Chapter Ten
December 2011

Jackson stormed into the loft and he loaded up the video of the confrontation before he passed his phone to Peter. He snarled, "Someone needs to end him."

Peter watched the video with Chris looking over his shoulder. Chris put his hand on Peter's shoulder to still him as he said, "Send it to yourself and we will go and get Noah's opinion. He's up in the office doing paperwork."

Peter sent the video to himself, Chris and Noah. He was tempted to send it through to Melissa but she was just as delusional as her son these days.

They entered the office and saw Noah seething as he watched the video. He commented, "The kids all did well, not a single shift or eye flash from any of them except Scott. Thankfully they kept his back to the crowd."

Peter asked, "Should we send this through to Alpha Ito? What about Melissa?"

Noah thought about it and he said, "Definitely send it to Alpha Ito. Skip Melissa though, I think it's time we involve his father."

Chris asked, "The FBI agent?"

Noah nodded, "Yeah, he's supposed to have partial custody of Scott but Scott always refuses to visit. Rafe has never fought it but he has kept a log of all the refusals. He has kept in touch with me so I can keep him updated on how Scott is doing."

Peter suggested, "Why don't you invite him to visit so we can fill him in on the pack before we show him the video."

After a brief text conversation Noah confirmed that Rafe would be at the loft for dinner with the pack.

Chris looked at Peter and he was worried that Peter would go after his failure of a beta before they could try the proper channels. He glanced at Noah and saw the same worry on his face. As one they stood and started to push Peter back to the sofa at the back of the office, they each followed him down to the sofa and pinned him down by straddling his thighs and working as a team to keep him distracted until Rafe arrived.

Downstairs Stiles was helping Derek finish his chemistry homework and he whispered to Derek, "They have been up there for a while now."

Derek whispered back, "Shouldn't they have come down to let us know what's going on?"

Stiles shrugged and decided to forget about it for now while they finished up their homework. After an hour their homework was all done and there was still no sign of the men. The rest of the teens had settled down to play some Mario Kart while Derek was finishing up.

Derek looked at Stiles to get his attention then he flicked his eyes toward the stairs as if to ask, 'shouldn't we check on them?'

Stiles shrugged and he looked at his watch and he realized they had been up there for over an hour and a half now so he nodded in agreement. They quietly made their way up the stairs so as not to alert the pack to where they were headed.

They tiptoed toward the office and quietly opened the door when Derek indicated that the soundproofing was active. When they cracked the door open they could hear moans from the three men and they looked to each other and smirked. Stiles pulled out his phone and he loaded the camera app so he could use it to scan the room.

Derek was quick to pull Stiles' arm back when they saw the three men entangled on the sofa. He quietly closed the door then pushed Stiles back to the stairs, they ran down and squished into the love seat before they burst out into giggles.

Stiles whispered into Derek's ear, "I knew he was protesting too much!"

Derek whispered, "You have to admit that was hot though."

Stiles snickered, "I shouldn't, that was my dad and your Uncle but yeah, OMG."

Derek asked, "Do you think they heard us?"

Stiles snorted, "I think they might have been a bit too distracted with each other to hear anything."

In the meantime the rest of the pack were looking between the giggling pair on the love seat, and the stairs wondering what had set them off.

Jackson was about to ask but Cora covered his mouth and just muttered, "Don't ask."

The wolves all looked to the door as footsteps approached. The pack was all present and the adults were all upstairs. Stiles looked at Derek and he asked, "How many?"

Derek replied, "Just one. He smells of gunpowder but not wolfsbane."

Stiles shrugged and he stood, he picked up a handgun from the safe under the stairs and held it beside his back as he opened the sliding loft door.

"Mr. McCall?" Stiles asked with a bit of confusion in his voice. "What are you doing here?"

Rafe smiled at Stiles and he said, "Your father invited me for dinner. May I come in."

Stiles glanced at Derek who nodded.

Stiles with his free hand gestured for Rafe to enter the loft before he shut the door.

Stiles called out, "Cora can you get Dad, Chris, and your Uncle, please. They have the soundproofing active so you will need to crack the door before you knock. Whatever you do, do not just barge in, I don't have enough eye bleach for that experience."

Cora scowled and she left to follow his instructions.

Stiles turned to Mr. McCall and he waved him to the sofas as he moved to stand behind Derek and he said, "Take a seat. Dad should be down, umm, shortly, maybe."

Derek snickered, "He was a little busy."

Danny stood and he asked, "Can we get you something to drink? Soda, beer, coffee?"

Rafe smiled at the teens as he took a seat and he shook his head, "I'm good thanks, I grabbed a coffee as I was driving through town."

They heard Cora yell, "Stiles!" Before she thundered down the stairs and Derek leaped over the back of the love seat to stand between her and Stiles as she yelled, "You didn't warn me about the fucking noises, Stiles. I need ear bleach now. OMFG."

Safe snickered and he asked Stiles, "Your dad finally moved on?"

Stiles smiled softly and he nodded in agreement.

Rafe asked, "Do I know her?"

Stiles laughed and he shook his head as he flailed at the three men who were blushing as they descended the stairs.

Rafe laughed as he asked Noah, "Both of them?"

Noah blushed as he nodded, he shook Rafe's hand as he said, "It's good to see you, Rafe. It's been a while."

Rafe nodded, he motioned his head toward Peter and he said, "Long enough that you are in the Hale Pack now?"

Noah raised a judgemental eyebrow and Stiles let his hand with the gun drop to his side. The wolves slowly letting their claws out at the obvious threat.

Stiles with a cold look on his face that wasn't there a moment ago asked, "Do we have a problem?"

Rafe was surprised at the speed that the pack moved to attack mode and he held his hands up in a surrender position. As he started to slowly move his hand to his pocket as he said, "I am just grabbing my badge and business card."

Noah held his hand out for the items and his eyebrows raised in surprise when he read the business card. He handed it to Peter as he gestured for the pack to stand down.

Stiles moved to put the gun back in the safe under the stairs. Before he moved to Peter to sneak a look at the business card. He whistled and he stated, "I had no idea the FBI knew of the supernatural."

Peter snarked, "Well, that should make this discussion easier. Let's all sit." He turned to Jackson and asked, "You got that video handy?"

Jackson pulled out his phone and he queued up the video before handing the phone over. Peter turned to Rafe and he asked, "What would you prefer first, a brief history lesson or the crux of the problem?"

Rafe held his hand out for the phone and he pushed play on the video.

While he was watching Peter pulled out his phone and called their favorite Pizza place and placed a large order to be delivered, he could foresee this being a long evening.

The agent scrubbed his face with his hands after watching his son flip out and he asked, "How close is he to feral and why isn't he in a pack."

Stiles held up two fingers almost touching and he said, "He's about this close, to be honest. He didn't even care that half the school was watching. As for joining a pack Alpha Ito has made several overtures to both him and Mrs. McCall but he refuses to join. This pack is not an option after he helped Gerard Argent force Derek to give him the bite."

Rafe asked, "Speaking of Derek, where is he?"

Derek raised his hand from where he was standing beside Stiles and he waved.

Rafe shook his head and he explained, "No, I mean Alpha Derek Hale."

Derek chuckled and he flashed his red eyes and said, "Yeah, still me. I was kidnapped recently by Kate Argent who de-aged me and we haven't found a way to reverse it yet."

Rafe asked, "I thought she died at the beginning of the year? Wasn't there a funeral?"

Chris nodded he wiggled his hand in that familiar so-so motion and he explained, "She did, and she didn't."

Rafe asked, "Sorry, I didn't get your name."

Chris smirked as he said, "I am Chris Argent of the Argent hunting family. Peter ripped Kate's throat out while he was the alpha before he was himself killed due to his insanity."

Rafe dropped his head and he asked, "She turned?"

Peter nodded, "She did, we only found out after she kidnapped Derek. We are not entirely sure what happened between her dying the first time and the kidnap. Just some vague unhelpful comments from Araya Calavera about her being La Loba and trying to control the Berserkers."

Rafe asked, "So, I want to get back to that but first, how did Scott get into all this?"

Stiles blushed and he said, "That was partly my fault. I heard over the radio I don't have that Dad was looking for half a dead body in the preserve so I dragged Scott out to look for it."

Rafe snorted, "As if he protested, he's a stubborn little bastard, if he didn't want to go he wouldn't have gone. So he ended up alone in the preserve and got bitten?"

Peter nodded, "A combination of factors meant that when I awoke from my coma was, well…"

Stiles interrupted, "He was fucking batshit insane through no fault of his own and he was hellbent on revenge on those who killed his family."

Rafe nodded, "Right, so then how did that end up with Scott siding with Gerard Argent?"

Chris rolled his eyes and spoke before Stiles could unleash his thoughts about the location of Scott's lone brain cell and he said, "He was dating my daughter, Allison. After my wife died Allison flipped out and refused to have anything to do with anyone involved with the supernatural. Gerard used the possibility of talking Allison into dating him again to get Scott onside."

Jackson snarked, "He also used me to threaten his mother to force his compliance."

Rafe asked, "How would another wolf do that?"

Jackson replied, "I wasn't a wolf at the time. My turning didn't go as smoothly as the others and I ended up as a Kanima. First under the control of a homicidal high school student, Matt Dahler, then under the control of Gerard Argent when he killed Matt."

Rafe looked at him with raised eyebrows and he exclaimed, "Jesus!" He turned to the three adults and he asked, "I know Gerard is dead. What about Kate? Is there anything else I need to know?"

Noah rubbed the back of his neck in a move often mirrored by Stiles and he said, "Kate attempted with an accomplice to rob the Hale Vault last week, she died and her accomplice is currently awaiting trial for accessory to kidnapping and illegal weapons charges. He was an orderly at Eichen House. Oh and we took out the alpha pack, well most of it."

Rafe asked seriously, "Who specifically?"

Derek raised his hand and he said, "Apparently I took out Ennis when we rescued Boyd and Cora just before I was kidnapped."

Peter gestured toward the twins, "We stole Aiden and Ethan who were there under duress. They helped us lure in Kali and I took her out."

Stiles crossed his arms and he flailed as he encompassed the teens of the pack as he said, "We still don't know exactly what happened with Deucalion."

Peter blushed, "He snuck up on us while Noah and Chris were teaching me to shoot at the range."

Rafe asked, "How does someone sneak up on an experienced werewolf hunter, a sheriff who was an army ranger, and an alpha werewolf."

All three men were blushing and Peter muttered, "We were preoccupied."

Cora snorted and snarked, "I hope he enjoyed the floor show."

Chris snarked back, "He did say we didn't have to stop on his account."

Rafe asked, "Wait, he attacked at the range? While all of you were armed?"

Peter snorted, "Yes, he monologued for a bit then pounced at Noah while we were all still armed. He was dead before he landed."

Rafe asked, "You are sure they are definitely dead? I only ask because Peter, you died and yet you're here?"

Stiles snorted, "He got better."

Chris confirmed, "We made sure they were disposed of in such a way that would prevent discovery and resurrection."

Rafe stood and he said, "I have to make a call, is there a soundproof room I can use?"

Peter nodded and he moved to the stairs, to escort Rafe to the office. Rafe turned to Derek and he said formally, "Alpha Hale, can you join me? I need to call my unit chief and they may have questions."

Derek pointed at Peter and he said, "Peter is currently acting as Pack Alpha while we research my age issue, he will be able to answer any questions you have."

Rafe looked to Peter to get his agreement and Peter just waved him up the stairs. As they walked Peter called out, "Save us some pizza, it should be here soon."

Twenty minutes later the pair descended the stairs and retook their seats each taking the plate of pizza that was handed to them.

Rafe explained, "Deucalion, Kali, and Ennis were on our most wanted board, we have one specifically for supernaturals. They were numbers 1, 2, and 6 respectively. My Unit Chief is heading over to speak to those involved and get the details just so we can close their cases."

Stiles asked, "Are we in trouble?"

Safe shook his head and he reassured, "Not at all. In fact, my Unit Chief wants to create an alliance with your pack. He is also coming to deal with Scott, he will be giving Melissa an ultimatum that Scott either joins the Ito pack, or another approved pack or else he will be sent to one of our holding facilities for omega wolves. The video shows he doesn't care about keeping his change a secret and one of the functions of my unit is to keep the secret of the supernatural from getting out. If he does join Alpha Ito's pack he will be monitored closely for a decent period."

Rafe looked at Derek and he said, "He is also bringing some of the books from the Aztec section of our library that we think might contain the spell used to de-age you. Also your pack researchers will be given the contact details of our research team once an NDA is signed."

Stiles rubbed his hands together in glee as he sighed, "Awesome."

Derek leaned over and he whispered, "Can I talk to you, in private?"

Stiles looked around to see if anyone was paying attention, Danny and Lydia were talking quietly at the dining table, most likely about the possibility of getting access to a large supernatural library. Jackson, Boyd, Aiden, and Ethan were battling hard on the rainbow road with Cora and Isaac cheering them on and heckling them. He then turned to look at the adults and saw them deep in discussion about the possible alliance. He grabbed Derek's hand and interlaced their fingers as he dragged him upstairs to the soundproof office.

He sat them down on the sofa and he giggled as he saw Derek wrinkle his nose in distaste at the lingering smell. He asked, "What's up?"

Derek looked apprehensive before he blurted out, "I don't want to go back."

Stiles asked, "Back where?"

Derek snickered, "Not where, when. I don't want to be old again." He saw Stiles about to dispute that he was old, and he said quickly, "Look, I get it, we should research and make sure this won't bite us in the ass later. But if there is an option to not fix it then I want to take that option."

Stiles sat back and he contemplated Derek before he asked, "Why?"

Derek shrugged and he explained, "Lots of reasons, but mostly, because this gives me a second chance without the metric fuck-tonne of guilt it sounds like the older version of me is carrying around. Uncle Peter is willing to teach me how to be a good alpha which I don't think I had before."

Stiles asked quietly, "Is that the only reason?"

Derek shook his head and he pulled Stiles so he ended up straddling his lap and he leaned forward into Stiles and he whispered, "I don't want to lose you. I know from talking to the others that you were dating the older version of me but that he was resistant and still holding back, even with you. He knew you were his mate but he wouldn't let go and accept it, I don't want to be like that. I don't want to be so closed off to everyone and everything that I can't accept that I am falling in love with you."

Stiles smiled and he leaned in closer and he murmured, "Can I kiss you?"

Derek nodded and he leaned in to meet Stiles in the middle. As first kisses go it was fairly tame but to the two of them it was perfect.

Stiles murmured, "It doesn't matter to me if you stay this age or return to the older version of you. I will be happy as long as I get to keep you."

They spent some time slowly making out and getting comfortable with each other until they were interrupted by Peter entering the office.

He stalked in and he leaned against the desk and he crossed his arms. With a raised eyebrow he asked, "You seriously snuck off for nookie?"

Stiles laughed as he moved to sit beside Derek on the sofa and he shook his head, "No, that's not why we snuck off, it was an unexpected but not unwelcome result of the conversation we actually snuck away to have."

Peter asked in a deadpan tone, "Which was?"

Derek said quietly, "I don't want to return to the older version of me. I don't want to be that guy. He is closed off and seems to be a bit of a dick. I have enjoyed getting to know the pack and I don't want to lose that."

Peter asked, "And what you were doing with Stiles has nothing to do with that decision?"

Stiles made an indignant noise but Derek quietened him with a hand on his knee as he said, "A little bit, but, look the Derek you knew had been through hell and back and on the way through he was chewed up and spat out again. Between Paige, Kate, and Laura he is a fucking head case with a metric fuck-tonne of guilt."

Peter growled, "Language." Before he looked contemplative and he asked, "What do you mean Laura, why lump her in with Kate?"

Derek explained, "The Laura that I remember from a few weeks ago, wouldn't let me sneeze without permission, it took me months before I could convince her to let me even attend high school, it's why I am a year behind where I should be."

Stiles took over the explanation, "From what the older version told me Derek told Laura about Kate their first Christmas in New York, just after his 18th birthday. From there she got even worse, wouldn't give him any financial freedom, refused to let him leave New York and she refused to even touch him after he told her about Kate. Whenever they were together she spent the whole time telling him how weak he was and how he got his entire family killed. If I could resurrect her I would spend months torturing her before I put her down again for what she put him through."

Derek pulled Stiles into a hug to calm him down as he could see the anger rising on both Stiles and Peter. He looked at his uncle and he implored, "I don't want those memories back Uncle Peter. I just want to have this second chance."

Peter nodded, "Ok pup. Rafe's Unit Chief has left us some papers to read through and you two need to be involved in the alliance discussions as the pack alpha and second. I will be involved as the left hand and current interim alpha. He is aware of the situation and Danny and Lydia are going through the books he brought with him to see if they can find the de-aging ritual Kate used."

Stiles rubbed his back when he felt Derek flinch and he said, "Remember you said they need to find the ritual to make sure it doesn't bit us in the ass later."

Derek stood and he pulled Stiles up with him and he said, "Let's go negotiate us an alliance." He turned to his uncle and he asked, "You promise to teach me how to be a good alpha? I don't want to be a fuck up like Laura."

Peter pulled Derek into a hug and he whispered, "I promise I will teach you everything your grandparents taught your mother and I. You will be a great alpha just like Tally was."

Derek murmured, "Thanks, Uncle Peter."

They started the walk downstairs and Stiles asked, "So no more Scott at school?"

Peter shook his head, "No. They have taken Alpha Ito with them to explain the risks of being Omega and so she can reiterate the invitation to her pack. They also have a copy of the video Jackson shot and the photographic evidence of what Allison and Gerard did in the basement with Scott's knowledge. Allison confessed that Scott knew they would likely kill Stiles if not in the basement they would leave him with injuries that would kill him. Melissa will have to choose tonight and Scott will be moving schools starting Monday either at Devonford Prep or at the omega facility."

Stiles sighed in relief. He had been starting to hate going to school and that was a bad attitude for one of the top students to have. He looked around and he noticed that the teenagers had all left. He looked at Peter and silently asked with a raised eyebrow, 'where is everyone.'

Peter smirked and he said, "Jackson got bored with all the alliance talk so he invited the rest of the pack over to his place for more gaming as his parents are in Italy again."

When they reached the table Lydia slid an open book over to them with a triumphant look on her face. She said, "I think we found it."

Stiles walked over and he picked up the book with Derek looking over his shoulder, after he had finished reading he asked, "This says that the caster has to end the spell when their goal is reached. That this is the only way to reverse the de-aging."

Lydia said, "That's not all, read the next page."

Stiles quickly read the page then he looked up panicked, "Tell me this won't happen! I mean it says that the spell only has these effects if the spell is reversed by the caster. Is there anything in the book about verifying that he's fine or what the results are of an interrupted ritual?"

Peter asked, "What does it say?"

Stiles gulped as he said, "When the ritual is ended and the subject is returned to their correct age if another specific ritual isn't done at La Iglesia then the subject will start losing what makes them supernatural and it often leads to the death of the subject."

Danny nodded, "It's ok, the ritual was unmistakably interrupted, when she started it she would have specified an age or date she wanted to return him too as part of the ritual. When that was reached the wall he was hidden behind would have opened on its own. By smashing the wall and removing him before it was finished the de-aging process was halted and he will age normally from now on."

Stiles tapped the book and he said, "I would be reluctant to return him to his real age, based on what I am reading here there is no guarantee that he will come out of it ok."

Lydia said, "I want to talk to the researchers to double-check, but yes, I would be hesitant to try and mess with his age again."

Derek said, "No. Feel free to double-check with them that there will be no side effects but I want to stay the age I am."

They spent some time reading through the alliance agreement the Unit Chief brought with the books and they were happy to see that if anything bigger than they could handle came to Beacon Hills that they could call the FBI for help in dealing with it. There was also a section where Rafe could sponsor pack members who wanted to join the supernatural unit of the FBI to go through training at Quantico.

Stiles and Derek read through it and they both added post-it comments to various sections before it was passed over to Peter for a read.

Peter asked, "What did you think?"

Stiles nodded, "Overall it looks good, better than I expected from an alphabet agency. I like the idea of being sponsored into Quantico, and being able to call for help is awesome too."

Derek commented, "I like the idea of having their research team on hand if we need them. I remember mom struggled with all the different creatures that went through Beacon Hills. She used to call in a friend to help her. That's when I used to babysit Mischief."

Noah snorted and he snarked, "I always wondered what Claudia and Talia were getting up to. The supernatural was not on that list."

Peter smiled and he added, "Claudia was a Spark like Stiles. She had knowledge of a great many creatures that are from Europe from old Gajos family stories. She and Talia were great friends and I know Talia was gutted when Claudia passed away."

Stiles tapped the contract in front of him, uncomfortable with discussions of his mother and he asked, "Is this right for the pack?"

Surprisingly it was Chris that answered, "Yes, definitely. Word will get around that there is an alphabet agency working with the Hale Pack to help keep their territory safe. It will also leak that they are working to hunt down the rogue creatures that give supernaturals a bad name. I think it will be a turning point for all of us. Packs, covens, kisses, and even hunters."

Stiles grinned, "Maybe the FBI can suck in the legit hunting families and get them working to the law instead of an arbitrary code that half of them ignore."

Chris nodded in agreement, "We can hope."

Peter walked to the door and he opened it just as Rafe and an older gentleman were walking toward it from the elevator.

Rafe introduced the Unit Chief, "Stiles, Alpha Hale this is my Unit Chief, Gibson Grey. He oversees the various supernatural units around the country."

Gibson reached his hand out and he shook first Derek's hand with a brief flash of supernatural blue eyes then Stiles.

Stiles returned the introduction, he said, "Unit Chief Grey this is Derek Hale, the Alpha of the Hale pack and I am Mieczysław Stilinski, but please for the love of kittens call me Stiles, I am the Hale Pack second, the alpha mate, and I am also in training to be the next emissary."

They spent a few hours hashing out the full alliance agreement, they made sure to include clauses that related to Chris and the duties he undertook as a hunter, and they also made sure they also firmed up what either side could request assistance for. This was the first alliance of its kind between a pack and a unit of an alphabet agency but they hoped it would be the first of many.

Before they left Rafe confirmed that Scott had, with prodding from Melissa, joined the Ito pack and he would be living with Satomi as he got used to pack life as well as the transition to a new school. He confirmed that Melissa tried to lump all the blame on Stiles but Rafe said Unit Chief Grey shut that down using the video where Stiles confirmed that Scott could have left the preserve but chose to stay hidden from the sheriff and make his own way home. Rafe also advised that Melissa has been told to stay away from all pack members and that any breaches would result in an official restraining order which would affect her ability to work at the hospital.

After everyone had left, Peter and Chris joining Noah at the Stilinski house for the night, Derek and Stiles snuggled up on their favorite love seat.

Derek snuggled into Stiles' side and he ignored the TV in the background as he murmured, "I don't care what's ahead of us, as long as I get to keep you."

Stiles smiled at him and he kissed his cheek and he said, "You and me Sourwolf, mates forever."