Hello Everyone. This is my first fanfiction and I'm really excited to see what you guys think so far. It's a Bellarke AU based in a world where there was never a fight with the mountain men and the 100 got off to a better start with the grounders. Hope you like, please comment :) MaraBumblebee x

Chapter 1

Clarke tried not to be disappointed that day. She knew there was no way people would know it's her birthday. Hell, she knew there was a high chance most people didn't know which month it was. She only knew because just like on the ark, she was counting down the days till her eighteenth birthday. The day she was supposed to die.

"Clarke! Clarke, we have a problem!" Her head hurt. This was not the life she was supposed to live. If she lived in the old times she would be living in a house with her family, opening presents and going out clubbing with her friends. Friends who most likely wouldn't need to be healing by her every few days.

Octavia burst through the flap of her tent giving her a weird look. "Didn't you hear me? We have a problem, Clarke! Come on!"

Sighing, Clarke pulled on her boots and an extra jumper. Winter was getting closer and it was going to get harder to keep everyone warm and healthy. Following Octavia out of her tent, she asked ' O, what is the problem? I need to know what to expect if you're going to barge into my tent like that. Octavia said nothing confusing Clarke.

As they walked in silence, Clarke's thoughts drifted to Bellamy, part of her wanted to smile which was a little confusing. Why would the thought of Bellamy make her want to smile? Of course, they had become close since the first day the dropship came down falling into the role of co-leaders had become so easy, and it was nice not be arguing with him about every decision he made without her, and there was the factor where she always had someone watching her back. If she was being 100% honest with herself Bellamy had become one of the closest friends she has ever had, but of course, she was not being honest with herself so that thought would lead her nowhere.

" I swear Octavia if you are leading me to a grounder meeting like Finn did I will make sure you don't see Lincoln for a very long time, and trust me Bellamy would be very happy to back me up on that. Octavia suddenly turned around with a huge grin on her face.

" Well I certainly agree with you there princess, I believe it would be of great advantage to ground Octavia, however, I am sorry to say that day will not be today."

"Bellamy! What the hell is going on? Why on earth has O taken me out here all the way out here" pausing for a minute and looking at his face her face turns stern.

"What have you done this time?" she says with an air of disapproval.

" Happy Birthday princess! Wait till you see what we planned!" The excitement was clear on his face but to Clarke, everything seemed to crash down around her. How did he know? What on earth has he planned all the way out here?

"Breathe Princess, look at me please." Her eyes fly up to his chocolate brown hues.

"How did you know? I haven't told anyone?"

" Simple princess. Your mother told me when we managed to make contact a few months back."

" And why would she tell you that?" she asked suspiciously.

Grinning all he said was " Because I asked her I did"

Bloody Star Wars, she thought, teaches this idiot to never give a straight answer. She, of course, knew this because they had snuck off one night when everyone from the camp was asleep.

He snuck into her tent with an excited grin on his face waking her up and pulling her to this tree he had found saying "It's the best lookout spot for ages." she knew it truly meant he loved the view. They had spent the whole night just talking, sitting up in the tree. He had revealed that his favourite films were the star wars films and that he had learned that he had loved how the Jedi rarely answered a question straight.

"Ok Yoda, cut it out, why am I here?"

"Hey I thought you said you had never seen the films" he exclaimed pouting.

"Well I haven't but you have basically recounted the whole story to me now so I think I have a general idea of what is going to happen," she said with a small smile.

" Yeah just wait till I tell you about the films from 2015 onwards, they are sooo good!"

" Oi guys! Hello, We have supposed to be in the middle of something here!"

Both Clarke and Bellamy jumped back at her words.

Since when was she standing so close to Bellamy? Clarke thought, pulling her eyes away from Bellamys.

" Oh yeah," Bellamy's eyes lit up again. " Ok, Princess I want you to keep an open mind right now, promise me you won't freak out or jump to conclusions.

Glaring she turned to the siblings "Yeah like I'm stupid enough to promise that… but I will try my best to keep an open mind."

Smiling, Bellamy grabbed a blindfold from his back pocket and wrapped it around Clarke's head, much to her protest. Then she felt O grab her hand and start to lead her through what she recalled to be a line of trees. She stumbled a little bit and then felt the warm reassuring hand of Bellamy on her elbow keeping her up straight.

"Just a few more moments Princess" he breathed softly close to her ear.

After a minute, Octavia stopped her. She felt a soft breeze and heard the sound of voices. Bellamy pulls off the blindfold revealing a large open piece of land spreading out before her eyes. There is a cliff with a fence following the line that opens onto the sea. As she turns she sees a small river running down one side of the open space.

Turning to Bellamy she looks at him in confusion, her eyes glittering with tears and hurt at the idea that he had deliberately withheld this place from her.

"Bellamy! Why wouldn't you tell me about this place? And what is everyone doing here? Don't they have their own things to be doing?"

" Princess! I asked you not to jump to conclusions! Yes, we did keep this place from you, but I promise it was only for a week. We knew your birthday was coming up and we wanted to surprise you. Now listen."

Octavia stepped in front of Clarke with a small smile on her face.

"You know last week I was at the peace talks with the grounders? Well, I happened to mention to the Grounders that you are the first person out of everyone who has come down from the Skaikru to be turning 20. Well to my surprise they told me that it is a very big deal on earth.

Clarke! You won't believe this but the grounders have given us this land as a celebration and as part of the truce."

Bellamy chips in from there a cocky smile on his face.

"They never used this land because it was too close to the sea making them easily vulnerable to Luna's people. As we have a truce with Luna not vulnerable. Also according to the council back in space, there is a very large bunker they have just found in the archives just at the other side of that field. If there was ever a need for it, it could fit our people, local tribes, and the ark three times over. Apparently, it was made for the people of a surrounding city, however, the people were never made known of the location so the bunker was never opened."

"Anyway" Octavia chips in "We can go into details later, there are just a few details you need to know. 1) This is a surprise birthday party. 2) We are all here to prove to you that we see you as a friend and leader and that we know you don't think you're above us… Yes, we have noticed that it is something you worry about. 3) This is the location we are going to move to our new camp. The old camp is going to stay in the same place, but us 'kids' have decided that we would be better off starting again and making our own camp. The Ark camp doesn't give us the freedom that we deserve and everyone who is leaving feels it's the best decision and we want you and Bellamy to be our leader.

" And We know your Mum is part of the Ark camp but she's not here, we both know she had to go back to space with the people whose bone density couldn't survive in space. That was her decision but this is yours. The Ark camp has Jackson looking after them. Please, Princess." Bellamy says. Almost begging at the end of his speech.

"Well, of course, I will come with you guys" Clarke laughed. "You guys are all my family. I would never let you guys leave without me, you guys are my home, and this place is so beautiful."

Grinning Bellamy pulls her into a hug, Octavia following shortly making it a group hug. There was a cheer from the rest of the crowd.

" Ok Bitches, let's get this party started!" Octavia crows.

Thanks for reading the first chapter of my story. There is much more of the story to come so please come back in a week or so! Hope you liked it :)