So this chapter did the equivalent of attempting to take me behind the barn and shoot me. Fight scenes are very difficult to write so one month after previous update I'm glad to present the next chapter of Pick Up Your Mask. I promise that I'll try to get the next update out faster.
Chapter 7 – Blood In The Water
After a quick explanation to Sun about his maybe-semblance and a quick dinner, Jaune settled in for the night.
"Are we sure that telling him was the best idea?"
'I'd prefer that anyone going into a fight with us has an idea of what to expect. If I summoned you and he freaked out and attacked then we'd be in bigger mess than we already are.'
Sleep didn't come easily. Potentially coming to blows with the White Fang had him breaking out in a cold sweat. Fighting Grimm was easy after all, at least the ones they'd fought before weren't exactly smart. People were a whole other problem. Sparring with the other students, whilst difficult, didn't carry the same risk as the White Fang. He'd never been fighting for his life and if he was honest, it scared him.
"It's okay to be scared Jaune."
'I can't afford to be tomorrow; Sun and I are the only backup Blake's got. If I freeze up.', his breathing quickened, 'If I freeze up then someone could die and not just us, what if they don't have Aura?'
The gravity of the situation set in his stomach as goosebumps broke all over his skin. Breaths came ragged and quick and he could vaguely hear Galahad trying to talk to him. The words were muffled as static grew stronger in his head.
A warm hand settled on his shoulder. Snapping his head to the side he was met with the concerned eyes of Sun.
"Hey man, focus on me. Match your breathing to mine." he said whilst taking slow, deep breaths.
Jaune did as he asked, letting his heart slow. The static began to recede.
"Okay, what's wrong?"
His heartbeat settled back into its steady rhythm, "I'm scared about tomorrow, about what could happen if something goes wrong."
It felt like weakness to admit this to someone he had, for all intents and purposes, just met. But letting it stew inside wasn't helping and he'd already suffered from being quiet. Sun's face took on a rueful smile.
"Yeah me-too man."
Well that wasn't what he expected to hear, but it was weirdly comforting that the other boy was also freaking out.
Sun continued, "I don't think that fear ever really goes away you know. No matter how much more experienced or strong we get I think we'll always be scared. However, we'll just have to push through it tomorrow, otherwise we'd be breaking our promises." His eyes hardened, "I refuse to let that happen. I think you'll be fine as well, if you give yourself a chance."
"I guess you'll hold me to that?" Jaune asked with a small smile.
Sun laughed, "Of course. I can't be the only one kicking ass tomorrow. But for now, I don't know about you, but running around after Blake all day has me exhausted, so imma sleep. Goodnight man."
Even after Sun's pep talk, sleep still refused to come easily. He tossed and turned until eventually he was able to slip into a fitful rest.
Despite the lack of sleep Jaune found himself full of energy the next day. What had been monumental worries last night were converted into a perpetual source of anxious energy the next morning. He'd been bouncing round and round, much to the annoyance of Blake and amusement of Sun, as they traversed the city to kill time before the docks.
Blake had initially wanted them to stay put in the hotel, not willing to risk an encounter with her team but Sun had taken one look at Jaune and flat out refused to spend a whole day in the room with him. So they had taken to various curio, strange and other lesser known shops and streets of Vale.
As they walked Jaune noticed the strange stares the occasional person gave them and the way people crossed the street to avoid them. He wanted to confront them, but Blake had shut him down quickly.
"I appreciate the thought Jaune, but we're used to it by now. We can't risk any sort of attention before tonight." she'd said with a small frown.
"It doesn't seem fair." he'd replied back incensed.
"It's not, and I'm glad you're seeing it, but right now is not the time to start anything."
Biting his tongue he attempted to walk off something of the anxiety burning through his body. His efforts weren't aided by the constant influx of messages from Ruby and the other members of the team. They had obviously caught on to what had happened when he wasn't present, and guilt had set like a stone in his stomach as he tried to ignore the desperate messages.
Miraculously the day passed without incident. The blue skies of day began to bleed orange as the sun went down. They made their way to the docks, scouting a vantage point and settling in for the stakeout.
Contrary to the fast-paced day, the stakeout passed slowly with time seeming to thicken. He found himself losing focus, constantly having to pinch himself to stay alert. Various crewmen unloaded the marked boxes from the freighter. The amount of Dust present in the area was incredible, even a bit nerve wracking when he considered what fighting near them might do.
'Let's not blow up the docks tonight. Ok Gal'?'
Blake and Sun both perked up.
"What is it?" he whispered.
"Engines, getting closer." Sun replied, an unusually serious look on his face.
Jaune strained his ears, picking up the low whine of Bullhead engines as it emerged from the distance, searchlights flicking over the docks as it came in for a landing, hovering slightly above the ground. The doors on the side of the aircraft opened as a masked figure emerged leaping out.
"Oh no." Blake said, her ears flat against her head.
"Is it them?" Jaune asked.
She nodded and Sun grimaced before speaking.
"You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?" he said softly.
Blake stared down at the Bullhead, the pain on her face was plain to see. "No, I think deep down I knew," she said, "I just didn't want to be right."
She pulled back and shut her eyes tight. Jaune reached his hand out to comfort her when a voice rang clear through the night.
"Hey what's the holdup?"
The trio looked at each other for a moment before glancing over the edge of their perch. Standing by the faunus was a flamboyantly dressed man. His bright ginger hair stood out even in the dark night.
"Come on you animals, we're not exactly the most inconspicuous thieves at the moment and we need to be gone soon. So why don't you all stop messing around and pick up the pace."
Even from their distance Jaune could hear the disdain dripping off each word the man said.
"Roman Torchwick." Blake practically growled. "This isn't right, even if they're stealing, the Fang would never work with a human, not as they are now, and especially not one like him." She looked to both of them. "I know I said I just wanted to see, but I need answers. I'm sorry."
She leapt off the roof ignoring their cries.
"That idiot, we're supposed to be in this together!" Sun spoke heatedly.
"Come on, if we're quick we can catch up to her." Jaune replied.
Hoisting themselves over the edge they landed heavily, their Aura's cushioning the blow slightly. Blake had already made her way towards a shipping container and seemed to be considering ambushing Roman.
'As long as she's careful then we could play this well.'
Opting to ignore any sense of careful she instead rushed behind Torchwick, weapons drawn up to his throat. The stylish thief did not seem impressed.
"Oh for fu- "
"Nobody move!"
'Or she could completely drop her common sense.'
"Demon woman, what did you expect?"
"Members of the White Fang, why do you aid this scum. Surely whatever lies in gain is not worth selling your souls."
Jaune drew Crocea Mors as the Fang shifted uncomfortably, some of them clutching tighter to the implements in their hands.
"Whatever lies he has fed you there is no reason to work with him."
Roman let out a chuckle, "Kid, I haven't lied to them once. You should know that the Fang and I are entering something of a joint business venture."
That sounded ominous. If Blake could keep him talking a bit longer.
"Tell me what it is, or I end it right here starting with you."
Okay, Jaune couldn't say that he expected that. Anger seemed to radiate off her form and her usually calm demeanour was shattered.
"I could spill the details of my operation to a hormonal teenager, but I've got a better idea." He raised his cane slightly as the top popped open. A bright flare exploded at their feet knocking Blake backwards in a swirl of heat.
"Now, time for the proper show." he said turning to face her. The previously dull roar of engines grew much louder as two more Bullheads emerged overhead.
Ruby's heart felt heavy. Not only had today been another fruitless search for Blake, now Jaune wasn't even answering her. She knew something had to be up with him.. JNPR's reaction when she asked about the Blake search sealed the deal.
'Am I really that bad of a friend and leader that they can't trust me?'
"Is everything alright Ruby?"
Ruby turned towards her newest friend. Penny's green eyes focused on her. She shoved a smile on her face.
"Yeah Penny, just thinking.
Penny took on an inquisitive look. "Thinking about what?"
"Friends mostly."
The ginger girl nodded sagely, "Ah so about Blake like you said before."
Ruby huffed, "Not just her, there's… another friend of mine. At least I hope he still thinks we're friends."
He'd been ignoring her messages after all, at a time when she really could've used his help. Logically she knew that there was probably a good reason. That Jaune wouldn't just drop her, but a smaller piece of her, the one that still felt all her friends at Beacon were a dream, told her differently.
She was pulled from her slump as a dull boom seemed to echo across town. Looking up she could see a plume of smoke rising from the docks.
'Oh no, why do I have a really bad feeling'
The situation at the docks had quickly devolved in Jaune's opinion. Both Bullheads had fired upon Blake with missiles. It was only through a quickly applied use of her semblance and her own agility that Blake was able to avoid the attack. In an insane turn of luck, the entire docks hadn't gone up in flames as well with the explosions narrowly missing Dust. Retreating behind the shipping containers she linked up with Jaune and Sun. Both the Bullheads had flew away shifting their focus to moving Dust rather than destroying it.
"Are you okay?" Jaune asked.
"I'm fine, get ready though."
Peeking around the side Jaune could see a small group of White Fang. It seemed like most of them were still focused on making off with the Dust. Roman's attention also flipped between keeping an eye on them and barking orders.
'They must think there's only one person.'
Relaying this to the other two, Blake nodded before turning to him.
"So what's the plan then?"
"You're asking me?" he asked surprised.
"You're a team leader, right? Lead then."
Jaune's mind went blank. He had no clue what they were supposed to do! He wasn't even qualified for this. It would be smarter to run in his opinion.
"We will not run." He could hear the steel in Galahad's voice.
His Persona was right, he'd made a promise, both with Sun and Blake. He couldn't run from this.
"Right, ok. Blake, you and Sun handle Torchwick. You're the better fighters. I'll work on thinning out the Fang. Can you keep him handled long enough?"
Sun smirked, "Of course we can, he's just some thief right."
"Don't underestimate him, there's probably a reason he hasn't been caught yet." Blake spoke with a glare at him.
"Yes ma'am."
"If we do that maybe all three of us together can deal with him. Those Bullheads will be a problem, but they're not focused on us right now." Jaune nodded.
"Come on Kitty Cat, I'm getting bored over here."
"Let's go."
On his words they broke. Jaune drew his weapons and rushed 'round one side whilst Sun went high. Blake took the other side.
"Oh, so you brought friends?" Roman called, "Well the more the merrier, come on you animals, I'm not paying you to stand around!"
Blake and Sun sped towards Roman as Sun drew a long staff with triggers built in. Jaune ran to intercept the group of Fang moving towards them.
"There's not a chance in hell that you'll get past me." The words came out in anger. All previous traces of anxiety seemed to have vanished. All he knew is that he had to pull his weight. The mask formed on his face, heat rising from the metal.
The Fang members, seven in total, didn't stall. Three of them armed with swords sped up towards him. The closest raised his sword in an overhead strike. Jaune parried the blow with his sword before bashing forward with his shield. He was rewarded with a crunch, pained cries and a spurt of blood from the faunus' broken nose. Red had dotted itself upon his shield and the sight of it made him feel weak.
'No Aura, I have to be careful'
"Focus Jaune!"
He was brought back to reality by a sharp pain against his chest. One of the Fang in the back had taken aim in his distraction to fire upon him, rebounding bullets off his Aura. Bringing his shield up he blocked the rest of the burst.
'Gal' take care of the guns. Makouha.'
His Persona burst forth with a burst of wind. A series of bolts built up and began to circle the tip of his sword. Swinging the bright lights, they darted forward impacting the floor where they exploded outwards in a flash. Bodies went flying as weapons sailed through the air. Galahad formed back into the mask.
'Ok and now-'
His thoughts were interrupted by the other blade wielders attempting to surround him. Evidently, they had realised rushing him one by one would get them nowhere. They took different angles attempting to surround him.
Getting surrounded would be no good, he had to make sure he kept moving. He turned blocking a strike with his shield whilst parrying the blade coming at his front. The left blade clattered against his shield skittering off it, however the forward Fang dodged deftly not willing to be caught out like their peer. The blade bit into Jaune's stomach as he hardened his Aura.
'Cover my back!
Galahad brought his shield up to deflect the attacks aimed at his back. He could just make out the ranged Fang getting back to their feet. Not allowing direct contact with his skills was hamstringing him.
'Damn it, I can't let them hold me here. Makouha the ground around me.'
"This is going to be danger close, cover yourself."
His blade flashed wildly forcing the melee outwards. Galahad responded by peppering the ground with light knocking them back with minimal damage to his own Aura. The air filled with the smell of blood, stronger than before, and he heard a gasp of pain. Turning he saw the wound inflicted on the leg of a Fang member falling back, their hand pressed to their injury.
'No time to stop, hopefully they'll stay down, now Rakukaja'
His Persona raised his shield high, light glittering off the surface and swirling around him. He could feel his Aura toughen as Galahad returned to the mask.
'I have to finish this quick'
Sun had to agree with Blake. Torchwick obviously wasn't any normal thief. This was pretty obvious from the way he was kicking their asses. Every strike was blocked by the cane and on the off chance he'd overextended, Torchwick would respond with a flare of his cane's explosives.
Sun was quickly finding that fighting tag team with Blake wasn't doing them any favours. Their fighting styles were too different. Each time one went to attack the other ended up getting in the way. Blake was attacking with full aggression, the large cleaver that made up her sheath carving large strikes through the air.
Torchwick seemed to dance around them, only a few errant strikes landing glancing blows on the man's Aura. Something had to give soon, and from the way he was playing them Sun was fairly certain it wouldn't be the thief.
'Hurry up Jaune'
Jaune smashed his shield downwards colliding with the arms of a gun wielding Fang member knocking the weapon from his grasp. Summoning his strength, he cut upwards diagonally cutting a bloody line from bottom to top. They fell back with a cry of pain, grasping at the wound on their chest joining three of the others on the ground. His breath came heavily as he took in the remaining fighters parrying strikes and deflecting bullets.
The defence increase from before had been crucial allowing him to be more aggressive but at the cost of a good chunk of his aura. Taking a cursory check of his scroll he was sitting at seventy percent. The faunus whose nose he'd broken and two more of the ranged fighters taking aim kept up their assault. Before they could react Jaune rushed forward, sending Galahad out in front of him.
'Vicious Strike the ground.'
The Persona's sword glowed with light as he swept at the ground. The groove cut into the ground forced the sword wielder off balance and covered his approach.
'One more Makouha'
Feeling his Aura power into the attack, the ensuing detonations kicked dust up into their eyes. Swinging his weapon and shield Jaune was able to quickly dispatch of the others. The feeling of bones cracking under the force of his attack and the blood flowing in the air sickened him. Luckily, he'd managed to avoid dealing lethal damage as far as he knew. Metallic scents filled the air as he took big gasping breaths.
'Okay. Okay. Now that's dealt with, onto to Roman'
Picking up his weapons he turned to move only to see a boot rapidly approaching his face. The impact against his Aura reverberated through his skull, knocking him sprawling to the ground. Looking up through the ringing in his head he could make out a diminutive figure. Blinking the pain from his eyes, the first thing he noticed was the colorful hair she possessed. Second was the other boot. It clattered against his shield as the tri-coloured woman smiled viciously.
'Apparently this is now happening'
His assailant's strikes came fast forcing his guard up as much as possible. Every time he went on the offence he would be met with the sounds of shattered glass. Whatever her semblance was, it was making this a very frustrating, and painful, fight. He sword hit air as a crackle of shards fell.
'Oh crap oh crap oh crap!'
The air was driven from his lungs as she slammed into his back before retreating. His Aura had taken significant hits and he'd quickly realised that if she wasn't shattering apart, swinging a boot or taunting him then he'd done something incredibly stupid to give her an advantage.
He wasn't even able to summon Galahad. The Persona was too slow to make any sort of impact as the she-devil deftly dodged or redirected his skills.
"Jaune, we have to get some distance. If we can make it towards Blake and Sun, we could bolster our forces."
'Great idea Gal'. One problem, she's got us fully pinned.'
There was a brief reprieve in attacks as the woman finally stopped moving. Instead of the smile from before she had a pout on her face, looking him up and down with a bored expression. She sighed before glass shards formed into a lace parasol in her hand.
'Somehow that doesn't fill me with a huge sense of safety'
She flicked it in a showcase of skill before facing it down. A thin blade erupted from the point.
'Yep, danger sense is screaming!'
"Get ready!"
The woman exploded towards him in a burst of speed.
The acrid smell of smoke floated through the air as she sped towards the docks. She'd have loved to use her semblance to get here but she couldn't leave Penny behind, especially with the girl being insistent that she was 'combat-ready'. Drawing Crescent Rose, she looked back to Penny.
"Can you go up?"
The ginger girl nodded as she saluted.
"Of course, friend-Ruby!"
Propelling herself up she landed on a roof overlooking the docks. It was chaos. Uniformed members of the White Fang ran back and forth hauling various crates of Dust and related equipment. Looking across she saw… Blake! She was fighting with Torchwick alongside the faunus from before and was that… Jaune?! Blood lazily trickled from wounds all over his body and there was a short woman standing across from him, sword drawn.
"Are these your friends Ruby?"
That's right! Penny. She turned to look at the girl.
"Penny, you said you're combat ready right? How ready?" she asked, a serious look on her face.
The girl took on an inquisitive expression as she looked down at the scene. Evidently, she found something she was looking for because her face darkened ever slightly.
"I can deal with the White Fang if needed." It was said without a hint of arrogance. Just a straight answer delivered confidently. Ruby nodded, something about Penny had her believing the girl's claims.
"Okay, I need to help my friend, be careful Penny." she said.
"Of course!" Behind Penny there was now an array of floating swords. No, not floating. She could make out thin wires leading from the swords back to Penny.
'Note to self. Interrogate Penny about her awesome weapon later'
Her and her awesome weapon leapt off the roof, landing in a kneeled stance that cracked the concrete beneath her. As her weapons began to spin Ruby shifted focus, she had to get to Jaune quick. Visible wounds like that meant his Aura was almost spent.
Taking a breath, she felt the world begin to slow as her semblance took over. The scent of roses filled the air as her cloak began to blur into petals as she locked onto where she wanted to go. It was a larger distance to cross than normal, but she had to. She stepped and shot forward trailing through the air; Crescent Rose drawn. The clang rang through the night air as the woman's sword clattered against the blade of her baby.
He didn't think he'd even been so glad to see someone. After playing a fun game of 'dodge the stabby stick' which he quickly found himself to be terrible at, he'd been preparing for a final assault. His Aura was running on fumes to the point where Galahad could barely muster any power. Most insulting though was how quickly she had beaten him.
The woman had a pout on her face where a vicious smile had been previously, and both of her eyes were a deep brown.
"Jaune move!"
Snapping out of his stupor he rolled backwards bringing up Crocea Mors as Ruby fired a shot knocking the thin blade off balance and then firing back towards his side.
"So, any tips for how to take her down?" she asked.
"She's fast and can dodge really well. I don't know what her semblance is, but it makes it really hard to land a solid hit on her. Her attacks don't hit particularly hard but she throws a lot of them." he responded. It was true, the force of her first kick had been harder than the others but when his guard went up, she had switched to poking any hole in his defence she could find.
Ruby groaned, "Well maybe it will be easier to hit her with two of us."
Jaune nodded. The woman had been inspecting her nails whilst the two of them talked, looking like she hadn't a care in the world. Looking up she saw they were done, the same predator smile from before rising on her face as her eyes switched to a mixed pink and brown.
Ruby exploded forward rose petals drifting as he followed. She spun Crescent Rose in a deadly circle as the unfortunately familiar glass shard sound filled the air.
'Damn it, still not fast enough.'
She reformed again bringing the sword forward in a vicious thrust. Jaune intercepted it with his shield before responding with an attack of his own. The woman winked before vanishing again.
The fight only got more and more one-sided as both of them attempted to find a space to hit her. They weren't fast enough to take advantage of her reappearances but having a second fighter helped fill the hole in his defence. Where he'd been struck before, Ruby appeared knocking the weapon aside and he did the same for her using his shield to deflect anything that she couldn't.
They couldn't block everything though and errant cuts left stinging marks on his skin. Blood dripped off the woman's blade staining the concrete as she smiled. Jaune had quickly realised that they were dealing with a killer. Someone who wouldn't hesitate to cut them down.
'Gal' you still there?'
"Yes, your reserves are low, but I could still manifest if you need me to defend."
'Could you pull of a Hama?'
"I could, but are you sure that's something you're willing to use." the Persona responded.
I don't have a choice, she gonna kill us!'
Truthfully, no he didn't want to use it. Being able to kill someone instantly scared him. To his side Ruby cried out as a particularly biting swipe slipped through their defences. Any qualms which he might have dropped away as his friend screamed. This woman was toying with them, batting them around like a cat with its prey. If she wanted a proper attack, then she'd get it.
The mask broke apart as Galahad joined the fray. Contrary to his normal ethereal appearance his colours seemed muted and he moved slower. Their assailant turned to the Persona, yawning. Galahad's shield came up as light began to flash on the surface. Jaune could physically feel the impact to his Aura as it filtered into the skill dropping his levels quickly. A white paper with runic writing formed on the metal before peeling off and drifting in the air.
As if taken by a gust of wind the paper shot towards the woman whose smile had dropped slightly. Her sword flicked out to her side.
"It has to make contact with her body."
Ruby lowered herself into a ready stance before Jaune grabbed her.
"Don't get close to that!"
The thin sword flicked outwards cutting the paper in two. They hung there for a moment before a bright light shone from them twinkling as the woman's smirk dropped off her face. The light detonated in an explosion rivalling Nora's grenades. Heat washed over his body as the force knocked him off his feet. Galahad retreated within him as he covered Ruby with his body.
As the dust cleared, he looked up to see the woman covered in grime from her roll. The smile on her face was gone as she looked at her sword. Where there was once a blade was now two halves. Somehow it didn't make him feel any better, leaving a hollow feeling in his stomach. No wait, that was the Aura loss.
"You're sitting at zero Jaune. I can't use any magic anymore."
He struggled to his feet, his entire body wracked with pain from his injuries, both the self and psychopath inflicted ones. Ruby stood next to him breathing heavily as her Aura flickered. The girl's reserves were on the smaller side compared to endurance fighters like him and Yang and the liberal use of her semblance in the fight had likely drained a lot. The woman drew closer to the pair holding her broken sword. She raised it as the colour bled from her eyes, leaving just her pupils as she got closer and closer.
'Well, I guess we're outta luck. Any gods up there willing to come out swinging?' he thought in a last-ditch effort.
A flash of emerald light slammed into the woman's side sending her sprawling. It was followed by several swords carving large divots into the ground as she rolled away.
'Thank you whoever was listening!'
"Penny!" exclaimed Ruby, relief obvious in her voice. A ginger girl, Penny he assumed, was making her way over to them, several sharp looking swords hanging in the air behind her. Each of them was stained suspiciously and a curious glance over to the previous hive of movement saw all the grunts either laid out on the ground or clutching at bleeding injuries.
The multi-coloured woman had gotten to her feet and was peering at them with eyes flashing different colours. She winced holding her ribs covering the scorch mark that Penny's blast had inflicted. Where before her expression had been nothing short of smug, she now looked towards Penny with wariness.
"I ask that you give yourself up to the authorities." Penny declared confidently.
The woman took one step back and then another before drawing her parasol. Penny's swords readied each one poised to pierce her. He knew they wouldn't be that lucky though, as with a flourish of lace and a flash of light she vanished. Penny frowned.
"Sorry friend Ruby I think she got away." she said.
Jaune collapsed to the floor breathing deeply. Even the training from hell was better than this. Strong, small hands clutched his shoulder, pulling him unsteadily to his feet. His eyes were met with the deep silver of his friend's worried face.
"Jaune! Are you okay? Where's it hurt, or where's it not hurt might be better? Actually both, both is good, Jaune where are you hurt and not hurt!?" The words flowed in a stream as she worried over him with her hands spinning him to inspect his injuries. He couldn't help himself. He laughed with relief and hugged the small girl to his chest.
"I'm okay Ruby, thanks to your friend over there, we're both ok."
Ruby nodded and stepped away, her face slightly red as the ginger girl saluted before she spoke in a cheery tone.
"I am glad to be of assistance potential friend Jaune. Following that would you like to be friends?"
This girl was far too bright, it hurt to look directly at her. Jaune settled for locking his gaze solidly left of her. Ruby gave him a strange look.
"Of course. After all strangers are just friends you haven't met yet." he said settling into his Mom's tried and true advice.
Penny practically seemed to vibrate, "Sensational! Two new friends."
A pained cry cut through the air, as with a might clang, Sun flew backwards into a shipping container.
"We should probably help them first before friendship." Ruby said.
The trio rushed towards Sun with Jaune bringing up the rear. Skidding to his knees he checked Sun's body but all he could see were fragments of Aura drifting off him.
"Ok, Aura's broken but no visible injuries." Jaune relayed to his friends.
"I estimate a small chance of a concussion and potential fractures in three bones." Penny said taking a hard look at him. Blake joined as she too was thrown back from a Dust explosive.
"Not that it hasn't been fun kiddos, but I've got places to be and people to see." The flamboyant thief stood looking ruffled. His normally pristine coat was covered in grime and there were small gashes were Blake had been able to break through. Still he stood looking barely out of breath with a roguish smile on his face. The thief snapped his fingers.
"Oh Neo! How about we leave them to play with the animals?"
A flash of light and tinkling shards and the woman who'd tried to kill him. Neo he guessed stood next to Roman. The smile was back as she gripped his arm.
"See ya." Roman gave a mock salute as both vanished into thin air.
Blake actually growled, her head whipping side-to-side as she set the 'faunus aren't animals' movement back ten years . Her face softened taking in the multitude of injuries covering his body. Stepping forward with a hand out she was promptly met with the missile named Ruby who wrapped her arms around her errant teammate.
"What were you thinking? We were so worried!"
Blake's face, normally so emotionless, trembled slightly as she returned the hug.
"I'm sorry Ruby, I had to know if it was them."
The younger girl let out what had to Remnant's worst attempt at a snarl before she stepped back.
"This conversation isn't over! I mean it Blake!"
Ruby's attempts to intimidate her were obviously too much for Blake as she smiled before breaking out into laughter, a sound normally foreign.
"Uh guys, not to break up the moment but we have a couple problems."
Jaune looked towards Sun before seeing exactly what had worried the boy. The Bullheads were speeding towards them and Jaune could hear the whine of cannons spinning up. There had to be cover somewhere. Snapping his head around he was met with open space and nothing they could reach in time.
"I'll deal with them!" Before he could stop her Penny rushed forward the swords forming a spinning ring in front of her. Green energy began to build as the air burned with power. A low whine was released before the beam scythed outwards cutting molten paths through both the Bullheads. Large explosions rocked the empty yard as the metal beasts were brought to the floor. The swords slowed as Penny turned around facing them with a huge grin.
"They have been dealt with."
Jaune only had one thing to say.
So hope you all enjoyed. Please tell me where I can improve cause I'm sure I can improve fight scenes. Reviews are always treasured and I make sure to reply to each one I can.