Hello and welcome to another Spyro oneshot, the second one of this month. This time, I've decided to return to the universe of my story Crazy Little Thing Called Love to give you guys a mini-sequel to bridge the gap between CLTCL and the sequel to it (because I'll be in the land of crossovers for a while, so don't expect the sequel to be out for a while)

Anyway this story takes place three years after the events of Crazy Little Thing Called Love, so Spyro and Cynder are sixteen years old rather than thirteen in the original story.

So as always, Spyro and all related characters along with some pop culture references and music belong to their respective owners. Enjoy!

Three Years Later…





My peaceful slumber was disturbed by the blaring sounds of my alarm clock, the digital numbers flashing into my already blurry eyesight. The sun was seeping through a gap in the curtains and annoyingly decided to shine right into my face. Come on world, just give me five minutes… geez.

I limply reached out my paw to the top of my alarm and firmly pressed the button with as much strength I could muster. Then instead of getting up, I rolled over to check on Cynder who was sleeping next to me.

"Cyn? Honey, you awake?" I muttered, reaching out a paw to cuddle… thin air?

My eyes shot open at the sudden absence of my girlfriend and I darted my head from side-to-side in confusion. "Cynder?!" I exclaimed to myself. This is certainly a surprise; I'm usually the one who wakes up first.

I looked to the chair that was placed near our bed and saw that Cynder's choker and bracers were gone, leaving only my red bandana that was draped over the top. Okay, so she took her gear with her which means she's either up and about or she skipped town. It's probably the first one, she loves me too much to leave all of a sudden. Especially when it was so close to our three year anniversary.

As I got out of bed, I stopped for a minute to listen to the faint sounds of a digital piano, a guitar, drums and many more. I smiled to myself once I realised what I was listening to. Cynder must've gotten into my music collection again.

There was something else too. I could swear I can smell… pancakes? Now I know where Cynder is…

Relieved that Cynder hadn't gone too far, I grabbed the bandana from the chair and made my way towards the mirror that was hung over the dresser. I sat on my haunches and proceeded to tie the red fabric around my neck.

If you were wondering, the bandana was a gift given to me by a kid from Cliff Town a year ago after I saved the village from bandits. I was going to hang it up somewhere, but it kind of stuck with me when I put it on for the first time. It's the little things that I appreciate while going out there and being a hero.

After putting on my bandana, I took a minute to look at my reflection in the mirror. How much I've grown in the past three years…

I've certainly grown taller over the years and more muscular as Cynder pointed out one time. My wings had gotten bigger, my wingspan ranging a quarter of mine and Cynder's room. With this, I'm able to fly both better and longer. I wish I had this wingspan back in High Caves.

Everytime I look at myself, I feel like I'm looking at a younger version of Ignitus. I wasn't sure why, it was just strange. Surely it was just coincidental, many dragons have similar traits to one another right?

But he couldn't… could he be...? It would definitely explain a lot of things. I guess that's another mystery for another day.

I opened the bedroom door and walked down the hallway, heading towards the kitchen. The smell of the combined ingredients of milk, eggs and butter filled my nostrils. Man, does my girlfriend know how to cook or what?

After moving into the Artisan Valley, Cynder had taken up a few hobbies during her spare time. Some were more successful than others. Writing and cooking have become her favourites ever since we moved into our flat together, keeping her busy while I'm off retrieving the Professor's pencil as he couldn't be bothered to get it himself. I'm just glad that she's enjoying herself after all those years growing up in a creepy castle and if she's happy, I'm happy.

But there was one other hobby that I was about to discover…

"And all I ever needed was the one, like freedom fields where wild horses run, when stars collide like you and I, no shadows block the sun, you're all I've ever needed… babe, you're the one." I could hear Cynder singing as I stood outside of the open archway that led into the kitchen.

I swear Cynder gets more beautiful every time I see her. She had become sleeker, leaner and, should I say, sexier. Since she has lost most of her hatchling chubbiness, she was more slender and curvy in her chest and hips… especially in the hips. Her facial structure had become more refined as well. She wasn't as tall as me but since we were due for a growth spurt in a couple of years time, that could all change.

I entered the kitchen, which was quite spacious but better fit for one dragon rather than two dragons. I walked up to Cynder and sat on my haunches next to her and nuzzled her affectionately. "Something smells good…" I said.

Cynder giggled in response as she started to nuzzle back after finishing off the pancake that was in the pan. "Well, hello you…" she chuckled, returning my nuzzle. "Thought I might attract you with this."

"And it worked." I said with a smirk. "Are they ready yet?" I asked as I reached my paw for the pile of pancakes that were placed nearby.

Before I could grab one, Cynder smacked my paw away at lightning speed with the spatula that she was using. "Oi, not yet. Why don't you give that plate over there to Sparx? I don't want it to get cold…" she suggested, using the spatula to point to a smaller plate that had pancakes that were much smaller than the other ones. Dragonfly-sized, to be precise.

I rubbed my paw. "Yes, ma'am." I muttered as I grabbed Sparx's plate with my maw. Luckily all plates in the Dragon Realms had handles on them otherwise I would've had a pile of pancakes on the floor and a not-so-impressed Cynder on my hands.

With the plate of pancakes in my maw, I exited the kitchen and headed to the living room. The living room was probably the biggest room in the flat. A little study of sorts was placed at the back, the bookcase served as the back wall and a desk was resting up against the three-seater couch. This study was Cynder's little area, which means I wasn't allowed in there when she's in the zone. She said it was because, "I'll lose focus if that handsome face of yours comes blundering in," which I didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or not.

The actual living room was quite simple, it had the three-seater couch that I mentioned before in the middle with a single seater placed on the left. The couches were directed towards a TV that was on a black wooden cabinet, filled to the brim with my collection of DVDs and CDs. In the middle of all that was a decently-sized coffee table on top of a fluffy sheep wool rug. Odd calling it a coffee table since Cynder's the only one that actually drinks coffee, I was more of a tea dragon.

Over by the windowsill was a small hammock; this was where Sparx slept. Sparx is by now past his prime, his once golden yellow shine has now faded and it looks like he was growing a grey mustache. I knew that dragonflies had a short life-span compared to us dragons but I didn't expect Sparx to get this old this soon. Ignitus had always told me to be prepared just in case but how would I know when it was gonna happen?

I sat on my haunches and placed the plate of pancakes before I gently rocked the hammock. "Sparx… come on buddy, wake up." I murmured.

The hammock rustled around as Sparx rolled over. "Five more minutes…" he grumbled through a series of slow buzzes.

"No, now. Cynder made breakfast, you should eat it before it gets cold." I said, pushing his pancakes closer towards him.

Sparx lifted his head from the hammock and examined the pancakes before he looked at me with his eyes narrowed. "Has it been poisoned?" he wondered.

I rolled my eyes, typical Sparx. "Not since you asked the past six hundred times, no…" I replied with a frown.

Sparx managed to get himself out of the hammock and floated towards the pancakes, giving them a sniff to double check that there was nothing dodgy about it. Eventually Sparx detected nothing in the pancakes and began to munch on them. Even though Sparx and Cynder weren't exactly the best of friends, he still enjoyed her cooking.

Now that Sparx was eating, I walked off and returned to Cynder in the kitchen. She had finished cooking and was now putting all the appliances by the side of the sink.

"Did he think it was poisoned again?" Cynder asked, turning her head towards me.

I nodded. "As always…"

Cynder frowned. "Typical…"

Seeing that Cynder looked upset, I walked up and gave her a reassuring nuzzle. "Hey, don't worry about it. You know what's Sparx like…"

"I know… he just pisses me off sometimes."

"He pisses everyone off, it's kind of what he does." I said. "But I know he loves you deep down…"

Cynder didn't seem satisfied with that answer. In fact, I don't think she believed me. That's always been a flaw with Cynder, she always had trouble trusting people. It took her awhile to fully warm up to the Guardians despite the lessons she was given when she was in the infirmary. Even after three years, Cynder still has difficulty trusting Sparx and he wasn't exactly making it easier for her either. Add that to the list of things I blame Malefor for.

Deciding to drop the subject, I gave Cynder a kiss on the cheek to cheer her up. "Come on, let's have breakfast. I can't wait to try it." I suggested.

Cynder rolled her eyes and smirked at me. "At least I know you'll enjoy it." she said before picking up her plate in her maw.

I scoffed. "Of course I will. I'm your biggest fan." I said cheekily as I also grabbed a plate.

After grabbing our plates I followed Cynder down the hallway, cautiously trying not to lose my grip by looking at the slow but constant swishing of Cynder's tail. I kept telling myself, 'don't look there, don't look there,' but every so often I find myself glancing down for a brief second. Control yourself, Spyro, it's too early for this.

We sat on the couch and placed our plates on the coffee table. I gave Cynder a quick nuzzle as a way of saying thanks for the meal before I started to dig into it. Sparx, meanwhile, rolled his eyes in the distance.

"So… seeing that you have a break today, what did you want to do?" Cynder wondered as she picked up a pancake.

"Hmm…" I pondered, chewing on a pancake and glancing at Cynder's form when she wasn't looking. "Who says we have to do anything?"


"We could have a quiet day in, I've been begging Ignitus for one for weeks. Then I could get to spend time with my favourite dragoness." I elaborated, giving a loving smile to Cynder.

Cynder smirked. "I like the sound of that. There's a box set collection of The Skelos Bonesaw Massacre that hasn't been opened yet, we could watch that..." she suggested.

"Sounds good." I agreed. "I forgot I had that, I wasn't much of a fan of that franchise. The first one was amazing but the other ones… eh not so much."

Suddenly a small knocking sound could be heard from the front door. It was reasonably quiet, but luckily both Cynder and I were able to hear it. We both turned to the source of the noise before looking back at each other with curious looks on our faces.

"I wonder who that could be…" I muttered.

Cynder got off the couch and started to clear up the coffee table, putting the now empty plates on top of each other. "Why don't you go see who it is while I clean up." she said.

"But you cooked though." I pointed out. "You cook, I clean…"

"Spyro, it's fine. I can do it." Cynder insisted. "There's not much to clean anyway."

"Well… if you say so." I said in a guilty tone as I also got up from the couch and headed to the front door. "But I'm coming to help afterwards…"

Cynder grabbed the plates in her maw and rolled her eyes. "My hero," she mumbled as she walked off to the kitchen, her voice muffled by the plates.

When Cynder was out of sight, I headed down the small corridor that the front door was in. The corridor served as a place where you would hang up a scarf or a coat if you were bipedal. Since it wasn't the right season yet, the coat hangers remained empty. Paintings and photographs of Cynder and I were plastered on the wall opposite. Some had just the two of us in the first year that we were dating, some were with the Guardians which were more professional compared to us using peace signs or kissing each other on the cheek.

I briefly looked at the pictures as I walked by them, smiling as the happy memories flowed through my mind. Ever since Cynder and I started dating, I never felt so happy in my life. Both of us have been through so much, with me discovering that I was some powerful purple dragon and Cynder being adopted by the Dark Master. Both of us were living our lives without any friends or any knowledge of the realms around us so when we met on that fateful day in Summer Forest, it was just the best feeling ever, despite the fact that she tried to kill me.

Even though we have our differences, I still love her to bits. I wouldn't have her in any other way.

The knocking on the door continued, this time it was faster and more urgent. This guy clearly wanted to disturb my day.

I rolled my eyes at the knocker's impatience. "Alright, alright! I'm coming!" I shouted over the knocking, cursing under my breath as I reached for the doorknob.

I opened the door and poked my head outside to find that… nobody was there? Odd… considering how urgent the knocking was, I wouldn't have believed that was some ding dong ditcher.

A voice cleared their throat. "Spyro? Down here…" it squeaked.

I automatically looked down slightly at the source of the voice. The voice belonged to Hugo, a mole with a dark green coat and large horn-rimmed glasses. Hugo served as the Guardian's assistant or messenger mole. Anything that the guardians were too busy or unable to do was given to Hugo. Despite his bumbling nature and his fear of sheep, he still gets the job done.

"Oh, hi Hugo," I greeted. "What brings you here?"

"Ignitus wants to see you immediately, it's urgent!" Hugo explained.

I groaned under my breath. Seriously, another errand? And on my day off no less! Poor Cynder, she was really looking forward to spending time with me for the whole day for once. Ancestors, I was looking forward to spending time with her as well!

I rubbed my eyes. "Alright… I'll be there soon. Tell Ignitus that I'm on my way," I muttered, trying to hide my irritation.

Hugo beamed. "Will do. Thanks, Spyro!" he said before he ran off to the Temple.

I shut the door slowly and began to mope down the corridor to the living room. What am I going to tell Cynder? She'll be devastated… but it wasn't like I was going to say no, was I? A realm could be overrun with evil forces while I stayed at home and did nothing; I don't want to have that on my conscience. Just your typical day at being the hero.

I walked back into the kitchen with my tail and wings slumped to the ground. Cynder was just finishing up on the last dish where she briefly glanced at me so she knew that I was in the room.

"So who was at the door?" Cynder wondered. She turned towards me to hear my response, her mood decreasing as she noticed how upset I looked. "Babe, what's wrong?"

"The Guardians have summoned me…" I replied. "Cynder, I'm so sorry. I really wanted to spend time with you."

Cynder walked up to me and comforted me by placing a paw on my cheek. "Spyro, we always spend time together…" she said, chuckling slightly.

"Yeah but I'm usually tired afterwards," I muttered. "Today I wanted to be active and energetic Spyro, not a battered and worn out Spyro."

"Hey, whatever mood you are in doesn't matter to me," Cynder assured, giving me a loving smile. "I'll still love you no matter what."

I smiled back. "Thanks, Cyn," I said. "It's just annoying, that's all."

"I know it is but remember that you're doing a good thing out there," Cynder said. "Especially with what you-know-who did to your reputation." That mere mention of Cynder's former father made her put venom in her words.

"And what will you do while I'm gone?" I asked.

"I think I'm going to go to the library again…" Cynder replied.

I nodded, understanding why she wanted to go. For the few past months, Cynder had been travelling to the library every now and then when I was off running errands. She had been looking for her parents in every newspaper clipping or school magazine she could find. In the first few weeks that she'd lived in the Artisan Valley, Ignitus had told her how she was left on the doorstep of the Temple one night. The same story that he told me.

But why now did Cynder decide to find them? Why not earlier? To this day, I still have no idea.

"Alright then," I said. "Maybe I could bring you some lunch when I get back? Hopefully this errand won't take long."

Cynder kissed me on the cheek. "Sounds good…"

I stared into her enchanting emerald-green eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too," Cynder said as she stared into my eyes.

Our lips then meet into a passionate kiss, our eyes closing automatically. A warm feeling flowed through my body as I melted into the kiss. Cynder moved her paw from my cheek and moved it down to my chest, her claws gliding onto the sections of my golden underbelly. Her soft touches made my heart beat much faster but at the same time it made me feel relaxed, as if my problems and worry were washed by Cynder's soft lips.

Cynder gave me a playful shove as our lips separated. "Go. Don't keep the Guardians waiting…"

I smirked. "One more kiss?"

Cynder rolled her eyes and gave me a quick kiss. "Go..." she ordered, gesturing to the door

"Alright, alright, I'm going…" I chuckled as I headed out of the kitchen. "I'll see you later."

"Don't forget, I'll be in the library," Cynder reminded me.

I popped my head through the doorway. "I won't. Bye sweetie!"

"See ya Spyro!" I heard Cynder's voice call out as I headed down the hallway.

I exited our flat and proceeded to head down the street, greeting some dragons that were passing by. I walked by a shop that specialised in travel, because not everyone has a portal room in the Temple. Normally this type of shop wouldn't get me to stop in my tracks since I'm used to travelling between realm to realm. But a sign that was being shown through the window seemed to have caught my interest.

Dragon Shores? Interesting…


A Few Hours Later…

Come on, it has to be this one.

I sat on a table in the middle of the library flicking through a book full of newspaper clippings that were glued onto the thin pages. The library was massive, shelves and shelves of books, magazines or anything that could be considered literature towered over me like creepy trees in a dark forest.

Many books surrounded the table that I was sitting at: yearbooks, newspaper archives, to name a few. Anything that could tell me about the past. Other books not connected to history also were on my table, including: one about an assassin in the Renaissance period who goes on a quest for vengeance after the death of his family, one about an alien doctor that travels in space and time in a phone booth, one about a team of superheroes who assemble to fight a god of mischief and finally one about a gang of teenage mystery solvers and their talking canine. Those were ones I was going to take back to the flat so they were not important at the moment.

My eyes swam through the tiny print, itching with irritation whenever I squinted my eyes at a peculiar paragraph. Come on, was there not one single shadow or wind dragon back in the day?! My egg was in the Temple in Warfang, surely whoever birthed me had to live there right?! Why have they erased themselves from existence?!

I silently banged my head on the book I was flicking through, being careful not to disrupt any other readers nearby. Only one question flowed through my mind: where the fuck did my parents go?

I've searched for months and months but I found nothing, absolutely nothing. However I knew they didn't give me up to Malefor as I've been told that I was stolen from the Temple. But the rest? I had no idea. As far as I knew, I was the offspring to some imaginary dragons.

I don't get it… who were my parents? Why didn't they want me? Why was I abandoned to be stolen to become Malefor's 'Little Terror of the Skies'? How could they do this to me?!

I lifted myself from the book to look at the clock that was hung on the wall nearby. Ten past one, Spyro should be here soon… I could use a hug from my boyfriend right about now.

A light green dragon older than me with a dark underbelly, most likely having the poison element, passed me on his way to the true crime section and gave me a disgusted look. I noticed this and gave him a death glare.

"What are you looking at?" I spat, eyes narrowing.

"Your mess," the dragon answered smugly. "Clean it up, everyone's trying to read here."

He then left before I could curse angrily at him. Who does he think he is that he could comment on my workspace? Was he trying to find his parents? No… didn't think so. What an asshole.

I rolled my eyes and closed the book that I was looking through and shoved it aside. This was hopeless, I'm never going to find them.

Suddenly I felt a pair of paws wrap around my eyes. At the panic of having my eyes covered, I immediately retaliated and pinned the dragon to the bookshelf before they could say anything. The impact made a few books fall off the shelf and a few heads to turn. However the dragon didn't seem to be fighting back which was odd considering that he covered my eyes.

"Woah, woah! Cyn, it's me! It's me, calm down!" the dragon exclaimed. Wait, Cyn? Only one dragon calls me that…

I turned my head around to see that I pinned the purple idiot known as my boyfriend onto the bookshelf. Spyro had a complete utter look of surprise on his face, as if he had no idea that would happen even though it has happened the last couple times he tried to do the 'Guess Who?' game on me.

"Spyro?! Ancestors, I'm so sorry…" I quickly apologised as I released him from my grasp. "You know how I don't like that game! I thought I was getting kidnapped or something!"

Spyro waved his paws to keep me quiet. "Sorry, sorry… I thought you might've started liking it now. Third times a charm, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Last time I flipped you over and broke the coffee table. If I didn't like it then, why would I like it now?"

"Alright, point taken. Again, I'm sorry Cynder…"

I smiled and kissed Spyro on the cheek. "Lucky that I love you as much as I do otherwise you'd be dead from the first 'Guess Who?' game you played."

Spyro chuckled nervously and blushed slightly from remembering the various times he played the 'Guess Who?' game with me, each time ending in me pinning him somewhere or accidentally attacking him.

"So how did your errand go?" I then asked him, changing the subject.

"Good, good," Spyro answered. "A pair of evil dragon brothers were attacking the Fireworks Factory and I, of course, kicked both of their asses. Odd pair of dragons those two were, they had no wings or no legs. It was all head, body and tail. They looked like noodles."

I laughed at Spyro's noddle comment. "Really? I never heard a dragon like that before…"

"Me neither," Spyro said. "Ignitus reckons they might be from a realm we haven't discovered yet. That or they have some birth deformity."

I only nodded since I felt like I couldn't add anything more to this topic. I mean, why else did those dragons look like noodles? It was either one or the other.

"So anyway…" Spyro continued on as he dug a little brown bag from his satchel. "I brought lunch. They're savoury muffins, some vendor was selling them and I couldn't resist buying them."

He fished a muffin out of the bag and handed it to me. "Thanks, Spyro. I could use a break now…" I muttered.

"Still can't find them?"

I nodded. "Nope," I said annoyingly, eyes welling up slightly. "I think I should give up, there's no way I'm going to find them. There's no trace of them anywhere! It's hopeless!"

Spyro put his free paw on top of mine. "Hey, you shouldn't give up. You'll find them… who knows, they might be looking for you," he tried to assure me.

I scoffed, removing my paw from Spyro's. "Sure. My parents are looking for me. Their daughter that they didn't want in the first place?" I muttered angrily.

"Don't say that," Spyro gently scolded. "Just because they left you in the Temple, doesn't mean they didn't love you. There could be thousands of reasons why they did what they did."

Spyro paused for a minute before continuing. "But if they did intend to abandon you, they wouldn't have left you in the Temple…" Spyro theorised. "They might've known that you'd be in safer hands there."

I shrugged. "Maybe… I don't know. It's been sixteen years, you would think they would come and find me now that you-know-who is out of the way..."

"I don't know either." Spyro said, grabbing my paw again. "Just promise me that you won't give up on finding your parents, okay?"

I couldn't help but smile, there was something about Spyro that always makes me relieved. It's as if he had a way with words; he always knew what to say. I'm glad Spyro's my boyfriend, no one could live up to his kindness and loyalty.

Spyro and I got closer to each other and I nuzzled him affectionately. "I promise," I whispered, gently kissing him on the lips.

When we separated from our kiss, Spyro made a face that looked like he just remembered something… or was that his lovestruck face? They look similar… trust me, I've seen both.

"Oh, I just remembered…" Spyro murmured as he went into his satchel again. As he was doing this, I grabbed my books that were scattered on the table and put them in my satchel. I then started to walk over to the bookshelf so I could put them back.

When I reached the bookshelf, I sat on my haunches and started to put the books back. Spyro came next to me, still reaching for whatever was in his satchel since he was focusing more on following me. Eventually he fished out a brochure with a picture of a beach in front of a luxury looking building.

"What's this?" I asked him as he handed me the brochure.

Spyro had the biggest loving smile a dragon could ever have. "Happy three year anniversary…" He said.

"But I don't understand... it's not till this weekend," I said as I opened the brochure.

"I know, call it an early present..."

My eyes widened. Okay, I wasn't expecting this to happen… especially when it actually wasn't our anniversary. Wow, three years of Spyro and I being together. It felt like yesterday that him and I shared our first kiss in his old room in the Temple. Who would've thought that somebody like me is in a relationship with the purple dragon, especially with somebody that was raised by Malefor.

But Spyro never saw me as that, he treated me with such kindness and consideration. Sure he got shitty with me when I told him of who my father was but he felt guilty afterwards, even risking getting himself wet to keep me dry. I couldn't imagine any other life if Spyro wasn't there, I love him to the ends of the world and back again.

"What is this place?" I wondered as I scanned the many images of dragons having fun on the beach.

"Dragon Shores, the best hotel resort in the Dragon Realms where the only thing you can think about is rest and relaxation," Spyro answered. "Figured we could spend our anniversary weekend there... just you, me and a mocktail between us."

"Dragon Shores? But that's expensive, how did you pay for it?"

"Well… you know those dragon brothers I mentioned?" Spyro started to explain. I answered with a nod which allowed Spyro to continue. "Turns out they were wanted in most of the Dragon Realms and they offered up a huge bounty for their apprehension. Thankfully it was enough…"

I stood there speechless while glancing between the brochure and Spyro, still grasping the fact that he had just bought us a couple of nights at the nicest resort I've ever seen. "I don't know what to say, Spyro… this is just…" I tried to say, tears of joy welling up in my eyes.


"Exactly," I said, my smile disappearing all of a sudden. "Babe, I can't believe you did this. I haven't gotten anything for you yet..."

Spyro chuckled. "Don't worry about it, Cyn. Just spending time with you is a gift enough…"

"Oh really?" I said as a mischievous smirk grew on my face. I wrapped my paws around his neck. "Are you gonna wrap a bow around me?" Okay, that sounded better in my head.

Spyro also smirked and softly pinned me to the bookshelf. "Maybe…" Ancestors, why do I find him so damn attractive?

I giggled and gave Spyro a quick kiss on the lips, resisting temptation to kiss him more since we're in the library and in a public place. However it seems Spyro's brain didn't get the message as he tried to kiss me again. Before he could collide with my lips again, I raised a paw over his maw.

"Honey, we're in public…" I said, giving him a playful yet serious look. "You're going to have to wait till we get home."

"Oh really? You're killing me here, Cyn." Spyro said cheekily.

I playfully punched him on the shoulder. "Oi… I'm being serious, what if we get caught?"

"Life lessons about great power and great responsibility?" Spyro joked, chuckling to himself.

My eyes widened. "Well, yeah!" I exclaimed.

Spyro only responded with a nuzzle. "You're cute when you're cautious…" he whispered into my ear.

My cheeks turned red from Spyro's little flirt as I stared into his amethyst eyes, giggling out of awkwardness. But before anything could happen, I could hear somebody appearing out of nowhere next to us and made themselves be known by clearing their throat.

"Am I interrupting something?" a familiar sophisticated voice wondered in a strict tone.

As soon as we heard the voice, mine and Spyro's eyes immediately widened as we quickly separated from each other and stood up straight like nothing even happened between us. Our faces turned bright red from sheer embarrassment of being interrupted during our little moment.

We looked to see that Cyril was standing by the edge of the bookcase, a frown planted on his face. Uh oh, caught in the act… again. It's not my fault that Spyro has a slightly seductive charm to him.

"Um… hey, Cyril. Cynder was just showing me a book on…" Spyro nervously greeted, quickly grabbing a random book from the bookshelf next to me. He had a brief glance at the cover. "The Wumpa Islands…?" he read aloud before he looked up and gave Cyril an innocent smile.

"Uh yeah…" I added, sharing the same nervousness as my boyfriend. "Spyro here thought it was an actual island, I was trying to prove that it was just a legend."

Spyro nodded in agreement. Cyril, however, didn't seem convinced. His cold eyes only narrowed at our story, indicating that he wasn't exactly buying it. Like he ever believed me anyway…

"I see…" Cyril muttered before he turned to Spyro. "Well Spyro… if you're not too busy snogging young Cynder here, there's something in the Temple that requires your attention."

Spyro looked surprised. "Another errand? But Ignitus said-"

"I am aware of what Ignitus said, Spyro," Cyril interjected. "But I'm afraid this is an emergency…"

Spyro sighed and lowered his head slightly. I couldn't help but feel what Spyro was feeling. I never told him this but I always thought that the Guardians relied on him a bit too much. If there was a disturbance in the Realms, they automatically went to Spyro as if there was no one else to call upon. I'm not even sure that the emergency is actually an emergency. Spyro has a life too, he can't just drop everything and run. Everyone has their limits, even Spyro.

But there was nothing I could do, all I can do now is support Spyro. I may not approve at the moment but at the same time I don't want to lose him either. He's too precious to me.

Seeing that Spyro was upset, I gave him a comforting nuzzle to cheer him up. "It's alright, Spyro… you should go."

"You sure?"

I nodded, trying not to sound disappointed. "Yeah, I'll be alright. Just be careful, okay?"

"I will," Spyro chuckled, returning the nuzzle. "I love you."

I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you too…"

Cyril cleared his throat to tell us that he was still in front of us. "Come along, young one," he said, turning to me and bowing his head slightly. "And a farewell to you, Cynder."

"Bye Cyril."

Cyril began to walk out of the library with Spyro trailing behind him. I could hear Cyril mutter "Teenagers…" under his breath which made me roll my eyes. Spyro turned his head slightly to look at me one last time before he left, a look of sadness on his face. Sadness that his day off wasn't going as he planned. I only gave Spyro a reassuring smile which seemed to have cheered him slightly as he returned the smile before he turned around and left my sights.

I turned to look at the brochure of Dragon Shores that Spyro gave me and picked it up. Poor Spyro, he looked so excited to go but now who knows what's going to happen. Spyro was supposed to have a day off today but he got caught up in two errands, which was annoying considering that Ignitus said that Spyro could have a day off. Definitely shows how much they depend on their so called 'purple saviour'.

Looks like Spyro could use a vacation more than I do… and I'm going to make sure that happens.


Two Days Later…

"Hurry up, Spyro! I don't want to be late!" I heard Cynder call out from the living room.

"Just a second!" I shouted back as I simply stared into my satchel. Urgh, why couldn't I have packed earlier?

My eyes drifted towards a pair of sunglasses that sat on the bedside table. I quickly grabbed them and put them on. Perfect, just what I needed. I had another brief look in my satchel to see if I forgot anything. Towels, check. Toothpaste, check. Cynder's got some books that I could read... so that's fine. Alright, it seems that I've got everything. It might not be much but it's just for the weekend.

This is going to be the best weekend of my life. When I was booking me and Cynder a room, I was afraid that I wasn't going to be there due to the massive amounts of errands that the Guardians had been giving me. I mean, I couldn't even have a promised day off without something going wrong in the Realms. It did annoy me, it really did but I wasn't exactly going to say no was I? What kind of hero would I be if I told them no everytime they wanted something done? Not a good one, that's for sure.

Cynder took notice of this (I swear nothing gets past her, she's very observant) and suggested that she'd go talk to the Guardians since I was nervous about asking them for the weekend off. The Guardians were like my four dads; who wouldn't be uneasy around their parents when you ask them if you could go away with your partner for a couple of days? This was not the case for Cynder. She wasn't afraid to speak her mind to the Guardians. She wasn't afraid of what they would say, she even told me that we'll just sneak away if they refused which I considered for a little bit before I thought about how Ignitus will react.

Sometimes I think to myself… what would I do without Cynder? She's the best, there was no doubt about that.

I made my way to the living room to see Cynder sitting on her haunches and giving me an annoyed look, her shades placed on top of her head.

"What took you so long?" Cynder wondered.

"Sorry, just wanted to check if I had everything before we left.." I explained.

"Well, couldn't you have done it a little faster?" Cynder asks in an impatient tone as she adjusts her satchel. "I want to get out of here before the Guardians go back on their word."

Seeing how irritated Cynder was, I gave her a comforting nuzzle to calm her nerves. "Hey, don't worry about it," I assured her. "I'm not going anywhere. You made sure of that."

"I can't help but worry that I didn't get through to them enough…" Cynder muttered, looking away from me.

I placed a paw on her cheek and moved her head so that she was looking at me. "Stop worrying, okay?" I said. "It'll be fine…"

A slight smile flashed on Cynder's maw briefly as she nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right," she said in agreement.

"So shall we go now?" I asked Cynder as I fiddled around with my satchel, making sure it was on my body properly.

"Yes, we should," Cynder responded. "Now that you're finally ready…"

The two of us left our house as quickly as possible and made our way to the Dragon Temple, carefully sneaking to the Portal Room to avoid being stopped by any of the Guardians or possibly even Hugo. Cynder took the lead, looking around corners just in case of any sudden surprises. Who knew our vacation would start off as an re-enactment of a spy movie?

Once the coast was clear, I leaned in closer to Cynder and wrapped a wing around her back. Cynder merely giggled in response as she coiled our tails together, the two of us sharing a mutual smile to each other when we approached the portal to Dragon Shores.

We went through the portal without any hesitation, the familiar mix of blues and oranges flowing past us as the Artisan Valley disappeared in an instant.

I grew more excited the closer we got to Dragon Shores. No matter if it was raining, hot or cold, that wasn't going to stop me from spending time with my special dragoness.


Bright, warm sunlight shone into my eyes as Dragon Shores appeared in front of us. We materialised on a deck of some kind, thick planks of wood replacing the smooth stone floor that the Temple had. The deck was built on a lovely stretch of beach occupied by tourists of a variety of different species, the smell of the ocean filling my nostrils and the sound of the waves crashing each other is just music to my ears.

Close to the beach was a tall building; it wasn't as tall as any of the castles or any of the other architectural wonders I've seen on my errands but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It was primarily made of wood, with straw being used for the roof, which reminded me of some of the log cabins that inhabited Dante's Freezer. A sign that read 'Dragon Arms Inn' was engraved above the main doors, the sign matching the width of the double doors that the inn had.

Away from the inn and the beach was a huge theme park,filled with exciting and daring rides, such as a roller coaster in the shape of a long, noodle-like blue dragon, or more down-to-realm attractions like Dunk-a-Gnorc, Flame-a-Duck and the Tunnel of Love. The theme park was run by a group of kind-hearted Gnorcs only known by their stage name 'The Greatest Showgnorcs'; I didn't know if that name was taken from a musical but if it attracted tourists then they obviously live up to the name.

Last but not least, an assortment of gardens and agriculture connected the three places together. A stone path wound around all over the place like a python strangling a biped which made it easier tourists to traverse around. A fountain with a statue of a female dragon stood in the middle of the courtyard that was between the theme park and the inn. When I was younger, Volteer told me that she discovered the Dragon Realms over a thousand years ago after swimming to it from an ancient homeland with her kids on her back, only to pass away from exhaustion after reaching the shore.

"Woah, this place looks amazing!" Cynder admired, looking around at the scenery.

"Yeah, definitely better than the pictures I saw," I agreed. "The hotel's just ahead, why don't we check in first before we look around?"

Cynder nodded. "Sure," she said as we started to walk towards the inn. "So besides from the beach and that theme park I totally want to check out, what else is there to do here?"

"Well… there is a karaoke bar, we could sing Don't Go Breaking My Heart together…" I answered.

"Tempting… but I don't sing," Cynder said.

I raised my eyebrow. "Really? That didn't stop you the other morning…"

Cynder's eyes widened, her cheeks turning red. "W-Wait, you heard me?" she stammered, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden.

"Of course I did. You sounded great."

"Do you really mean that?" Cynder inquired, lowering her head slightly. "Ancestors, I must've sounded like such a dork…"

I chuckled. "Not at all. You were amazing," I assured her, nuzzling her gently. "Besides, the only dork around here is me…"

"That I can agree with," Cynder laughed.

We approached the inn, and I quickly held open the door so Cynder could enter first. The reception area that we entered into felt warm and inviting, small couches and a coffee table atop a patterned rug surrounded a fireplace which was put out because it was the middle of summer. Paintings of Dragon Shores and other realms such as Tree Tops, Glimmer and the Crystal Islands were placed on their own individual walls to avoid cluttering. A large spiral staircase was in the middle of the room, presumably leading to the guest rooms. The reception desk, meanwhile, was to the left side of the door, the countertop being made from a nicely polish stone or possibly marble.

"Just give me a second; I'll be there soon!" a voice suddenly called out to us.

Both Cynder and I were caught by surprise and immediately turned to the source of the voice. An orange dragon with small bluish black horns and a light orange underbelly soon came into the room, fast walking as if he was in a hurry. His wings were red with orange membranes, similar to Ignitus' wings. However unlike most dragons I've seen who decided to wear no clothes whatsoever besides accessories on our necks or wrists, this dragon wore a light blue shirt with white flowers printed all over it. What an odd thing to wear…

"Sorry to keep you waiting…" the dragon spoke up, walking to the counter. "My name's Artigan, are you two looking for a room?"

"I think I've already booked one…" I answered. "I sent a message a couple of days ago; it should be under Spyro."

"Hmm… let's see," Artigan muttered as he pulled out a heavy leather-bound book from behind the counter, scanning a dozen scribbled names before stopping his claw at my name. "Ah, there you are… Spyro."

He then frowned and gave a few quick glances in my direction before glancing at the book again. He then gasped, eyes widened in complete shock. "Oh my ancestors, the purple dragon is staying at my inn!"

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Yep… that's me."

"Sorry, I should've recognised you sooner. I must be getting blind in my later years…" Artigan muttered, rubbing his eyes. "I must thank you for saving my daughter in Scorch. She's a big fan of yours; she hasn't stopped talking about you since the last time I saw her."

As I chuckled nervously, Cynder stepped forward slightly in defense. "He's taken."

"So I see," Artigan said as he put the book back behind the counter and grabbed a key that was hung from the wall. "Come, I'll show you to your room…"

Artigan led us up the spiral staircase and down a hallway before stopping at the second-to-last door on the left. As we were walking to our room, I gazed at the various amounts of decor on the walls ranging from paintings of the landscape or feature walls that helped to spice up the hall a bit.

"Here's your room," Artigan said as he stopped at the door and passed me the key. "If you're interested, we have breakfast served from seven till ten, and most importantly… don't lose your key."

"Thank you," I said as I grabbed the key from Artigan.

Artigan beamed. "Hope you enjoy your stay," he said before he headed back downstairs.

Once Artigan left, I showed Cynder the key and gave a cheeky, excited grin, to which Cynder responded with a smile and a roll of her eyes. I put the key into the lock and pushed the door open.

"You first, m'lady…" I said to Cynder in a Cyril-like accent, bowing slightly as if Cynder was royalty. I mean, she is royalty to me anyway but you get the idea.

Cynder smiled. "Such a gentledragon…" she said, brushing her tail under my chin flirtatiously.

Our hotel room was rather spacious and aesthetic compared to the rest of the hotel that I've seen so far. It had the simple necessities like a bed and a couple of drawers, accompanied by a rug that matched the room. The bed, unlike ours back home, was round but large enough to fit two adult dragons, the bedhead being made from bamboo. Opposite the bed was a TV suspended above a long thin cabinet with a mini-fridge placed next to it. Inside the cabinet contained a book containing the tourism points in Dragon Shores, a binder that had information about the hotel such as room service or what to do in an evacuation, and a box with tea and coffee sachets inside.

Our room had access to a balcony outside, which gave us a perfect view of the beaches of Dragon Shores as well as the sun when it eventually sets. Cynder had put her satchel on top of one of the cabinets and immediately went on the balcony. I joined her a few seconds later, sitting on my haunches as I stared at the world around us.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Cynder spoke up.

I nodded. "Very beautiful…"

"Thank you for taking me here, Spyro," Cynder said. "This place looks amazing."

I chuckled. "Anything for you, Cyn. But I should be the one thanking you, because I would still be in the Valley if it wasn't for you…"

"Well, you deserve a break after all you've done. The Guardians rely on you too much," Cynder said. "Even the great and mighty purple dragon needs some down time."

I raised an eyebrow. "Great and mighty? Who calls me that?"

"Some of the kids called you that when I walked past them on my way to the library," Cynder replied. "However there's one thing that they missed in that description…"

"And what's that?"

Cynder smirked. "He's a bit of an idiot…"

"Ouch…" I muttered, pretending to look offended.

"But an attractive idiot…" Cynder finished as she wrapped her paws around my neck and gave me a kiss. "Now let's see if I can beat you at some of the carnival games…"

"Oh you're on," I accepted Cynder's challenge. "But can we be back before dinner time?" I then requested.

Cynder looked at me suspiciously. "Why? What are you up to?"

I looked at my girlfriend innocently. "You'll see…" I teased.


Cynder and I spent the entirety of the afternoon at the theme park, mostly challenging each other in the various carnival games while we were waiting for the line for the roller coaster to shorten but it was so worth it once we got onto it.

We left as the sun was starting to set; I didn't want to be mentally exhausted before my special thing that I had planned for Cynder. I wished I could've told her and it tore me that I kept it in for so long, especially with Cynder practically begging me to tell her. But what was the point of a surprise if I just spoiled it?

As night fell, I asked Cynder if she wanted to go on a nightly stroll before dinner. She agreed, having no idea of my true intentions. But she soon realised what I was up to when I asked her to cover her eyes as we got closer to our destination. Since we were at a special outing, I put on my black bowtie while Cynder had a white rose clipped onto her head. That particular rose was from High Caves, I made a vow to bring Cynder one if ever I go back there. Glad I did before our special night.

"Spyro, are we there yet?" Cynder asked.

"Soon, in a couple of seconds..."

"Can I open my eyes?"

"No, not yet…"

Soon enough when we arrived at the surprise location, I stopped and sat on my haunches. Cynder also stopped when she accidentally bumped into me. I then put a paw over her eyes so that my surprise was more… well, surprising.

I took a deep breath, I hope she likes it. "And… surprise…" I said, lifting my paws away from Cynder's eyes which started to open at the same time.

We were on the beach, one of the private beaches that could be booked so that no one will bother us. The hotel had set up a dinner by candlelight on the nearby gazebo, flowers draped nicely over the structure. The candles were neatly placed on the stairwell and the platform but away from the table so we don't burn our paws or quite possibly the entire gazebo. Light curtains were tied up against the sides of the gazebo, these were just in case it was windy or raining, and thank the ancestors it wasn't.

I smiled at the sight of the private beach. The hotel really has outdone themselves…

I then turned to Cynder, who had her paws clamped over her mouth as tears streamed down her face. She was speechless; she had no idea what to say, which I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. She mentioned the other day that she didn't get anything for me for our anniversary… oh I hope I haven't upset her because I made all this effort and she hasn't.

"Honey, are you okay?" I wondered. "I didn't mean to upset you…"

Cynder turned to me, her eyes widened. "What? No, no… I'm not upset; these are just tears of joy," she assured me, holding onto my paw as she turned back to the gazebo. "I… Babe, I don't know what to say… this is just… this is so beautiful."

"There's more where that came from," I offered her my wing. "Shall we, sia itov?"

Cynder giggled and went into the comfort of my wing. "We shall…"

I led Cynder up the stairs and sat her down by the table. I then sat down on my seat opposite her, adjusting my bowtie nervously. Even though Cynder and I have been dating for three years now, I still get nervous on our dates. I'm either worried that I'll mess it up somehow or something bad happens that results in us getting traumatised for life. The joys of being paranoid…

After Cynder and I both sat down on our seats, a cheetah waiter that was standing by the table lifted up a metal lid from a trolley nearby. The cheetah then placed two steaming plates of food in front of us and went off to get us our drinks.

Cynder sniffed at the food and was immediately intrigued by the smell. "Wow, that smells good. What is this?" she asked the waiter.

"Crispy soy salmon with quick pickles," the waiter answered as he poured sparkling apple juice into Cynder's glass.

"Wow, that already sounds delicious and I haven't eaten it yet," she said excitedly, licking her lips before she looked at me. "Was this your idea?"

"It was either that, a chicken dish or a beef dish," I answered. "When I saw the fish dish, I immediately thought of you. A special meal for my special girl."

Cynder stared at me dreamily. "How did I end up with such a perfect guy like you?"

"You tried to kill me?" I said with a smirk.

Cynder laughed. "Oh ancestors, don't remind me…" she said, pretending to be embarrassed.

"You would've had me too if Sparx hadn't intervened," I said. "And I'm glad he did… then I wouldn't have fallen in love with you."

"Same," Cynder muttered, a warm smile spreading across her face. She then picked up her glass and raised it slightly over her head. "To us."

"To us," I repeated, picking up my glass and clinking it against Cynder's. "Happy anniversary Cynder…"

"Happy anniversary to you too Spyro…" Cynder said, looking at her plate of food as she started to reminisce about the last three years we spent together. "Can you believe we've been dating for three years? The thought of dating or even being close to someone had never crossed my mind back when I was living with you-know-who… not just because I wasn't old enough to understand but because I wouldn't know what to do. I only knew what love was through the movies I watched; I didn't think I was capable of being in a relationship… it just felt so weird to me. Then I met you and suddenly something changed within me. I can't explain it but it just felt so... different. Like it was..."

"Fate?" I finished off, putting a piece of salmon in my mouth.

"Yeah, something like that…" Cynder murmured, deep in thought before looking back up to me. "Spyro… What attracted you to me? Why did you fall in love with me rather than some other girl in the Valley?"

I blinked. I wasn't sure how to answer those questions. I mean I know what attracted me to Cynder: she's beautiful, smart, funny and an absolute badass if you ask me. But I don't think that would be the answer that she's looking for; it has to be from the heart. Something genuine.

I took a deep breath before answering. "Well, like you, I had limited knowledge about what love was. I mean, I had others who had a thing for me, but I think they liked me because I was a purple dragon. They were attractive to my reputation rather than me. That's why I thought I was better off alone. I tried to make friends but they never understood me for who I was. Sure, I had Sparx and the Guardians but it wasn't the same. Then we met in Summer Forest and as we got to know each other, I felt like I found someone that could finally get me. Not just as a friend but maybe as… something else," I replied, pouring as much of my true feelings as possible. "Does that make sense?"

Cynder slid her paw over to mine and smiled. "Makes perfect sense to me," she said softly.

"I love you, Cyn…" I said. "I love you so much..."

"I love you too Spyro," Cynder said. "Thank you for making my life better than it used to be…"

We leaned in closer to each other, touching our snouts before going for a kiss. After the kiss, I separated from Cynder's lips and got off my seat. I then walked to the music player nearby, Cynder giving me a confused look while I was doing this.

"Honey, what are you doing?" she wondered, tilting her head in curiosity.

"About to ask you if you wanted to dance with me…" I answered, turning to her.

Cynder raised her eyebrow. "A dance? But I don't know how to…"

"I can show you how to… if you want," I suggested.

"Well, if you insist."

I grabbed the music player with my maw and waited for Cynder to get up from her seat. We then headed down the stairs and stepped onto the beach, placing the music player on the sand.

"So… what do we do?" Cynder asked.

"Well, what we have to do is get up onto our hind legs, using our tail as balance like this," I explained, demonstrating by standing on my hind legs expertly.

Cynder tried to repeat what I was doing but she struggled to get her forepaws off the ground. She grunted in frustration each time she failed. Seeing that she was getting angry, I went back on all fours and walked up to her.

"Here, let me help…" I offered, standing up on my hind legs and pulling Cynder up so that her forepaws were wrapped around my neck. Cynder had a cautious look on her face as her legs wobbled, since she wasn't used to depending on her hind legs.

"You okay?"

"Yeah… it's harder than it looks," Cynder replied. "So what now?"

"Well, now you put one paw on my shoulder and the other in my paw…" I instructed, Cynder slowly moving her paws to their places as I was telling her to. "And now I put a paw around your hips like so…" I said as I awkwardly slid my leftover paw around Cynder's hip, blushing at the curviness of it.

"So do we start dancing now?" Cynder wondered.

I nodded. "Yep, all we need is some music…" I said, stretching my tail to the music player and pressing the play button using my tail spike. The song that I chose was the song that Cynder was singing the other day. As soon as the piano started playing, Cynder immediately recognised the song. I grinned. "Follow my lead…"

We spent the next couple of minutes quietly dancing to the melody of the song. Cynder, while she did stumble the first few times, got the hang of it pretty quickly and was able to successfully mirror my dance techniques every time.

"Where did you learn how to dance?" Cynder spoke up.

"Volteer taught me when I was younger. The Guardians attended a wedding and I was forced to dance with the flower girl…" I explained. "Ancestors, I was so uncomfortable."

Cynder smirked, finding the idea of a younger me awkwardly dancing with someone else particularly amusing. "The flower girl, ay? Now this I gotta see…"

I blushed with embarrassment. "Please don't…"

Cynder chuckled. "Oh you got me interested now," she exclaimed, prodding at my chest with a claw. "You brought this upon yourself, purple boy. The only one to blame here is yourself."

A mischievous smile grew on my face as a devious plan formed in my head. "Oh yeah?" I said. "Let's see if I can't stop you from learning more…"

"And how are you going to do that?"

"By doing this..." I grinned and gently tickled the side of Cynder's body. Instantly Cynder reacted, her body squirming to get away from my tickles as she struggled to hold in her laughter.

"Ahaha-S-Spyro, I'm going to-haha!" she squealed, going breathless.

As I tickled Cynder more, she lost her concentration on trying to balance on her hind legs and started to wobble. Once she lost her balance, she collapsed onto the sand, unfortunately taking me with her.

"Hmm? What's that Cynder? I can't hear you over the sound of someone laughing…" I said cheekily.


I continued to tickle Cynder more, her laughter and her struggle to breathe preventing her from speaking. But both the tickling and laughter died down as our eyes met each other, our deep breaths being the only sound that emitted from our maws. I gazed deep into her emerald-green eyes, finding myself getting lost in them. Ancestors, she was so beautiful…

"I hate you…" Cynder muttered.

I smirked. "No you don't..."

We both leaned for a kiss, Cynder cupping my cheeks while I glided my paw against her chest sensually. Out of all our kisses we've done in the past three years, this was the most passionate. I mean, we've made out plenty of times but never to this degree. It was like something else had control of our thoughts and impulses.

As we separated from our kiss, our loving gaze towards each other remained. Cynder then smirked and licked my cheek. I stared at her wide-eyed; Cynder has never licked my cheek. Kissed it, yes… but licking it? Now that was different.

While I looked surprised, Cynder merely gave me a seductive look. Her eyes told me everything… Was she thinking what I think she was thinking?

"Hey Spyro…" she muttered. "Waddya say we go back to our room? I think I left my gift there…"

Yep, it was exactly what I thought she was thinking…

"R-Really? You s-sure?" I wondered, blushing nervously.

"Of course I'm sure. Are you?"

"Yes, I am," I nodded. "It's just that… I don't want to hurt you."

Cynder chuckled slightly and rubbed my cheek with her paw. "Oh Spyro, you could never hurt me. You couldn't even if you tried…"

After another passionate kiss, Cynder and I got up from the sand and headed back to our hotel room. My brain just went haywire with complicated emotions at the thought of the 'gift' that Cynder was going to give me. Whatever happens tonight, Cynder and I can handle it.

After all, she's the one for me…

Well, here we go. A little something to keep you going until the sequel comes out (which will be titled Love Of My Life, based on the Queen song just like CLTCL.) The story is early in development so don't expect it to come out for quite a while.

But now I can move on to something I've been looking forward to writing for ages now: The Crossover-Verse Trilogy! Convergence starts next month. Then it's Infinity War and finally Endgame, which Spyro and Cynder will appear in. Even if you're not a fan of some of the franchises that are appearing in the trilogy, I still encourage you to read it. It'll be a big step from what I've written on the Spyro archive but it'll be worth it.

But for you Spyro fans, don't worry, I'll still be doing the occasional one shot here and there whether it's for Discord or just my own idea. So keep your eyes peeled for that.

Anyway I'd like to thank SKdaGamer for beta-writing this. Thanks, my dude!

This is TARDIS1039, signing off. Allons-y!