To be born again of water and spirit by BibliophileAnya

Heroes for me equated mostly Marvel not BNHA. Imagine my surprise at being born as Yaomomo's older twin. My objectives: to become the most badass female Top Pro Hero, the gender ratio is still whacked afterall. Protect my pure hearted Momo, cuddle the cinnamon roll, trade barbs with the blasty Pomeranian and help the socially awkward Icy Hot Prince. Feeling myself melt at the sheer adorableness of those surprisingly intense heterochromatic eyes wasn't part of the plan...

Disclaimer: I don't own anything nor I am making any profit writing this.

Chapter 3: A fateful encounter

"My meeting you was no coincidence. It's more than that!"

Rumiko Takahashi.

Character Index: Yaomomma(mentioned), Yaodaddy, Yaoyorozu Momo, Todoroki Shouto.

It had been a few days since that eventful evening. Momo had recovered completely. And pestered me all about the heroes I met. I told her the truth as of how I met Eraser Head and Midnight being my usual self and I swore she nearly cried.

Sniffling she asked, "You are an idiot Mizu. Be glad that I won't tell Mom and Dad. Who else?"

I am sure that my face was showing that icy anger I felt that night, "The Number Two Hero."

She gasped, "Endeavour! Please tell me you didn't say anything bad. He appears very strict in media."

I scoffed, "I didn't. I talked to him like I would to one of Yaodaddy's business rivals."

She looked worried at my words, "But you treat them frostily polite. If we want to become heroes we cannot afford to upset the upper echelons of their society. The other two pros you met don't seem like they took offense but liked you instead, it was only your luck. Dad and Mom cannot support us there, Mizu. You must be aware of the consequences of your actions."

I merely took her hands gently in my own, squeezing them in comfort, "Trust me. The reaction to Eraser Head and Midnight was a mistake, I would never repeat again. It was because I wasn't paying attention. They seemed alright with me though. And believe me when I say, Endeavour might be the Number Two Pro but he is a horrible excuse of human being."

"What do you mean?" Her gaze sharpened.

"I met his son." I sighed.

"You didn't tell me that!" she exclaimed upset.

"Was he that bad? Was his son like the other heirs?" She continued hesitantly looking at my expression.

"What? No! Shouto was very sweet and polite." I answered instantly.

"Then?" She prompted and I saw her take note of the name and filed away my reaction to an unknown boy to the back of her mind. She was very focused like that, sticking to a certain topic. Though it didn't mean she won't revisit the other sometime later in the future.

"Mizu!" She poked my cheek annoyed at my scatter brainedness.

I replied reluctantly, "His response to his father was very cold."

"Don't you think you are overthinking? He must have been angry at his dad or having a bad day. We have those too." She spoke softly instantly getting what I was talking about.

My presence had made her less naive in some aspects, I couldn't decide whether it was a good thing or bad.

"Maybe." I shrugged clearly unwilling to discuss anymore and that was that.

The next year was pretty uneventful. Momo often brought the topic back but I either deflected or dissuaded it firmly. Thankfully she didn't inform our parents.

I started getting less clingy, while it made me sad seeing Momo interact with others, it further firmed my resolve looking at her flourish.

My hovering would have resulted in her being socially awkward as Yaomomma assumes me as. Yaodaddy though, that man was sharp. I could see the glimpses of intense intellect that Momo would show in the future. Though his helped more in the business arena.

He understood that my behaviour wasn't due to social awkwardness but entirely due to choice. Considering I could behave well to please those old biddies in those grand events, even better than Yaomomma sometimes and that's saying something.

He started teaching me about managing the real estate and telling me about the multiple businesses we owned as I showed interest.

"Being a hero, isn't easy, my water nymph. You won't be able to keep up with everything." He warned me.

I just shrugged, "I don't need to keep up with everything, I could always be a major stakeholder and appoint others, besides nowadays quirks have helped a lot in segregating people. It would take money but it would be easy to distinguish our good employees from bad."

I was sitting on a cushiony leather chair in his office playing with the paperweight. Placing it back on the furnished table I crossed my leg, "Afterall there are entire divisions and subdivisions of the Police who specialize in interrogation, also a team of Detectives with variants of intention based, truth telling quirks. Hiring them would cost us a pretty penny but we can always schedule a mandatory check." I remembered the detective friend of All Might, Tsukauchi.

"Besides it would be you primarily managing so all the old employees are already pretty loyal to you, as it were, I could lean on them, some distant relatives are alright too. And Momo is no slouch either, her genius intellect would help a lot in all the financial calculations." I continued playing with conjured water, making it shift into different shapes and forms, unable to sit still.

He looked amused, "Well you aren't wrong. I was worried about our legacy but I shouldn't have been. You have thought it pretty clearly huh? Sometimes you feel too old for your age. It makes a father worry."

He sighed ruffling my hair though that didn't diminish his proud expression.

Oh Yaodaddy if only you knew, I thought wryly.

I was pretty interested in business in my last life, but I didn't have the time nor the proper guidance and my funds were meagre at best. It's not like I would be running off to become a hero and turn my back on everything our parents worked for. I doubt Momo ignored this situation, in the universe I didn't exist, but I don't think she was actively involved either.

Besides no matter the universe, money makes the world go round. That's the hard fact. Add to that business and connections are vital. I need everything so I could get a leg up in this world dominated by superpowers. I needed everything I could scrounge up to protect Momo. The ominous image of villains disintegrating and warping people flashed behind my closed eyelids.

Momo and I were still very close, but the unhealthy codependency was fading fast. Especially for her. Well it wasn't a surprise since she was a kid, their personalities are comparatively easily influenced as opposed to adults.

It was bittersweet to see her growing onto herself but I did my best to not hinder her. I tried to not be a creep but checking on her was instinctive. Yaodaddy and I were both guilty of that. He tended to have men in disguise follow us around like bodyguards, I didn't notice all of them but some didn't escape my sharp eye. After I confronted him, a sheepish Yaodaddy came to an agreement with me. He updated me on the whereabouts of Momo too and promised to be hands off when we reach UA.

Our training was going on well. Momo devoted a specific amount of time each day without fail for it and that was amazing dedication considering how young she was.

As for me? What else did I have to do? Turns out a lot. My knowledge of another universe helped but not by much. I mean I could still pass till high school if I studied the way I did in college before my exams but that's about it. Because history, science, geography while there was a slight familiarity it was way too different.

Geography was almost the same, if you substructure the Quirk involved areas, monuments and parks but I knew only the barebones of the map of the country of Japan.

It was actually interesting reading all of it and how quirks impacted society. They were the basis of foundation and that's saying a lot.

A lot of things that are norm here would have been stupefying in my last life, more like they would have been fictional.

As I developed my quirk I thought sometimes that I had it easy. I mean I did get a water manipulation quirk. Don't get me wrong it was a pretty powerful one but the sheer variety of powers here is mind blowing. I feel like I was cheating the system all over again as there were so many fictional characters in my old world that had water powers. I would have been sued for plagiarism for stealing those moves.

It's like every few years I discover something new about by powers.

An year after the event I made water swords and whips along with all sorts of feasible weapons and learned to incorporate them in my fighting style.

Whips were my favoured though. I remembered a shiny eyed Momo telling how my technique felt like a dance. The fluency of movements took a lot of work. Those weapons, the swords, and whips could cut. The needles though they either fell halfway or splashed harmlessly on my target.

Another year later and I could make a wobbly water armour and small golems around myself and be relatively dry. But my concentration was shot. I could either maintain the armour as a defensive move or attach with the golems as an offensive.

This year I was focusing on the sheer power and perfecting my existing moves. How hilarious is that conjuring a mini waterfall out of nowhere. It gives you a rush, a high...

I was trying to make it as a geyser or vortex by controlling its speed but with moderate success.

I did go to the annual business event after that but I didn't meet anybody. I actually didn't stray much considering I had Momo with me and despite my searching Shouto wasn't there.

I would deny it every time Momo teased me. "I was not searching for anybody specific." I had huffed eating a chocolate sundae and Momo only smiled placatingly.

Additionally I had taken to wandering around in my spare time. At first my bodyguards doubled in number but after a stern talking to Yaodaddy about blending and not grabbing attention he reluctantly acquiesced and reduced the number.

Also he made sure to send those with inconspicuous and long distanced quirks to monitor me. I was spoiled no doubt but the constant monitoring smarted horribly. I was a grown woman once, it was weird having people look after you. I wonder how those celebrities and big shots fared.

As Momo spent alternate weekends at her friends' I turned to increase distance of my wandering. I disappointed her badly when I refused every time but I really wanted some personal time. I had been an introvert and that hadn't changed, infact I think my loner tendency had only been exacerbated.

Those big fancy cars stood out. So I had Yaodaddy pull out the average cars from the garage. It shouldn't have surprised me, after all even Yaomomma and Yaodaddy would have liked to go out and spend time without grabbing attention. But while the cars looked pretty average the inside of them, not so much. Also they were apparently pretty sturdy and I am sure bullet proof.

Branded clothes also were distinctive so I couldn't just roam around Prefectures. The first thing I did was go and shop in the day to day stores for jeans and T's.

The Black in my wardrobe would have made Yaomomma scream, if not that, the edgy teenage vibes coming from those clothes would have for sure. Yaodaddy thankfully had a different wardrobe built for me for when I sneaked out every time.

I think he was endlessly amused and also astonished how I mingled with average people without any awkwardness.

The thing about landscapes and regions, they hadn't changed. Or if this was a different universe; which I think is more plausible rather than being the future of my previous world they were almost the same.

Japan was divided into Prefectures even then, from what I recalled. I lived in Aichi Prefecture. Its speciality? It is one of the largest metropolitan areas of the world. While for a year or so I did roam around in Aichi, I got disenchanted fast especially considering the family outings also were in the same area. That's not counting the vacations abroad.

I considered Tokyo but we visited it often and that was a city I wouldn't want to get lost in despite Mustafu and U.A. being close by, so ultimately I decided against it.

My next chosen Prefecture was Shizuoka. It bordered Aichi to the west. And sold some of the best green tea. Yaodaddy's favoured blends were there so he was pretty sold on the idea. And it was safer. So it was decided.

I picked those tea everytime I visited the past year. He could always order it but I liked doing it. What held my attention though, were the Natural Parks and landmarks. Suruga Bay, Mt. Fuji, Izu Peninsula. Mt. Fuji had always been in my bucket list in my past life.

Plus Shizuoka prefecture was pretty calming and didn't seem in as much rush as Tokyo or Nagoya, the outskirts of the city in which I lived in, in Aichi. Don't get me wrong Hamamatsu city of Shizouka was pretty densely populated but I liked drifting around in different cities. The transportation was much faster and more interlinked as compared to my previous life. Especially considering Aichi and Shizuoka were at around 152 km distance but I could reach there in one hour at most even if I didn't use the private vehicle.

So here I was roaming around with one earbud covering my ear, music blaring and other ear open to the crowd. I am sure I was being monitored. But by this point despite the discomfort I could ignore it.

It was January and pretty cold so I was all wrapped up. I sighed and headed towards a small cafe that looked pretty cozy.

As I entered in the warm gush of temperature relaxed my stiffening shoulders. I was greeted by a pretty green eyed, brown haired hostess with horns. I greeted her back, without any surprise. The varied features due to quirks would always make me think twice but I could ignore it after all these years.

I looked around glad that there wasn't a tatami mat. My leather boots were pretty warm and it was a pain pulling them off.

Ordering a cup of matcha as I was guided towards an empty table my eye caught a mop of dual coloured hair.

I paused in surprise.

Nodding at the hostess I headed towards the young boy sipping on a steaming cup.

Reaching hesitantly towards the empty seat before him I asked, "May I take a seat, Shouto?"

His turquoise and grey eyes widened as they met my icy blue as he settled the cup on the table.

I know I was being forward but despite years of Japanese etiquette hammered in, old roots don't fade. I was glad though that due to the mix of culture the stringent rules were relaxed as compared to years ago.

He nodded and as I sat down he raised an eyebrow, "Yaoyorozu Mizu, right?"

I smiled, "I am glad you remembered me, otherwise it would have been awkward. I apologise was I being too forward in calling you by your first name?"

"It's fine." He replied seeming at a loss for words.

I carried on, "You can call me Mizu, I don't care much for formalities."

"I noticed." He answered wryly.

I paused and thanked the hostess for my matcha, pleased at the taste and rush of warmth as I took a sip.

"Is it any good?" He remarked a tiny smirk curling on his face.

I looked up surprised because there wasn't any way he hadn't had it. Oh, he was referencing our previous meet.

I grinned so the ice prince was more open at this stage of life, huh?

"Mhhmm, wanna try?" I asked mischievously.

He huffed amused, "No thank you, for once we are having the same."

He motioned towards his own half filled cup which was a similar green to mine.

I laughed but my smile faded away as I spoke, "I really apologise if my words caused you trouble the last time."

He looked at me in astonishment and I cringed and hastily took a sip to avoid looking at his face.

After a moment of scrutinizing me he replied, "It's fine nothing more than the usual."

His closed off expression warned me to not intrude further.

Unable to handle the cold silence I asked, "You are wearing a thin coat, is it fine in this weather?"

It was true he was wearing a buttoned down thin blue overcoat with a furry hoodie. It was placed on the back of his seat as I had placed my furry black due to the warmth of the heater in here.

He raised an eyebrow and replied amused, "I don't mind the cold, remember?"

Ah. I wanted to face palm badly.

Looking at my contrite expression he finally quirked a small smile, "I forgot to ask you last time, what is your quirk?"

Grabbing the olive branch he provided I replied, "Water manipulation."

"I assumed so, does that mean you cannot produce water only manipulate it? But you produced a small amount last time. Did you keep it in some sort of container on yourself?" He queried thoughtfully.

He was sharp. I don't know why that surprised me. While he was no Midoriya Izuku in searching about quirk theory, Todoroki Shouto was one of the best of the best, enough for Bakugou Katsuki to feel threatened.

Besides that flaming asswipe had been training him for long, that would place him in a different league. I will have to up my intensity and tell Momo to do the same, I mused.

"Mizu?" A voice called and I glanced at him sheepishly.

"Sorry, I am pretty scatter brained. What was your question? Oh yes, I can produce water at will too. Quite a large amount before it makes me tired. And no I don't keep it with myself." I explained as his expression turned interested.

"Oh..." was all he answered ruminating over my answer.

As we finished off our tea I asked, "I haven't seen you in the annual galas after that time. Not that I was actively searching." I added hastily and my cheeks burned. What was I, a tsundere?

His amusement spiked but then he frowned, "Ah my father didn't want me to waste time anymore. That was the first and last time he brought me to a big event. Apparently I could network later and friends aren't necessary for a strong hero."

I was stunned but it quickly turned to anger, "That's why he is the Number two. Teamwork is necessary. What about tangling with multiple villains and large scale disasters? Why does he think then there are different types of heroes? Even in combat there are different ones; Melee Combat, Ranged combat, Support combat! Just because he focuses on Close combat doesn't mean others are not necessary. What about his sidekicks?"

As I was muttering furiously I didn't notice Shouto's expression change from surprised to amused to thoughtful.

"I never thought of it this way." He mused and that finally put an end to my tirade.

I clasped my hands over my mouth hastily, and bowed slightly, "I am sorry I was told that I don't have a brain to mouth filter."

"It's fine." He let out a small laugh and I perked up at his response.

Well at least my antics are making the emotionally constipated ice prince laugh, I thought wryly.

"Do you come here often?" He asked suddenly.

I raised an eyebrow in question, "Do you mean in this cafe or Shizouka Prefecture in general?"

"Wait, you don't live in this city let alone the prefecture?" He asked stunned.

"No. I actually live in Aichi Prefecture I just like to roam around. I come on every alternate weekend here." I shook my head my curls tumbling.

I was well aware how it sounded.

He queried hesitantly, "You might be here with somebody then? Won't they worry about you wandering in an unknown city?"

"I have been visiting since the past year. It's fine, my caretakers; we have a time and place decided for when we need to meet back." I answered awkwardly.

He didn't question me further only nodded back. He wasn't an intrusive person by nature then?

Unfortunately I wasn't the same. Especially to those who held my interest, the rest; I couldn't care less.

"What about you?" I asked curiously.

"I live in this prefecture if that's what you are asking. I don't go out a lot maybe few times a month. It is just that I wanted to be by myself today." He answered looking away from me.

"Is today special?" I pressed on.

He looked at me from the corner of his eye and sighed, "It's my birthday."

My eyes widened and I blurted, "Oh Happy Birthday! Why didn't you tell me so? What age did you turn?"

He looked stunned and answered instinctively, "Thank you. Eleven."

Before he could say anything else I got up, "Wait here."

I headed towards the counter. Ordered two more matcha and two pastries.

I helped the hostess in carrying our order despite her protest and bowed her in thanks and settled the tray on the table.

Shouto looked at me wide eyed as a cup of steaming matcha and a pastry was placed before him as I did the same.

"What's this?" He asked surprised.

"Oh I didn't know which pastry you liked, but you like matcha tea and I thought you would like milder sweet flavour so I bough a Dark chocolate matcha pastry for you and mine is White Chocolate Matcha pastry, it's sweeter." I blurted and continued rambling, "Everybody should have some cake on their birthday and even if you have it at home it's fine if you eat more for a day. It's on me. And I bought it for myself because no one should eat alone and I love sweets."

Oh God somebody shut me up. I squeaked and hid my face in my palms and mumbled, "I am sorry."

Turns out I did get socially awkward. Talking to business partners of Yaodaddy was different. I couldn't hold a conversation with kids my age. But how am I supposed to converse with a kid when I am not one myself.

"Mizu." He called repeatedly and I looked up shyly.

He was smiling gently and it made him look all the more cuter. He tilted his head, red and white bangs brushing his shining turquoise and grey eyes. Oh that's why I wanted kids in my last life, they were adorable.

My cheeks burned as he replied, "You get lost in your head pretty often, don't you?"

Before I could stammer out a reply he bowed slightly, "Thank you."

I let out an "Mmhm." And sipped my tea to avoid embarrassing myself further.

He took a bite from his fork and looked at me approvingly, "It's good."

I grinned, the humiliation fading and we ate in relative peace.

"You should at least let me pay for half of it." He insisted after we were done.

"No. It's your birthday consider it as a gift." I refused sternly. One look at my stubborn expression he acquiesced reluctantly.

My phone beeped and I saw it was a text message from one of my bodyguards alerting me. It was time to go.

I glanced up and saw him staring at me.

"Do you have to go?" He guessed.

I sighed, "Yes. Sorry."

"No it's okay. I better head back too." He shook his head and grabbed his overcoat from the back of his seat and I did the same to mine.

After greeting back the hostess we headed outside.

An instinctive shiver ran through me from the cold.

I looked up as I felt something land on the top of my nose.

"It's snowing." I remarked.

"So it is." He looked at me ruffling his hair to clear off some.

We stood awkwardly at the sidewalk before he took a deep breath and said, "You said you come here every alternate weekend, right?"

I nodded but he didn't continue seemingly stuck.

I smiled softly at his hesitance and continued, "We can meet. Let's exchange numbers."

He looked relieved and opened his cell as I did the same with mine.

I turned back to him as we reached the crossing. His cheeks flushed from the cold, the wind blowing his dual coloured hair gently and the snowflakes surrounding us and I felt my heart melt.

I smiled genuinely till my eyes crinkled in happiness, "See you, Shouto."

His lips quirked and he replied in agreement, "Mizu."

With one last glance we headed off to the opposite directions.

Authors Note:

Sorry for the late update! I tried but I don't think I can manage a weekly update. Though once in every ten days can be done. It might be faster considering I am actively watching BnHa , I am almost done with Season 2 and while I do know the plot till season 4 its just not the same.

Also everything about the Prefectures and Japanese customs has been googled(I am sorry if I got it wrong feel free to correct me)and yes, in Bnha according to wiki Momo lives in Aichi and Shouto in Shizouka.
Thank you so much for the amazing response!

Upcoming updates, No regrets and a new story for July Camp NaNoWriMo. SI as Pansy Parkinson x Harry Potter.

Stay safe, follow social distancing, take care of your physical andmental health!
