Chapter 1

A story about a female blue spix macaw, who lost her family and friends years ago. She lives alone, but under protection in Rio the Janeiro. She is believed to be the last spix macaw alive on earth.

Amazon rainforest

Tulio, an ornithologist, and Linda, one of his colleagues and his wife, were about to release a bird that had recovered back into the wild. They had a little accident, but it turned out to be a good one, since they have found proof that Jewel isn't alone.

It was a sunny morning in Rio de Janeiro. Jewel was doing her morning routine flight, but was soon returning to the aviary to get her breakfast. She saw an open window and one of the workers was inside. She entered the room through the window and looked around.

"Hi Jewel, time for breakfast" The worker said extending her arm for Jewel to perch on (note: Jewel has created a good relationship with the humans at the aviary throughout the years)

The TV was on, and she saw a familiar faces in it. And one of them was holding a dark blue feather.

"Hey look, it's Linda and Tulio." She thought

"Some breaking news this morning, Dr. Tulio Monteiro, the bird man of Brazil, has made a big discovery today" Said the news reported

"We believe we have encountered a wild blue spix macaw deep in the Amazon jungle"

Upon hearing this, Jewel's eyes widened and she shed a few tears of happiness.

"I can't believe it...they're alive!"

"Wow. Jewel this is great news! You're not alone after all!" The worker said

A few minutes later, she got Jewel her food, and after she ate, she went to tell her friends the big news. She made it to the most popular place in town for birds, the samba club, where three of her friends, Rafael, Nico and Pedro, were hosting auditions for the carnaval. They were all chilling out until they heard a landing sound and screams from none other than Jewel.

"GUYS! I'VE GOT NEWS!" She yelled

"Hey, Hey, calm down first, girl" Said Rafael

"Yeah, what's gotten into you?" Pedro joined

"I'm sorry, it's just that...i think my family is alive!"

"Wow, really? Looks like you're not alone after all. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know Rafi...They're in the Amazon. It might be a little crazy, but...i think i'm going there to meet them. Leaving today"

"Are you sure? The rainforest can be a dangerous place"

"I grew up there, i think i still remember how to survive" Jewel chuckled. She was clearly in a good mood today

"Ok Jewel, i understand. Go find your family, good luck" Said Rafael, offering a kind friend hug, to which the glady accepted since he was one of her best friends. Little did she know that Rafael had a plan of his own.

Later that day, Jewel couldn't take it anymore and decided to leave. She was in a branch just outside her tree hollow, relying on her wild instincts to take her back to her old home.

"I'm coming guys..." She said to herself, but just before she spread her wings, she heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Jewel, wait up!" This came from her old friend Rafael, alongside Nico and Pedro

"Rafi? What's wrong?"

"We're not letting you have all this fun by yourself, let us come with you!"

"Sure, i don't mind, but...Eva let you come?"

"Of course, i promissed her a spot in the carnaval show."

"WHAT!?" Said Nico and Pedro simultaneously, getting a smile and wink from Rafael as a response.

Jewel chuckled and said "Alright then, let's go. Thank you for the company"

"No prob, hot wing" Said Pedro

So the four friends took off and headed straight to the Amazon jungle, where hopefully they would find Jewel's family and childhood friends. They made a few stops, had to find spots to spend the night, but eventually they made it to Manaus, the 'gateway of the amazon'.

Deep into the rainforest, the three friends where resting up and thinking of their next step, until they heard squawks. They all looked to where the sounds were coming from and it turned out to be the spix macaw tribe that they were looking for.

"I can't believe's true! They're alive!"

Hiding in the shadows was a tall male, who looked like the leader. He wanted to make sure that the newcomers were safe and wouldn't bring any trouble, so he flew down.

"Excuse me young lady, could i ask you who you guys are and where did you come fr-" He couldn't finish his sentence when Jewel turned around and showed her face, revealing to be his long lost daughter.

"I can't believe it..." She gasped

"I've looked everywhere for you..."

"I'm here... DADDY!" She ran and hugged her long lost father

"I'm so sorry i lost you...I can't imagine you all alone this entire time"

"It's ok, dad, i wasn't alone. I got taken care off and i had friends to keep me company" She pointed at the three friends who came with her all the way from Rio.

He looked at them and could only say "Thank you..."

Then the small group flew around, and Eduardo, Jewel's father, shouted the big news, making one of the spix macaw's follow them with all of her speed

"JEWEL!" She yelled

"Aunt Mimi!" Jewel didn't even have time to turn around and see Mimi, since she grabbed her and hugged her.

After Mimi, it now was the time for a childhood friend to return, singing a song to her. His name was Roberto, Jewel's best friend as a chick.

"Wow, you look great!" He said

"So do you"

"You can thank your daddy for that, he taught me everything i know. He's the bird"

"No...You're the bird" Eduardo countered

"No, YOU'RE the bird!"

Mimi separated the two

"We get it! You're both the bird, now let's start partying!"

It didn't even took 1 second for Jewel to recognize the song that was playing. She danced with Roberto to the beat of 'Beautiful Creatures'.

After the dance was over, Jewel was feeling tired, due to flying over 2000 miles and dancing, so Roberto offered her to stay at his hollow. She thought about it for a second but soon accepted his offer.

"Well, here we are. I'm on patrol now so i got to go, make yourself at home"

"Will do, Beto, thank you"

Roberto stood at the branch outside his hollow, waiting for the friend he shared the big hollow with to come back from his afternoon patrol. It didn't take long before he arrived.

"Hey, Roberto. You're going now?"

"Yep. Goodnight, buddy. Oh, and by the way, you got a little suprise in there." Roberto said, poiting his 'thumb' to the hollow.


"Yep, haha. Alright, buddy, sleep well." Roberto took off

Jewel had her back turned to the entrance. She heard footsteps and turned around, but she froze as she saw who it was. Her childhood crush.



"BLU!" Jewel ran towards Blu and hugged him as hard as he could and shedding a tear of happiness.

"I can't believe it. Is it really you?"

"Yep. You look great! You sure aren't the same nerd bird you were all those years ago. Although i still liked you..." She thought the last part to herself

"Oh, you think you're funny, don't you?" Blu said, joking, of course.

They hugged again and Blu thought "I've waited so long for this day. I can finally start again."

Blu and Jewel liked eachother as kids, but neither of them knew. The day Blu was going to confess his feelings was the same day that Jewel disappeared, and everyone thought she had died and never would come back.

Chapter 1 done. Pardon me if the story isn't making sense. I'm tired, give me a break lol