Kuroinu Armored Dragon Prince

Chapter 6

Unquestionable Desires

Alicia was done with the now broken man. What he had told her had in fact worried her. The Black Dogs had planned on this from the start and there were more traitors within Alliance territory. Among them all that seemed to stand out was General Grave Levantine. The man fought alongside Markus. For the man to turn traitor was… alarming to say the least. And who knows how many of them were out there? They could be anywhere in the Citadels.

But it no longer matters now. The fate of these traitors had been decided. They were going to be executed out in public. They would all be publicly shamed and then castrated before getting whipped and branded before they are executed. Su Yi made sure that Beasley would tell Volt everything that happened to these men.

She had been practicing with her sword. As she did, she had things on her mind that would not leave her alone.

"Is something troubling you?"

She stopped and turned to see Olga.

"What do you want?" Alicia asked.

"Nothing in particular. I just couldn't help but notice that something has been troubling you." Olga said, "If it's the people's trust in you, I wouldn't worry. They still believe in you."

"After what happened today?" Alicia asked.

"They did not think that there would be a traitor among them." Olga said, "Even so, there is something you're not telling me."

"And what would that be?" Alicia asked.

"Your movements have been sluggish lately." Olga said, "Clearly something is on your mind."

Alicia looked in defiance.

"And if there was something bothering me, what would it be?" Alicia asked.

"I can guess at least one or two things at best." Olga said, "It's either the question of leaving some convicted criminal in charge of meting out the punishment of the traitors or your feelings for the boy."

Alicia's brow twitched.

"M-My feelings?!" Alicia exclaimed.

Olga sighed.

"Well now this is less complicated than I thought it was." Olga said to herself, "Let me guess, he saved your life and—"

"I don't see how that has anything to do with my movements." Alicia said.

Olga scowled.

"No… but it goes beyond that one time he saved your life, doesn't it?" Olga asked.

Alicia wavered. She clutched her chest. She felt that feeling once again.

"So I'm correct, aren't I?" Olga asked.

"Tch…" Alicia clenched her teeth, "So what? Why should it matter to you?"

"Because if that happens again, you need to be at your best." Olga said, "Now tell me what is going on between you and the boy."

Alicia appeared hesitant. She looked to her chest with insecurity. She sighed.

"He once saved my sister from a group of hobgoblins." Alicia said, "Though, maybe he didn't intentionally save her as he was acting like a wild animal defending its territory."


"Yes… he left quite a lot of blood where I found him." Alicia said, "Thankfully, he came to his senses before he was about to attack Prim."

"Then what?" Olga asked.

"Then I brought him back to civilization." Alicia said, "I thought he would make a great addition to the Knight Order here in Feoh, but not in my wildest dreams would he become the hero that Eostia had needed."

She felt her chest tightening.

"Ever since I sent him to Ken so that he would meet up with those he could trust to venture into the Black Citadel in Garan, I… felt attached to him." Alicia said, "In a way, it was like I had thought him as my own little brother."

She clutched her chest.

"But now… now I can't help but feel these emotions that… that I know barely little of…" Alicia said.

"And I think I know what those feelings are!"

Xisora materialized out of thin air.

"Y-YOU!" Alicia exclaimed, "Have you been listening?!"

"Yup!" Xisora said like a child, "And you must be feeling some pretty unquestionable desires for him, aren't you?"


Xisora looked at Alicia with a smug look on her face.

"You know, the kind that involves the birds and the bees~"

Alicia's face turned red.

"What in the Goddess's name makes you think that I would have such desires for him?!" Alicia asked, "Did you not hear me say that I thought of him as my own little brother?!"

"Oh? That's just cute." Xisora said, "Just before he came to your rescue, he and his buds made camp so I went into his tent and sucked him off."


"And you wouldn't believe the wet dream he was having!" Xisora said, "I could have sworn that your 'little sister' was sucking off your 'little brother' while you were licking his nape."


"I'm leaving." Olga said, leaving the room immediately upon knowing where this conversation was going.

"He had such a cute face when he came!" Xisora said, her tail swinging from side to side.

"WHY! YOU! I—I'LL—!"

"You know, I think he's still a virgin. I mean, he hasn't actually had sex with anyone yet." Xisora said, "I mean, I haven't stuck his dick inside me yet~"


"Well if it makes you feel better, his cock is better than any man's cock~" Xisora said, "Once you've had sex with him, he'll be the only guy that you'll ever have sex with."

"G-Get out of here or I will have the church smite you from where you stand!" Alicia said.

"Jeez. Fine. Prude." Xisora said before she vanished.

The succubus was gone. Alicia felt her chest getting even tighter.

'Blast that succubus! Putting words into my heart!' Alicia thought, 'And yet… those words… some of them rang true… by the Goddess… am I truly in love with him?'

Figa cracked the whip maddeningly on the men as the people watched them suffer. He pulled the whip back and straightened it out.

"These men had the gall to basically betray you after all they did for you." Figa said, "To think that your own war heroes would do something like this is almost… disappointing. They could have had everything, but instead, they throw it all away for their own ambitions."

He puts the whip away.

"These guys wanted to screw your girlfriends, your wives and your daughters in front of you because they think they can do whatever they want." Figa said, "But…"

He took one of the man's loincloth off to reveal that his genitals were gone!

"Let's see them try that without their dicks!" Figa said.

The man screamed in terror. He looks to the man with a sadistic smile.

"Sucks to be you, doesn't it?! It's a shame you can screw a girl now that you don't have a dick to do it with!" Figa said, "Maybe if you hadn't been so stupid, you wouldn't have to go through all of this!"

He laughed to the crowd.

"This is what happens to men who think they can do whatever they want!" Figa said, "They not only lose their dignity, but they also lose their man meat! So unless you want to lose your man meat, turn yourselves in and maybe you'll still have a pair! Of course, you could run, but I wouldn't try."

"And if you haven't joined the Black Dogs, maybe now is a good time to reconsider doing that." Figa said, 'I love this job…'

Yotaru couldn't watch. He knew that the men had to be punished, but this level of brutality… he couldn't afford to look at it. Johta, Cala, Yuburo, and Rafe couldn't look either. Caeda prayed while the others watched. Prim looked away.

'Figa… I never knew he loved this kind of thing…' Yotaru thought.

"Jeez… he is loving this a bit too much…" Yuburo said.

"I can agree with you on that…" Johta said.

He looked to Prim, who was covering her ears. He comforts her with a hug.

Figa forced the men on the gallows. On their chests were brands burned on their chests. The executioner pulled the lever and the men dropped. They hung in the air with their throats constricted and left to choke until they ran out of air.

"Remember everyone, these men had it coming!" Figa said, "But it's not over yet! We got a special guest for this execution in mind!"

He signaled the men to bring Beasley up.

"This man is the one who sold all of you out. Vent your anger on Former Minister Beasley." Figa said, "Truth be told, he never liked your Princess Knight, in fact, he would have liked her better as some sex slave. Too bad things didn't go for him in the end."

He spat on the man's face.

"And as much as I want to make him suffer, I think I'll leave that to someone who really has it out for him." Figa said, "And that person would be her majesty Alicia Arcturus, the Princess Knight herself!"

He leaves the stage as Alicia comes up. He touches her shoulder.

"Do whatever you want with him. I could care less if you kill him." Figa said.

He walks off with a chuckle as she gets up on stage. She pulled her sword out.

"I once trusted you like a dear friend. I see now it was a mistake to think you wouldn't betray me or our own people for your ambitions." Alicia said, "This is for the men that died because of you."

She cuts the man across the chest.

"This is for the mothers and daughters who were raped."

She cuts him again across the chest.

"This is for the ones who were captured."

She kicked the man in the face.

"This is for the sisters of the church."

She kicked him in his chest. She puts her sword away as a man hands her a heated iron.

"And this… is for me and Prim."

She seared the man with the mark of shame being branded into his chest. She pulls the iron, leaving the mark of shame imprinted on his flesh.

"You go to Volt and tell him what has happened to these men. Tell him that it was the Dragon Prince who brought your downfall." Alicia said, "And tell him that I sent you. You are no longer welcome in these lands."

She snapped her fingers and the men grabbed Beasley. She looked at her people.

"My people, Rejoice. The traitors have been punished and those who died or were defiled at their hands have been avenged here today." Alicia said, "But this war is not yet over. We shall be victorious. And we will not stop until Volt and the Black Dogs pay for their crimes!"

She hoisted her sword up to the sky. The people cheered her on. She looked to see Yotaru looking at her.

'Yotaru…' Alicia thought.

"Dude you were enjoying it too much." Yuburo said.

"Oh come on! What's wrong with a little bit of fun during an execution, Huh?!" Figa said.

"I just can't believe you of all people would relish the thought of making people suffer." Lycaon said.

"Yes… that was disturbing." Luga said.

"Besides, was such brutality necessary?" Su Yi asked.

"You're one to talk."

"So… anyone wanting a drink at the tavern?" Elyas asked, "I'll be buying the drinks."

"Whatever helps to wash that experience down the drain…" Yuburo said.

"Wait, where's Yotaru?" Johta asked.

"I heard Alicia wanted to see him, so he went to her room in her estate." Cala said.

Arcturus Estate

Yotaru came into her room. He saw the princess before her.

"Hello there… Princess."

"Please Yotaru, you can call me Alicia while no one is here." Alicia said, "Besides… I… I am in need of you at the moment."

"In need of me? What for?" Yotaru asked.

She took a deep breath.

"I'll keep it simple." Alicia said, "That is three times that I owe you. You saved Prim's life, then my life, and now all of Feoh. I… I want to repay you for that."

"Repay me?"

"Yes, thanks will not be enough." Alicia said, "You see Yotaru… I… I am in love with you."

"Huh?" Yotaru asked, "You… love me?"

"HNG?!" Alicia grunted, "MUST I REPEAT MYSELF?!"

"I heard you the first time!" Yotaru said.

"Were you listening?"


"Then allow me to show you what I mean by that."

She pressed her lips against his. Her tongue went into his mouth and wrapped itself around his tongue. He could hear his heart suddenly thumping loudly. He held her as her hands were on his chest.

'Alicia…' Yotaru thought.

He kissed her back and held her shoulders tightly. His wings came out along with his tail and antlers. He got her on the bed and pinned her down. He broke the kiss, a rope of saliva leaving his lips before coming apart.

"Yotaru…" Alicia said.

She could feel his hot breath. It carried with it pheromones that infiltrated her nose. She could feel her body getting hotter. She began to take her armor off. She began to take her leotard off. Her breasts were exposed and he got his mouth over her erect nipples. She moaned as he felt him sucking away at her boob while a hand began fondling her other boob. Another hand went into her leotard and began to move across her skin. She felt his fingers going into her panties and…

"O-Oh! No! Yotaru! N-Not there! Ah! No… not there… oh… this is too good…" Alicia said.

He could feel how wet she was. He kept sucking her boob before he had enough. She took off her leg armor and leggings along with her skirt. He went into his pants and pulled out his cock from the fly. It was hard and big. She gasped at the size of it.

'There's no way that thing is going to fit inside me!' She thought.

"Alicia… My thing is so hard… I… I…"

"Yes… it's alright…" Alicia said, "I… I want it…"

He positioned it against her pussy. The head pressed against her lips. She gasped as she felt it parting her lips. She let out a moan from feeling the tip. He pushed it inside her, tearing her hymen. She immediately locked her legs around his waist and shouted as she felt a sharp pain. He slowly pushed it in, grunting as he felt the heat and tightness of her cavern. He moaned as he pushed it all the way in. She cried in pain. Blood coated his shaft as he pushed it in. She didn't need him to take the armor off. She didn't need to see his entire body naked. She felt it fine to have him wear it. She breathed in and out as his cock was stuffed inside her. She could see a visible bulge in her belly. It was firmly pressed deep into her vagina and was up against her cervix.

He slowly pulled his hips back before pushing his hips forward again. A resounding slap could be heard along with a moan. He moved at a slow pace. She moaned as he moved in and out of her body. She cupped his cheeks as he continued to move inside her. Tears were coming from her eyes. She smiled as her moans came out of her voice.

"I'm so glad—oh... that it is you who… ah… takes my virginity…" Alicia said, "Oh Yotaru… please… make me feel as good as you want…"

He picked up the pace. Her belly bulged with every thrust. Her moans became louder. Her vaginal lubricant was costing his cock as he moved in and out of her. Her cavern was tight and warm as expected of a virgin. Yotaru was enjoying her tight and warm snatch. He couldn't stop moving his hips even if he wanted to. His mind was being dominated by pleasure. His draconic instincts were telling him to breed her. To have his scent mark her and that his seed stain her womb and fill it with life and heat. His wings began to get around her back. He continued rutting her as the sensations were throbbing in his mind. He placed a hand on her belly and felt the bulge touching his hand.

He picked up the pace even more. She was moaning even louder as his movements became more wild and fast. She felt his tail going into her anus.

"N-No! Don't put your tail in there!" Alicia said, "I-I'll go crazy! It feels so big! It's tearing me apart! Oh by goddess! It feels too good!"

She felt the tail moving in tandem with his cock. She couldn't help but moan even more. His hot breath was bearing down on her. She locked her legs tightly around his waist and her arms were over his shoulders. She felt a knot building up. His cock began to throb inside her.

"I'm… I'm going to cum!" Yotaru said, "I'm coming inside!"

"Yes! Cum! Cum for me! Cum with me! Give me your cum! Fill my womb!"

Yotaru groaned with one last thrust. She screamed in pleasure as his cock throbbed against her cervix and started to blast his cum all inside her womb. She felt the warm viscous filling her womb. Her belly bulged as his cum filled her womb. Her fluids squirted all over his cock. She felt muscle spasms all over her body. She breathed so fast that she was about to hyperventilate. She felt her strength waning as his strength was. He reverted back to his human form and fell on top of her. He panted hot breaths along with her. There was a lot of sweat glistening on their bodies. He pulled out of her and took his armor off. His cum flowed out of her pussy. He laid down next to her and pulled the covers up.



The two drifted off into sleep.