Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me... I am only a 18-year-old girl. Innocent smiles
AUTHORS NOTES: FIRST!!! bows deeply GOMEN NASAI!! I have created another story out... i just can't help it!! Hai As u all have read in the summary: Kaoru is an orphan who has a little mental illness but thanks to Kenshin she's getting better, in the recovering stage. Kaoru was abandon by her mother and in the orphanage wasn't one of the best days she had. One day she snapped and ended up with mental illness.
Warning: I don't really have a good command of English... So forgive me for my grammatical mistakes.
When Will It Be My Turn To Love
Chapter 4: Promises are Meant to be Broken
Previous: --
Wait! What was I thinking about? I shook my head fiercely. I shouldn't be thinking like this. I should instead be happy as Kenshin has a wonderful life. I smiled inwardly. That's right. He has a perfect life, and he was just such a kind person. He deserved it. I should be grateful that he's here right now.
With him around, with the memories captured within me. My days seemed to be brighter...
With him around the future seemed brighter.
Although I convinced my mind of all those things... somehow, my heart still ached of the lost I have admitted. It definitely still hurt knowing I have no one to depend on... to love.
This was they day that I longed and waited for so long. Slowly and unsure, I stepped on the pavement outside of the door that kept me in the institution for so long. I raised my head to see the word again.
That was what it wrote. A big smile was plastered on my face as I turned to look at the group of friends I made during my stay there.
I felt a pang of disappointment as I could not see any red-head among them. Himura-san was busy wasn't he? He did told me he had an appointment with Yukishiro-san last night... but he did promise to make it didn't he?
But promises are made only to be broken wasn't it?
My smile faltered a little.
"Kaoru remember what I told you? You cannot think too much. Remember, things are not as complicated as it seems." Aoshi-sensei chided me slightly yet again. I gave him a big smile and a nod.
"You will be staying with Misao then." He added. My head snapped up towards her. Misao-san?
"Isn't it great Kaoru-san? We get to live together!! And I get to stay with a sister!!" Misao was overwhelmed with joy. I was filled with anxiety and anxiousness.
Why was it to be with Misao-san? Were they trying to find a chance to lock me up in that room again? I held onto my small pot of cactus tightly. Sensing my worry, Sanosuke being the big brother he was ruffled my already messy hair.
"Don't worry missy, everything would be just fine. I'll visit you often to keep you accompany if you feel better. I don't want you back in here you hear me?" Sano grinned again. I assured him with a nod. Its nice having an elder brother isn't it?
"Promise?" He asked with his pinky up. I laughed at his childishness but still played along with him.
"Promised. Except that I would still need to come back for my checkups." I reassured him again as I hooked my pinky with his as he hugged me gently as I smiled.
"Take care of yourself." He muttered as slowly we left each other's embrace as I finally took the second step out of the institution with Misao-san along myself holding my bag of clothes. Her smile never flaw any singly second.
Another step... and another.
So this was the real world? I look around, seeing the cars wheeze pass me, the birds chirping above, the leaves rustle slightly with the cooling breeze that blew in my face. I felt... free. Yes. That was how I felt. Free. A smile found its way to my face as I grinned at Misao-san who grinned back like usual. I felt that I had another younger sister.
I'm never going back again. A promise to myself and to Sano. Yup. I'm never going back there again.
Misao-san and I started conversing about something and slowly the fact that promises are meant to be broken found its way behind my head as I forgot about it. Totally.
(Kenshin's POV)
I raced through the red lights safely as I sped my car towards my destination, the institution. Tomoe who was beside me gave me a disapproving look.
"Kenshin!" And there she goes again. She had been starting to be a mother hen –no offence... really –it was just starting to get really out of hand.
"I'm sorry koishii. But I really need to get there on time. I made a promise to Kaoru-dono." I explained as she looked out of the window angrily. I heaved a sigh... she was going to start this whole thing again –an argument about why am I so caught up with a mental patient...
"Why are you so caught up with that Kaoru mental patient?" See what I meant. Another sigh of exasperation escaped my mouth.
"Tomoe, that is the particular reason why am I bringing you to see her. She's a very interesting lady and I believe being acquainted with her you would see why I am so called 'caught up' with her."
"I don't intend to be acquainted to someone like her." My head was starting to ache... badly. How many times must I go through this with her?
"Please koishii... you would understand why am I so concerned about her. She's-"
"Or maybe you fell in love with her. If that is so, Himura Kenshin you can gladly stop the car and let me alight and you can continue the little fairytale with her and live happily ever after." Tomoe puffed. Was it me or this conversation went a little too far.
"Just shut up and drive the god damn car." Well... looks like the couch is taken up tonight. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bring her to look at Kaoru. I just thought maybe Kaoru would like to have an older sister to take care of her. Seriously, Tomoe is really caring and kind at times if she is not so angry in the first place. Looks like I screwed things up a big time.
The gate to the institution came to sight as a smile replaced my frown. Quickly, I parked my car and stepped out of it just in time to see... gulp...
Let's just say me and him can't click so well.
"Well... if it isn't carrot-top." He smirked as he saw me flinched at the... not so nice nickname he created for me. Carrot top... how the hell did he even get that dumb idea from? My red hair? That was ridiculous. If only I have heard that darn insult when I was young, I'll personally make sure he would roll on the floor and away from me.
"Sagara-san, where's Kaoru-dono? I heard she was leaving today." I hid my displeasure as I smiled to him.
He just snorted and look passed me into the windscreen which was Tomoe.
"Well, nice catch there. But Kaoru had already left in the morning. Nice timing carrot." With that he left Kenshin. I groaned instantly. But this time, not because of the darn bloody nick... but I have broken yet another promise with Kaoru. I just hope she doesn't hate me. She can get too emotional sometimes, not to mention she was a very pessimistic young girl.
"Fuck." I cussed myself as I took a deep breath and entered the car and smiled at my darling.
"Looks like she had already left. Let's go grab a bite shall we?" I asked her while I stepped on the accelerator. She didn't say anything. I was grateful for that.
I wasn't really in a mood for another quarrel.
I screwed up totally didn't I? I need to contact Misao-dono as soon as possible to find out how Kaoru was doing in the 'real world'. I smiled at the innocence she held. I just hope it will never ever get tainted. If some smart-ass was to destroy her, he would destroy them first.
It was then I felt a fierce protection I held over Kaoru. I shook my head to clear the thoughts.
Now where did that come from?
(Back to Kaoru's POV)
I had heard Himura-san's voice through the phone today. And weirdly, it made my day. I smiled at my food as I remember what he said. He was going to visit me today!
"Looks like someone fell into the river of LOVE!!" Misao giggled as she ate her egg while I could felt a rush of blood fill my cheeks. I was blushing wasn't I?
"Love?" I said unsure. What exactly was this... love?
"Yes. Love. L-O-V-E. LOVE!!" Misao explained. I smiled sheepishly; of course I knew how to spell love. I looked at Misao intently waiting for the next explanation. She just chuckled when she saw me to be so engross in this conversation.
"Love is when you feel this fluttering feeling inside you when you see him. Love is when you have the urge to see him every single day and just a glimpse, a voice can make your day. Love is when you are able to forgive him no matter what he did –even if that means that you cannot be with him. Love is when..."
Misao-san went on rambling on what love was. But her previous sentence caught my senses.
Love is when you are able to forgive him no matter what he did –even if that means that you cannot be with him.
Was that really love? To see from afar and not do anything. But lovers are supposed to be together isn't it? Then why is there this doubt that you cannot be with him.
"... Love is when you feel bliss to be with him and that you see him everywhere when you close those eyes of yours and he appears everywhere." With that she ended her little "love" speech. Curiosity filled me; I had to ask her this question.
"But aren't lovers are suppose to be together? Why would there be a single uncertainty that you cannot be with him." Misao-san sulked hearing this. Oops?
"There can be many reasons, Kaoru-san. There can be fear, anxiety or maybe that particular 'He' that you like just doesn't see who you are and doesn't notice you for who you are."
"But Aoshi-sensei notices you." She blushed instantly. I smiled. Sweet revenge. That was what Sano taught me. I had always knew that Misao-san had something for Aoshi-sensei. And in return he had something for Misao-san
"I don't know what you are talking about." Misao feigned as she gulped down her coffee. I giggled softly and resumed my breakfast. It was a long time since I felt so relax among someone and felt... bliss.
"Lets go shopping after this, what do you say?"
"I say that it's a wonderful idea." I smiled as she shouted in glee and quickly finished her bread and wash up. As she walked or more like jump back to her room she chanted to herself on what she was gonna buy.
Like a new hair clip, dresses, bed sheets... and I had to smile at a single part. She was so thoughtful every time.
She wanted to buy me new clothes too. Maybe opening up wasn't such a bad idea if it was them.
I laughed as we rode up the elevator. We had just got back home from a shopping spree. It was fun, no wonder Misao-san liked it so much.
"We should do this often." Misao-san stated as we turned the corner and reached her apartment. My laughter ceased as I saw who squatted in front of her door.
"Himura-san!!" I said in an astonished manner. Oh gods, forgive me! I forgot that he was coming today! He looked up with tired violet orbs. I felt guilty instantly.
"I'm sorry... I forgot that..." I dropped my shopping bags as I started gibbering out all the reasons why I forgot. I felt so bad. All the answer I heard was soft rumbling laughter. I looked up to find him next to me with my bags.
"Don't worry, I just arrived only." Liar was what I called him. I furrowed my eyebrows. He wasn't making things any better.
"Come on, lets go back in. Its getting a bit cold out here." I touched his hands. Yup, it was cold. He wasn't here just only, I bet he was waiting here for hours!
"Usotsuki. You were here long ago. Your hands are cold." I muttered audibly for him to hear as I tried to warm his hands by putting it at my cheeks. He looked surprised for a moment.
"I'm sorry. I just didn't want to worry you. Since you found out that I'm cold, would you mind if we go back in where it is warm?" He smiled. Immediately I led him into the house and sat him beside the heater.
"Himura-san, have you eaten dinner?" I asked nervously. He shook his head, I smiled. This was my chance to make it up to him!
"I'll make something to eat then." He widened his eyes and muttered something like 'oro'. How cute.
"Don't worry, I was just going to make dinner anyway."
"Kaoru-san... don't you think that it was a bit rude that you didn't inform me." Misao pouted and teased me. And yet again, I fumbled with my words. She laughed and patted me behind the back.
"Don't worry. Get cooking or I'm going to be a starved weasel!!" Misao pushed me towards the kitchen door. With a smile from Kenshin I disappeared to work.
Without me around... Misao glared at Kenshin. I wasn't there to find the reason and my hearing senses were clouded as I was so concentrated in what I was doing.
If only I heard what they said... maybe I could have protected myself better.
"Himura, I thought Aoshi-sama told you to keep the distance." Misao chided slightly as she slouched upon the couch opposite Kenshin's.
"I had to check if she was aright."
"So you don't trust me now do you?"
"It was supposed to mean it that way, Misao-dono." Kenshin ran a hand through his red mane in frustration.
"Don't you have any appointment with Tomoe or something?" Misao retorted as Kenshin heaved a sigh yet again.
"She's going to be the death of me someday. She said she had a function today and that she didn't want me to be her escort because according to her I was too caught up with her to be bothered what's going on in her life." Of course the former 'her' referred to Kaoru as he pointed his thumb towards the kitchen, while the latter 'her' was referred to Tomoe.
"She's jealous." Misao announced the obvious.
"I know. But she should know better than anyone else when it comes to me. I love her." Misao shrugged. Tomoe can be really bitchy sometimes. But when she wasn't... she was really a nice girl to be with.
"The mistrust in her for me is just seriously grating on my nerves. And... miraculously Kaoru-dono seems to see through the façade I put through every time and calm my nerves down by her actions."
"Selfish bastard." Kenshin chuckled ruefully at that comment.
"I know."
"You continue your gentleness with Kaoru-san will only increase her pain when she finds out more about you and Tomoe. You guys are already getting married next month. And the worse part is... she's already falling for you Himura... I can sense it. So back off if you don't mean anything. I know it sounds harsh, but Kaoru-san came a long way to be out of that damn room. She's happy now. I don't want her back and if she does... not only will Sanosuke but me and Aoshi-sama will personally hunt for your pathetic ass. So watch it."
Just then the cellphone rang. He reached for his phone in his coat. He sighed as he saw the screen.
"Yes darling? Alright, I'll be there in half an hour. See you." With that he clicked his handphone.
"I can't stay for dinner. Tomoe... she..." Kenshin stood up and put on his trench coat back onto his shoulders.
"Get your ass out, I wouldn't want to get trouble in between the both of you." Misao groan. Kaoru was going to be so disappointed she thought. He peeked into the kitchen to see Kaoru so concentrating in her work. He was going to make it up to her. He promised.
"Tell her I'm sorry and that one day I promise I would make it up to her." Misao nodded at the message as he bowed and left without a word of goodbye.
"So he left?" finally I sounded when I exited the kitchen to find Misao cursing at the main door. She turned abruptly to find me standing there with a sizzling plate of beef steak.
"Yeah... he told me to tell you that he was sorry and that he promised to make it up to you again." Misao smiled as she helped me with the utensils. I went back to the kitchen to take my plate of dinner and I found another plate to be there. A part of her wanted to keep for him... but she opened the rubbish bin and dumped the remnants of the plate to where they belonged.
Why save for someone who didn't belong to her? Heck those promises. The thought of hers returned and had hit her badly. Promises are always made just to be broken. His promises were meant to be broken.
"Kaoru-san! Would you mind if you brought out the chili sauce too? Thanks!" Misao shouted over from the other side. With another glance at the unwanted beef steak, I closed the top over as I washed my hands and took my plate and the chili sauce.
That night, I didn't had much topic to talk about, Misao was the only rambling about every thing under the sun. I doubt she notice that through those smile and laughter that I felt disappointment and that my heart felt heavy all of a sudden.
Never make a promise that you cannot keep. Never make an empty promise. Never ever.
Author's Notes:
Kon'nichiwa minna sama...
So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED... A happier me... a faster update ne thanks a lot...Do R&R... Arigatou Gozaimasu...
Suggestions are welcome....
Gomen for the slow update...
Minna sama... Konnichiwa... yes! Tomoe is being such a bitch!! arGh believe me I wanted to kill her too. Kaoru's starting to open up towards Misao already and yes!! She's being released from the institution. throws confetti HAI!! I hope all of you liked this chappie!! R&R ne!! ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!!!
-san/dono/sama – honorifics
usotsuki – liar
koishii – darling
FOR ALL THOSE WHO REVIEWED AND SENT ME EMAILS AND ENCOURAGED ME!! I want to give all of you a big smooch muacks and big HUGS!! And A GREAT THANKS!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! You guys RULEZ!!
Review and make Kamimura Kaoru-chan happy!!