Hey, got another Lucy x Flare story. This one was written by another person on deviantart who opted to include a bit more BDSM related material into the story, so a little different from the other two stories on this page.
Main idea is what would happen if Lucy didn't run into Natsu after her encounter with Bora and went on the ship without any kind of backup.
"So… did you really mean what you said before? Do you really think that you can get me into Fairy Tail?"
"Of course. It is true that under normal circumstances you would have to go through some type of exam, but as you know, I am the famous Salamander, and my word counts for quite a lot in the guild. All it will require is a brief word to the Master and you'll be in faster than a speeding bullet."
"Oh thank you! Really, I can't thank you enough. Joining Fairy Tail… its been my dream ever since I was young," Lucy Heartfilia exulted, clapping her hands together and closing her eyes, envisioning all kinds of excitement that was sure to come with joining the guild… too bad it had to come with a sleaze ball like this Salamander she'd met at Hargeon but she was sure the guild as a whole would make up for the fact she'd have to put up with him as a fellow member.
"Why Lucy, you are still young now. Young and gorgeous, if I do say so myself," the Salamander chuckled as he raised a glass to her, smirking at her knowingly and his eyes zeroing in on her bosom, which ballooned prominently out of her chest no matter what outfit she was wearing. Though as it happened she was still wearing her favourite blue and white sleeveless top, complete with blue skirt and black boots, with her whip and six Celestial Spirit keys dangling from her belt. When the Salamander had invited her to his party on his offshore boat a while ago, he'd requested she wear that self-same outfit rather than doll up for the occasion like most of the other girls would. He'd said that he wanted to see her as she would be when she joined the guild.
That had made Lucy want to go and change her outfit straight away, but she'd kept it on as asked. She did, after all, want to stay in this guy's favour… even if he was being too friendly. Lucy didn't mind showing off her sex appeal on occasion, usually in attempts to get things a little cheaper than they were being offered, but guys like this did nothing but creep her out.
"Now… a toast perhaps," Salamander smiled as he poured out more wine from a fresh bottle and slid the glass over towards the blond bombshell sitting across from him. "I'd toast to your good fortune but I know for a fact the Master will love you so really there's no point to that. So, how about instead we make a toast to your bright and wonderful future at Fairy Tail."
Lucy gave a light smile and clinked her glass to his. "Now that's something I can definitely toast to," she said, raising the glass to her lips and taking a deep sip. "Oh wow… that's really good vintage."
"I'm glad you approve," said Salamander. "Because that vintage… is your gateway to a whole new life."
"When do you think we can go? I'm just… so excited to meet everyone at the guild," Lucy grinned. "Especially Mirajane! Is she really as nice as they say she is?"
"Ah yes, Mirajane Strauss. The famous model," Salamander chuckled. "Oh, how I wish I could get my hands on her."
"Uh…" Lucy coughed, trying not to snap something about him being a pervert like she normally would. "…Right."
"Anyway, we can leave right away actually," Salamander smirked. "That sedative I mixed in with your wine should be kicking in any time now."
"The… the what?" Lucy blinked several times. "THE WHAT!?" She jumped to her feet and almost immediately was struck by dizziness. She staggered a couple of feet, clutching her head and her chest heaving as panic rapidly swept through her body, before it was suddenly replaced by wooziness even more quickly. Her vision rapidly faded to black and she tipped forwards, only to be caught smoothly in the arms of the Salamander who scooped her barely conscious body up into his arms.
"Whoa now," he smirked down at her. "Wouldn't want to go bruising that perfect skin of yours. The would be damaging the merchandise."
The curtains slid back from the doors at either end of the room to reveal a bunch of burly looking men, most of them carrying several of the many other woman that had been invited on board the ship, with all the others lying unconscious on the deck behind them.
"Brilliant move, Bora-san," one of them chuckled. "That one's going to fetch a particularly fine price I'm sure."
"Indeed," Bora the Prominence smirked as he swiftly unclipped Lucy's Celestial Spirit keys from her belt. "Good thing she uses a Holder type magic though. It would be rather inconvenient to constantly suppress the powers of a mage with a Caster type, whereas all we have to due to render her as powerless as any other is get rid of these. So easy. Almost as if she knew she was heading for a life of slavery."
"No…" Lucy moaned so quietly she barely heard herself, watching as the man she had thought to be the Salamander tossed her keys out the window to land with a faint plop into the ocean before darkness consumed her and she knew no more.
And as the ship sailed away towards Bosco, the real Salamander and his blue cat partner were setting off back home. If Natsu Dragneel had stayed put for ten more seconds he would have heard the women discussing the fake Salamander and learned he was falsely claiming to be from Fairy Tail, and he would have come storming to Lucy's rescue. But he hadn't. And thanks to those missing ten seconds, the blonde Celestial Spirit Mage was destined to go unrescued. And her life changed forever.
"And sold to the gentleman in the top hat for five million jewel, thank you very much," the announcer called into his microphone, as a nude brunette woman was led gently away from the stage. "And now, ladies and gentleman, comes a specimen that is particularly fine even by our standards. Whoever walks away today with this beauty will most likely be the luckiest person here. I almost wish I could keep her for myself!"
Flare Corona sighed slightly from her seat in the front row, running her hand down a strand of her long red hair. She really hoped that the announcer was right. She'd been sitting here at this slave auction for a good few hours now and yet no matter how many sexy, fit young girls that they brought out onto the stage to get the bids rolling in… none of them had done it for her. She didn't know why. She was well aware she was attracted to girls, but with very few girls in Raven Tail, none of which were also interested in girls, there was very little for her to choose from.
She'd deliberated taking some of the other Raven girls by force, but she was sure there'd be a repercussion from the Master if she did. That was why she'd come here. In the hope that she could find something to satisfy her urges in a more fulfilling manner. A girl she could dominate, a girl she could own, that she could get randy with any time she wanted without Master Ivan getting angry, or preferably even knowing.
But none of them had quite… clicked… for her, and she was starting to think she might have wasted her time. After all, she wanted her slave to be absolutely perfect.
"And here she is, ladies and gentleman. The prize catch taken by Bora the Prominence from Hargeon Port, daughter of a particularly wealthy man and, in fact, a Celestial Spirit Mage - Lucy Heartfilia!"
Flare sat up, her attention grabbed at the Mage part alone, but when she saw the blond girl walking up the steps, her golden hair shining in the sun and her full nude glory on display, her amazing breasts, her fabulous ass, her incredible figure and as with all the other girls there was a mark on her skin just above her left hip - a mark that was shaped like some sort of strange keyhole.
Flare found herself almost instantly smitten with her beauty.
And apparently she wasn't the only one, for just about every male there had their eyes riveted on Lucy as she strode down the catwalk through the crowd. As with all the girls before her she had a totally blank look in her eyes - a clear sign that she'd been hypnotised into doing what she was doing. And Flare found herself licking her lips as she minced along, to stop right in front of her and strike a pose, one hand slipping down her front and her fingers separating to frame either side of her smooth pussy while the other hand went up behind her head to tousle her blonde hair as she leant backwards, her tits bouncing like melons in sacks.
"B… Blondie…" Flare purred to herself, feeling her nipples hardening already just from looking at her.
"Not to worry, folks," the announcer stepped up next to Lucy and reached around to grab hold of her breast and squeeze it tauntingly. "She may be a mage, but she's quite harmless without her Celestial Spirit keys, which have been disposed of. And is she not the perfect speciment. Look at these breasts - some of the largest we've ever encountered in a slave girl before. This well defined bubble butt," he gave it a slap so the crowd could watch it jiggle. "Her slender legs, and we've checked her out, folks and amazingly - she's still a virgin! Oh, she's going to be a pricey one. What with her magic, her heritage and the sheer drop-dead sexiness of this girl, I'm starting the bid at seven million jewel."
"Five and half!" cried one man
"Six!" yelled another.
"Ten," bellowed yet another, and there was an instant clamouring as many, many people tried to get their voices heard, all eyes riveted on the breast the attendant was squeezing in his hand and the nipple he was flicking under his thumb. But Flare was incensed. How dare this man touch Blondie like that? How dare any man manhandle the girl that was now rightfully hers!
She got to her feet and unravelled her hair from their position, swinging it upwards and setting it alight with flames, instantly shushing the crowd as tendrils of hair waved around in a spectacular bonfire for a moment before extinguishing and dropping back to the ground around Flare, who looked up at the startled announcer.
"I shall pay twenty million jewels to take Blondie home with me," she said simply, her head cocking to one side and leering at him as if daring to oppose her. "And if anyone tries to stand between me and her, I will end up paying with their money, if you catch my drift."
"Er… right… yes… well, sold to the lady with the… magical hair," coughed the attendant. "For twenty million jewels."
"Thank you," Flare smiled as Lucy turned around and strode back down the catwalk, Flare's eyes focusing like lasers on her magnificently shaking ass. "Thank you very much indeed."
Several hours later saw Flare clambering off the back of a horse-driven carriage that had pulled up outside her house and striding around to the back to pull out a large crate from the back of it, which she placed on a trolley and wheeled inside, practically skipping and with her heart pounding with excitement for what was to come. As soon as she was within the door and out of sight of any watchful eyes she prized open the box and there, nestled inside and curled into a ball so her knees were sandwiched hard against her breasts, was a slumbering Lucy. Her new Blondie.
After the auction the slavers had re-clothed her for the journey so she was once again wearing her blue and white top and the rest of the very same outfit she'd been wearing upon her capture. Flare had to admit, as she slipped her arms in and hefted Lucy out of the crate and into her arms bridal style, that the outfit was quite the sexy one, and would most certainly be the one she used if she ever wanted to take her Blondie out in public. But when she was inside, which would be most of the time, she had something quite different in mind.
Flare took Lucy up to her bedroom and gently laid her out on the covers of her bed. The slavers had put her into an induced sleep and had warned her that the hypnotism from the auction would have worn off when she woke up. But that was alright with Flare. What would be the fun of having a slave… if she couldn't break her in first?
"Well… I may as well make use of the time we have left before you awake from your beauty sleep, Blondie," Flare purred as she reached up and slowly began to peel one of her long red gloves away from her arm, exposing the skin underneath bit by bit until she whipped it off to reveal her wiggling fingers. With a flourish the removed the other one too and gently placed her bare hand on Lucy's leg. She giggled as she slipped her palm down her inner thigh, slowly caressing the bare flesh of her upper leg and, to her delight, drawing an ever-so-slight moan from the slumbering blonde.
"Oh, you're going to be just what I was looking for," Flare grinned as the fingers of her other hand stepped their way down Lucy's leg until they reach her boots. She gently drew one of them off and tossed carelessly over her shoulder, but was absolutely delighted to find Lucy was barefoot underneath. Either she didn't wear socks normally or the slavers hadn't bothered to put them back on.
"Very nice," she said as she pulled off Lucy's other boot and placed her hands on each of her slave's insteps, massaging the tops gently before reaching up to pinch the big toes. "So dainty and adorable. You won't be covering these up with any kind of footwear ever again as long as you are inside this house. I'll make sure of that." She leaned over slightly and allowed her tongue to spill out of her mouth a little, the pink muscle sliding its way sensually through the gaps between many of Lucy's toes before sliding down the side of her left foot to give her heel a soft kiss.
Another slightly louder moan flowed itself out of Lucy's mouth and she shifted a little on the bed, the effects of her sleep inducement beginning to wear off. Flare squirmed in anticipation as she slid her hands back up her captive's legs until they found their way to her skirt. She debated whether she should take that off now, but resolved to save that for last. Instead, she reached up further until she found the zip of her top nestled just beneath Lucy's collarbone.
"I'm going to enjoy this," she purred, leaning further up even while still holding it and placing her mouth over Lucy's, delicately caressing Lucy's lips with her own in a sweet, gentle kiss, and to her delight Lucy actually responded slightly, her lips twitching in her unconsciousness. Flare felt her heart and breathing both quicken as she the zip drew it down, down, down until it came free, and in one swift motion she pulled back and yanked the top open, sending Lucy's huge tits aquiver as they were suddenly exposed to the air. And what Flare was particularly delighted to see was that her nipples were already a little hard. Evidently her ministrations were having some effect.
"It's just too good to be true," Flare squealed to herself as she seized Lucy's breasts, sinking her fingers into the bulbous bosom and gently caressing it under her palms, pulling the up slightly before mashing them together, amazed at how much they could move around. "Such fantastic boobies… and they're all mine. Mine… to do anything I please with." Her breath caught in her throat slightly as she took Lucy's nipples between thumbs and forefingers to tweak them sharply. And so did Lucy's.
Because that was enough to suddenly wake her up.
"Huh?" Lucy grunted as she stirred into wakefulness. "Nnngh… hmm… waa…wazzhapnin… mmm…" she gasped as she felt something against her breasts. Something that felt nice… something that felt… alive? She looked down blearily, blinking to try and adjust to the light and gradually Flare's leering face swam into view.
"Afternoon, Blondie," Flare giggled. "Sleep well?"
"…Eh…?" Lucy blinked rapidly before her eyes trailed down and locked upon Flare's hands, which were still groping her chest. For the moment she took to process this information Flare squeezed again and Lucy gasped as a shock of pleasure rippled through her, but equally quickly her brain suddenly kicked into high gear and she screamed, "KYYYYAAAAAA! Get away from me you… you perverted…" she couldn't even finish her sentence as she thrashed wildly on the bed, heaving Flare off and rolling onto the floor, covering her chest with one arm as she pushed herself to her feet.
"Where… where am I?" she looked round wildly, panic flooding through her at her unfamiliar surroundings.
"My house," Flare replied simply as she also stood up. "But that doesn't matter to you anymore, Blondie."
"Why not? Who are you?" Lucy demanded, backing away from this stranger she'd suddenly woken up with. "And… where are my boots?"
"Who am I? Well, my name doesn't really matter, because to you I shall forever be one thing - your Mistress. You may or may not be aware of this Blondie… but I bought you."
"…Bought… me?"
"Yes, from a slave auction. Do you get it, Blondie? You're my slave. Take a look, Blondie," she flicked her finger down towards Lucy's hip. "The mark there proves it. You won'"
Lucy glanced down, her hand flying to her hip to pull down her skirt a little and bare her skin, revealing the mark that Bora had grafted into her skin. In that one moment it was like her heart had stopped and she realised Flare was telling the truth.
"No…! Oh God! Oh God no, no, no, NO! THIS… THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!"
"You won't be needing those boots anymore. I bought you and that makes you… my property. Isn't that delicious!?"
"Delici… YOU'RE MAD! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Lucy cried and immediately bolted for the door, but the moment she reached it she suddenly ran straight into an invisible wall and was knocked backwards off her feet. She looked up in bewilderment, only to see several purplish letters that she didn't understand written in thin air at the top of the door. "Wait… those are…"
"Runes," Flare smirked, stalking slowly towards Lucy with a dangerous glint in her eyes. "Indeed. It took me hours to figure out how to set those up without calling in an expert, but do you know what it says? It says 'No slave may leave this room without permission from Flare Corona.' And since you are a slave… you're not going anywhere."
Lucy scrambled to her feet and backed away as Flare advanced with her arms covering her chest, but her back ran up against the rune barrier and she could go no further.
"Why… why did you… buy me?" Lucy gasped. "What do you want with me?"
"What do I want?" Flare raised a brow. "Really? You're actually asking me that. You're a buxom blonde with a gorgeous body and when you woke up I had my hands all over those mammaries of yours. You do the math."
"You… you really want to… but you're a girl!" Lucy yelped.
"I know," Flare laughed. "And so are you. Which is… kinda the whole point. Now… we can do this in one of two ways. Either you can come over here and we can both have a good time together. Or I'm going to have to be a little bit more… forceful."
"Go to hell," Lucy growled.
"Forceful it is," Flare grinned. "Good. I wanted that for the first time!" And he suddenly unravelled her hair and lashed out about half a dozen red tendrils of it right at Lucy. The blonde gasped and tried to run but the hair veered sideways to follow her and whipped around her body, yanking her back to where she started.
"Aaagh! No! No, no please stop! Stop! Stop it!" Lucy wailed, thrashing from all she was worth as the hair coiled around her arms and extended into her top, co-ordinating seamlessly to yank Lucy's top all the way off and toss it aside while several more hair strands were working Lucy's skirt down her legs until they pooled on the floor, leaving Lucy wearing nothing except for her bright white panties.
"That's right. Beg, bitch! Because soon enough you'll be begging me for the exact opposite. You'll be begging for me to continue," Flare licked her lips as she marched forwards, swaying her hips and her hair fanning out until one was wrapped around each of Lucy's ankles and wrists, hauling them outwards until Lucy was standing in an upright spread-eagle, her arms above her head and out to the sides and her legs a little wider apart than shoulder-width.
"Oh, this is getting hotter by the second," Flare gushed as she watched Lucy struggle, yanking on her wrists to try and pull them down and cover her chest again, only to succeed in jerking her body around so much that her breasts bounced and jiggled almost wildly. Flare just stared, riveted, for several moments before her eyes tilted downwards to focus on Lucy's only remaining item of clothing. "But I do believe those have to go too."
"…What? No… no, please don't. Please… please you can't," Lucy cried.
"I can't?" Flare asked, in mock surprise. "Well that's news to me. I was under the impression I could do anything I wanted with my slave." And she sent two more hair ropes snaking in towards Lucy's waist, only for the tips to split and harden into two pairs of hair scissors. Lucy froze as the blades homed in close to her skin, slipping between her panties and her hips on either side and… snip…
Flare seized the front of the panties before they fell and yanked them away, exposing Lucy's shaved pussy once more. "Ooooh yes there it is. You were showing this thing off like a right little slut at that auction. And it won't be long before you'll be doing so again, but just for me and without me even having to ask."
"Never!" Lucy cried, and was just considering spitting in Flare's face or something before suddenly Flare lunged forwards and jammed the panties into her shocked mouth. "RRHHHNNN! HHHRRHHR GHHH MMMHHHRR!" she screamed.
"That's quite enough of your lip for the moment," Flare giggled girlishly, a strand of her hair picking up one of her long gloves from the floor and bringing it to her hand where she deftly tied it around Lucy's lower head and pulled it between her teeth to keep the panties firmly wedged inside. And the moment she'd successfully gagged Lucy she brought her hands downwards and gripped Lucy's breasts again, moulding them firmly under her palms for a moment. "Because you won't be able to avoid what I have in mind for you, Blondie. Pleading's not going to help."
"HHhhnnnnrmmm…. nnnnnhhhhhrrr…" Lucy moaned, shaking her head and allowing her long blond hair to sway from side to side almost hypnotically.
"Oh, is that just more begging or is that moans of pleasure already?" Flare smirked as she stepped in a little closer, sliding her hands up to Lucy's shoulders and then around her neck, using her hair to open her own dress and expose her own tits before slowly, sensually, pressing her large boobs right up against Lucy's squashing them together with bated breath. "I like to think the former… my little whore."
"NNNNNNGHHHH!" Lucy cried, her eyes rolling up in her head and her face flushing as red as the hair securing her limbs out, painfully aware of Flare's very erect nipples poking against her sensitive flesh and occasionally snagging on her own nipples and generating gasps through them both at the same time. Flare was grinding against her now, gyrating her chest to smother as much of Lucy's tits with her own as she could and low moans escaping from her own mouth in the process. Her hands were wandering around Lucy's back, gliding over her skin to give her goosebumps and leave her fingers flexing uselessly in the air as if trying to grab hold of something.
"Ooh, yeeess… so hot… so soft and supple… I never would have thought something so gorgeous would ever be mine, never in a million years," Flare whispered huskily, staring into Lucy's eyes briefly before her tongue slipped out once again and she gently applied it to Lucy's cheek, dragging it up from jawbone to her ear which she then fastened her teeth to lightly, nibbling on it while simultaneously lifting one leg up and brushing it up against Lucy's side, her knee raising up to waist height and allowing her body to mesh even more closely with Lucy's than before.
But evidently Flare thought they could be even closer still.
Because suddenly two more strands of hair wrapped around both their bodies once and squeezed them in tight. Lucy squealed as their breasts were mashed together even harder than before with a hair rope around their chests and another one slipped around their waists to yank them together so closely that their hips were touching. Flare was trailing kisses down her jawline and titled her head sideways to start on her neck, attacking it with lips and tongue and squirming her breasts in even more snugly, but one of her hands slipped away from Lucy's back and slowly began to trail its way down her side until it was on Lucy's hip… and made its way inwards.
"MMMMRHHHHH! NNNNN! DDNNRT! PPRRSSHH!" Lucy squealed as Flare's fingers teased closer and closer to their goal… but when the moment came… when Flare's hand was pressed up against her gaping, and embarrassingly wet pussy lips, she felt the shock radiate through her so violently that she physically spasmed and she was temporarily robbed of voice.
"Oooh, you like that do you?" Flare purred against her neck, running her tongue along it briefly before tilting her head back up to stare into Lucy's eyes. "Do you? Because I sure do, Blondie. I sure do." And she pressed her hips in even more tightly to mash her own pussy against the back of her hand through her dress, pumping her waist to smoosh her groin in tight right as she slipped her fingers up and down the side of Lucy's labia, throwing wild sparks of stimulation crashing right through her entire body. And not only that but more of Flare's hair came into play, fresh tendrils stroking her around her arms and her legs, and her back, while Flare's other hand came down to seize Lucy's ass and sink her fingers into the bulbous flesh of her backside.
"HHHHRMMMM! RRHHHH GRRHDDD! HHHHHNNNNN!" was all Lucy could cry out, barely understanding herself as a huge overload to her senses spurted through her body, yanking on her restraints feebly and trying to keep her head clear, only to fail terribly. It felt like every part of her was being stimulated at once and Flare just wasn't stopping. She caressed and stroked and licked every part of her she could reach… and despite her struggles to break free, Lucy had never felt more amazing in her entire life.
But Flare was not sticking her fingers inside Lucy. Not yet. No… there would be no penetration until the final stage. When her slave had finally broken, that would be her reward. But for now… it looked like focusing on the outside was enough.
"Cum for me," Flare hissed in Lucy's ear as the stimulations to her own body rapidly brought her steaming hot orgasm to the surface. "Cum for me Blondie. Pass my first milestone!"
"RRHHH GGHRD! RRH GRRH! RRR GGGGHHHHHHHHRRRRRRDDDD!" Lucy vision blacked out entirely for a moment as with a terrific blast of love juice she came with a force akin to nothing she'd ever experienced before. Had she not been held up she would have fallen over as a torrent of love juice spilled down her legs and Flare's hand, and Flare grinned as she humped two more times herself before she too flashed into one of the most intense orgasms she could remember. The two of them screamed together, held in close by Flare's own hair before finally Lucy finished and she slumped, limp as a rag doll, in her bindings.
Flare held her closer for several seconds to recover herself before she chuckled and removed Lucy's gag, lowering her to the floor gently and releasing her, stepping back to look down at her heavily stained dress. Well… that was going to need a wash. But its not like she needed it for the moment anyway.
By the time she'd stripped it off and she too was now totally naked, Lucy had recovered her strength enough to push herself to her hands and knees and look up at Flare in shock.
"Now that's a lovely, submissive pose," Flare smiled at her, tilting her head to the side to admire the way Lucy's breasts hung beneath her.
"You… you actually…" Lucy gasped.
"Yes, Blondie, I did. And now that I've had my first round of fun your training begins properly."
"Training?" Lucy gasped, trying to muster up an angry glare but since she was still bathed in the afterglow of an orgasm she couldn't quite do it. "You think… I'm ever… going to serve you?"
"You think you won't?" Flare smiled. "How very naive. I predict that it'll take two weeks maximum before you love me with all your soul. And I will do it in three simple steps. And step one begins now." She used her hair to hoist Lucy unsteadily to her feet for a moment before spreading her arms wide and saying, "Blondie, will you kiss me?"
"Kiss you!?" Lucy reeled back. "You really think after what you did I'd ever want to kiss you. I wouldn't kiss you even if you were a guy!"
"I see. How disappointing. Because every time you don't do what I say, I'm afraid I'm going to have to punish you." Flare sat down on a wooden chair and suddenly her hair lunged forwards to seize Lucy by all four limbs again. But this time she yanked Lucy's hands behind her back and her feet together, hauling Lucy into the air and forcibly bending her legs into something like a vertical hogtie.
"Agh! Hey… what… what are you doing?" Lucy struggled, not even noticing how much the action made her chest sway wildly. "Let go of me you… psycho bitch!"
"Psycho bitch? Oh, that's just nasty, Blondie," several more strands of hair spreading out from her head and the tips morphing before Lucy's eyes, warping into the shape of slender hands with flexing fingers that demonstrated they worked just like real ones. "After all… I'm just trying to turn your life into something heavenly." And she two of the hands reached forwards to attach themselves to Lucy's breasts and two more to her ass, seizing them four fleshy globes and squeezing them firmly. Lucy's head jerked backwards, a gasp ripping from her open mouth as the four hair hands groped at her none too gently.
"Oooh, is there any part of your body that's not soft as a newborn?" Flare snickered.
"Bitch!" Lucy repeated with some difficulty.
"You'll be singing a different tune eventually," Flare cackled as she turned a little more nasty, the hands on Lucy's breasts shifting down to cup the bases, rubbing and lifting them smoothly as two more hair strands lashed in to wrap their tips around Lucy's nipples… and sharply twist them.
"GYAAAHHH!" Lucy cried out, her eyes bugging out and her mouth agape as a sharp influx of pain lashed through her body to congeal with the pleasure in a confusing mishmash of sensations. Which was further added to when one of the hands caressing her ass pulled back and delivered a firm smack to it, jiggling the luscious flesh and reddening it a little under the impact, and then doing it again, sending more lances of pain right up to Lucy's brain, while the other one was sending nothing but pleasure.
The confusing amalgamation wracked Lucy's body for a good few minutes until Flare decided to up her game even further and formed another few hands. One of them reached out towards Lucy's crotch and applied its fingers to the top of her slit, massaging it like it was rubbing in suncream. A long, low groan came right up from Lucy's chest, her tongue actually lolling out of her mouth at that one sudden surge of pleasure before that too was very abruptly interrupted. More of Flare's hair suddenly whipped against her exposed back hard, while her nipples were twisted once more.
Flare kept at this for a good twenty minutes, alternating between the pleasure and the pain so that whenever one grew high it was suddenly replaced by the other. It was torture on Lucy's body and she just couldn't seem to keep up with the rapid, constant turnover, groaning and screaming almost at the same time. She didn't know whether she was enjoying or hating it, and it was torment on her mind as much as her body. But after twenty minutes Flare used her hair to pinch Lucy's nipples, labia and ass all at once, and hard, before suddenly releasing her, letting Lucy drop to the floor in an exhausted, gasping heap, too tired to move.
"I knew that I had a little slut in the making," Flare grinned as she pulled Lucy up and gave her what seemed to be a consoling hug of sorts, her hair wrapping around Lucy to lift her up in a bridal style manner. Flare carried her over to a small closet, opening the door with her hair and placing Lucy inside, sliding her in until she could fit in the snug space when she lay on her side, as long as she bent her knees.
"And that ends our first round," Flare smiled down at her new slave. "I have business to attend to for now, Blondie, but I promise you, I'll be back for you later." And with one swift jerk she slammed the door shut, plunging Lucy into darkness and the telltale click of a lock letting Lucy know that she wasn't going to get out of here anytime soon. But moments later she simply lapsed into full unconsciousness.
Over the next few days Flare would periodically unlock the closet door, maybe three times a day, pull Lucy out again and give her food, water and a chance to use the bathroom, but after that she would ask her the same question every time - "Will you kiss me?"
And every time Lucy said 'no' Flare would use her hair hands to flood her body with pain and pleasure both once again, applying a sensory overload that left Lucy smarting and begging for mercy and as soon as it was finished back in the closet she would go - blind, isolated and alone, with nothing to look forward to until the next time Flare unlocked the door. Flare always tied Lucy's hands behind her back for the night. She didn't want her Blondie playing with herself without permission. Not with the rest of her plan coming up.
Flare beamed. "Then get up here and prove it to me."
Lucy grimaced but slowly staggered forwards until she was standing right in front of Flare. Slowly, agonisingly, she leaned in and with a thud in her heart she fastened her lips over Flare's. Flare squealed in delight and took Lucy's face in her hands, kissing back in a way that was both hungry and yet extremely gentle, sweet, almost loving. Lucy's eyes widened slightly, but she made no attempt to pull away. Despite the fact she felt so gross… this was actually… quite nice. And it was certainly far, far better than that horrible spanking.
Flare and Lucy stood there together, kissing gently for a full five minutes before Flare finally pulled away, with a smile on her face. "Very good," she purred. "Amazing technique you've got their, Blondie. Now… let me ask you another question. Will you let me tie you up?"
"What?" Lucy recoiled, eyes widening. "Will I… no… no I won't let you. I don't like being tied up! It's… it's horrible and scary and… no!"
Flare raised a brow. "I thought you might refuse. But you see, once again, you have a choice. Either you can say yes and let me and I'll tie you up in a nice comfortable position that shows off all those amazing assets of yours… or you can refuse… and it gets much more rough."
Before Lucy knew what had hit her Flare's hair blazed over towards her again, seizing her wrists and yanking them together. Lucy screamed, thinking she was about to be given another spanking… but apparently now Flare had something else in mind. Lucy's hands were drawn above her head and Flare stepped over with several leather cuffs in her hands, which she deftly attached to both of Lucys wrists and both of her elbows. Strands of hair then snaked their way through the D-rings attached to the cuffs and whooshed up to wrap several times around a ceiling beam. Flare then knotted the hair strands in place and snapped them off at the base, leaving Lucy standing helplessly in place in the middle of the room, arms held up by red hair ropes.
As expected Lucy struggled to break free, but as expected she might as well have tried to break steel rods with her bare hands. She made no headway at all, but quite abruptly her attention was diverted down to her feet, a few giggles bursting out of her mouth as she felt Flare's hair slipping their way underneath her soles.
"Oh, ticklish eh? I'll remember that," Flare grinned as she used her hair to attach two small bells to both of Lucy's big toes by long pieces of string. Lucy blinked, utterly bemused by this action but before she could ask any questions more hair lanced towards her face and thrust a large red ball straight into her open mouth. Lucy hacked and tried to spit it out but the hair had already wound the black straps attached to the ball around her face and buckled it tight at the nape of her neck, forcing her jaws open wide with the newfound gag.
"Save your strength, Blondie. You're going to need it," Flare said. "Because here's what's going to happen now. You are going to raise your legs up to either side of you, as high as you can, to make sure that those bells do not touch the floor. And you're going to hold it like that for as long as you can."
Lucy snorted, sinking her teeth into the ball gag and staring at Flare like she was truly mad. Why the hell would she do something like that?
"Because," Flare replied as if reading her mind. "If you don't… you get this." And she produced an item from behind her back that made Lucy's eyes bolt wide in horror. It was a cattle prod, and Flare tossed it up and caught it with her hair, flicking it on so it crackled warningly with electrical power. Lucy instantly snapped her legs up so fast she almost pulled a muscle, gripping the rope holding her arms up to try and help herself hold her own weight. The bells tinkled as they were lifted off the ground by Lucy's splayed legs, swaying free underneath her just as a little drool began to appear at the side of her mouth, unable to swallow it down thanks to the ball gag.
"Oh my… that's got to be one of the most delicious pictures I've ever seen," Flare chuckled her eyes riveted on Lucy's legs, or more precisely on the spot between them. Only now was Lucy suddenly aware of how on display her crotch was, her labia pulled wide by her position and putting everything on display to Flare. She instantly began to try and close her legs but Flare raise the prod and called, "Ah, ah, ah… to the sides, Blondie. And Lucy reluctantly obeyed."
"Excellent," Flare laughed. "Now, you're going to stay like that for one hour or until you can't do it anymore, whichever comes first. But I warn you, if those bells touch the ground before I say they can… zappy zap zap," she wiggled the prod before settling back on her bed and picking up a book to read.
"Hhhhhrn… yrrhhrr brrtcch…" Lucy growled into the gag.
"I know dearie I know," Flare replied without looking up. And after that, silence reigned.
It wasn't long before Lucy's strained position began to take its toll. All her weight was being held up by her arms and that was beginning to put pressure on them in efforts to keep herself up. The muscles in her thighs were the next thing to start aching, a dull throb at the back of his mind at first but the position starting to get a little more prominent every moment. And what especially didn't help was the fact that Flare had turned up the heating a little, so that combined with the strenuousness of her current activity, meant that in practically no time at all her skin was glistening with sweat.
"HHRRRR! PPRRFF THRSH HRRTS!" Lucy cried, begging Flare to give her some relief but Flare ignored her so fluidly it was like she'd gone totally deaf all of a sudden. Lucy yanked on the ropes and cuffs holding her up and caused the bells and her tits to jiggle all over the place for several moments.
Before long she was trembling, shuddering with the effort of keeping herself suspended in the air. At any point she wanted she could have put her feet down but she didn't dare. Not with Flare there - it didn't look like she'd even notice but Lucy was sure she was keeping a close eye on her. Her legs started to judder especially and she could feel the strain in her back too, forced to be straight but practically stretched in an effort to keep herself supported.
Flare beamed to herself as she watched Lucy's predicament out of the corner of her eye. She watched little drips of sweat making their way down Lucy's body like raindrops down a window, and in particular he was watching as a good deal of it pooled down to flow over her pussy, which was almost the lowest part of her at this point considering how high she had to splay her legs to keep the bells up.
Lucy groaned, looking down at her pussy as she felt it begin to heat up again. No… surely she couldn't be aroused by something like this!? Surely not even the tiniest little bit? So… why did she suddenly want someone, anyone, to touch her!? She'd never had wanted that for anyone except maybe a boyfriend before.
"Hhhhhrrrrllp…" she whined into her gag but Flare only answered with silence.
By half an hour Lucy was screaming. Begging. Pleading. Anything that came to mind. She'd already lost track of how long it had been since she'd started this but she couldn't go on much longer. Her legs were burning, screaming for relief, demanding that she allowed to put them back down at the very least. But Flare still kept her lips shut and pretending not to hear a thing.
But she was still watching, and Lucy's legs were getting lower and lower, struggling to maintain the strenuous position. The bells were inches from the ground, now centimetres, and about half a minute later they were mere millimetres.
"HHRRRRRNNNNNNMMMMMMM!" Lucy eventually screamed moments before the bells tinkled to the ground, along with her whole body slumping as her toes touched down and her chest heaved, nipples rock solid and her body drenched in her own sweat. But then she screamed even louder when Flare's hair lanced out and the cattle prod applied itself to her brand mark, delivering a sudden painful jolt through her body that seemed to send every part of her skin ablaze. Instantly she hoisted her legs back up into the air, crying as the bells went swaying once more and Flare retracted the hair without even looking up from her book.
Flare's plan was working to perfection so far. The point of this exercise was to teach Lucy that she would face consequences for any disobedience no matter what her reasons for it were. And she was forced to place her feet down on the ground four more times in the last half hour before Flare finally stood up.
"Time's up, Blondie," she smiled, using a blade of hair to slice through the ropes holding Lucy up and swiftly catching Lucy in her arms as she collapsed backwards, breathlessly. She removed the cuffs, the gag and the bells from Lucy's body but the blonde slave had already passed out from utter exhaustion, so when Flare bundled her back into the closet and shut the door again she had no protests to give.
The next day Lucy refused to willingly let Flare restrain her again, so she was hooked up to the ceiling and forced to play the game once more. Fortunately for Lucy though she'd learned well enough already that Flare was not going to show her any mercy at all, and by the third day she decided she couldn't take another round like that. When Flare asked again, "Will you let me tie you up?" she just turned around and placed her hands behind her back, allowing Flare to break out a bunch of ordinary rope and begin the process of tying.
This time Flare used a comfortable basic tie, binding Lucy's ankles and knees together, as well as her wrists and fashioning a harness for her gorgeously full breasts, wrapping rope above and below them to frame them and make them balloon out even more. Lucy even willingly accepted the ring gag that Flare forced into her mouth, the steel ring holding her mouth open as well as any ball gag but allowing her to poke her tongue out of her mouth.
Which was just what Flare wanted, because she moved on to the next and final question.
"Blondie? Will you lick my pussy?"
Lucy looked up sharply. Despite everything she'd surrendered so far that was yet another hurdle she definitely didn't want to cross. Licking another woman's love box? It was… it was unthinkable…
And again Flare knew she'd react like that. She'd now secured Lucy's obedience in most situations. This was the final hurdle… and she had one final step to take with it - turning her Blondie into a sex-crazed slut.
And she knew just how to do it.
"Too bad," she purred, sitting down behind her bound prisoner and wrapping her arms around her, using her hair to push Lucy's head to the side and stare into her eyes. "Because I'm horny. But… looking at you does that to me, my sweet slave. And it always will." And she leaned in and thrust her tongue through the ring of the gag into Lucy's mouth, washing Lucy's own tongue with her saliva as her hands got to work. One of them slid up to Lucy's breast and began to rub it firmly, while a strand of her hair came up and teasing at the other one, wrapping itself around her nipple and tweaking it as the rest of it swished around the soft pink globe.
But Flare's other hand was travelling down south until her fingers brushed between Lucy's legs, teasing at the edges but once again not going in further. The time for that had still not come. Not yet.
Try as Lucy might she just couldn't shake off the amazing feelings that were welling up from within, Flare's expert touch stimulating countless sparks of pleasure that lanced up straight into her brain and attempted to fog it up with euphoria. She made a couple of brief attempts to shake it off but Flare was too good and bore down on her whenever Lucy moaned, her lips pasted over Lucy's own as she brought her hair into play further, rubbing all over Lucy's body once more like individual tentacles.
Lucy eventually stopped trying to resist and decided to just get it over with, accepting the fact she would be forced to orgasm again but still trying her best not to show how good it felt. But then… right at the crucial moment, when Lucy was merely inches away from achieving climax, when her brain was warning her she might blow at any moment… Flare stopped, let go and stood up, walking away.
"HHHR? HHHNNNN! NNNNHH! NNN CHHMM BBBRRKK! PPRRRFF CHHMM BRRK!" Lucy squealed, thrashing from side to side in her restraints, and desperately trying to rub her legs together in an attempt to build up some friction to set her orgasm off, but she remained frustratingly out of reach of it, her pussy aflame with intense desire. But Flare merely seized her with her hair and hoisted her up and onto the bed, dropping her down on top of the covers and using fresh ropes to tie Lucy's ankles to the foot of the bed and attach the back of her breast harness to the head, stretching her out across the duvet.
"Sorry, Blondie," Flare stroked Lucy's face lovingly. "But one more thing you have to learn is that every day I will always be the one to cum first out of the two of us. And you didn't lick my pussy, which means you get no satisfaction." Her hand reached down and one finger caressed Lucy's slit again, prompting Lucy to thrust herself forward madly, but Flare pulled away once more, giggling as Lucy screamed in frustration.
Flare spent the next five hours returning to where she'd left Lucy bound and helpless and horny and using her fingers to keep Lucy right on the threshold as much as possible. When left alone Lucy's arousal would ever-so-slowly start to settle and lessen, the tingling in her crotch lessening by just a little only for Flare to bring her right back up again. By the end of the first hour Lucy was squealing like a thing possessed, craving the chance to cum more than she'd ever craved anything in her life. But Flare wouldn't allow it, and eventually she went to sleep nestled up against Lucy's back, hugging her from behind and pressing her bare tits right up against Lucy's back, but doing nothing to help Lucy get off until Lucy could finally drift off to sleep.
The next day saw Lucy refuse once more. She remembered well the torment of the previous day but she still couldn't bring herself to lick Flare's pussy, but that soon changed and an hour later she was cursing herself for an idiot as she once again felt nothing but a massive needful ache in her loins that Flare just wouldn't let die. And yet still the next day she refused again, to the same result.
Flare was impressed that Lucy managed to keep this up for five days, but in the end her prediction came true. Two weeks on the dot saw the day that Flare went through the ritual to the end. Breakfast, wash, toilet, will you kiss me, will you let me tie you up and…
"Will you lick my pussy?"
"YES!" Lucy screamed.
Flare beamed and pounced, bearing Lucy to the floor until she was on her back her breasts flopping in the air, and their naked bodies pressed together. She shifted her body around until she was facing Lucy's feet and her knees were on either side of Lucy's head, her glistening love nest lowering its way down towards Lucy's face.
"Then get cracking, slave!" she cried.
And Lucy needed no second urging, lancing her head up and plunging her tongue straight up into Flare's pussy as she mashed her lips up against Flare's labia and lavishing her tongue around every inch of Flare's insides that she could reach. It was a taste unlike anything she'd experienced before and the smell of Flare's arousal was overloading her nose, clouding other senses and she moaned as her own arousal increased even more, tongue flashing in and out of her mouth as she tried to suck Flare dry.
"Oooooohhh! Oh yes! OH YES! YES, BLONDIE YES! LICK ME! SUCK ME! EARN YOUR REWARD AT LAST!" she ground her pussy down against Lucy's face excitedly as her eyes focused on Lucy's own pussy, juicing just beneath her lips.
Now… was the time… and she lunged downwards too, gripping Lucy's thighs with her hands and penetrating her slave at last with her own tongue, flicking Lucy's exposed clit for a moment before diving straight in for a face full of crotch.
"HHHHRMMMMMM!" Lucy wailed in delight, shifting in her ropes wildly and feeling her breasts sandwiched against Flare's stomach and vice versa. The two shoved their bodies in close until they were practically one, sixty-nineing each other furiously as they lavished each other with all the sexual lust that their tongues could provide. Despite the fact that Lucy had started first, Flare was rapidly catching up - her tongue probing into all the right places and drawing a particularly loud squeal out of Lucy when she touched her G-spot, flicking at it multiple times to send Lucy's arousal soaring.
For two minutes they lay there, immersed in each other, Lucy totally forgetting the fact that she was tied up and that this woman had done nothing but abuse her so far. None of that mattered. All that mattered was how truly fantastic this moment was - how amazing every iota of her body felt as Flare… no, not Flare… Mistress… showed her the true meaning of pleasure.
Flare held back her orgasm for as long as the could, determined to make this last, but eventually she couldn't hold herself back any further and her eyes rolled back into her head, squealing in rapture as she blasted out a torrent of love juice that coated its was across Lucy's face and filled her mouth, forcing her to try and swallow it down, while right at the same moment two strands of Flare's hair joined her tongue inside Lucy's pussy and plunged their way in even deeper.
At last, after days of sexual denial and torment Lucy finally tipped over the edge, and the amount of liquid that poured from her pussy astonished even Flare. And it kept going and going and going, Lucy screaming in joy the entire while until finally she slumped back, spent and exhausted but with a delirious smile on her face, while Flare slowly rolled off her slave and lay beside her, both of them unable to do anything but gasp for breath.
It took several minutes for Flare to recover from the afterglow of what had possibly been the most phenomenal moment of her entire life, and even longer for Lucy to do the same. But Flare eventually managed to scramble to her feet and slowly released Lucy from all her bonds, taking her by the hand and pulling her up as well.
"Well, Blondie? Are you finally ready? To serve me, completely, now and forever?" Flare asked as she began wiping Lucy's face clean of her juices.
Lucy nodded almost immediately. "Yes… yes, Mistress. I'll do… anything you ask from this day forward. Anything."
"Good," Flare smiled. "Because from now on, every day, I am going to ask you those three questions again first thing in the morning. It will be our daily routine before breakfast - will you kiss me, will you let me tie you up and will you lick my pussy? Failure to agree to any of these will result in immediate punishment identical to those you suffered before. But comply, and I will make the rest of your day heaven. That is a promise."
"I will not let you down, Mistress," Lucy panted, already horny at the thought of what a life like this could hold. "I'll do… anything… for your touch."
"Good. Because there are a few more rules you will have to abide by," Flare smiled, using her hair to retrieve a few items of clothing from her drawers. "Firstly, you will never again cover up those dainty, succulent little feet of yours. No socks, no shoes, no nothing. I want those toes on view at all times. Secondly, you will be given clothes, but you may only wear what I tell you to wear when I tell you to wear it. No exceptions. And you can start with these," she used her hair to open a drawer and retrieve several items which she passed over to the new slave.
Lucy obeyed without hesitation, donning each item that Flare presented to her until she was wearing golden anklets and wrist bands that matched her hair, along with a tight red bikini-like bra at that pressed firmly against her breasts so her nipples could clearly be seen poking against it, and a long red loincloth that fell past her knees and was held up by a golden circlet around her waist. Underneath the loincloth and hidden from view was a chastity belt, which Flare locked shut.
"I destroyed the key to unlock that chastity belt a long time ago," Flare explained. "But I can recreate the key to open it up with the use of my hair. Which means I am the only one who will ever be able to unlock it, which means I am the one who controls when you will cum. At all times. I own everything about you, Blondie. Everything. Do you understand me?"
"Yes, Mistress. I do," Lucy nodded.
"Good," Flare smiled as she opened a drawer and produced a collar, which she raised up and slowly, lovingly, placed it around Lucy's neck and secured it. "And this is the one accessory that you will never remove. Not once, not ever, not for the rest of your life. For that collar will always show, wherever you are… that you are mine. Well then… will you kiss me?"
"Of course, Mistress!" Lucy beamed and sprang into Flare's arms, locking her lips with her Mistress' and purring raunchily as she felt their breasts squish together. As as the kiss deepened, with Flare's tongue pushing its way into Lucy's unprotesting mouth, the former Heartfilia girl couldn't remember ever feeling so content in her entire life.
She was, unequivocally, a slave.
A few weeks had passed and Flare was splayed out on her armchair in the nude, as she usually was when at home, a wide smile across her face as she rifled through the Weekly Sorcerer. Most specifically the page with all the gorgeous young female models, bearing their bodies for the world to see in their skimpy swimsuits and underwear.
As usual there were photos of Mirajane Strauss, but Flare's eyes were currently trained on a photo of the increasingly popular Blue Pegasus girl, Jenny Realight. Another Blondie just like her own dear slave. Flare felt her tongue dragging its way across her lips as she admired Jenny's gorgeous body. Yes… she certainly was a fine specimen.
"What are you doing, Mistress?" Lucy asked inquisitively as she entered the room and peered over Flare's shoulder - Lucy was now allowed free reign of the house, though there were still runes in place that prevented her from going outside. But they were not really needed. Ever since Lucy stopped resisting Flare had not once done anything to cause Lucy pain. She'd treated her with nothing but love, warmth and nurturing, bringing out only good feelings inside her, feelings she loved and craved. Lucy no longer saw Flare as the cruel Mistress she'd had to be. Now… she was the best person in the world.
"Oh… just browsing," Flare chuckled. "I love you to the bottom of my heart, Blondie… but there are times when I do wonder whether it might be worth getting a second slave about the place. To spice things up a little, you know?"
"Wow. I'd love that, Mistress," Lucy clapped her hands together. "That would be amazing! We could have threesomes. I could have a playmate for when you're away on long missions… maybe I could even have a slave of my own one day. Though of course I'd still be your slave at the same time."
"It's an interesting thought," Flare chuckled as she pushed herself to her feet. "And one well worth considering. But it's a matter for another time. For now… it's time for this," and she fashioned a portion of her hair into a key. Lucy squealed and placed her hands behind her back to bare her waist, allowing Flare to easily remove the loincloth and unlock the chastity belt with a deft turn of the key and allow them to fall to the floor, exposing Lucy's moist nether regions to Flare's ever-eager stare.
"But know this, Blondie," Flare stroked her head, backing her up against a table and pushing her down onto her back on top of it, placing her hands on either side of her and grinning, "You're all the slave I'll ever need."
And she lowered her head down and applied her tongue to Lucy's folds, swirling the moist muscle around Lucy's labia and slurping up her sweet juices as she closed her lips over the soft flesh. Lucy squealed and arched her back, gripping the table beneath her fingers and moaning fit to burst as Flare's expert technique drove her wild almost instantly.
"Oh Mistress! That means everything to me!" she wailed. "You're the most amazing person in the universe and I'll never leave your side! Never! NEVER! OH YES! MAKE ME CUM, MISTRESS! LET ME PROVE MYSELF TO YOU!"
Flare giggled. Lucy had proven herself to her already a long time ago. Nevertheless she eagerly obliged and her tongue plunged down into Lucy's slit once again.
Okay, so I have a few more stories, though this is the last Lucy x Flare one as far as I know. Hope you guys enjoy it and maybe leave some reviews so I can get your input on these stories.