Alright guys, while I... Wait, why am I speaking English while I am an French fanfiction author ? It's because Yu-Gi-Oh Sevens is just recently released therefore writing a story about it in my home language will might get my readers confused.

So, in the sprut of the moment, I've decided to write an one-shot about YugaXRomin to make Yu-Gi-Oh Sevens fans (if there's any on ) pleased and, without any arrogance, I think that I will be the first fanfiction author to make a one-shot about Yu-Gi-Oh SEVENS.

If I make Yuga Ohdo and Romin Kirishima OOC, then I will be sorry since the series is just released, I can make their personnality different from the media. Also, if there's any error in the text, then I will be sorry because i speak more English then I write it.

Without further ado, enjoy the story!

Sunday afternoon

Yuga was working in his ROAD Laboratory, drawing on his computer with a software, his eventual biggest dream that he planned to do to further impress the public with his Rush Dueling, the creation of a Dueling Robot that he intend to make duels more impressive that will be combined with his Rush Dueling.

While he was still working on the conception of the robot, he heard a knock on the door of his laboratory and he heard a female voice that he recognized immediately.

"Yuga? Are you here?"

"Yeah" Yuga answered without averting his eyes from his work "you can enter, it's open".

The door opened and a girl with long purple hair, light blue eyes and a short-sleeved black top with exposed shoulders entered the room, the girl was also carrying a black guitar case that she keeps over her right shoulder, this girl was none other than his school classmate and the guitarist of the elementary school band, RoaRomin, Romin Kirishima.

"Hello Yuga" said Romin.

"Hi there" respond Yuga who turned around to see Romin who put her guitar case on the wall "What's up?"

"Well, I just finished my guitar training with my band and I was just walking back home when I saw your laboratory, I've just decided to pay you a visit and see what you were doing" explained the young guitarist of her presence.

"Well, as you can see" said Yuga while he shows his office to Romin "I was working on a conception to better dueling in order to make more exciting".

"What kind of conception?" Romin curiously asked as she looked at Yuga computer to which she saw an image of a robot who features have the motives of a duel-disk on his head and chest.

"A dueling robot that will make Rush Dueling even better than it is right now" explained the young boy as he showed to Romin the image of the Dueling Robot "as of now, it is still at the design stage but, eventually, it will become reality".

"Seems like that you took a lot of time and passion to design it" remarked the guitarist.

"Yup" exclaimed the young prodigy proud of the conceptual image that was in front of him.

"You don't mind if I watch you work?" asked the guitarist "let's just say that I have some time to kill and I want to see how you work with your 'Roads'".

"Sure, I don't mind" answer Yuga as he point to an couch in the right of his office "there's a couch over there, I wanted to point you there because I don't want you to sit on my hairstyling hair because I've noticed there's a few bugs that occurred with it recently, I just don't want you to leave my laboratory with a silly haircut".

Romin smiled at Yuga's remark, he was so worried about her that he didn't wanted her to have a problem with his Roads, she eventually goes to the couch and slumped on it.

The minutes passed and Romin watched how the young prodigy work with the conceptual stage of his dueling robot, she was surprised that Kaizo, his modified drone, didn't annoy her during that time so she speculate that Yuga may have deactivated it so he can work in peace without being interrupted by his creation but a another thing that the guitarist noticed is that Yuga seems to be chewing something while he work on his computer.

"Uhm…" uncertainly asked Romin which caused Yuga to turn around to see her "what are you eating?"

"Oh! It's just some bubblegum that I've picked yesterday after returning from school" explained Yuga as he shows to Romin an yellow and blue plastic bag "the owner called it 'Bubble Dolls' they're all shaped like the Duel Monsters".

"I see" notied Romin when, suddenly, she is surprised when Yuga propped a gumball that resembled Dark Sorcerer in front of her face.

"You want some?" politely asked Yuga while he is still holding the gumball at the palm of his hand.

"Well, if that don't mind you at all" cautiously asked the guitarist while she eyed the candy and started blushing because of Yuga's kindness.

"No, not at all" say Yuga which Romin took the bubblegum piece from the prodigy's hand and eventually put it in her mouth and start to chew it, while she is eating the bubblegum, Yuga had a little question for the guitarist.

"Tell me something, do you know how to blow bubbles?"

Romin reacted surprised then she started to pout, a little annoyed with Yuga's question.

"Of course I know how to blow bubbles, who do you think I am?" angrily asked the guitarist to which afterwards, she parted slightly her lips and she stick her tongue out in order to blow her bubble, the bubble came out transparent and blue but it popped as soon as she blows it, the reaction of Romin towards his question makes the prodigy laugh nervously.

"Yeah, I did admit that was a stupid question" sheepishly said Yuga when, suddenly, an idea popped inside of his head "you know something, I've got an idea: how about we have a duel, not a Rush Duel but more like, a bubblegum duel, in order to see which one of us can blow the biggest bubble?".

"What?" react with genuine shock Romin "right here? Right now?"

"Well, I need to get a break from my work and I don't think that you are in a hurry so I thought that we can some un together with this bubblegum and if you want, I can let you have the first turn" explained the young prodigy.

Romin started to think about it, to tell the truth, she admitted that it will be fun blowing bubbles with her friend and she had some time to kill so she was, indeed, not in a hurry.

"Boys do love make that kind of thing aren't they?" teased Romin before she continue "well, if you insist, why not? After all, I have nothing better to do so I guess I can do that".

"Alright then" said Yuga "but I don't think that one piece of gum will be enough".

Yuga then took the plastic bag and dropped three more gumballs on his hand, one was pink, the other was dark blue and the last one was orange.

"Choose your weapon mademoiselle" Yuga said "will you choose Kuriboh (orange gum), Ultimate Blue Eyes White Dragon (dark blue gum) or…"

"Wait!" Romin interrupted Yuga before he could finish as she pointed the pink gumball "is that Prima Guitarna?"

"Well, it seems to be the one and the same" noted the young prodigy.

"Then I picked her" the guitarist said "it is my good luck charm after all".

"Suit yourself then" Yuga said "I pick Kuriboh, the smallest monster can bring the biggest of luck".

Yuga put the Ultimate Blue Eyes Dragon in the bag and stare at his gumball monster just like Romin.

"Are you ready?" asked the prodigy.

"Ready when you are" confirmed the guitarist.

"Alright, then Ready, Set, Chew!"

The two put their piece of gum in their mouth and they start to chew it fiercely, after a few seconds, the two estimated they have chewed theirs pieces of gum long enough.

"Alright then, ladies first" Yuga said to Romin who give her the first turn.

Romin nodded her head and she opened her mouth in order to blow the bubble, the bubble towered at least part of her mouth and nose but it eventually popped which covered her mouth.

"Not bad" praised Yuga as Romin wiped her mustache o the gum "I guess I have to put a little effort to beat that".

Yuga then started to blow his bubble that eventually tower over his mouth and his nose which impress the young guitarist, while slightly bigger than Romin's, his bubble eventually imploded, sending orange bubble over his nose and part of his mouth.

"Well" noted an impressed Romin "that was a big one, you're really good Yuga".

"Thanks, I've hewed that thing multiple times that I think I can pretend, a little, to be an bubblegum expert" said Yuga "looks like that I have won unless you want a second round?"

"Why not, after all, I can make a comeback just like in our previous Rush Duel" responded with assurance the guitarist.

"Good point" noted the prodigy "alright then, your move, dear Romin".

Romin nodded and eventually, she started to blow her bubble.

And with only two pieces of gum, she impressed the young prodigy by blowing the biggest bubble that he has seen in his life.

The bubble towered over the bridge of Romin's mouth and eventually, it became so big that all of her face was behind the bubble, Yuga could only watch this scene with his jaw dropped, after a few minutes, the bubble popped, covering Romin mouth, nose, her eyes and even nearly over part of her hair, while still shocked of the size Romin just blew, Yuga could hear laughter coming from her female friend who he deduced that even the guitarist did not expected that result, Romin eventually rips the gum from her face with Yuga helping her to take the few remaining part of gum that remained in her face.

"T-t-t-that was one mighty bubble" responded with genuine surprise the prodigy.

"Yup, looks like that I have beaten you in your own game, Mr Ohdo" teased Romin.

"Looks like it unless…" Yuga started to say but he stopped his speech and he start to blow a bubble but the bubble eventually popped before it could be blown "nope! The bubblegum gods have decided to give you the win, Romin".

"Well, now we're even" said the guitarist which surprised a bit Yuga about the meaning of her speech until she agreed to continue "you beat me at your Rush Dueling and I beat at a bubblegum duel".

"Ah! I see now" noted the prodigy.

Romin smiled at Yuga and watch at the clock o Yuga Road Laboratory to which she noted that it was starting to get late at is was now 17 PM.

"Well, I should get going, we will see each other at school tomorrow right?" asked Romin.

"Sure" responded Yuga to which he returned to his computer to work on the conception of his Dueling Robot while Romin took her guitar case as she blow a small bubble that she popped by breathing inwards but before she opened the door, she turned around and spoke to the prodigy.

"By the way Yuga" Romin said to which Yuga turned around to see the guitarist "thank you for the bubblegum duel, I had a lot of fun".

"No prob" responded Yuga as Romin eventually opened the door of Yuga's Laboratory and let the place leaving Yuga to work on his computer.

Well, that was exhausting, did you enjoy the story ? Don't forget to review the story if you like it.