Sorry I haven't updated in a second. I'm working on Perfect Submissive, my new book, and schoolwork. I'm also in the process of moving so …. I just want to write fic!


Empty headed. The rain began to fall, dropping onto Edward's cheeks as he numbly stared toward the trees. There were so many thoughts at once and somehow, he muted them, creating a white noise in his mind. They resembled commercials on TV—a blur of noise that pattered in his subconsciousness like a heartbeat. The past wanted in but something inside of himself kept it locked away. Sometimes, it was better not knowing. The truth was a bitter taste against his tongue. I'm losing it. I must be.

The familiarity of the night's events put him on edge. As much as he wanted to question it, there wasn't time. He was expected to trudge forward. With lives on the line, he had to. This wasn't a time for self-discovery and part of himself knew that no matter how much time he spent looking for himself, he would come up empty. His memory seemed like a bottomless pit, containing enough to fill multiple lifetimes.

Two pale arms wrapped around him, encircling his waist before he was pulled back against a soft figure. He inhaled, smelling freesia and vanilla—something that was quickly becoming his favorite scent. Bella. He closed his eyes and cleared his mind for a moment and shuddered as he felt her tongue run across the heartbeat in his neck. It was cool against his warmth, causing his insides to stir. When she smelled his arousal, she pulled away, kissing the back of his head before leaving him swaying by the passenger door.

"Clear your mind. We've got a long night ahead of us."

He did as he was told, clearing his thoughts before sliding into the passenger seat. The night tasted different as they began to drive back to the main road. It felt like he had shed his skin and become someone new. Every inch of himself felt different and since this morning, he had been born again many times.

"Have I … have I done that before? It all felt so natural. So—"

"Alice and I were pulling the strings." She paused for a moment, looking thoughtfully into the night. "But you … you have done it before."

"So many things feel familiar but it's like they're—I don't know, it's like they're locked away in my mind somewhere."

"It's a story for another time."

"You know about it?"

"I know you. That's how I found you that night."

"Why don't I remember you?"

"Things can change a person. Let's leave it at that."

She adjusted the radio, finding a classic rock station before turning the volume dial with her nail. Music filled the car, extinguishing the uncomfortable silence. As they drove back to the club, his mind moved a mile a minute. No matter how hard he concentrated, however, his thoughts seemed to hit a brick wall. Rain began to tap against his window, muting his thoughts with its soft patter. The club came into view and his thoughts were focused again. Someone there needed them and silently, he promised to do all he could.

******************************************Never Let Me Go*************************************

She charmed her way into the back room. Her eyes shifted—became brighter, clearer, as she stared into the bouncer. Jedi mind trick, Edward thought as he hovered behind her. He avoided the dried cum, cigarette buds, and spilt drinks as he followed them into the back. Door after door opened, revealing a dark hallway bare of décor or anything resembling the club's other rooms. The intention was obvious—this wasn't for normal eyes. How long has this been going on?

Bella turned her head, giving him a pointed look which screamed, longer than you could imagine. It was times like this that made Edward shudder. How deep was our connection? It feels like something I've read about. A blood bound … tethered souls … Whatever it was, it was something extreme.

"In here," the man said as he swung open the final door.

The smell got to Edward first. It smelled like spoiled meat mixed with antiseptic. Dried blood was found in splotches on the floor, indicating that the girl tonight was nothing compared to the tragedy the room had seen. Bile rose to his throat but he swallowed it down, determined not to feel weak. There were too many eyes on him. He could feel that despite not finding the origins of the gazes. There was too much darkness to see anything. However, there was a pair of pale legs peeking through. Her toes were dirty as if she had been running and her limbs shook.

"Go ahead."

Bella, turning toward the man, nodded and replied, "Thank you," as she stepped inside. Her smile was sly and her bright aura suggested that this was something she lived for.

She stepped in the blood, uncaring as she moved toward the darkness.

"Come inside and shut the door behind you," she directed without looking at Edward. Still, he was staring at the blood—mind running wild with imaginings of the night ahead. "Shut the door, Edward," she said more sternly. "We have to get started."

The pale legs drew back into the darkness before the figure returned. This time, black hair poured forward, trailing across the bloodied floor as the girl began to crawl. Her joints cracked as she moved. This wasn't the girl from before. This was someone new. How many of them are down here? A cry broke the silence and bile returned to his mouth. Adrenaline pumped through his veins as he took in a breath. He looked to Bella, who was calm and collected as always. Tonight, she'll be my strength.

With that thought in mind, he joined her, stepping into the blood and falling down another rabbit hole.