Disclaimer: If you recognize it, I do not own it. I am trying to work on my grammar and Spelling, I apologize if the editing program (And I) missed my mistakes. I do not promise frequent updates (I hate editing) but I have a lot written so hopefully, it won't be too slow. I hope you enjoy.
The entire day seemed confusing to Harry. She had met the largest man she had ever seen. Been taken into the magic world. Everything was different and Strange to the eleven-year-old. The strangest thing, however, was Gringotts. First, she finds out wizards exist, then goblins. She had no idea how to act or what to do. She saw the goblins doing slight bows and felt like she was brought into an entirely different culture and was worried she was going to make a mistake. Despite questions not being welcome where she grew up, she spoke anyways. "I'm sorry Mr. Griphook, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to bow...or how I'm supposed to act. I've not been in the magical world very long and I don't want to offend anyone. I'm not quite sure about your customs."
The question was a surprise but she wasn't the first muggle raised child to ask. "Most wizards do not bow to goblins," he said bluntly.
"But you should," a redheaded boy said from where he was waiting for his parents. "A slight bow, just your head, and upper torso, its a sign of respect. And you should always be respectful to the people who hold your gold...plus goblins are fierce warriors."
Her eyes widened slightly at the explanation and the goblin in front of her looked slightly impressed by the boy who said it so she guessed he was telling the truth. "That makes sense," She said bowing slightly, "Thank you for your help Griphook. I appreciate it."
"You are welcome."
She looked to the redheaded boy, "I'm Harry Potter, its nice to meet you."
"William Weasley," He said easily. "Are you a muggle-born."
"Um, both my parents had magic but I grew up with muggles," she said. "My mom's family."
"Halfblood then," he realized what that would mean. It also explained why she thought to ask the question. "Starting Hogwarts this year?"
"Yeah, what about you?"
"I'm going into my second year," he stated, "I have a younger brother whose going into his first year though. For the record, most people don't bow to goblins, it's not really done but if you're being respectful, you should. I want to be a Gringotts curse breaker so having good relations with the goblins is important."
"Cool," she said excitedly. She was relieved to have anything explained to her at the moment since she was extremely confused and out of her depth. "I don't know what a curse breaker is though."
"There are a number of curses, on people, land, wards that curse people. Curse breaker is an open group, it includes warders, ward breakers, and curse breakers in Gringotts. You have to be trained in all those fields though it is just called curse breakers if you work for Gringotts. You make and break wards on old landmarks and things. With Gringotts, you can travel the entire world. I've always wanted to go to Egypt."
"Going to Egypt and see the pyramids and everything," She said amazed. Curses she had at least heard of though she thought they were fake. It made sense that they weren't though. It sounded like an exciting career and seeing the world would be amazing. "That would be brilliant."
"My older brother charlie got me this book, all about Egypt's magical history and its brilliant," Bill said. "All about the gods and goddesses, pharaohs, some of the curses put in the tombs."
"Like the curse of the mummy," Harry said.
"Yeah, curses on mummies. Plus, learning all about the things runes can do. I can't wait till third-year to take the class but its brilliant. It is magic that doesn't really require a wand and it can do absolutely amazing things."
"Wh-what sort of things?"
"It can create wards that can keep things out or in. It can create spells and curses, you can use it to keep things charmed, almost anything," he said excitedly happy to have anyone willing to listen to him. His brothers usually got irritated before he got this far into his obsession. "I've read up on some of them and I think they are bloody brilliant."
"That sounds really cool," she said. "Maybe...maybe when we are at Hogwarts you can show me more about it." She hoped he would be willing. She knew absolutely no one and having someone willing to spend time with her was a foreign concept but she was hopeful.
"I'd like that," he said easily. "Wheres your tour guide, usually they give muggle raised kids a tour guide."
"I donno, he said he had business to do and that I should get my things." Harry was a bit upset at being abandoned. She really did not know what to do or where to go but he had said it was important business.
"Maybe I can ask dad if I can show you around the alley, I don't think he will mind," Bill offered. He did not like the sound of a muggle raised girl to be left on her own in the alley. It wasn't overly dangerous but he could see she looked extremely overwhelmed.
She grinned brightly, realizing that already she may have made a friend. Luckily, his father accepted it easily enough and they went around the alley, Bill talking about his favorite topic and Harry listening intently, soaking up every word he said.
Both already promising to meet on the train when they got there. Luckily he explained how to get in so it was one less thing to worry about. She couldn't help but think being abandoned in the alley might have been the best part of the day instead of the most terrifying.