Final Chapter Enjoy
He walked outside the guild, making it look like he was leaving for the outside world.
With the help of Kagura, he snuck his way back in from another location and got to her room.
The first thing Natsu notice about her room was it had an eastern style.
White walls halfway up with the transition to the night sky with moon one side.
There was a pot with bamboo growing out of it.
A white fold up a wall in the corner in presumably to act as a changing area.
There was what looked to be a paper lanterns style lamp by her bed.
Speaking of the bed, it was a queen-sized with a white blanket with mermaid heel emblem on it.
And what looked to be a training dummy in the other corner.
It had some armor on it that's seen better days.
And a small door by the changing area.
He presumed that was her closet.
And the kicker on her bed was a stuff panda bear.
"This is a nice room," he said aloud.
"Thank you."
He took his seat on the edge of her bed before noticing the envelope.
"What this," he held it up only to be ripped out of his hands by a blushing Kagura.
"Sorry, that's nothing you need to be worried about."
"Ok then," he said blankly.
She took her spot right next to him.
"So tell me a little about your self Kagura," he said with a grin.
She was taken back from this but realized he was right.
After all, they had sex earlier and didn't know very much about him.
The order one should do this was messed up, and she was wondering who's idea this was.
And so she talked and talked, telling him everything about her, and he told her about himself.
They were so engrossed in their conversation by the time it was over the moon high above the night sky.
"Whoa look like time flies when you with a beautiful woman," he said with a grin.
She giggled at his antics before her face went red.
Why? Simple, he was a man and her a woman alone in her room with the power to keep everything that happened that night silent.
That and she could feel moister between her thighs.
She looks to Natsu to see the same expressions.
That she realized he had an enhanced sense of smell.
She then looks to the envelope she was handed earlier.
She got and walked over, unable to believe what she about to do.
She grabbed the envelope only to take out the runes and places them around the room.
"Kagura, what are you doing?" he naively asks.
"These are silencing runes...the master gave me earlier," Natsu to stunned to speak as she finished placing them.
Once all were placed, she walked behind the changing wall turning on a light.
From Natsu's side, he got a perfect view of her silhouette.
At first, he was curious, but just as he was about to speak up.
He saw slowly undress, that shut him up.
He could help but have a pervy look on his face.
Especially the way she was teasing him right now.
She took her sweet time, taking off her blazer before slipping out of her blouse.
Next was her skirt. Before taking off her stockings.
This whole time Natsu, not so little friend, was standing tall impatiently waiting for her to finish.
Sweat was starting to go down his brow.
Once out of her clothes, she turns to give him a beautiful side view of her figure.
He started drooling but caught himself in time.
Then she took her sweet time taking off her bra before holding it out only to let it drop to the floor.
She turned to the side once more, giving Natsu sight of her nipples.
It was the only silhouette, but damn was her male hormones driving him crazy.
Then he saw her showed an expecting stance.
Then it hit him; he quickly discarded his clothes.
When Kagura stopped hearing movement, she continued.
The last article of clothing she had on was her panties.
She stood forward, slowly taking them off before throwing over only for Natsu to catch them.
She turns the light off, sticking one leg out.
This got Natsu's little friend's full attention.
In one swift motion, she stepped out, resting one arm of the wall ledge leaning on it, showing off her hourglass figure.
Natsu was speechless, yes he seen her naked before, and yes, they had sex.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't admire the sight before him.
She gracefully walked over to him before pushing flat on his back.
When he looks up, she straddling his waist with a lustful smile.
That night they took there sweet time making the most of their limited time.
The next day
The guild master of Mermaid's heel was just waking up from her night.
She had a cruel smirk on her face.
True, they couldn't hear Natsu and Kagura, but that doesn't mean she didn't feel the vibration from her room as she was right below them.
She gets her pink kimono before heading to Kagura's room.
She stands outside her door with a small crowd of girls beside her.
"Master, why do you have a smirk," one member said.
"You'll see shortly, but you are not to speak a word of this AM I CLEAR!"
"Yes, master!" was the collective response.
She carefully opens the door to see the new couple still asleep.
Many girl were red in the face at the sight of Natsu cuddled up to their Ace.
"See that mark on her breast."
"That is her mating mark. Without boring you with the details, she is bound to Natsu, so we'll be seeing him more often."
She then closes the door before reiterating, "you are not to speak a word of this to anyone, am I clear!"
"You want to tease her about this. Later, don't you?"
"You know it, it will be so much fun when he comes back."
All the girls giggled at this.
They all went there separate ways, not wanting to wake the couple.
About an hour later, Milliana, with Happy, finally returned to the guild.
"Hellow everyone, I'm back."
"Aye, sir," he said from her shoulder before munching on a fish.
Everyone gave their greetings before going back to what they were doing beforehand.
"Is Natsu and Kagura back yet!" Happy declared
They all internally cringed at his statement well, the one who knew did.
"Kagura doesn't want to be bothered and can't say about Natsu. But your more than welcome to stay till he arrives Happy," the guild master informed.
"Ok then," he went to the bar to get another fish.
It was around this time the couple woke up from there sleep.
Kagura was the first to wake.
When she looks around, she notices a strong arm wrapped around just under her breast.
She looks to see the pink-haired dragon slayer was nuzzling her neck.
His other arm was being used as a pillow for her head.
He unconsciously pulled her closer to him was inhaling her scent.
It was also at this moment she felt something pressing against her ass.
She had a small blush, realizing he was still aroused from their late-night activities.
Just the feeling was causing her to get a little wet, but she pushed those thoughts aside as now was not the time.
She started poking him in the face trying to wake him up.
She succeeded when he opened his eye before they kissed each other.
They reluctantly separated from each other, getting their clothes back on.
With help from Kagura and unknown help from the master, Natsu was able to sneak out of the guildhall.
He then strolled up to the entrance to pick up Happy.
"Happy, I'm back!"
"Natsu," he shouts before tackling the dragon slayer.
"So, how was the job?"
"It went off without a hitch."
Happy just gave him a knowing smile before going back in to get his fish.
While Happy was gone, Kagura came out to wish him good-bye.
But not before he grabbed a quick kiss wrapping one arm around her waist and the other on her back.
Neither of them notices a click off in the distance.
Just before they separated, Kagura slipped him a small package.
Curious, he was about to ask only to be silenced by her finger.
"Wait till you get home."
Natsu put the small box in his pack.
As he enters the guildhall, Happy comes flying out, taking his spot on Natsu's shoulder.
With everything squared away, they headed back to magnolia.
Two days later
Natsu and Happy were just entering magnolia after cutting through the forest.
They were met with Gajeel.
"And we are back," Natsu chirped as they left the forest edge.
"Aye sir" Happy shouts from Natsu's shoulder.
"Gehehe, you might want to start running Salamander."
"And why is that Gajeel?"
"Look for yourself," He handed Natsu the magazine.
Natsu skimmed through the pages before his eyes went wide from a specific picture he had no idea was taken.
He was sweating profusely from this picture.
"It's only a matter of time before Erza catches wind of this," he said with a massive smirk.
"Happy, you gotta help me out!"
"Sorry, Natsu, I want to live," he said before flying off.
Next thing they a massive boom echoed across magnolia.
It was no problem for them to hear thanks to their enhanced hearing.
"Clocks ticking, I'd start running if I were you," Gajeel stated as he slowly walked back to the guild leaving a terrified Natsu.
He stayed there frozen like a block of ice.
Remembering what Kagura gave him, he sprinted home.
He took his pack, putting everything away.
The only thing left was the package she gave him.
He opens the box to see a note.
The note said
There's more to where this came from
Then he pulls out her panties from the other day.
Now he was really terrified, especially when Erza found these.
He quickly hid them under the floorboards in a metal box labeled secrets.
Once that was put away, he slowly made his way to the guildhall, knowing it was pointless to put off.
When he finally made it to the guildhall, he saw that the doors blew entirely off.
Standing before him was Erza in all her glory, giving him a death glare.
He slowly as possible marches forward, hoping his death will be quick and painless.
He stood across from her, leaving only a two-foot gap between them.
His head was hanging in shame, waiting for whatever punishment she would give him.
Before Natsu could even blink, she punched him in the face with all her strength.
But before he could fly into the wall, she caught him.
She then kneed his gut, causing him to grab his abdomen in pain.
Erza let him rest for a few moments so he could catch his breath.
She grabbed him by the collar, lifting him up till he was face to face with him.
Her other arm held up the magazine.
"Explain now while you're still alive!"
"How do I put this, she is what you would call my mate. The easy thing to call it is my soulmate if that helps," he said nervously.
Erza lowered her head so her bangs we're covering his eyes.
After a few moments, she looked him dead in the eyes.
"Do you love her?" She stated.
"Yes, of course," he said with a moment of hesitation.
She let go of him, inadvertently making him fall to the floor with a thud.
Natsu picked himself up only to be met with another glare from the scarlet knight.
"If I find out you hurt her, you will regret it, that's a promise," she stated before walking away.
Natsu let out a breath of air he didn't realize he was holding.
With Kagura
Kagura was enjoying her day at the guild deciding to eat her lunch when suddenly Miliana came running it.
The got Kagura's attention only to lock eyes with her.
"Miliana, what going on?" she noticed the magazine in her hands.
"Oh nothing," she said a little too quickly.
"Miliana, what going on!"
"you really don't want to know."
"Tell me now!"
Miliana reluctantly hands her the magazine.
Kagura skimmed through the mag with disinterest till her eye landed on a picture of her and Natsu.
Magazine slept out of her hands from the shock as color started to disappear from her face.
It was at this time the master came in to see what all the compassion was about.
Then she saw the magazine on the floor.
Kagura was to stun by the photo to register her presents.
She skims through it before her eye landed on the phots.
She didn't even try to hide her laugh, especially with a title like has the Mermaid tamed the dragon?
This broke Kagura from her trance, she couldn't even look her master in the eyes.
"Well I never thought it would get out this quickly," the master said
"I can only imagine Natsu's reaction," Milliana added.
Kagura cringed at this getting both master and guildmates' attention.
"What is it, Kagura?"
she fidgets in her seat, "I hope he's still alive after Erza is done with him after learning of this."
Everyone cringed at this and silently prayed Natsu was still alive.
Two weeks later
Word had spread far and wide about Natsu and Kagura being in a relationship.
Of course, very few new truths about them being mates.
Kagura was sitting in the bar area, reading a book about sword techniques to pass the time.
She got a letter a week ago saying Natsu was still very much alive.
He said he would show up in one week.
Today was the day he would arrive.
Then she hears Margret outside welcoming Natsu.
She got up from her seat to go outside.
What she saw stunned her into silence.
Standing at the gate was Natsu Dragneel, all by himself with a bouquet of flowers.
She slowly walks to the front gates.
"What with the flowers?"
"Well, since everyone knows I figure I might as well take you on a date, I made a reservation to a restaurant in town," he said with a grin.
She took the flowers in hand, taking whiff on them before speaking.
"I would love to Natsu."
He put his arm around her waist as they walked with her to have these dates of theirs.
This display unnerved a lot of the guys they came across.
When they were done eating, they stopped by the park taking their seats on a park bench.
Natsu had one arm wrapped around her waist as she rested her head on his shoulder.
Natsu didn't speak a word as he watched the setting sun on the horizon.
that it for this story hope you enjoyed
as always make sure to fav follow and leave a chapter review