In one universe, Tsuna was an only child. In another universe, he has an abusive twin competing for the title Decimo. But in this universe, he does not have one, but four siblings, featuring mistaken identities, crossdressings, schemes for world domination and more.
Author's Notes: Screw plot bunnies, bad pings and online assignments; I'm reworking this three-years-old brainchild because I can, and here it is folks! Sawada's Quintuplet version two *bows*
The first time neighbor Takeda met the young Sawada Tsunayoshi, he thought that the child was pitiful. The kid was too clumsy for his own good, often tripping over thin air, and bawling non-stop. The kid was also too shy, too afraid to approach literally every moving object in the surroundings that he has never been out without his mother on his side.
Then one sunny afternoon, a miracle happened, and he spots the boy playing on the backyard. He was looking at an empty space beside him, laughing and gesturing like there was someone there.
At first, Takeda thinks of nothing from it. The child was probably talking to his imaginary friends, a something doesn't seem out of place, seeing that the poor boy doesn't have real friends to play with. And it was just a child thing, really, wherein they still think everything was all fun and games.
But then, Tsuna stood up and reached an arm towards this empty space and pulled. He dragged the air as if it bears a heavy weight and led it out of their gate towards a narrow street on the back of their house. He seemed oblivious that Takeda was staring at him and continues chattering.
Takeda likes to believe that he curious when he dropped all his chores for following an unsupervised (walking disaster) child wandering. After all, seeing that this may be the child's first time alone in the street, Takeda felt responsible for providing at least a subtle supervision.
(Plus, he was just really interested where Tsuna was going).
He crept around the corner, making sure that he was at least three post lamps away, and hid whenever the child would glance at his back.
Finally, after a few minutes of walking, the kid stopped on one of the houses' gates and nudged. He whispered at the air, glared at it, and stomped towards the gate with a frustrated expression.
With arms outstretched, the boy started to—wait, what is he doing?
'Excuse me, is he shaking the gate? Why is he shaking the gate? Didn't the kid know that he was disturbing?'
Suddenly, there was a low growl, and Takeda understood which creature it belongs to.
Ever so slowly, from the little pet house near the house's door, a silhouette forms and a medium sized dog came out, barks starting to get louder and louder.
'What the hell? Isn't the kid supposed to be afraid of dogs? Why is he baiting the dog? Did I miss something? Oh my goodness!'
Then there was a loud yelp, followed by footsteps quickly hitting against the ground farther and farther. Young Tsunayoshi fell on his butt when he was pushed back by something and painfully moaned. He stood up and growled, brown eyes travelling to his left accompanied by an intense gleam.
"What the fu—oy, get back here!" the boy took off, glaring at the dog before pursuing the whatever being that was supposedly running from him.
A few distance away, there was a tiny cry of surprise and a faint crash onto the ground.
Takeda flinched at the unfinished swear word. Just where did the child learn that word? The kid doesn't have any friends, and his mother was a sweet angel despite her perpetual obliviousness. Perhaps he learned from his father? Nah, who was he kidding, the boy's father was always gone anyways.
Hoping on not losing the child's trail, he left his hiding spot, but bumped onto something in doing so. He staggered back and the one he bumped into fell on the ground. Looking at it, it appeared to be a young kid with another brown hair and eyes.
The kid, upon seeing Takeda look at him, jolted like sparked with electricity, and bowed.
"I'm sorry for all the trouble they caused but I have to go now, goodbye"
The child rapidly muttered as if he was chased, and left as quickly as he appeared, leaving the poor neighbor to contemplate if he had really made a good decision after all because children. Sometimes they're are endearing but often they're nuisances, and Tsuna and whoever this lad is, who bumped onto him, were starting to get him tired.
Sighing, Takeda dusted his clothes. Regardless of how annoying children may be, Tsuna is a child and should be accompanied. He was doing it for a noble reason and started searching.
There was nothing out of the ordinary. Having two similar looking children with one coming out of nowhere is relatively normal, yeah?
Then he remembers, Tsuna was supposedly an only child, no siblings or whatever.
When he turned around, there was only an empty street behind him.
Basically, Tsuna and Yori wandered around because Yori dared Tsuna to conquer his fear of dogs, and poor big brother Natsu, has to clean up their messes, and accidentally bamboozling their neighbor in the process.
And if any of you were wondering why and how was Tsuna seemed to be talking to thin air, well it's because Yori has Mist Flames like Nana (as I hc) and is the only quintuplet who inherited it.
Also, if it wasn't clear, it wasn't Tsuna that the neighbor has seen throughout that day but Yori, with Tsuna being the one invisible.
Now that this is set, I'm crawling back to the hole where I've been in these years to search for more plot bunnies to give. Anyways, have fun and stay safe, adios!