A/N: Here's another one Ladies and Gents! This one's a little different. All HP Recognizable characters belong to JK Rowling, the lovely Katherine McGonagall (who will be appearing later) belongs to Minerva's Kitten who was gracious enough to allow me to borrow her. Annabeth, while the name is borrowed from Percy Jackson, the character is mine and I look forward to helping her develop through to the pages.


Seventh-year Annabeth Denhem sat in the Ravenclaw common room revising her Transfiguration paper for what seemed like the hundredth time. Her curly red hair piled on her head in a messy ponytail as her red tipped quill furiously scratched across her parchment. NEWTs were five months away and she was running out of time to study. An owl flew in through the open window and landed in front of her, but she ignored it until it pulled the quill from her hand.

"What?" She sighed finally looking up from her work. Annabeth's irritation quickly diminished when she saw the owl. It belonged to her boyfriend, Severus Snape. She quickly took the parcel that the owl was carrying.

Meet me at the Room of Requirement ASAP.

She quickly looked at her essay and decided that she would rewrite her edits tomorrow. Annabeth gave the owl one of her crackers that she had been snacking on earlier before running up to her room and putting her schoolwork on her bed. She grabbed her cloak and ran to the Room of Requirement, sticking to the shadows so she wouldn't get caught by Professor McGonagall or Professor Canter, who were both on rounds this evening. She entered the Room of Requirement and gasped when she felt two arms wrapped around her waist.

"Any trouble finding the place?" Severus jokingly whispered in her ear in between placing kisses on her neck.

"None," she moaned as she moved to wrap her arms around him, "I just got caught up in the essay due tomorrow."

"I'm sure it was perfect the first time you wrote it." He mumbled kissing her lips.

"I'm sure you're wrong," she laughed between his kisses.

"I have a better way for you to spend your time." Severus picked up Annabeth and carried her to the bed, where he quickly shed their clothes and shared his idea with her.

Months passed by with Severus and Annabeth sneaking off to the Room of Requirement at night. The school knew they were together, they had been since the Christmas the year before. Annabeth and Severus sat together at meals but kept their public displays of affection to a minimum. With NEWTs approaching in less than a month, Annabeth was more vigorous in her studies; she hardly noticed she was late for her period, or that Severus was spending less and less time with her, except in the evenings when he summoned for her.

However, she did notice her upset stomach and her increasing fatigue. She was concerned that she was coming down with something and that her illness would interfere with her NEWT studies. She went in to see Madam Pomfrey to sooth her fears. However, while her initial fears were calmed, she now had a new problem – she was pregnant.

She was walking down the hallway toward Ravenclaw tower when she ran into someone.

"Miss Denhem, I hope you are well," the familiar voice of Minerva McGonagall said.

"Professor McGonagall! Oh yes, I'm well, just studying away," Annabeth answered initially confused by her professor's comment until she remembered where she was coming from.

"Annabeth, we are alone, it is okay for you to call me Minerva. After all, you and my son have been together long enough, and you have spent numerous vacations with us."

"Of course, Minerva, I apologize."

"Now I hope that you aren't lying to an old woman," Minerva smirked, the smirk that she, without a doubt, passed onto her snarky son.

"You're not 'old' Minerva," with a small laugh she continued, "I just stressed myself out with my studies and I wanted to make sure it wasn't more serious. Madam Pomfrey just recommended more rest and relaxation." Annabeth smiled.

"Now, if you don't mind me asking, is Severus alright? He's been acting a bit off lately."

"I think it's just NEWT study stress, Minerva. He's been hitting the books pretty hard."

"Of course, if it were something else, you would tell me, right?"

"Of course."

"Good, then I'll let you get back to your books and I'll see you in class on Thursday."

Annabeth left Minerva in the hallway and headed straight to the library. She kept her little problem quiet for the time being. NEWTs were too close for her and Severus. The joyous news could wait. However, she did take to spending more time with Severus outside of the library, at which time, she noticed his odd behavior and his fascination with Darker Texts. She pushed away her fears concerning Severus and didn't tell his family. After all, these tests were meant to challenge what they'd learned; he was just being thorough right?

It was the day they took their final NEWT, at the congratulatory feast, the Great Hall fell silent as James Potter got down on one knee and proposed to Lily Evans. Severus stood abruptly after hearing Lily's joyful 'yes' and pulled Annabeth with him out into the courtyard.

"Can you believe that rubbish? Proposing like a fool in the middle of Hogwarts' massive student body, how unappealing, and nauseating for the rest of us."

"Why does it matter so much to you? I thought you and Lily weren't friends anymore."

"People like him disgust me."

"People like who? Like James?" Annabeth studied his behavior from the bench she claimed as he paced in front of her. "Rus, why are you acting like this?"

"People like Potter don't deserve happiness, and one day I will take it away from him." Severus mumbled to himself completely ignoring Annabeth.

"Severus what are you talking about? What is the matter with you?"

"Nothing is wrong with me. I just now fully understand what I must do." Severus turned to Annabeth. "We will join Him, and he will give us what our hearts' desire. He has the power to make this right!"

"Severus Snape, you are acting like a mad man. You are taking about Lily Evans here. She would hex you into oblivion before she let you near her again. Besides, I already have what my heart desires, I don't need some egotistical maniac promising me something I already possess." She grabbed his hand before she continued, "Don't you possess your heart's desire Severus?"

"She could be mine." Severus mumbled again to himself as he pulled his hand out of her grasp.

It was in that moment that Annabeth understood where she laid on Severus' priority list. She wasn't what he wanted. He wanted Lily; it was always Lily. Sure, they had similar personalities and physical appearances, but she just figured it was a coincidence. It was in that moment that she put her foot down; she would not play second best to any woman, let alone Lily Evans. "Severus, you are crazy. This is a path that I will not follow you down. Lily will never be yours, and the sooner you realize that you could have your heart's desire by your own perseverance, the happier you will be." She watched him pace a while longer while he kept muttering incoherently about Lily and possessions. She stomped off to the castle and back to her dormitory. She quickly packed her things and sat down to plan. This is what she was good at, keeping a level head in times of stress and planning.

She couldn't go home; she couldn't possibly explain this to her traditional pureblooded mother. She couldn't stay with any friends in the wizarding world; they were either closely tied to Severus, her family, or Him. Her only option was to go Muggle. She hadn't had a solid career plan after her graduation, but she knew she could survive; she was a smart girl. Tomorrow she would go to Gringotts Bank and pull out all her money, leaving her inheritance behind. She would also leave letters for Severus and her parents about what was going on, leaving the pregnancy out of Severus' of course. She would buy a small flat in London, restrict herself from using magic and get a job and move on with her life.

The next afternoon, an owl arrived at the Denhem Manor.

"Norman, come quick there's a letter here from Annabeth!" Marlena called from the sitting room. She was a petite woman with straight auburn hair with the beauty that had been unmatched by any in years.

Norman, a tall professional businessman with dark curly hair entered the room.

Marlena read out loud:

"My dearest Mother and Father, I apologize, I have failed you and brought dishonor on our family. I regret to inform you that I am with child, and I have no plans on wedding the father. I cannot continue to be in your presence knowing that I have displeased you both in such a disgraceful manner. I wanted to let you know that I took my money from my vault, but I left the inheritance that would be bestowed upon me at your departure from this world. I hope that one day my child will not be punished for my foolish actions. I hope that one day you will love this child as you have loved me. Please understand that I write this with a heavy heart and no words can describe the loss I will feel not having you in my life.

All my love, Annabeth"

Norman turned to his wife, "Why didn't she just come home, we would have protected her? Did we really always give off the idea of traditionalism that our own daughter is afraid to come to us for help?"

"That child has always been too strong willed for her own good."

"I'm going to search for her and bring both her and her child home. She needs to be with family."

"You've always been soft on her."

"Perhaps." He didn't know if he'd actually find her, it was something that they both knew, but neither was he ready to face that fact just yet.

Not long after the Denhams received their letter, another was delivered to Severus:

My dearest Severus, I hope you understand why this is being written. I fell in love with you, I fell deeply. I enjoyed our talks, our debates, your kisses that sent tingles to my toes, and the way you made me feel when you made love to me. But listening to your rant about how you wanted Lily only made it clear that I would only be your next best choice. I am worth more than that Severus. I will not play second best; I just can't handle that. I have decided to go away, somewhere where I cannot be found. I hope you find everything you're looking for and everything you heart desires.

All my love and all the very best, Annabeth.

Severus was at a loss, but after calming his mind, he knew how to get Annabeth back, and to get Lily too. He quickly wrote Lucius Malfoy and then dressed to go meet with the Dark Lord. Today he would join the ranks of the death eaters.

Months passed after Annabeth left Hogwarts, and now she was showing her pregnancy. She had obtained a job as a waitress in a small café in Central London and a small one bedroom flat. The job was decent enough, it helped her make her bills. She also managed to make one friend, a fellow waitress, named Christina Stanton, a young woman in her early twenties.

When they met, Annabeth was barely showing, but Christina was an observant individual. She approached Annabeth and started a casual conversation about Annabeth and where she came from. After Christina got the sugar-coated version of Annabeth up to this point in her life, she asked about the baby.

"So, who's the father?"

"A classmate."

"Does he know?"

"I…" Annabeth was at a loss for words. "I… I didn't tell him."

"Make him own up for his error! You shouldn't have to bear this alone!"

Annabeth laughed lightly, "Ah but it's a new adventure." They fell silent for a moment while Christina thought about what to say next, Annabeth was too young, in her opinion to have a baby alone. "I couldn't tell him. I wanted to," Annabeth continued. "I … I loved him, I thought he loved me. However, there was this girl we went to school with, one that I thought he had gotten over. But, on graduation night, her boyfriend of a year proposed in front of the entire school. He got agitated, like I had never seen before. He was ranting like a nutter about this guy who could give him anything he wanted; that anything was her. I couldn't follow him through that, I couldn't put my baby through that. This guy my… ex spoke of is dangerous. Besides, I wouldn't play second best, not to anyone, especially not to her."

"What did this girl look like? Since you look like you do, she must be a supermodel babe! I mean come on, you're gorgeous!"

Annabeth smiled a sad smile, "That's exactly it, if I didn't know any better, we could have been sisters." Christina was at a loss for words, "However, it's in the past, I am moving on for me and the baby and that's what I'm going to continue to do. Come on, we've got new tables." The two went back to work and continued to grow in their friendship in the weeks that followed.

Christina went to appointments with Annabeth, and even took her to family dinners in Marylebone. The two became very close, as close as sisters. They worked together and eventually went and got a flat together. Christina claimed that it was so she could make sure that Annabeth took care of herself as her pregnancy continued, but it was also more financially secure for the both of them.

The summer flew by, it was a cool night in late September, at a Christina's parents' house when Annabeth went into labor a month early. Christina and her parents helped Annabeth bring into the world a beautiful baby girl, Annabeth named her Hermione Christine. She signed the birth certificate, filling both her name and Severus' on the lines for the parents' names, but she didn't fill his in on the line for Hermione's last name and giving Hermione her last name would surely give her away once she attended Hogwarts. No, the last name was a worry for another day. She cried tears that were a mix of happiness and pain. She had a beautiful daughter and a wonderful friend; but, the love of her life would never know his child, she didn't even know if he was alive. She would likely never see her parents again. However, her father did not raise a quitter. She was okay, her daughter was healthy, and she would push on.

Three years later, Annabeth was wed to a young man, John Granger. They met at the cafe the year prior, where John showed up three times with endless flirtations. One night, John waited outside the cafe for Annabeth to come out, with a dozen roses, asking for one date. One date led to a year of dates. When Annabeth told John about her daughter, it was awkward at first, but John tried to accept the bundle that came with the beautiful red head. After a month of bonding between the three of them, Annabeth knew that this was going to be okay and agreed to marry him. John played the doting father and Annabeth felt his love for her and her daughter, but their bliss was not lo last.

A month after little Hermione turned five, Annabeth was diagnosed with an aggressive stage three cancer. The doctors tried a few treatments, but nothing worked, Annabeth thought it was because of her magic that was interfering with the chemicals. The specialists gave her a year to live, to get her ducks in a row. Annabeth wrote several letters: a letter to Christina, a letter to her husband, a letter to her parents, a letter to Severus, and several letters to her daughter. All the letters expressed her love, and how sorry she was that she couldn't be strong enough. The ones to Severus, and to her daughter were stained with tears. She stowed the letters until her final days.

She gave one small envelope to her husband, and a larger manila one to Christina. It was nothing personal against her loving husband, but right before she married him, she revealed to Christina, and Christina only, that she was a witch. Christina would know the right time to distribute the other letters. She held Hermione until the last possible moment, when her heart finally gave out.

The family grieved for a good year before their lives got back to normal. Hermione continued to grow into a beautiful child, Christina continued her job at the cafe, but she scheduled herself to be there to take care of Hermione when she got home from school. John eventually remarried when Hermione turned eight. That union changed everything.

John's new wife, Kathleen, was not kind to Hermione, she didn't like her around, and she eventually warped doting John's mind to ignore his late wife's daughter – after all, he owed nothing to a child that wasn't even his, even legally.

Hermione was at a loss, as a child, even an intelligent one, she didn't understand how her father could become so cold. Christina stayed every evening, eventually moving in at John's insistence. Every night, Hermione would cry silently in her room, Christina would come into her room and read her mother's letter to her. Of course, she would leave out certain parts of the letter to protect Hermione. On weekends, Christina would take Hermione to her parents' house just to remind Hermione just how much she was loved.

When Hermione turned eleven, Christina started working more, leaving Hermione on her own and to John and Kathleen's mercy. Although it wasn't too horrible, they simply ignored her most of the time, Kathleen did get physical with the young child occasionally: smacks across the face for Hermione's accidental magic, spankings for reading too much, little contacts like that. Hermione didn't tell Christina about any of it, she kept her head down and kept her mouth shut. Contrary to young Hermione's belief, Christina did notice how quiet that Hermione had gotten.

Seven months into 1990, Professor Minerva McGonagall arrived on the Granger's doorstep to deliver Hermione's acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. While John put on a brave face and played the part of loving father, it was all a facade. After Professor McGonagall left giving word that she or another professor would come by in the middle of August to take Hermione, and her parents, if they wished to join them, to get her school supplies, John turned his anger on his daughter. He never laid a hand on her, but his yelling at her sent her into a panic attack. She ran to her room and grabbed the phone, dialing the number for the cafe.

"Thanks for calling The Classic Cafe, this is Steve how can I help you?"

"Can I… Talk… Can I talk to…. to… to Christina?" Hermione gasped out.

"Hermione, are you okay?"

"I…" Hermione continued to hyperventilate.

"Okay kiddo, hang on." The line was silent for a few moments before it was picked up again.

"Mya? Mya baby what's going on?"

"I can't… I can't…. br…breathe."

"Okay baby girl, calm down," Christina said in her soothing voice. "It's okay. Breath in through your nose, out through your mouth, like you always do, count to three." Hermione tried to follow Christina's soothing instructions, after a few moments, Hermione's breathing had calmed. "Hermione, can you tell me what happened?"

"I got a visitor today," Hermione started through her tears, "She said that I was eligible for a special school, for people like me, people who can do magic. She said that someone would come take me shopping for my school supplies. Daddy was acting like he was okay with it, he was asking questions, like you and mommy did when you two were looking at primary schools. But when the professor left, he got angry and started yelling at me. I don't even remember what he was saying, he just got so loud, and I got scared. It felt like someone was squeezing my chest." She started to cry

"Okay baby, stay in your room, I'll be there as soon as I can."

The phone conversation ended, and Hermione hung up the phone. It was an hour later that Hermione heard the screaming match between John, Kathleen, and Christina followed by loud footsteps coming up the stairs. Hermione laid on her bed facing the wall hoping that it was Christina. To Hermione's relief, it was. She started to cry again and crawled into her lap, carefully avoiding the plate of pizza she brought up with her. After a few moments, Hermione calmed, and they ate. Christina had her get ready for bed and tucked her in.

Hermione turned to Christina, "Will you read it to me?"

"Never get tired of it do you?"

Hermione shook her head, "When you read it, it's like she's here with us."

Christina fought back tears as she pulled the letter from the nightstand.

"My dearest Hermione, I am so sorry that I won't be there for you as you get older. I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart. I leave you in the capable hands of your father, Aunt Christina, and her family. I know that you will be reminded of their love every day for the rest of your life. They are all good people Hermione. Love is a powerful weapon and can bring down even the most stubborn of walls." Christina skipped over the middle part of the letter that mentioned the girl's father like she always did out of protection of Hermione.

"Hermione this is important, and I feel that I cannot leave this world without properly telling you about who you are. I am a witch Hermione, a powerful witch, a gift I am certain you got from me. Hermione a time will come when you will go to school and learn to control these powers. I know in my heart that you will be the most successful child you can be." Again, Christina skipped over pieces of the letter.

"Now, for my selfish doting on you, as your mother. You are so bright Hermione; you get that from me. Your life will take you to places that only you can dream up. You are strong, smart, brave, and you are the most wonderful child any mother could ever ask for. Because of you, my life was whole; you are better than any soul mate in any fairy tale. Every time you get sad, anytime you want to give up, I want you to keep fighting and remember that I am always with you, holding your hand when you need it. Always follow your heart my darling." At this point, Hermione was asleep, and Christina finished the letter, "All of my love, your mother, Annabeth Malena Denhem-Granger."

Christina refolded the letter and placed it in her book in the nightstand. She gave Hermione a kiss on the head and finished wrapping Hermione in her mother's quilt. Before leaving the room, she paused at the door and watched Hermione sleep for a few moments. She then left with a small smile on her face. Little did either of them know, this had been their last year of any realm of normalcy.

Thank you, my lovely readers, for all your support, follows, favorites, reviews over the years. I have been working on this story for six years, and I am not quite done with it. I'd like to guess that I'm halfway through with the writing portion. What has been written is being edited by the greatest soundboard, Beta, friend I could ask for when it comes to these ideas that just don't seem to cease, Kashmieredarling