Disclaimer: Sing to me, O Muse, of the heroes and warriors of many worlds and tales. Tell me, O Muse, those stories which do not belong to me, and yet allow my imagination to run free. Neither the Avengers nor Harry Potter belong to me . . . And the Iliad doesn't either. Sorry. I wasn't alive in the times of Paris and Helen.

AN (Caela): So, this one is a crossover between Harry Potter and the Avengers. I actually haven't seen all of the Avengers movies yet, so . . . Yeah. I'm working on it. This is set before Harry goes to Hogwarts and before Age of Ultron. In my mental Avengers universe, the Avengers all live in Avengers Tower. Director Fury just wanted to be able to keep track of them all easily and Tony is really stubborn. Besides, not many of them have huge attachments to elsewhere on Earth anyway. We're also just going to pretend that Clint doesn't have a wife.

This should be a multi-chapter fic because I have ideas . . . Cue evil laughter. Also, please remind your friendly neighborhood Avengers that kidnapping isn't the solution to problems . . . Unless it is. Then it's fine. Unless it's not. Sorry, am I rambling? I'm rambling. I'll stop in a moment.

As always, the amazing Sophus betad for me. Sophus also is helping me with my plots . . . So be prepared for unusual things!

Harry was excited, though somewhat wary. The Dursley's never took him on vacations with them. They always left him with Mrs. Figg or his Aunt's friend Yvonne.

But Harry was on a plane flying to the USA.

He really had no idea why they had brought him with them, but he was excited to travel. He couldn't remember a time when he had left Surrey, and now he was crossing the ocean!

"Mummy!" Dudley whined. "Can we go to the tower with Dad?"

"Yes, of course, Dinky Diddydums," Aunt Petunia told Dudley. Harry highly doubted that he would be allowed to come with them. The Dursley's didn't like to take Harry with them when they went places.

The Dursleys were staying at a hotel in New York - unsurprisingly, it was a perfectly normal hotel. They made sure to stay in a perfectly normal room - perhaps a little nicer than average - but perfectly normal. After all, the Dursley family was a perfectly normal family.

After they had checked in to the hotel, Harry carried all the luggage up to their room. Dudley immediately sat in front of the television while his parents had a quiet argument. Harry listened in on it while he unpacked Dudley's clothes.

"Dudley wants to come to the tower while I meet with the CEO - what are we going to do with him?" Vernon asked Petunia.

"We don't know anyone here who could take him, do we?"

"What about your friend - you said she might be in the US?"

"She's in Florida, not New York, so she can't take him."

"Well, I'm not leaving him here alone, who knows what he would do?"

"We couldn't leave him alone anyway, they sent us four plane tickets, so they know about him."

"I suppose we'll just have to make sure that he behaves," Vernon said darkly.

After all the usual threats about "No food for a week!" And "You'll be in your cupboard until summer!" If Harry was to do anything "freakish," the small family was on their way to a meeting with Pepper Potts.

On their way up to the desk to register, Dudley was clinging to his mother's hand. Harry was trailing a few steps behind the family, looking around in awe. One person in particular caught his eye - a tall blonde in armor and a red cape carrying a hammer. Americans were strange.

"Mum! Mum! It's Thor!" Dudley practically shouted, tugging on Petunia's hand.

The man looked over at them, having heard Dudley's shouts. His eyes caught on something near the family and lit up. He strode towards them with a smile on his face.

Natasha felt perfectly justified at kicking Tony and Thor out of the kitchen.

Thor had eaten five boxes of pop tarts. And, yes, his metabolism was bound to be different from humans. However, five boxes was a little excessive. But then he had begun searching the kitchen for more by taking everything out of the cabinets. Everything.

Tony was a different matter. He had been down in his lab since the past night making upgrades to his suit. When he was hungry, he had come up to the kitchen and made himself a cup of coffee. He had then proceeded to take two boxes of blueberries out of the fridge . . . Which wouldn't be bad if he hadn't managed to knock down one of the towers of food Thor had made in his search for pop tarts.

At that point, Bruce had entered the kitchen. He had wisely turned around and headed back towards his lab as soon as he saw the look on her face.

The toppling of the food tower was the last straw. Natasha stood up and walked over to the two men.

"The two of you are going to leave the kitchen before you cause any more damage. Then you are going to leave the tower. Thor, you ate the last of the pop tarts. Perhaps Tony can show you where to buy more?"

Tony looked like he was going to object, but kept quiet after seeing the look on Natasha's face. Thor was a little more enthusiastic about the idea.

"A quest! We shall go on a quest to obtain more pop tarts!" he boomed, raising Mjolnir into the air.

As Thor and Tony stepped out of the elevator, their attention was caught by the sound of a young boy yelling, "Mum! Mum! It's Thor!"

The boy was holding hands with a very skinny woman, presumably his mother. They were walking next to an unhealthily large man, who was likely his father. Trailing behind them was another young boy with black hair and green eyes.

Very familiar black hair and green eyes.

When he saw the boy, Thor immediately headed towards him. The loud boy looked excited as Thor came in his direction, and then looked disappointed as Thor passed him without stopping.

"Nephew! It is good to meet you! I did not know that my brother had a young son on Midgard!" Thor's voice rang out across the room, and most of the room fell silent.

"What?" Tony asked incredulously.