
BassRock Week: May 19 - Chef's Choice

They fought each other. They fought side by side. Mega Man never knew what to expect with Bass. He stormed into the lab, having had quite enough this time, and yanked off his helmet before recalling his casual wear.

"Ugh! Who does he think he is, anyway!?"

He continued stomping through the house, into the living room, where he sat down hard on the couch.

Roll followed him and took his hand in her own. "Are you okay, Rock?"

"I'm fine. It's… it's fine. Actually, that battle was a piece of cake. I kinda feel like— when we're working together, me and Bass are pretty much invincible. But then we get through the worst of it as a team, and then… he still wants to fight me? What's the point? What— just what is he even trying to prove!?"

Mega Man glared a the floor for a moment, then shook his head.

"He thinks he's this real hotshot, with his ridiculous helmet and fancy armor and cute— uh, but he— he's really just a mean jerk. And a dork! He's always calling me a dork, but he's the one that's such an— an… insecure… pig-headed… loud-mouthed… jackass!"

"Language, Rock," Dr. Light said gently.

"I'm sorry Dr. Light."

Roll gingerly sat down on the armrest, putting her free arm across her brother's shoulders.

"It'll be okay," she said. "He can't hate you forever, no one can. You're just too loveable."

At that, he laughed. "Thanks Roll."

Dr. Light smiled as he watched the two, and then scratched his beard, lost in thought. 'Cute'?

…A topic for some other time, perhaps.