Thanks for the reviews! Sorry it's been awhile but I've been busy with school.

This chapter is a bad one for Morgan and she starts to discover that there are consequences to her actions.


"What's going on Morgan?" Hunter asked sounding more concerned "Did something happen?"

I took a deep breath trying to get the words out of my mouth. I finally got calm but it was too hard to look at him. So I looked down at my feet and said just above a whisper "I met someone."

"His name is Nolan and he went to school with me. We were only friends at first but on the last day of school he kissed me . . . I kissed him"

I felt him let go of my hand and I could sense that he was getting tense.

"So are you going to look at me?" he asked. So I did and I felt guilty just seeing his face and his expression.

"How many times did this happen?"


"Well Morgan I can't say I'm not upset but when I went to Canada the same thing happened" he said sounding forgiving. I almost wanted to scream with joy but then I remembered what I also had to tell him.

"That's not all" I said in a low tone. It was so hard to look at him all I could do is imagine breaking his heart and seeing the pain in his eyes.

"I . . .I slept with him" I confessed. His eyes got wider and he started to turn red.

"What?" he stood up and walked to the other side of the room "How could you?"

"I'm sorry" I said trying to hold back tears.

"Your sorry, like it really matters now" he was pacing back and forth "Are you saying that you don't love me anymore, that you just want to be with this asshole?"

"No, no I love you Hunter only you" I tried to convince him. He looked at me for awhile calming himself down. He sat down next to me and took my hand. He barely held it but it was enough for me to think he was really going to forgive me.

"I really am sorry and I'm still in love with you" I was still trying to convince him.

"Then why?" he asked sounding more solemn. I didn't answer. I didn't know why. Because I was lonely; because I'm a horrible person. He let go of my hand and looked in my eyes.

"Get out. I can't stand to look at you" he turned the other way. I was shocked and didn't know what else to say.

"Hunter" I touched his shoulder.

"Just get out" he sounded close to tears. So I got up and left. I didn't want to leave it like that but I knew this was going to happen. I went to my car and started crying. It hurt so much to see Hunter like that and to know that it was my fault. I just want it to be like before.

I didn't know where to go or what to do so I went home. I couldn't look at anyone when I walked inside my house. I just went straight to my room and collapsed on my bed and started crying.


I feel incredibly lifeless like I'm watching everyone else in a movie but I can't join in. The last two days all I did was sulk over Hunter. I didn't leave the house or talk to anyone except my family.

"Is this all your going to do today?" Mary K asked as she walked down the stairs. I was sitting on the couch still in my pajama pants. I nodded in response.

"I know it hurts Morgan but it'll feel better if you go out and see your friends" my sister the date expert.

"I don't know" I said.

"Look Morgan it's not healthy to do this to yourself. Why don't you go see Bree?" she suggested. I shrugged in answer.

"Please Morgan for me" she gave me puppy dog eyes.

"Fine" I groaned and got up. Mary K gave me a hug and told me that she loved me. Which I think was the first time I smiled in two days. After I showered I made plans to meet Robbie and Bree at the Widow's Vale Diner.

When I got there they were sitting snuggly together sharing a basket of fries. I felt a pang of jealousy and regret when I looked at them. When Robbie saw me he stood up and gave me a hug "Morganita!"

"Hey" I forced a smile. Then I saw Bree and she gave me a sympathetic look. I sat down across from them and ordered a diet coke.

"You should eat" Bree told me. I nodded and looked out the window. I saw an elderly couple holding hands and walking down the street. I should have thought, oh that's sweet, but instead I thought about how Hunter and me would never grow old together.

"When's the last time you ate something? You're looking pretty thin" Bree asked in a motherly tone.

"She looks good" Robbie said "Why are you picking on her when she just got back?"

I looked at Bree shocked that she hadn't told Robbie about Hunter and me.

"It's not my place" was all she said and then she got up and went to through her trash away.

"What was that about?" Robbie asked watching Bree walking away. I took a deep breath and told him that me and Hunter broke up. He looked shocked and asked "Are you ok?" I nodded and looked down at my drink.

"What did he do?" Robbie asked. It was ironic that he automatically thought Hunter did something wrong.

"He didn't do anything."

"What happened?"

"I cheated on Hunter with a guy at school" I admitted afraid of what he was going to say next.

"What?" he said with raised eyebrows. We both turned around when we saw Bree approach the table.

"Why. . .this is so unlike you Morgan" he said in a harsh tone "Hunter must be heart-broken."

"Give her a break she got lonely in Scotland" Bree interrupted our conversation.

"That's no excuse" Robbie stated.

"People make mistakes" Bree said anger starting to raise in her voice.

"So your saying if we ever have a long-distance relationship I should forgive you for cheating on me" Robbie said.

"That's not what I mean you just don't understand" Bree said sounding annoyed and then she walked out of the diner. Robbie watched her walk away and said "That's great." He gave me a disappointed look then got up and left without saying anything.

I kind of expected a lecture from Robbie but I didn't think he would get so mad. I haven't seen Bree and Robbie fight in a long time and it's never been because of me. I'm such a screw up. First I mess things up with Hunter and then with Robbie. I'll be surprised if he ever wants to talk with me again.

I drove home wondering why I ever left the house in the first place.


I know I left things with Hunter unclear but you'll see what happens later on. PLEASE REVIEW!