NOTE: I'm a firsf time writer so please bear with my mistakes. And hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach.


Drained. Tired. Burned out. And just plain exhausted. That is what Kurosaki Ichigo is feeling right now while walking home alone from school, drowning on his thoughts.

Actually, his been feeling it for months now.

Who would've thought that someone with an outrageous orange hair can be that easy to forget?

It had been a year since he lost his power and his shinigami friends didn't even bother to visit him. Even his spiritually-aware human friends are ignoring him. You get the picture, right?

He wanted to get mad, but then, he really can't blame them. After all, who would want to stay with a now useless person like him?

"What a depressing thought." He thought to himself letting out a melancholic sigh.

9 months ago, he was diagnosed with depression and tried to keep it a secret from everyone. He doesn't want to bother them more than he already has. Thank goodness he can still pull off his usual "angry-to-the-world delinquent" facade.

Although lately, hiding seems getting harder and harder by the day.

He arrived 5 minutes later and found a note saying that his father and sisters went out camping.

He sighed again for the hundredth time that day before heading upstairs to his room. He changed his clothes then slumped face first to his bed. He just layed there motionless for a few minutes before rolling to his back and then stared at the ceiling blankly.

His thoughts are running wild. From the pettiest things to the most horrible, like 'how the universe seem to hate him' or 'how can his friends forget him so easily' or 'is he really that useless to them now?' or...

"Would it be better if I died instead?" He spoke out loud unconsciously.

"What nonsense are you blabbing about, Kurosaki?"

A voice he knew too well asked him from somewhere inside his room. He rolled to his side and found Ishida haunched on his opened window.

He just stared balnkly at him, looking but never really acknowledging his presence.