Disclaimer: Naruto's not mine. He's Hinata's. Uh I mean Kishimoto sensei's.

Decided to do random GaaMatsu oneshots. Matsuri here is more inclined towards the girl who chose Gaara as her sensei, rather than her fangirl self. Hurhur.

Really wanted Gaara to have a family of his own actually.

They might end up abit OOC.


After a long day in the office, the Kazekage finally got to lie down in bed to rest his tired back and neck muscles. Who would have thought that paperwork is more tiresome than leading the troops in the great Ninja War? He is glad, however, that it is now peaceful times they are living in. Peaceful times like this, where he could finish all the work and return to this familiar scent, the scent that helps him get all the comfortable sleep he now enjoys, considering that sleep used to elude him, the scent of home that is his wife.

"Sore back, Gaara?" said Matsuri, while gently rubbing her husband's back. "Now you feel exactly how I feel with this little watermelon eh" she said with a chuckle.

Gaara turned gently towards Matsuri and brought her into a snug embrace. Well, as snug as it can be, with Matsuri seven months into her second pregnancy.

"Aa... you need a backrub too? How was your day, hmn? Any problems from the little ones?" Gaara said, looking into Matsuri's eyes with a tender, loving look that is reserved only for his little family.

"Nope, they are wonderful. Haha. I guess the boys are very aware of their little sister. In fact, they might even be excited about her arrival. You should have seen their faces, they would be such adorable and protective elder brothers next time! She'll definitely have a hard time getting a boyfriend. Haha"

"A boyfriend...?" Gaara raised an eyebrow. "Who said she's getting a boyfriend...?"

"Gaara~! Haha. She's not here yet and you're stopping her from getting married already?" Matsuri chuckled while cupping Gaara's cheeks and giving them a soft squish.

"Well, she's my daughter, I can't help it." Gaara said with a soft chuckle. "Oh, have you decided on her name so far?"

"Yeap! Remember we were considering Masami(仁美) so that she will have similar names with the boys? I thought it through again and came up with another! We could choose between the two I guess?"

"Oh" Gaara said while paying full attention to his wife.

"I thought of Kagari(華芽莉), I like that the kanji all has the same grass(草) component on top. And I hope that instead of a fragile flower, she'll be our strong little plant who'll thrive." Gaara looked lovingly while Matsuri shared her thoughts. He loves how she's like a calming and inquisitive oasis in his desert.

"And most importantly, I would like for her name to pay tribute to you and your siblings. Ka for Kankuro, Ga for Gaara, Ri for Temari. What do you think, Gaara?" Matsuri said with a slight blush.

Reflecting the pink stains on his wife's face, Gaara was overwhelmed with emotions on how thoughtful his wife was, to have come up with such an endearing name. Indeed, Gaara has always shown gratitude towards Naruto, his first friend. Going as far as naming his firstborn in reference to the current Hokage. But showing gratitude towards his siblings, now that is one part that he neglected a little.

"Thank you, Matsuri." Gaara said while pulling her into a hug. "I think Kagari is beautiful. Thank you, for putting so much thought into this." And he kissed her forehead.

"Ah, she's patting her palms in your direction" Matsuri exclaimed.

Gaara gently placed his palm atop Matsuri's belly "Kagari, you agree with mama and papa on your name? You like your name?" Gaara said with a chuckle, while feeling high-fives from his daughter.

"Papa..." One brown haired three year old peeked his littled head in. "Mama..." and one red haired three year old joined. "We can't sleep... can we sleep with you three?" The twins whispered, clutching their racoon dog soft toys.

"Come over" Gaara reached out a welcoming hand to his twin boys.

"Yayyyy" the twins dashed happily towards their parents' bed.

They settled themselves between their parents, while being careful not to bump into their little sister.

"Ne, Masato(仁人), Masaki(仁希), want to know imouto's name?"

"Eh, it's been decided?" Masato, their firstborned who has Matsuri's hair but Gaara's features said excitedly

"Wanna know wanna know!" Masaki, the younger twin, who's the opposite of his brother, with Gaara's hair but Matsuri's features exclaimed.

Gaara and Matsuri chuckled at their excitement. They can be quite a handful when they play and all, but these boys seem to really love their baby sister and look forward to everything regarding her.

"Right, her name is..." Matsuri started and intentionally made a dramatic pause, "Kagari~!"

"Ooooh" both cooed in unison.

"Eh, how come her name is not like Toto and Kiki? How did her name come about?"

"Well" Gaara started explaining patiently to his sons "Toto and Kiki's names are in reference to Mama's name, that's why your names have 'Ma', similar to Mama's name, Matsuri."

"This time round," Matsuri continued, "Kagari's name is in reference to Papa, Kuro-ji and Mari-ba. Ka from Kankuro, Ga from Gaara, Ri from Temari."

"Oooh! That's so cute!!" Masaki exclaimed!

"Yes, Kagari is such a cute name~!" Masato followed.

Gaara and Matsuri can't help giggling at their sons' adorable reaction.

"Mama, is it bedtime for Kagari already?" Masato asked

"Can we talk to her for a bit, pleaaaaaasssseeee?" Masaki asked, while looking excited.

"Okay, just for a bit, not too long alright? It's past both of your bedtimes already." Matsuri nagged

Both boys gathered near Matsuri's pregnant belly and gently place their tiny palms on top.

"Hello Riri-chan, it's Toto-nii" "It's Kiki-nii"

Gaara smiled at how his boys are already giving their little girl a nickname.

"Today we know your name! Finally!" Masaki spoke excitedly.

"Can't wait for you to meet us soon!" Masato continued.

"We'll share all our toys with you!"

"We'll bring you to visit Daidai-nii and Mari-ba and Maru-ji!"

"And Naru-ji, Hina-ba, Boru-nii, Himama."

"Yes, we haven't eaten ice cream with Himama yet."

"Okay, maybe it's sleepytime for you Riri."

"Goodnight, we love you Riri!" Both said in unison while kissing Matsuri's belly. At the same moment, Kagari patted her palms near her brothers' palms.

"Ah Papa, Riri high-fived Toto!"

"Mama, Riri high-fived Kiki too!"

"Ah, maybe she's saying she loves you two as well." Gaara said with a gentle expression. "Alright, it's sleepytime for you three, and sleepytime for Mama and I." Gaara continued while tucking the boys in properly.

"Goodnight Papa! Goodnight Mama! Goodnight Riri!" Both said together.

"Goodnight Toto" "Goodnight Kiki", they ended with greeting each other.

"Goodnight babies." Gaara and Matsuri said in unison, while taking turns to kiss both on their foreheads.

"Goodnight Mama, Riri" Gaara kissed the back of Matsuri's hand.

"Goodnight Rara, Riri" and Matsuri did the same.

The Kazekage family huddled together and drifted off into blissful rest.

Gaara never thought that he could have a family of his own. One that's filled with so much love, gentleness and bliss. Regardless of how tired his responsibilities are, how sore his back is, he always have this contented and loving home to return to.

Hope it didn't turn out too bad...

Please let me know your feedback in reviews~

Thank you! (: