Never Worn White

Luke Skywalker had always been a troublemaker. From the second he could crawl he was wreaking havoc on the moisture farm he grew up on for the first nine years of his life.

From purposefully sabotaging the moisture vaporators to driving his aunt Beru and uncle Owen completely and utterly insane, it was a wonder he wasn't thrown out yet.

Of course, sometimes he was a pleasant boy (only when there was something he wanted,) but most of the time he was ignorant and angry.

He was kept away from most people until the census, which only happened once every ten years on his birthday, Empire Day. It was everyone's first census since the Empire took over Tatooine.

After the Empire started caring more about taking over the outer rim systems, the Hutt Clan was out of business. They no longer had any control over the dry planet of Tatooine.

Almost everybody was accounted for in the census, except if it was a child under five years old. Stormtroopers lined the streets and ushered people out of their houses and towards their nearest station to be accounted for.

His aunt and uncle were frightened at the mere thought of Luke having to take part in this year's census. Everybody knew about the tragic fall of Anakin Skywalker, his father. Luke was always told his father was a navigator on a spice freighter, and nobody told him otherwise.

Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen never mentioned the truth nor the Jedi. They didn't want him to become like his father, but they could already see the resemblance. When they met Anakin, he was a pleasant boy. Except for the fact he found and buried his mother. They never expected his fall to the dark side.

Luke never knew why his guardians were so worried about the census. What's the big deal? They're just counting how many people are in the grasp of the Empire.

Luke and his family went to their neared registering station, which was Anchorhead. For such a desolate and dry planet, it did have many people living on it.

When they arrived in Anchorhead Luke knew he wanted to prank the men in white surrounding the station. He quickly thought of a way to cause his mischief.

Most of the pranks he pulled were using a power only he had, which made things fly (in his words.) He never let anyone see him use his ability for his own safety, but today was the day it was all going to change.

He saw a stormtrooper drinking from a bottle of water, something of which Tatooine didn't have much of. He saw another trooper walking across a makeshift podium which was used for announcements to the large crowd. He wanted that stormtrooper to slip and fire his gun at another trooper in the process.

He knew it was a simple prank that even a five-year-old could pull off, but he decided to do it anyways. He crouched down like he was tying his shoelace.

As soon as the first trooper set down his uncapped bottle of water, he slowly levitated it. He made sure it was low to the ground and as out of sight as possible.

The stormtrooper on the podium walked the opposite way from Luke, giving him his chance.

He spilled the water all over the podium, and when the stormtrooper turned back to walk the other way, he slipped.

Luke used his mind to make the trooper pull the trigger at the others, ultimately killing two of them. More than he expected.

Civilians let out screams which caught his aunt and uncle's attention. Luke stood up and looked over at the mess he made. His guardian's mouths were gaping in surprise, not realizing that it was Luke who did it.

The commotion quieted down when they realized it was an "accident." To everyone else, it looked like a stormtrooper slipped and accidentally shot the other troopers, but Luke knew the truth.

He fiddled with his hands behind his back. His family was next.

He saw the census recorders taking blood to show the person was in the database for being under Imperial rule and to make sure their parents were their own.

This worried his aunt and uncle mostly because it was likely once they saw his parentage, he would be taken away from them and sent to his parent. The thought of Luke becoming like his father scared them.

Beru went first. Her blood was taken, and she was asked simple questions like "what's your full name?" and "what's your date of birth?"

The same happened with Owen, and before they knew it, it was Luke's turn.

He rolled up his grey sleeve so they could take his blood easier. They had to enter everything into the database for him, as he was new to the system. His blood was taken, and he rolled down his sleeve.

The woman who took his blood looked in shock at the test for his DNA.

Padmé Naberrie Skywalker and Anakin Skywalker.

The woman asked for him to roll up his sleeve again so she could retake the test. He complied and furrowed his eyebrows at her.

The results showed up the same. Luke didn't know the test also measured midichlorians, but he scored highly on the scale.

She called over the overseer and sure enough they took the boy's blood again.

Luke was getting frustrated at the lack of communication, so he spoke out.

"Hi, yeah, can you tell me what is going on?"

"Sweetie, can you tell me your full name and your birthday?" The frightened woman said after hearing the young boy's voice.

"I'm Luke Skywalker and I was born ten years ago today." Luke responded, at which the woman's face went pale.

Luke heard the faint whisper of "contact Lord Vader immediately. Tell him that he'll want to see this."

The thought of Darth Vader coming to Tatooine scared his aunt and uncle, but Luke was excited. He's never seen the man in black before.

Two stormtroopers took ahold of Luke's arms. Luke shook around to try to get them off. His aunt and uncle put up a fight, but there was a clear winner.

Luke was going with his father. For good.