On the Island of Berk lived the Chief of the island. His name is Stoick 'The Vast' Haddock. His wife was named Valka 'the Peaceful' Haddock.

Together they had a baby boy that they named Hiccup Horrendous Haddock The Third.

When Hiccup was only a couple months old, a dragon broke into Hiccup's room and coo at Hiccup.

Hiccup played with the storm cutter's claw finger.

The storm cutter coo "this one must be the one in the prophecy that will bring dragon and man together in harmony. He must be cared for."

Valka raced up to Hiccup's room to defend Hiccup from the dragon. When she entered the room, she was surprised to see the storm cutter playing with Hiccup.

The storm cutter turned to Valka and smiles at her.

Stoick ran in holding an axe getting ready to attack the dragon.

The storm cutter screeches at him grabbing Valka and leaving in fear.

Valka yells "Stoick! Take care of Hiccup!"

Stoick yells "no! Valka!"

From that night, nothing would be the same for the isle of Berk.

Stoick sighs "how can I raise Hiccup by myself?"

Gobber walks up beside him and says "one day at a time."

Stoick sighs "can you watch him for a little bit while I go look at what the damage toll was?"

Gobber smiles "sure, friend."

Stoick left baby Hiccup with Gobber.

Gobber takes Hiccup back to the chief's house to take of him.

About ten o'clock, Stoick walked into the door tired from the night of a dragon raid "the damage was the same as the last time."

Gobber sighs "what do you plan on doing with Hiccup?"

Stoick sighs "I don't know what to do with him right now because I have to think about the village first before my son."

Gobber sighs "I'll help look after Hiccup."

Next morning Stoick got up to Hiccup crying and sighs "uh Hiccup. Now what?!"

He gets out of bed and walks upstairs to Hiccup's room and says "okay Hiccup, I'm here. Stop crying."

Hiccup kept crying until Stoick changed his diaper and fed him milk and burp him "this is going to be a long day today."

Stoick brought Hiccup with him everywhere around the village to check on how the clean up is going.

He met up with Gobber in the Forge to consult with him on what to do with Hiccup.

Gobber sighs "Stoick you should raise Hiccup, he is your son."

Stoick sighs "I don't know how to raise a child."

Gobber smiles "why don't you go ask some of the women in the village about how to take care of a baby?"

Stoick sighs "that might be a good idea. I think I'll ask Ingrid Hofferson since she was like a sister to Valka."

Gobber smirks "I heard she should be due anytime next month. Same with your sister in law and then two months later the Thorston family and Ingerman family as well."

Stoick nods his head and carries Hiccup with him to the Hofferson's house.

Once they reach the Hofferson's house, Stoick sighs "well here goes nothing."

He knocks on the door and waits for someone to answer the door.

Soon a pregnant woman answered the door by the name of Ingrid Hofferson. She smiles "what could I do for you Chief?"

Stoick sighs "I was wondering if you could tell me how to care for a baby and how to raise them?"

Ingrid smiles "sure come in."

Stoick and Ingrid sit on a couch. Ingrid ask "so what do you want to know about babies?"

Stoick sighs "how to care for them?"

Ingrid smiles "well you have to change their diapers, feed them when their hungry. Clean them up when they get dirty. Clean their wounds when they get hurt. Comfort them when they have nightmares. Maybe read them bedtime stories when they ask you too protect them from harm and tell them that you love them everyday."

Stoick sighs "you sure do know what your doing with kids."

Ingrid smiles "me and Valka talked about having kids and asked our moms for advice before they passed."

Stoick smiles "you two were like sisters to each other."

Ingrid smirks "yes, we were inseparable."

Stoick smiles "thanks for the advice on how to raise Hiccup."

Ingrid smiles "I think of him as my nephew since me and Valka were like sisters."

Stoick sighs "if you have a daughter, would you be willing to sign a marriage contract between them?"

Ingrid smiles "we will just have to wait until the baby is born."

Stoick leaves with Hiccup and check on how the village is getting back to normal after a dragon raid.

Soon Hiccup starts crying and Stoick sighs "must be time for feeding."

He takes Hiccup home to feed him.

After feeding Hiccup milk, he rocks him to sleep after changing his diaper again.

The coming months, Hiccup grew a little bit but he was smaller than normal baby size.

Ingrid and Alistair had a baby girl that they named Astrid Hofferson.

Mr. Thorston and Mrs. Thorston had twins, a boy and a girl that they named Tuffnut and Ruffnut.

Spitelout Jorgenson and his wife had a son named Snotlout Jorgenson, Hiccup's cousin.

When they compare the six babies, Hiccup was smaller than all of them in size.

What the villagers didn't know was that Hiccup had something that no one had- a way to understand how dragons act.

Somedays Hiccup felt sad when he saw the other babies being held by their mothers and would around for his mom wondering where she was and the only ones who saw it was Ingrid and Gobber when they saw him look at Astrid in Ingrid's arms and looked around for his mom or when he saw the other five babies being taken care of by their mothers.

Stoick just passed it off as a phase that he would grow out of it in time.

Gobber just sighed thinking that it would become a problem in the future.

Ingrid felt a sadness growing inside him through his eyes.

When she had the time, she check on Hiccup to see how he was doing and sometimes sung a lullaby to him when he started crying from tiredness that her and Valka came up with together.

Everytime he heard that song he would stop crying and listen to it softly halfway through the song, Ingrid would tell him that she and his mother wrote that song together for our babies when we have our own.

Then Hiccup would smile afterwards and nuzzle her neck then reach for his bed and fall asleep holding a stuff Night Fury which symbolizes leadership and alpha of all dragons.

Ingrid sighs "my priestess nephew, Hiccup Haddock. Sleep well."

Stoick walked in his house to see Ingrid Hofferson babysitting Hiccup for a few minutes and says "you have a way with babies since I been trying to get him to sleep last night."

Ingrid sighs "it's a mother thing that requires a girl, but you'll get the hang of it soon. All you have to do is sing to him softly. I'll write the song that me and Valka came up with together for our children."

Stoick sighs and feeds him bottle while Ingrid headed home to take care of Astrid so her husband can make dinner.

Ingrid walked into her house to see her husband feeding Astrid a bottle and smiles.

Alistair curious ask "why do you care for Hiccup?"

Ingrid smiles "because of Valka, me and her were like sisters throughout our life before she was taken from us. So I think of Hiccup as my nephew."

Alistair smiles "it's sad that she was taken by a dragon, but I heard from Gobber that something happened between baby Hiccup and that dragon, that took Valka. I don't know what it was but I think Hiccup is a gift from the gods to help us end this war."

Ingrid sighs "if that is the case, then we better not drive him away or the village will suffer from the war and the only one to stop it would be Hiccup."

Alistair sighs "I fear for him because of the tradition of a baby born a hiccup."

After feeding Astrid, Ingrid rocks her to sleep while singing to her

"When I saw you, I never thought I would fall in love with you.

When I started dating you, I never thought you would be the

One for me. When you ask me to marry you,

I never thought that it could get any better

Then I found out that I was going to have a baby.

No matter where we are in life, you'll always be my baby.

No matter how many times you hurt yourself,

I will always be there to make you feel better.

No matter how bad your day gets, I will be there to make it better.

Whenever you feel alone, all you have to do is look inside yourself for me.

Whenever you feel sad, I will always be there to make you feel better.

Because you'll always be my baby.

As days turn into years, I watch you grow and just wish you would stay little.

So I could enjoy your childhood a little longer.

All those memories go by fast,

soon your growing up yourself and finding love yourself

The only thing that crosses my mind is remembering that you were my baby.

No matter how many times you hurt yourself,

I will always be there to make you feel better.

No matter how bad your day gets, I will be there to make it better.

Whenever you feel alone, all you have to do is look inside yourself for me.

Whenever you feel sad, I will always be there to make you feel better.

Because you'll always be my baby.

Seeing you stand at the altar with your love,

Starting your married life with your first love,

I wipe my eyes remembering the time, you were my little baby.

Soon you come by your old home to tell me your having a baby of your own.

I smile happy at the moment of you having your own baby remembering that you were once my baby.

No matter how many times hurt yourself,

I will always be there to make you feel better.

No matter how bad your day gets, I will be there to make it better.

Whenever you feel alone, all you have to do is look inside yourself for me.

Whenever you feel sad, I will always be there to make you feel better.

Because you'll always be my baby.

Ingrid smiles looking at a sleeping Astrid and carries her upstairs and puts her in her crib and tucks her in.

She goes back downstairs to eat dinner. Alistair smiles "I like the song."

Ingrid smiles "me and Valka wrote it together when I got engaged to you and Valka to Stoick."

Alistair smiles "do you sing that song to Hiccup as well?"

Ingrid nods her head "yes, and then I tell him that me and his mother came up with it together."

After having dinner they go to sleep.

Stoick puts Hiccup to bed and sighs "how can I take care of Hiccup and run a village at the same time?"

Next morning Gobber stop by to check on his bestfriend.

Stoick smiles "hi old friend."

Gobber smiles "I came by to see how your doing with Hiccup."

Stoick sighs "I don't know if I can do this, raise Hiccup and run the village at the same time."

Gobber smiles "I would be happy to look after him while you run the village for a little while each day."

Stoick smiles "that could help me out alot with Hiccup and the village."