No one:

Probably no one at all:

Me: Before anyone is like "this looks familiar", it is. My old username was "Fenixy" and Dibbs in mine. I did not steal it, because it is mine. I decided to redo my whole profile and make some changes. (Also reading over all that I had already written, there was a SOOO MANY typos and somethings did not make sense so I decided to minorly edit and continue the story finally) I'm sorry if you were already following or favorited the old version, I promise to make this one worth the re-favorite and re-follow! Hopefully I can keep up with it better than before :) Enjoy 3

Chapter 1: Those Blue Eyes

The bell ran for lunch and a blur of orange ran to meet his teammate. "Hey, Kageyama!" Hinata sprinted up to his towering teammate as the school day ended. "Do you need to study for the next test?!" Without hesitation, Kageyama pressed down on the short boy's head with a crushing force and the orange haired boy started to shake.

"Of course, I need to study, idiot…" the black-haired boy mumbled, trying to keep his voice down. "Don't start shouting obvious things…" He growled.

"O-Okay, I-I was just a-asking…" Hinata groaned trying to keep on his feet as Kageyama dragged him by the scalp to Class 5. They could feel the eyes of the classmates around them as the taller boy dragged the other across the room to the seats around their blonde, skittish manager. Practically throwing the small boy into his chair, Hitoka Yachi squealed at the loud noise.

"O-Oh… it's just you g-guys." Her voice shook as a nervous smile spread across her face crookedly. "Did you guys need something?"

Hinata and Kageyawa nodded their heads vigorously before bowing their heads and shouted "Please!"

"We need your notes to study!" Hinata stated with his head still lowered.

"O-Oi! St-Stop that!" The blonde started to get anxious again, waving her hands in front of her. "I would love to help, b-but right now I'm actually copying someone else's notes since I was sick a few days ago." The boys looked at her, a little bit of shock in their eyes.

"Who's notes?" Hinata asked. Yachi pointed to the front of the room where the entrance was. Her finger led their eyes to a small body with long black hair that laid down their back. "Who is that?" Hinata asked.

"That's Yuzuki, she's actually the one that you guys should be asking for tutoring. I'll introduce you guys." Yachi stood up, gathering her notebooks and led the boys to the desk in the corner. "Here you go, Yuzuki-chan, thank you so much again!" Yachi bowed deeply and the girl waved her hands in front of her.

The girl's blue eyes looked up from her paper up at the blonde girl. Her eyes widen, raising her eyebrows slightly and the mole above the arch of her right brow. "Y-Yachi-chan? It's alright! I'm glad I could help." She smiled at her blonde classmate before realizing the shadow that was casted over her. Looking up with her blue eyes, she spotted a tall black-haired boy and a small orange-haired boy. She smiled up at them. "Are these friends of yours?" Kageyama's intense facial expression made Yuzuki a little bit uneasy, but her smile did not fade.

A small blush came across the boys' faces as they bowed their heads and introduced themselves in a very formal and stiff way.

"I'm Kageyama Tobio, Class 3."

"I'm Hinata Shoyo, Class 1."

Yuzuki waved her hands in front of her chest, closing her eyes from the discomfort. "Hey, there's no need for that." She said calmly. The boys, still bent over, looked up to see her still smiling at them. From their position, Kageyama was eye level with her as she opened her eyes to look at both of them with a warmer smile. "I'm Yuzuki Shimizu, nice to meet you." Her eyes glowed as if the fluorescent of the classroom and the sunlight from the windows clashed in her eyes. The blue in her eyes were just as clear as the sky.

Kageyama felt his face grow warm and he just dropped his head again. "Her eyes… are so blue!" He thought to himself until Hinata spoke in a questionable voice.

"Shimizu?" Hinata was already standing straight up as Kageyama slowly regained his posture. The girl nodded. "As in… Kiyoko Shimizu?!" The outburst of their 3rd-year manager's name didn't seem to faze the blue-eyed girl that much as she only looked at him with slightly wider eyes.

"Yeah…" She mumbled, "...My older sister is the manager of the volleyball team…"

"WAHHH?!" The duo shouted in complete shock, getting uncomfortably close to her face. "Why didn't you become the second manager?!" Hinata asked, forgetting that Yachi was standing beside him. His question subconsciously stabbed Yachi in the chest. When he realized it he immediately apologized and tried to comfort the depressed manager as she leaned her forehead against the wall beside them.

Seeing how Hinata was preoccupied, Yuzuki looked in the space between them and the door as she rested her head into the palm of her hand when she leaned onto her desktop. "Because I'm not interested in volleyball…" She mumbled just loud enough for those Kageyama her to hear.

"Oh yeah! We almost forgot!" Hinata hollered, slamming his hands on Yuzuki's desk. She sat up straight and looked up at his wild brown eyes. "We need your notes."

"Eh?" She asked, "My notes?" Hinata nodded as she searched her bag without any more questions. She pulled out some of her notebooks and piled them neatly on her desk. "Which subject?" It appeared to be a normal occurrence for her to be asked this.

"English." Kageyama finally spoke for both of them. Yuzuki looked up at him and he made direct eye contact again and lost his composure and looked away again.

She just looked back to Hinata. "Do you guys need help with the pronunciations too?" They nodded. "Okay! I have them written down so that might be helpful." She opened her notebook and pointed to the writing next to the words and phrases. Hinata, Kageyama, and Yachi looked at the paper with glowing eyes. "I have problems pronouncing things right , but I could remember definitions easily so this helps a lot-"

"Thank you so much Shimizu-sensei!" The three of them bowed their heads deeply in a row in front of her desk.

"S-Sensei?" She asked aloud. "You don't have to be formal with me, ya'know." She leaned her head on the backs of her folded hands. They looked up at her smiling again warmly. "Just Yuzuki-chan is fine." The trio blushed and nodded their heads with a 'Yes ma'am'. "What did I just say…" She sighed.

A few minutes went by as the boys were sitting copying her notes and the lunch bell rang again. "You guys should head back to class before you get in trouble," Yuzuki stated. The boys nodded and started to gather their things and started to hand her the notebooks, but she held up her hand to stop them. "Hold on to them."

"But, don't you need to study?" Hinata asked, tilting his head slightly.

"It's fine, just bring them to me when you're done with your test." She waved for them to keep it. "Your test is in a few days, right? So just keep it."

"But-" Kageyama started but was stopped by Yuzuki shaking her head.

"My sister kept her notes from the past years, I'll just look at those and make adjustments." She chuckled, "Besides, from what I hear, you guys need it more than I do." Her blunt comment pierced their chest as she waved goodbye as they left for their classrooms.

A several hours go by and it's dark outside when the duo are on their way home after practice. They walked in silence for a little while as Hinata dragged along his bike and Kageyama just walked, but the orange-haired boy noticed something was off with his setter.

"Hey, Kageyama?" He asked to fill the silence. Kageyama didn't answer and the smaller boy just got angry and kicked the back of his long legs and made his knees buckle. Kageyama fell face first into the ground.

"Oi!" Kageyama got up and started to squeeze and pull on Hinata's head. "What the hell was that for?!" He shouted.

"Yew wure spasing owt,"(You were spacing out) Hinata looked up at his teammate with concern when he released him, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He snapped and continued walking. Another silence fell between them as Hinata trailed behind.

"Yuzuki-chan was kind of cute, wasn't she?" Hinata's question stopped Kageyama in his tracks. He didn't notice until he was not ahead of him and turned around. "Kageyama?"

"Sh-She was alright, I guess..." Kageyama started walking again beside Hinata and stopped where they usually parted ways. They had stopped for a moment, obviously one of them wanted to say something but nothing came out.

"Well," Hinata finally spoke, "I'll see you tomorrow at practice!"

"Yeah, see ya." Kageyama turned away whenever Hinata did and they went their separate ways.

As he walked, Kageyama wanted to remember what that girl looked like, but nothing came to mind. Her whole face was a blur and so was her body. The whole memory was a blur. Just as he got to his door, he finally remembered something about her.

Her bright blue eyes.