AN: Dear Reader, thank you so much for clicking on my story! I hope this is a good distraction from the chaotic world we live in right now! This is a near complete reimaging of what life would have been like for the 100 if Jaha had imposed a strict regime when he arrived on earth. We follow Clarke, the consequences of her past, her tough choices in loyalties and the different relationships that earth will create for her... Hopefully, this will be a 3 part story, it is a prequel to 'Finding Blake' which I will rewrite as this first part will give away many surprises that were to be revealed. If you do enjoy please review, I'd love to hear what you think, or any improvements I can make- I'm not the best writer and always looking for methods of how to effectively transcribe my ideas to paper. Thanks again, you're the best xx

"Old words are reborn with new faces."
Criss Jami

Two longing eyes looked up at me, I saw a small dog grey with a white strip running down the middle of its face. It just fit in my hand as I lifted it out of the small ditch it was stuck in. Lifting what felt like a small stone in my hand, I realised it had a third ear behind its' left, probably from radiation or interbreeding I don't know. It stopped shivering as I bought it close to my chest, it nuzzled it's head into my arm and at once I felt an attachment to the small, grey ball of fluff. I looked down to see another small dog, alike the one nuzzled in my arms, this one all black with grey patches. It didn't seem to have any malformation, but I did see it had no tail. I couldn't work out if these were dogs or wolves or any other animal, I had only ever seen drawings of them.

"Oh my God!" said Octavia as she saw the small beast in my arms, "What is it?"

"I don't know, but they were stuck in this ditch."

"They?" her eyes lit up. I gestured towards the ditch, but Octavia got there first to pick up the black dog. "They're so cute!" She bought the dog with no tail towards her face as I could tell she felt the same attachment as I did.

"Do you think we should take them?" I asked. "What if their mother is looking for them?"

"Animals don't leave their offspring vulnerable like this unless they don't want them Clarke," For a girl who spent most her life under the floorboards, she knew so much about the world, the world she'd never even lived on.

"I don't know what Bellamy would say to us having more to look after." I replied.

"Clarke, you're co-leader, you can do what you want,"

"Yeah, but that's the whole point of being co-leader," I said tickling the top of the puppy's head, "We both have to agree." Octavia smirked at me. We went to sit with our backs against a broad tree, the dogs had calmed down now, and I could feel my dog begin to fall asleep.

"Even Bellamy's not that much of a monster, he can't turn this face away." Said Octavia lifting her puppy so we could see it's face.

"They could grow and be enormous, they would be a nuisance," The rational but neurotic side of me stayed firm at the prospect of taking the dogs back to camp. Then again, the 100 did need a little encouragement and something joyous in camp, the novelty of being on earth was beginning to wear off and life was beginning to become hard, really hard. We had only just began to know where to hunt for food and even then, we didn't really know how to hunt. It was uncomfortable sleeping on the floor each night, and it was uncomfortable knowing that the grounders could easily charge at us at any time and we would be useless in defence. Bellamy and I had begun to create order, people listened to him and respected him and for some reason they did the same for me too.

"What will you call him?" Octavia asked.

"How do you know it's a he?"

"I don't." We giggled as we checked to see if our dogs were boys or girls, the black dog being a girl and the grey one in my arms a boy.

"Sooks," I said, "And you?"

"Maybe Sax?"

"Sax and Sooks," I felt the small heartbeat of Sooks vibrate against my chest, "I like it."

Bellamy eventually found us with Miller, a string of fish hanging over his shoulder whilst Miller held the large rods that they had fashioned when we first got down here.

"What are you doing?" he scolded us- we were supposed to be picking berries and any other food we could find whilst they fished in the nearby river. We had to make sure we were all close, for we still didn't know what the forest could bring.

"Bell, look!" Octavia stood up to show him Sax. I saw his face alight a little at the cuteness of the tailless dog, but it immediately returned to a scold.

"We don't have time for this, we need to get back to camp before sunset – with dinner may I add- and you two are playing pet shops!"

"Not cool girls," Said Miller, ever the teaser. I only narrowed my eyes at his unappreciated sarcasm.

"You're the one always telling me to chill out Bellamy," I said, still sitting with my back against the tree, he towered over me to look at Sooks in my arm, a stance he took a lot whenever he could. "We were just exploring; besides, we already did our picking," I smiled as I bought out the makeshift basket from behind the tree that was filled with nuts and blueberries. He pursed his lips, annoyed that he couldn't continue to tell us off.

He paused, watching me. He reached out his hand to help me up, I took it, the other one still under Sooks. "Come on, we don't have much time."

He walked ahead as Miller came to stroke Sooks behind Bellamy's back, afraid at his reaction to him falling the dogs. "Don't mind him. He's just annoyed as Raven radioed him telling him that the Arc had sent a message," He whispered. We followed Bellamy, Octavia trailing him, carrying the basket.

"Well, what did they have to say?"

"It was your Mom, Clarke." My heart swelled as I knew that I would soon have to face the inevitable and choose whether or not to reconcile with my mom after her betrayal.


"They're coming down."