I know it's sort of melodramatic. Sorry! This takes place after Morgan's done with school in Scotland and she has to return home to face her Mistakes. It's in Morgan's POV but I might change it I'm not sure. None of these characters are mine they all belong to the lovely Cate Tiernan.

The summer was over and I was destined to go back to Widow's Vale for my senior year of high school. I was dreading returning back home. Plenty has happened over the summer and I wasn't exactly ready to face my mistakes. A lot about school was great. The school, the knowledge, the witches, and of course the magic. But I had made one major mistake and his name was Nolan McGuire.

Nolan was from Scotland and had a sexy accent but that wasn't the only thing sexy about him. He had soft brown hair that fell in his face and dark blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean. He stood a head taller than me and a couple of inches taller than Hunter.

I hadn't planned on meeting Nolan and letting it go as far as it did. Hunter and I planned to meet occasionally on weekends and to call each other every night. Well it didn't happen exactly that way. I saw him one time the whole summer and talked to him once a week.

I missed him with a huger. I had plenty of friends and it wasn't like I wasn't busy with work and magic. But I felt an empty void without him. Then I met Nolan.

Nolan was in my Herbs class and was inspiring. He knew so much and I wanted him to teach me. It wasn't like I instantly knew that I was attracted to him, It was more of something that progressed over time. We spent all our free time together and it was eventually going to happen.

The last week of school everyone was either upset about leaving or thrilled to go home. I was a little of both. That's when he kissed me in the middle of the courtyard out of nowhere. I remember we were discussing properties of healing herbs and then his lips on my mouth. I didn't pull away; I didn't want to.

I wish it just would've ended there. I think I could have dealt with that. But it didn't . . . it advanced into my dorm room. Like I said I didn't plan on this. I didn't plan on hurting Hunter and hurting myself . . . it just happened.


"Morgan" my mom wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. We were at the airport in a surreal kind of moment.

"Hello" I said and let go of my mom and hugged my dad.

"We've missed you honey" he said.

"I've missed you too" I looked at Mary K. I waited until she made the move to hug me before I attempted to hug her back. Last time we were on the phone we had a fight. I had told her that I really enjoyed Scotland and might one day go back to live there. She wasn't too thrilled about the idea but I guess now she had gotten over it.

"Lets get something to eat before we drive back home" mom suggested. Everyone was thrilled about the idea. I was famished from not eating on the plane. Plane food is not my favorite thing in the world.


"Where's my presents?" Mary K asked at the restaurant. We laughed and I told her they were in my suitcase. Dinner was surreal and it felt weird but comfortable being back with my family. I missed them so much over the summer and it was nice to be with them again.

I tired to laugh and pay attention to the conversations but I couldn't stop thinking of Hunter. Going home meant confronting Hunter about what happened in Scotland. I wasn't ready to tell him. I had a pain in my stomach, which I knew was guilt.


The house was dark and still when we arrived at home. But I felt relived just at the sight of it. Fatigue was overwhelming me so I went straight to my room and collapsed on my bed. I kicked of my shoes and pulled my flannel sheets over me.

My door creaked open and Mary K came in and sat on the end of my bed. I sat up and looked at her.

"I'm glad your home" she said with a smile.

"Me too!" I said back.

Please review!!! Did you like my story? If not just lie to me . . . No wait tell me the truth. No I change my mind just lie!