock, you know that?"

Getting up, Astrid went to finish sharpening her axe. She wanted to be close to Hiccup in case he woke up.

. . .

About three hours later, Astrid heard a soft moan behind her. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Hiccup sitting up and rubbing his head.

"Wuz goin' on?" he murmured. "Weird dream."

"You're awake. About time," Astrid said.

Hiccup then caught sight of her. "Astrid? What? What happened? This isn't my- wait, why am I in your room? What happened?"

"Glad to see you're yourself again," Astrid chuckled. "You really acted weird."

Hiccup got out of the bed. "What? Weird? What-" His eyes widened. "Oh, man. Did I do all those things?"

"Oh, you remember?" Astrid asked.

Hiccup blinked as if trying to register everything that was coming back to him. "Uh, bits of it. I remember the twins gave me that water, and then I started running around and. . .I think I tried to use the flight suit at one point. And then, I think you brought me here, and you. . .talked to me."

"Oh, yes, we talked a lot," Astrid laughed softly.

Hiccup looked at her. "Did I-? Did I say anything. . .weird?"

Astrid licked her lip thoughtfully. "Well, you did say I was pretty. And you, um, asked me to kiss you at one point."

Hiccup's mouth dropped open. "What? I asked you to do that? So that's why it happened?"

"Yes, but I only did it to get you to sleep," Astrid replied defensively. "And then you said I missed."

Hiccup's cheeks turned pink. "W-wait. . .you kissed me. . .on the lips?"

"Yes, okay? I've done it before," Astrid replied, embarrassed. "I only did it because you said you wouldn't go to sleep unless I did."

Hiccup ran a hand through his hair. "I-I think I already was when you, uh, did it."

Astrid squinted at him. "So I wasted a perfectly good kiss?"

"Hey, hey, it's not-" Hiccup began, holding his hands out defensively.

Astrid giggled. "Oh, Hiccup, I'm just teasing."

Hiccup laughed nervously. Then, he stopped as if he noticed something. "You let your hair down."

"Hm? Oh, yeah," Astrid said, deciding not to say that he was actually the one who did it; he was already embarrassed enough.

"It looks good," Hiccup commented. "Uh, looks like a veil of gold."

Astrid laughed at him repeating words he did not even know he said. "Thank you, I'm flattered."

"Hey," he began, rubbing his neck and looking down at his feet. "Could we maybe. . .forget this ever happened?"

"I won't mention it again," Astrid promised. "Just be extra careful the next time the twins offer you a drink."

"Deal," Hiccup smiled. "Well, I better go find Toothless, yeah. See-see you later!"

"Yeah, see you."

Astrid's eyes followed him as he walked out the door. Although Astrid never mentioned this event again, she still remembered everything he said. It was probably the first time he actually came close to saying he loved her.


And that's it! I don't exactly know if that was realistic or not, but there it is. I know I've not been working on my other story, the Changeling, as much, but, to be honest, I'm still working out the story. But worry not! I will finish it. I never leave projects unfinished. Anyway, thank you for reading!